Insane Drug Policy Insane Drug Policy Posted by FoM on July 19, 2000 at 21:33:36 PT Letter To The Editor by Robert Sharpe Source: San Francisco Examiner Regarding your editorial "Gen. McCaffrey seeks an Oscar" (July 14): McCaffreyism is threatening America's integrity. The Land of the Free now has the highest incarceration rate in the world thanks to our insane policy of locking up non-violent drug offenders. Drug czar Barry McCaffrey has used our tax dollars to surreptitiously insert government propaganda into newspapers and television sitcoms. Now he wants to do the same with Hollywood. All in support of a policy modeled after alcohol Prohibition, a policy that makes it easier for children to purchase illegal drugs than beer. Drug dealers don't ID customers for age. McCaffrey is far more dangerous to America than drugs. Marijuana doesn't undermine the Constitution or militarize civilian police forces. Under McCaffrey's watch the drug war has given rise to a prison-industrial complex that rivals the military-industrial complex of the Cold War in terms of influencing public policy. The blame cannot be placed on McCaffrey alone. If President Clinton truly cared about public health he would have appointed a doctor to head up the Office of National Drug Control Policy, not an ex-general. Clinton got exactly what he wanted. No one can accuse him of being soft on drugs. His willingness to turn America into a police state may earn him tough-on-drugs credentials, but does not bode well for his legacy or this country's future. Robert Sharpe George Washington University WashingtonPublished: July 19, 2000©2000 San Francisco Examiner Page A18 Related Articles & Web Sites:Students for Sensible Drug Policy Volunteer's of the Month McCaffrey Seeks An Oscar To A Theater... Czar To Target Film Themes McCaffrey Archives: Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #1 posted by kaptinemo on July 20, 2000 at 04:52:14 PT: I couldn't have said it better... without getting rude, that is.McCaffreyism. Hmmmm. Fitting. Very apt indeed; a name for a process where government lying about illicit drugs (and drug policy) in the face of factual information to the contrary is government policy. Especially when that policy inflicts enormous damage on civil liberties while loudly proclaiming its' intent to *save* people.The late science fiction author Robert Heinlein once wrote that humans are a *rationalizing* species, not a *rational* one; in this case, he must have meant McCaffrey and his coterie of DrugWarriors. Because they can rationalize any kind of behavior, no matter how reprehensible, so long as it fits their narrow-minded view of their Drug Free America crusade.And the worst part of it is, we *pay* for this goof and his buddies to tyrannize - and occasionally, *kill* - us. Kafka would feel right at home. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: