Dealing With Dope Dealing With Dope Posted by FoM on July 25, 2000 at 06:01:35 PT E-Mail Letters To The Editor Source: WorldNet Daily In his "One toke over the line, sweet Jesus?" Joel Miller wrote one of the most pertinent articles ever written on U.S. drug policy. He made a biblical case for decriminalization, and that is very rare. As a theonomist (someone who believes that civil law must be based on Old Testament civil law), we are in agreement about the distinction between sin and crime. The Old Testament does not permit the civil magistrate to punish the sins of illicit drug consumption, production or distribution, for these sins are not classified as crimes. Unfortunately there are some theonmists who allow popular culture to influence them too much on this issue. One article in a periodical I receive that advocates a theonomic outlook said that drug dealers should be executed for engaging in witchcraft. This is engaging in sloppy exegesis. What would follow that, a catcall being classified as adultery? We must apply the law with wisdom. Therefore me must not succumb to the narrow view that witches are only found in black garb with the proverbial broom standing nearby. However, the potions that witches, mediums and warlocks pander are for the purpose of forbidden knowledge or to exercise forbidden control over someone. This is in essence power religion. Drug dealers on the other hand are purveyors of an escapist religion. They deal in hedonism and for those who wish to escape reality. This does not constitute witchcraft or preaching of a false religion (just for the record, I believe preaching Marxism or communism is preaching a false religion). As one Reconstructionist has said, "A society's source of law is its God." This is a topic that brings consternation to most Americans and to many conservatives. The epistemology of law is a fearful topic for unbelievers to dwell on; it is a dark, foreboding uncertainty. Far too many evangelicals will say that Christ is Lord of their life, then adopt some civil policy that is based on an appeal to "common sense" instead of the text of Scripture. Many of the arguments against drug decriminalization have utilized arguments such as "when you see the effect of drugs, then you know we have to do something," or "won't today's youth hold us in contempt for allowing them to grow up in an environment where such harmful substances are readily available?" The first argument appeals to emotional manipulation, something that is employed by the left when preaching for more gun control. The second argument smacks of something that is far too common in conservative circles, environmental determinism. You cannot shield your kids from evil forever, but you can teach them how to protect themselves from evil when they confront it. And most importantly, neither argument deals with the biblical arguments. God's law takes precedent over arguments based on statistics, emotions, sociologists or the testimony of "law" enforcement personnel. Our society's religion, civil government, will not give up the war on drugs easily; it is a crusade that allows them more power. And our civil religion's priests, "law" enforcement officials, benefit from the drug war more than any other group. Christians will not retake the culture until they start thinking biblically. Robert Fort Dope's On The Gallows: Yesterday's E-mail to the Editor included a letter that stated that the solution to the war on drugs is to execute drug users. This author is typical amongst those conservatives who are all in favor of liberty and freedom, so long as you do what they say. Executing someone for committing a "crime" that does not infringe on another person's life, property, or rights can be blamed on religious zealotry in the Islamic countries of which he spoke. I suppose religious zealotry is at the source of his desire to have those laws in the U.S. I agree that executing drug users would reduce their numbers (as well as a few innocents). I also think that allowing the police to bug your house or randomly kick in your door and search your home would decrease the numbers of criminals. Both solutions beg the same question: Do we really want to live in such a society? Scriley May We Kill Drug Users, Mr. May? Re: Michael's May's letter, "Simple: Just kill the drug users." The Islamic countries that Michael speaks of often beat, behead or otherwise publicly punish or kill users (and abusers) and they have for many, many years -- and do you know what? They still have a problem. I believe it is not a drug problem that we have but rather a prohibition problem. Still, I am comforted to know that if DEA land adopts Mr. May's and the Islamic's approach, we won't have to be governed by the likes of George W. Bush, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and many (most?) of the politicians in Washington today. It is important to note that most drug war mongering politicians and civilians fall into two categories: 1. Those who actually believe the propaganda, lies and ignorant myths peddled by the prohibitionists who refuse to consider any reform oriented alternatives to the current massive failure and fraud of the drug war. And: 2. Those prohibitionists, referred to above, who rely on the continued prosecution of -- but never a victory in -- the drug war in order to sustain the industries, jobs and constituent's votes that keep them in business and in power. The hottest fires in hell will be reserved for these people, who employ fear, lies and oppression in an attempt to continue -- but again never to win -- the war on drugs. Maybe the politicians are required to adhere to the party line of prohibition because law enforcement, customs, the prison industrial complex, the drug testing industry, the INS, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, the politicians themselves can't live without the budget justification, not to mention the invisible profits, bribery, corruption and forfeiture benefits that prohibition affords them. The drug war also promotes, justifies and perpetuates racist enforcement policies and is diminishing many freedoms and liberties that are supposed to be inalienable according to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Myron Von Hollingsworth Adios, Michael I just read Mr. May's viewpoint on drug users and I must say if he is so elated with the way Islamic countries treat sick people maybe he ought to move there. Doesn't sound like he'd be missed much in this country. Michael D. Mabry Compassionate Drug War? The many thoughtful letters you've published regarding the excellent article, "One toke over the line, sweet Jesus?" have ignored one important point that should be on everyone's mind this year. George Bush's "compassionate conservatism" and his oft-proclaimed bringing of Jesus into his life apparently have led him to decree tough prison sentences for anyone in Texas caught with drugs. While Jesus chased the money-changers from the temple, he certainly didn't advocate locking them up. But George Bush seems to believe that prisons are the answer to any social problem. Al Gore and Pat Buchanan are no better. And while Ralph Nader has recently discovered the drug war's defects, he apparently doesn't find it an issue worth talking about. Meanwhile, Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne is the only reliable opponent of the drug war in the race. He opposes it absolutely and pushes for its end at every opportunity. He has pledged that as president he will pardon every non-violent drug offender in federal prison -- making room for the murderers and rapists who currently get plea bargains and early releases because the prisons are overcrowded with pot smokers. If you want to see a continuation of the injustices, the deprivation of your liberty, the criminal gangs financed by drugs, and the other horrors of the drug war, you have four candidates to choose from. If you want to see an end to the madness, you have only one choice -- Libertarian Harry Browne. Hank EdsonLibertarians Nominate Browne Link To E-Mail Letters To The Editor: letters worldnetdaily.comPosted: July 25, 2000© 1999 Related Articles:What Would Jesus Do About Dope? Toke Over The Line, Sweet Jesus? Simple: Just Kill the Drug Users Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: