Normal Call In Day On Colombia - June 6th, 2000 Normal Call In Day On Colombia - June 6th, 2000 Posted by FoM on June 05, 2000 at 21:20:53 PT Action Alert Source: NormalSSDP Dear Friends of Drug Policy Reform:A vote in the Senate regarding Colombian military aid is imminent. Organizations concerned with peace and human rights in Latin America, as well as organizations dealing with drug policy reform and others, have joined forces on a National Call-In Day, tomorrow June 6, 2000. Because of the great importance of this vote -- our side actually has a chance to win, for a change -- we are asking you to do a little more this time than just sending send an e-mail. We are asking you to call your two Senators on the phone and ask them to oppose military aid to Colombia, to support the Wellstone amendment, which would shift the funds into domestic prevention and treatment, and to insist that human rights protections on drug war funding remain intact or be strengthened.You can reach your Senators via the Congressional Switchboard at:(202)224-3121, or you can find their web sites, which include direct phone numbers and usually include numbers local to your state, by visiting: You can also visit: and type in your name and address -- as you did previously -- and get theirWashington, DC phone numbers from our system. Please also use the tell-a-friend form on our site to help bring in new and greater support for the cause. If you're not currently subscribed to DRCNet, please visit our home page at to find our more about what we do. And lastly, please write to alert- feedback mailto:alert-feedback and let us know that you've taken action. It's important to our planning and fundraising efforts to know what kind of impact we are making. Again, please join the National Call-In Day on Colombia and call your two Senators TOMORROW 6/6/2000. If you get this bulletin too late or can't call tomorrow, call as soon as you can -- it will still make a difference. And tell your friends about and send them this alert to spread the word! Thank you for taking a stand.If you live in Illinois, then your Senators are:Dick Durbin - (202) 224-2152 andPeter Fitzgerald - (202) 224-2854Related Articles:Anti-Drug Effort Stalls in Colombia Anti-Drug Spraying Begins War and Colombia Deny and Escalate Rank for Human Rights Control or Bio Warfare? And The Drug War - Arianna Huffington Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #4 posted by CD1 on June 06, 2000 at 10:09:29 PT CALL IN Just sent my Email to Sens. Shelby and Sessions. Encourage your friends and family. Also, you may want to check out the article in this month's High Times about this bill. Apparently, this bill isn't even about eradicating drugs, but the relocation of indigenous people. These Indians do not want to leave their homes in the mountains, but unfortunately, they live in an area with great oil potential. So, rather than pay these people for the land, the Colombian government wants to use military force, in the name of War on Drugs, to force these people off their land. That is why they want the U. S. helicopters. Very sordid. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Dankhank on June 06, 2000 at 10:07:09 PT: Me Too !!!!!!!!! Just got off phone with office of Nichols and Inhofe, OK.Probably won't do much good, but I must try ...Hey, Oklahomans, let's call these folks ...(202) 224-4721 (phone)(202) 228-0380 (fax) Inhofe(202) 224-5754 (phone)(202) 224-6008 (fax) NicholsPeace ... HEMP n STUFF [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Francis on June 06, 2000 at 09:36:40 PT: Call in day on Columbia It is 12:30 here on the East Coast and I have just called Senators Chris Dodd (who is in favor of the bill because the helicopters sent to Columbia will be made in this state) and Joseph Lieberman.Peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Mari on June 06, 2000 at 07:29:57 PT call in It is 9:24 am here and I just called Sen.Bond&Ashcroft to ask them to stop this bill.Hope this helps!! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: