Parental Concern: Weapon in Fight Against Drugs Parental Concern: Weapon in Fight Against Drugs Posted by FoM on November 21, 2000 at 20:24:13 PT Guest Column by Shelly Micham Source: Kentucky Post The United States is in the middle of a drug problem of national proportions, especially among our young people. Of the many illegal drugs available, marijuana is nearly always the first drug used by children and teen-agers. Since 1991, lifetime marijuana use has doubled among eighth and tenth grade students, and has increased by a third among high school seniors. No parent can afford to underestimate the incredible peer influence to use marijuana. Studies show that along with the increase in marijuana use, there has been a significant decline in anti-drug perceptions and lack of drug knowledge among young people today.Furthermore, the number of young people who view marijuana as harmful also has decreased.These changes in perception and knowledge may be due to a decrease in anti-drug messages in the media, an increase in pro-drug messages through the popular culture, and a lack of awareness among parents about the resurgence in marijuana use.Marijuana is not a single substance; it contains over 400 different chemicals and compounds. Among these is a unique group called cannabinoids. All forms of cannabinoids are mind-altering (psychoactive) drugs. The best known compound in this group is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly called delta-9-THC-or THC. It is the THC compound that is the primary mind-altering compound in marijuana. Marijuana's effect on the user depends on the strength or potency of the THC it contains. What most parents do not know is that THC potency has increased since the 1970s. Most street marijuana contains, on average, 3 percent THC.Marijuana has negative physical and mental effects. Use of marijuana may impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, such as driving a car.Children and teen-agers start using marijuana for many reasons. Curiosity and the desire to fit into a social group are among the most common. Children and teen-agers who already have begun to smoke cigarettes and/or use alcohol are at high risk for marijuana use.There is no magic bullet for preventing children and teen-agers from using marijuana. However, parents can be influential by remaining actively engaged in their children's lives and talking to their children about the dangers of using marijuana. Even after children enter high school, parents should stay involved with their children's social activities. Research shows that appropriate parental monitoring can reduce future drug use.Remember that parents, grandparents and older siblings in the home are all role models for children. To find out more about marijuana, please call the NorthKey Regional Prevention Center at 1-800-432-9337 or 859-283-0952. We are dedicated to alcohol, tobacco and other drug education and prevention in Northern Kentucky.Shelly Micham is an information specialist at NorthKey Regional Prevention Center in Florence. NorthKey is dedicated to substance use and abuse education and prevention in Northern Kentucky.Source: Kentucky Post (KY)Author: Shelly MichamPublished: November 21, 2000 Copyright: 2000 Kentucky Post Address: 421 Madison Avenue Covington, Ky. 41011 Contact: kyedits Website: Related Articles:How the Drug War Harms, Not Helps, Our Kids Should You Tell Your Kids About Your Drug Use Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #14 posted by al nava on November 26, 2000 at 01:29:42 PT: Shelly Micham innane "guest" opinion To all you stoners out there. do not let "dinosaurs" and ill-informed, baseless people who are out of touch with society and knowledge, piss you off. Shelly Micham is obviously ignorant of the facts. she does not have any reputable university degree in biology, chemistry, or probably anything else for that matter. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Dankhank on November 24, 2000 at 23:53:14 PT: trying again First she writes this drivel and hopes we believe it ..."The United States is in the middle of a drug problem of national proportions, especially among our young people. Of the many illegal drugs available, marijuana is nearly always the first drug used by children and teen-agers."Then she writes THIS and refutes her own point ..."Children and teen-agers start using marijuana for many reasons. Curiosity and the desire to fit into a social group are among the most common. Children and teen-agers who already have begun to smoke cigarettes and/or use alcohol are at high risk for marijuana use."Listen Up, Shelly! Alcohol and nicotine are ILLEGAL drugs to a child.You have just said that alcohol and nicotine are "gateway" drugs. Hope you enjoyed your convoluted logic. You may not have noticed it, but I did ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Frank on November 24, 2000 at 06:18:10 PT We Want Control Over You -- The Government I would much rather have my teenagers smoking pot than drinking alcohol. