States Enlisted to Legalize Hemp Farming! States Enlisted to Legalize Hemp Farming! Posted by FoM on March 12, 1999 at 14:01:26 PT Washington Is it high time for hemp? Some farmers are pressing Congress and state legislatures to legalize hemp growing. Montana and Virginia have called for an end to a federal ban on "industrial" hemp. The Minnesota Senate passed a bill aimed at permitting experimental hemp production. The Hawaii House voted to have the state grow a ten-acre test crop. But state approvals are stymied by federal law, which makes growing hemp a crime. Hemp is a cousin of marijuana, although it lacks marijuana's chemical kick. The North American Industrial Hemp Council has hired former C-I-A Director James Woolsey to lobby for repeal. But the Drug Enforcement Administration is opposed. It says law officers could not tell hemp from marijuana if they both grow in a field. Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #2 posted by Doc on April 17, 2001 at 08:54:29 PT: The Growing and Production of Hemp I would just like to forwarn the readers of this particular article that making any kind of a celebration of individual state legistlatures deciding to allow "government owned test farms" will only hurt to the Pro-Hemp Campaign. The only reason the government wants to negotiate the pace of Hemp's progress in the United State is so they can bow and behave to their corperate responsibilities. I garuntee the makers of Big Tobacco and the overanxious textile manufactures are just waiting in the wings while the government buys them time to develope their stronghold in the future of Hemp. I warn you, there will be no small business man - no family farm - if we allow big business to secure itself as the true modern American Answer to self-reliance. Corperations do not do the work, they do not plant the seeds, they due not reep what they sow. Instead they are like weeds to a crop, to potential, and to honest business.A.Littlewood Thought [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Adam Lenwell on November 18, 1999 at 12:48:28 PT Legalize both Hemp and Marijuana Hemp is a very resourcefull natural recource. It can be used in many helpfull applications. However that is not my arguement today. The legalization of marijuana could also be very productive to the United States. It would lower the amount of non-violent people in prison and benifit the economy also. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: