Readers Hate The School Loan Law, Mostly 

Readers Hate The School Loan Law, Mostly 
Posted by FoM on May 31, 2000 at 08:14:50 PT
RE: Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Loan
Source: MoJo Wire
This is the most hypocritical, judgmental, and discriminatory law I have heard of in 30 years. This leaves no room for a second chance, no room to change by attending university and getting an education, and definitely no room for atoning for a mistake. I am totally disgusted with this law, especially knowing that millions of those in positions of authority today were certainly not drug-free or sober when in college. 
Patricia HartnerMissoula, Mont. 5/30/2000I am a 31-year-old with a master's degree who very rarely smokes pot. I was a ward of the court when I was a child, so although I am white, I would have been in the same predicament as many other kids -- black, yellow, brown, white, and poor -- had I been caught with drugs when I was younger. I understand the minority issues in your story, but they don't only apply to minorities. School helped me get back on my feet. It got me out of my downward spiral in life, and showed me there was hope. Loans from the United States government provided that path. If it had not been for those loans, I would be at the bottom, or dead. If I had ever been caught smoking pot, and lost those loans, I don't know what would have happened to me. If I had been caught as a juvenile and had a drug arrest record for smoking pot, and as a result, never been able to clean myself up and go to college, I would be dead. This law is wrong. It clearly will, and possibly currently is, discriminatory towards juveniles and young adults who cannot afford the required "rehabilitation" and it does not take into account the positive progress a student may be making, despite an occasional experiment with drugs. Elizabeth Ellis 5/30/2000Every day I type police reports, many on possession or use of marijuana or alcohol. I have many more reports on underage alcohol. I see alcohol as a greater, more widespread threat than marijuana. A crime is a crime is a crime. So this crime is more of a crime? Let the states or municipalities have their statutes and ordinances and keep the feds out of the schools. Peggy Adsit 5/30/2000Why should I help pay for their subsidized loans and allow them to spend their money on illegal drugs? I would also like the same law to apply to any conviction students might have. It might help keep students studying rather than out spending their time protesting or breaking laws. Lee Mentioned Article:Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Loan Articles:What Are They Smoking?'s Governor Plays Tough on Crime Bust = No Student Loans Loans for Student Drug Offenders New Financial Aid Policy an Injustice Gov. Davis Pushes Smoke a Joint Lose Your License
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