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug there is and tobacco is a close second. I believe that the reason that the government despises marijuana is that its use causes introspection. When people young or old use marijuana the cultural lies and myths are laid bare. For example: If the government is lying about marijuana what else are they lying about? Maybe there is not “Justice for All” in America. Maybe America has its own racial cleansing going on as 1/3rd of all Black Men are in prison. Should I support the killing of peasants in Columbia by U.S. Forces? Most of the lies, poison and mental cancers emanate from Washington and not a harmless plant. Washington can’t have teenagers thinking like this; if we do we will lose control of them. Forget Freedom we want power. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on November 23, 2000 at 18:28:06 PT I Don't Understand DankHank Hi DankHank,I'm not sure what you mean but nothing has been changed accept a few new features but nothing was eliminated that I know about and I'm sure I would be told. Try again if you want too. Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by freedom fighter on November 22, 2000 at 15:12:56 PT Oh man, when will people realize that PARENTS are not stupid? I as a father am dead tired of listening to this drivel. "What most parents do not know is that THC potency has increased since the 1970s. Most street marijuana contains, on average, 3 percent THC."Every time when someone says "potent, potency", they try to make it look like if someone had really gotten killed by smoking a doobie. On the average, THC has been that way for ten thousand of years. No one have altered the DNA of the plant yet!"Marijuana has negative physical and mental effects. Use of marijuana may impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, such as driving a car"Altered sense of time?, I smoked a bowl this morning before I left for work. I "think" I got to work 8am this morning, ahh, not sure of my memory! Duh! I drove a car and I am back home safe 1pm. Gee, I am not sure if my day was short or so long! Concentration and coordination? I am a carpenter and I got on the top of the roof today requiring much concentration and coordination. A pitch 12 roof has 45 degree angle. It is obivious I am okay, I am here typing this note out.I am a juggler, I love to juggle my flower sticks(devil's sticks). When I smoke a joint and start juggling, my concentration and coordination remain constant. People would watch me in awe wondering how I did it. But when I just drink one bottle of beer, my concentration and coordination start to decline. Negative effects? BALONEY! I do have a type A personality, when I do not smoke cannabis, I get extremely impatient with people who are slow and they do not do drugs at all. My coordination and concentration becomes all time high and I become rude. People generally do not like me because I yell becuz I want things done! When I smoke, my personality switch to type B. I prefer type B because people with type B personality tend to live longer than the type A. People generally like me when I am stoned. I am more calmer and more patient with others's weaknesses. People who cry "ABUSE" is only abusing him/herself as well as the others. It is really a crime. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Dankhank on November 22, 2000 at 09:35:34 PT: whats up? cant copy/paste here no more??? [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Dankhank on November 22, 2000 at 09:34:05 PT: Gateway?? First she writes this drivel and hopes we believe it ...>Then she writes THIS and refutes her own point ...>Listen Up, Shelly! Alcohol and nicotine are ILLEGAL drugs to a child.You have just said that alcohol and nicotine are "gateway" drugs. Hope you enjoyed your convoluted logic. You may not have noticed it, but I did ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Dankhank on November 22, 2000 at 09:30:17 PT: Gateway? First she writes this drivel and hopes we believe it ...Then she writes THIS and refutes her own point ...Listen Up, Shelly! Alcohol and nicotine are ILLEGAL drugs to a child.You have just said that alcohol and nicotine are "gateway" drugs. Hope you enjoyed your convoluted logic. You may not have noticed it, but I did ... HEMP n STUFF [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Smokeless in Seattle on November 22, 2000 at 02:46:41 PT You're missing the point here Granted, this article has all the hogwash about 'increased' drug abuse ( it has declined) amongst kids, but makes a valuable point about drug abuse: It is a sickness, not a crime.Kids will always be drawn to things that are frowned upon, it's thier nature. Education about the *dangers and risks of substance abuse* (and YES this includes MJ)is vital if anyone is to make an informed choice as an adult.Uh oh - did he include MJ? YES I did. It's just as easy to abuse one substance as another, illegal or legal! Abuse and recreational use are two different things. The guy who does nothing all day but