Research Shows TV PSAs Effective 

  Research Shows TV PSAs Effective 

Posted by FoM on February 01, 2001 at 09:15:11 PT
For Immediate Release 
Source: NIDA 

Researchers have demonstrated that television public service announcements (PSAs) designed for and targeted to specific teen personality-types can significantly reduce their marijuana use. In a study published in the February 2001 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, researchers report that PSAs with an anti-marijuana use message resulted in at least a 26.7 percent drop in the use of that drug among the targeted teen population. 
"This study shows that public health messages can have a significant impact if they are prepared and delivered appropriately," says Dr. Alan I. Leshner, Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The PSAs were designed to appeal to the 50 percent of teens who tested high (above the median) on sensation seeking. Teens with this personality trait are much more at risk for using drugs, and for using drugs at an earlier age, than are adolescents who test low as sensation seekers. Dr. Philip Palmgreen, head of the University of Kentucky research team that conducted the study, said that sensation seeking is a "personality trait associated with the need for novel, emotionally intense stimuli and the willingness to take risks to obtain such stimulation." He and his colleagues used this trait as the basis for developing SENTAR, a prevention approach targeted at sensation seekers. SENTAR encompasses several components, including designing high-sensation-value prevention messages that are novel, dramatic, and attention-getting, and placing these messages in high-sensation-value contexts, such as TV programs that are favorites of high sensation seekers. This study shows that not only does a SENTAR-based campaign get the attention of high sensation seeking teens, but that such campaigns can also change their drug use behaviors. As part of the study, anti-marijuana PSAs developed for adolescent high sensation seekers were televised January through April 1997 in Fayette County (which includes the city of Lexington) Kentucky. Similar campaigns were conducted January through April 1998 in both Fayette County and Knox County (which includes the city of Knoxville), Tennessee. The PSAs were placed in programs that survey results had indicated are watched by high sensation seeking adolescents. An average of 777 paid spots and 1,160 unpaid spots were aired per campaign. At least 70 percent of the targeted age group was exposed to a minimum of three PSAs a week. To establish the extent of teen marijuana use prior to the campaigns and to assess the effect of the campaigns, 100 randomly selected public school students were interviewed each month in each county for 32 months. The interviews started 8 months before the first Fayette campaign and ended 8 months after the last campaign. The teens were in grades 7 through 10 at the time of the initial interviews. In total, more than 3,000 teens were interviewed in each county. Pre-exposure levels of marijuana use and other substances by 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in both counties were found to be consistent with figures reported by NIDA's Annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) study. For example, 25.5 percent of Fayette County and 20.3 percent of Knox County 12th graders had used marijuana in the past 30 days, in line with 1997 and 1998 national MTF 12th grade estimates of 23.7 percent and 22.8 percent. The campaigns, however, resulted in significant reductions in current marijuana use (defined as use within the past 30 days) by the target population. The campaigns also were successful in reversing the usual trend of more teens beginning to use marijuana as they get older. In Knox County, effects of the campaign still were evident several months after its conclusion. There, the estimated drop in the relative proportion of high sensation seekers using marijuana was 26.7 percent. As expected, the campaigns had no effect on teens characterized as low sensation seekers, a group that already exhibited low levels of marijuana use. "While these findings do not indicate that all anti-drug PSAs will produce behavioral change, nor that PSAs alone should be the only avenue to prevention, they do show that SENTAR-based PSAs can play an important role in drug abuse prevention," Dr. Palmgreen concluded. Note to reporters : The full text of the article is in the February 2001 issue of the American Journal of Public Health : Am J Public Health. 2001; 91:pgs. 292-296. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a component of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIDA supports more than 85 percent of the world's research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction. The Institute carries out a large variety of programs to ensure the rapid dissemination of research information and its implementation in policy and practice. Fact sheets on the health effects of drugs of abuse and other topics can be ordered free of charge in English and Spanish by calling NIDA Infofax at 1-888-NIH-NIDA (644-6432) or 1-888-TTY-NIDA (889-6432) for the deaf. These fact sheets and further information on NIDA research and other activities can be found on the NIDA home page at: The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the U.S. Government. The NIH is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIDA; NIH; 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 5213; Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9651; U.S.A. 301-443-1124. For additional information, please send e-mail to Information Last updated on Wednesday, January 31, 2001. Complete Title: Research Shows TV PSAs Effective in Reducing Teen Marijuana UseNIDA News ReleaseContact: Beverly Jackson or Michelle MuthPh. 301-443-6245 For Release: January 31, 2001 DL: Articles - NIDA

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Comment #17 posted by Rachel on July 21, 2001 at 18:09:23 PT:
psa's are bad influences!!
The PSA that shows the boys on the bikes passing around a joint and a pipe, but not smoking it, may also be interpreted poorly. In Kentucky, even being in posession of the joint or pipe is enough for a person to be arrested. Actually, I have been in many situations in which police have informed people that even being in the area in which marijuana is present is enough to be arrested. This may show teens that it's OK to pass a joint and not smoke it, but the police in my county strongly disagree. These mixed messages can cause many problems!
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Comment #16 posted by NiftySplifty on February 02, 2001 at 21:29:09 PT
PSA I heard.
This one had a mother speaking with her child. Somehow they mentioned weed. The mother says, "You don't smoke marijuana, do you? Do you?" Then, you hear a "thud". The Voice Over says, "If you smoke marijuana, it might not kill you, but it might kill your mom." Actually, it was kinda funny. That reminds me of something Conan O'Brien said in his monologue last night: (paraphrased)"A man was arrested for giving a police officer a tacquito laced with marijuana. Yeah, the officer realized something was wrong after he finished his 17th tacquito."(FoM, know where we can find anything about that incident?)Nifty...
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Comment #15 posted by Mari on February 02, 2001 at 12:59:37 PT
Untill recently,I had never seen a drug PSA that was anything but gross exageration and lies.A few days ago I saw one that was the exception.It showed a group of teens hanging out in a garage.A boy rides up on his bicycle and pulls out a joint and a small pipe and hands it to the kid on his left.The kids continue talking and casually pass the pot around the circle.No one takes a hit or makes a 'face' or does anything negative.They just pass.When it all comes around to the kid with the bike, he just shrugs and puts it back in his pocket.The message comes up "It's OK to pass". That IMHO is a drug message I can live with!
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Comment #14 posted by kaptinemo on February 02, 2001 at 05:59:18 PT:
Well, there you have it...
Proof positive that the antis have wasted your (billion or so) tax dollars - again. When the target of your proselytizing *laughs* at your dogma, it's time to fold up the tent and pack away your snake oil, and hope you can find a more gullible audience...which isn't likely, given the Internet.A perfect example of Robert Anton Wilson's SNAFU Principle of Communication. But the antis never seem to learn, do they?
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Comment #13 posted by KiDo on February 01, 2001 at 20:55:41 PT
Phuck all those weed haters!
They probably just wanna keep the weed for themselv's anyway. 
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Comment #12 posted by Brandon on February 01, 2001 at 19:58:26 PT:
You have to be kidding
I am a teen and I smoke. Trust me I know a lot of people who smoke and some tv ad isnt going to change that. In fact, I believe that the ad may actually increase if not keep the number the same. I mean come on people who smoke know that weed is not the devil and that is not bad whatsoever. So my saying that it is, you are being seen by the people who do smoke, as a liar. Therefor making yourself a source that is becoming less and less likely to be listened too. I always wonder where people come up with these statistics, its total bs. I made a 4.17 gpa this semester and I smoke alot. I just say to myself, i wont smoke until i finish my homework. It doesnt make you stupid, it doesnt ruin your life. Stop lying and tell the truth. Its sad we cant trust our own government.
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Comment #11 posted by Anarchydan on February 01, 2001 at 18:38:04 PT:
No drop in my school!!
I'm a teen and I smoke the dank. I also do good in school. When my classmates and I watch channel 1 and see those Anti-drug PSA's we all start to laugh. Because it's all a bunch of BS! I wonder why they are so focoused om Marijuana and no other drugs?
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Comment #10 posted by Frank on February 01, 2001 at 16:26:15 PT

Just Tell the Truth on a Form or in an Interview ?
Do you smoke marijuana? Tell us the truth nothing going to happen to you (!). Now that you have confessed we are going to send you to “rehab”. You are going to be confined for your own good. You will be treated for your sickness. You will be shown movies from Washington about the dangers of marijuana and how it rots out your mind, soul and is the root of promiscuous sex.  You will receive daily psychotherapy from government certified therapists who are trained in “marijuana addiction” And if this doesn’t end your addiction we are going to send you to prison where people of your “kind” are kept away from society.
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Comment #9 posted by jAHn on February 01, 2001 at 16:25:52 PT

One more Study...
It would also be nice to see a study on A) The College Frat in Texas that built that Huge stack of logs-on campus- only to light it up in flames and discover, however tragic, that it comes crumbling down. Yes, it's dangerous and Yes People are just "Not the same anymore." Sadly, as covered by "the almightyNBC", this event WILL occur again- only with Different architecture for the fashion in which the logs will be stacked. HA HAAAAA Only in "TexanAmerica!"2) The Long-Lasting damage done to the Galapagos Islands!If we ever need a study...please...go HERE! Find out which "Travel Agencies" were supposed to get the oil that was on that cargo---then gives us results---and justice!
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Comment #8 posted by mungojelly on February 01, 2001 at 15:07:53 PT:

Kids, do you smoke marijuana?
Well, do you? You do? OK watch this little piece about how marijuana is the devil's weed and people who smoke it are morally equivilant to murderers. Now, tell us the truth, do you smoke marijuana? 
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Comment #7 posted by Cajun01 on February 01, 2001 at 13:29:07 PT

This article only proves that you can brainwash a percentage of young impressionable minds by constantly bombarding them with lies until they believe that the lies are truth.
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Comment #6 posted by jAHn on February 01, 2001 at 12:59:42 PT

Nice, Dan B!
I couldn't put it in a more Clearer context if I tried! Nice Job!!! Keep Reading...Anti-W-Style!What a Ride we're in for: Ashcrap has been confirmed!
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Comment #5 posted by Dan B on February 01, 2001 at 12:45:41 PT:

False Advertisements
Check out these quotations from an article on the same subject from and his colleagues, using a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), created five anti-marijuana ads focused on kids in grades 7 to 10. "And while we couldn't feature the consequences of hard drugs, we stuck with the kind of consequences that our research showed that high-sensation seekers are worried about." Palmgreen says the ads sent messages about the consequences of marijuana use on relations with families and friends, losing jobs and impairing judgment. "One of the ads was a true story about an African-American who used marijuana, played Russian roulette, blew part of his brains out and ended up in a wheelchair," he explains. First of all, this study was sponsored by NIDA, and is therefore suspect from the outset. Second, the ads are not truthful. Notice that the ad mentions that the man used marijuana and that he blew his brains out. Was he using marijuana while he blew his brains out? And if so, this still does not prove that marijuana causes one to blow one's brains out. In fact, all it shows is that this guy must have been incredibly depressed, yet marijuana has never been shown to cause depression. In fact, the vast majority of anecdotal evidence suggests that it may well be a great cure for depression.So, in a nut shell, what NIDA has "shown" through this study is that they can not only get away with lying to children, but can also get away with paying for the results they want to get from those lies. Notice, furthermore, that the study relies entirely on the word of the kids they asked, and notice, too, that it made no attempt to verify the truth of the kids' claims. Finally, if you were a kid and every month some doctor/researcher asked you whether or not you used marijuana, and this continued for 32 months, wouldn't you begin to be suspicious and lie to keep your responses off-the-record? I know I would.This whole thing is a disgraceful lie calculated so that NIDA can pat themselves on the back because they made themselves look good to people who have their heads up their rear ends.Dan B
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Comment #4 posted by freedom fighter on February 01, 2001 at 12:12:29 PT

US government did this!,1299,DRMN_15_11985,00.htmlLast saturday, a 16 yr old girl was having a birthday party hosted by her mother. Her mother made sure that noone was drinking or smoking pot. Well, the girl took one pill of "xtascy" and she had a serve reaction and have slipped into coma. Now, people are playing this "Blame you for this" game. When will people realize this that because of "prohibition", the pill became tainted? If only she had just smoke some pot instead.............
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Comment #3 posted by jAHn on February 01, 2001 at 12:01:44 PT

Study THIS!
I wonder when this institute will report on the dangers of:A)Skiing: Someone was just sentenced to 90 days in jail for wreckless skiing. This individual took another persons' life, but the COURTS say, "As long as it happened at a ski resort."B)Boxing: I don't think we even need anything beyond the "athletes" of this sport to TALK about the NEGATIVE EFFECTS and Roles that Boxing play in "this society."C)Scooters: How many people die on these $150.oo "funrides?"D)SnowboardingE)Hockey: What are the dangers of Portraying Competitive Violence "for Entertainment"(and millions of $$$)on TV?F)Shark-Diving: How many humans have been bitten--even EATEN ALIVE?G)LaX(cross): MORE COMPETITIVE FIGHTINGH)Baseball: I guess we'll just call the John Rocker incident  "Propoganda for Hate"- YOUR New YorK Yankees!?!I)Petrol Oil Chemical Distributors: and AFFILIATES and SUBSIDIARIES.J)Cosmetic "Creams": How many faces have been foiled by these FDA-Sanctioned GARBAGE?H)Non_Recycled Paper: Because everyone already knows that Humans can't survive (through generations-NOT JUST OURS)without having those massive "things" with leaves on 'em!I)Poor Constructed Homes of America: There are some houses that are 200 hundread yrs. old, but OK for Vacancy!?! This is OK by me, Had the Indian Reservations of "this society" been revitalized.J)The Credibility of the Senate,Congress,President and Most importantly: The Way that WE Vote!K)Burger King: Because NOONE knows where and what MADCOW is evolving into.L)Swimming: I saw this Educational TV program that showed how a swimming instructor teaches his Teen-Team of All-Female swimmers to swim faster by, get a LOAD of this, having a middle-aged alligator CHASE them the length of the HUGE, INDOOR swiming pool!?! It's OK though, a SCHOOL is in Charge!?!M)Billiards: Because humans have been known to develop cleptomania from indulging in a simple game of "pool."N)Cheerleading: Can they study the Jealousy and Peer Disenfranchisement that comes with the Turf?O)NASCAR racing: I'm sure that cars JUST DON'T BLOW UP IN THE STREET like they DO ON TV!?!P)Recalled Automobile Manufacturers: Or MAYBE THEY DO! P+1/2)Including Peripherals/Parts: Do we need to REHASH how many people are driving on Bad Tires?Q)Amusement Parks: We all hear and fear the stories of "Bad Judgement Calls" upon the working-INTEGRITY of "Fun-Rides!"And these people STILL charge the Amount of money that they do for Entrance!?!R)Sky Diving: Can I say that, "That doesn't sound too healthy when a body smashes against the ground!"S)Bungee Jumping: Who would think that those "Gurus" of the rubber industry would have Perfected such a Dangerous form of Activity?T)Surfing: Has ITS flaws too...U)Candy: How many children's teeth are causing them pain:RIGHTNOW? How many can't get Insurance? I wanna cry!V)Ice-Skating: Was Tanya Harding ever commited for a Drug Test? Was there, MAYBE, a dispute OVER drugs?W)I realize that i'm sounding like "One of Them"...Those people who JUST CAN'T SEEM to STOP PROHIBITING EVERYTHING ON THIS NATIONS GROUNDS. It's because of people like YOU who continue to Thwart the Good of Effort of Changing this American Law into one That SUITS PATIENTS and CONFORMS to THEIR, SOMETIMES, UNCURABLE IllNESSES. Thank You...Please beCONSIDER   IT!
First Page of Original Artifactual Info.
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Comment #2 posted by Ethan Russo, MD on February 01, 2001 at 11:15:03 PT:

Do They Really Talk to Kids?
It is interesting to me that every adolescent I have ever questioned feels that the anti-drug PSA's are a joke. The bureaucracy needs constant self-gratification to maintain itself.
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Comment #1 posted by Juan Costo on February 01, 2001 at 10:18:10 PT

This coming from a source whose publications related to marijuana start out by saying that marijuana is a "green or gray" substance. So much for credibility. Please don't correct them on the color issue -- I'd much rather have NIDA continue to establish up front their utter cluelessness with regard to the subject of their alleged expertise.
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