sit on the sofa and smoke joints and watch TV has a problem, albeit not an intractable one, and is different from the girl who invites her sistahs over on a friday night for a huff and some hangin' out. Just like the man who carries a bottle in his pocket, sipping off it every hour is different from the one who has a cold beer on a friday night with his buds.Children need to know that using an intoxicating substance has its risks, and they need to know what those risks are. Just because something's legal (ie, alcohol) doesn't make it completely benign. I've known people who've gotteninto trouble with all kinds of substances - and some who've tried them and not liked them. Let's ALL make an INFORMED and EDUCATED choice as to what we do with our bodies.SiS [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Ed Carpenter on November 22, 2000 at 01:40:23 PT: Parental Concern: Weapon in Fight Against Drugs "Of the many illegal drugs available, marijuana is nearly always the first drug used by children and teen-agers."Of course, they try tobacco and alcohol in twice the numbers but those are not illegal."Furthermore, the number of young people who view marijuana as harmful also has decreased."The young people are smarter than Shelley Micham, the "information specialist" who wrote this drivel. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Stripey on November 21, 2000 at 23:33:02 PT You know. . . I have no problem with people preaching against herb and other drugs. None whatsoever. BUT (!!!) Those people should also be preaching the massive dangerousness of alcohol as well, for it's a more harmful drug with more dangerous and profound side effects. That's fine if you want to keep your kids off drugs. I don't think that anyone under 21, most definately under 18 should be allowed to toke. Hell, these kids are barely responsible enough to handle riding a skateboard through town without getting run over. (How many have you dodged?) Besides, they've already proved time and again that they can't handle alcohol. It seems that every week there's someone that drank themselves litterally to death underage in some college. I think that marijuana needs to be controlled in the same way as alcohol, since it has just about the same effects, without the danger of overdose or drowning in your own vomit. (what a way to go, eh?) [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Dan B on November 21, 2000 at 23:19:25 PT: Antis' Message: Please Believe Our Lies Absolutely nothing in this article could hold up to even a moment of educated scrutiny. The United States' drug problem is not suddenly exploding; hard drug addiction rates have remained virtually the same over the past thirty years. Yes, more young people recognize the truth that marijuana is not a harmful substance. As do more adults of all ages. Good. It's about time some of these people started listening to the truth.I could go on, but what is most important about this article is that it never mentions the fact that people are being locked up for years (sometimes decades) at a time for possessing a substance. This is fundamentally wrong, a blatant refusal to acknowledge the Bill of Rights, and an outright act of treason against the people of this country. The message of this article is clear: people who use drugs are evil, and the chiefest evil is marijuana. Its intent is to further stigmatize those who use non-government-approved methods of self-medication and to further demonize marijuana in general. But people are waking up, and increasing numbers are not buying this garbage. Many will read this article and think that if marijuana is supposed to be the most evil drug on the planet--My God! What is this country engaged in a drug war for?In other words, in trying to further demonize the relatively benign weed, they're making a pretty strong argument against the illegality of any and all substances.Dan B [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by dddd on November 21, 2000 at 22:17:13 PT Good Grief! I'm sorry,but I find it extremely difficult to imagine how someone could actually be so ill-informed.This speil sound as if it was taken directly out of a Bob Weiner pamphlet. I doubt Shelly Micham actually exsists...If she does,then I cant figure out how she could say;" changes in perception and knowledge may be due to a decrease in anti-drug messages in the media, an increase inpro-drug messages through the popular culture, and a lack of awareness among parents about the resurgence in marijuanause.". A decrease in anti-drug messages in the media??...Huh?.....dddd [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by MikeEEEEE on November 21, 2000 at 20:36:19 PT Hiiiieeee Haaaaa Hello Kentucky....hope ya all are doing good...First, this crap sounds like it's directly out of a propaganda booklet. Second, it must have been a family group, note: a family of anti's or little ants if you like.Expect a few outback places with dribble, a few noises are being made. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: