How Dare Mr. Kubby?

How Dare Mr. Kubby?
Posted by FoM on May 19, 2000 at 11:28:01 PT
By Joyce Powell
Source: Auburn Journal 
I currently am employed by the Placer County Sheriff's Department and I have seen firsthand the positive effect the DARE Program has on grade-school children. I have watched the officers put in hours that they have not been paid for, helping the children of this community. One good example of this was the DARE Fun Run that was held this past weekend at Sierra College.
If the DARE Program is a failure as Mr. Kubby alleges (Journal letters, May 11), why were so many kids there to participate in a 5K run? Perhaps Mr. Kubby could have benefited from a DARE Program. Both of my daughters completed the DARE Program and benefited greatly from it. Deputy Mark Wiseman did a great job and should be commended for a job well done.My eighth-grade daughter's exact quote about Mr. Kubby was: "He is stupid for doing drugs, and kids should not do drugs and Mr. Kubby is setting a bad example. He is teaching kids that it is OK to do drugs because DARE is a waste of time. It is a fun way to learn that drugs are bad."I wonder when Mr. Kubby's child is in fifth-or sixth-grade if he will offer her drugs, or will he be in prison where he belongs. Joyce Powell, AuburnContact: ajournal Published: May 16, 2000Copyright: 2000 Auburn JournalNews Article Courtesy Of MapInc. Kubby Files Dare Articles & Archives:
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Comment #17 posted by Nick Caldwell on June 11, 2000 at 08:06:51 PT:
DARE tragedy
This woman is the most heartless kind of scum ,I graduated from dare and dare taught me that the police will propagate the blatant lies that are soon discovered.I never had ANY desire to use drugs until I took dare,the program portrayed them in a way that made them something worth exploring. Iam an example of the failure of theDAREprogram because of the seed planted byDARE officer Elisha Morris ,dare officer of the year several years in a row.His success is why perry overrun with crack heads and needle heads.
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Comment #16 posted by Seth Olsen on May 20, 2000 at 15:03:50 PT:
How many marchers before we consider it a success?
The authors assertion that DARE is a success because of the volume of children that decided to participate in a 5K run is ludicrous. This would imply the program is a success if its purpose was to make children run a lot, but unfortunately just because children run sometimes does not also mean that they won't do drugs sometimes. The author's argument is almost laughable. I'd be laughing right now if I wasn't aware of how much damage the DARE program is doing and how much money it wastes.
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Comment #15 posted by FoM on May 20, 2000 at 09:46:36 PT
Commentary by Richard Cowan
Top Story: Venom and Irrationality from a DARE Mother. Teach Your Children Well… Posted May 19, 2000(MarijuanaNews note: As I have said before, one of the great advantages that we have over the prohibitionists is that we know what they are saying, but they don’t seem to have a clue about what we are actually saying. Indeed, I often wonder if they even understand what they are saying. Click to read the complete article.
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Comment #14 posted by MMMM on May 19, 2000 at 23:06:57 PT
Comment to Observer 
Brilliant observation. We're all indoctrinated -- all of us. And most believe they have the corner on being right. Right?I wonder, if McCzar developed cancer or AIDS and suffered as so many others, if he'd be as staunch against drugs knowing it could help his symptoms and perhaps extend his life.
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Comment #13 posted by observer on May 19, 2000 at 22:45:48 PT
Young Pioneers / D.A.R.E. 
Elian in new Young Pioneers uniform Child in new D.A.R.E. T-Shirt 
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Comment #12 posted by RopeAdoper on May 19, 2000 at 19:46:22 PT
DAREable news
Folks that try to use logic to cover lack of rational thought dont worry me. They need a mirror to find themselves. The question proposed by the Lassie was 'if dare was such a bad thing why did so many kids show up?' could be used to justify many things such as:if the holocaust was so bad why did so many Jews show up?if slavery was so bad why did so many Africans show up?if drugs were so bad why do so many people use them?
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Comment #11 posted by MikeEEEEE on May 19, 2000 at 18:30:26 PT
When less is more?
kaptinemo, I know mentally disabled people that show more compasion than this woman.
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Comment #10 posted by kaptinemo on May 19, 2000 at 18:14:27 PT:
The Law as God
Some of these people...Back in 1996 I was watching C-SPAN covering the Libertarian Party holding its' convention in Washington DC. A very eloquent Black gentleman whose name escapes me was fielding questions from the C-SPAN audience. One of the callers, in an unctuous Southern voice dripping with contempt and and implied superiority, was berating the guy because of his support for changing the drug laws. She had said something like "The law is the law, and we should abide by them." The gentleman replied to her snottiness quite evenly and asked her which laws. She nasally replied, in what she no doubt thought was a toweringly skewering riposte, "The United States law." To which the gentleman snapped back with: "Ma'am, it used to be United States law that people like me were slaves. Just because it is the law, does that make it right?" She hung up.Whenever you run into these types, you'll find that it is next to impossible to reason with them. I know from personal experience that these people are so much creatures of habit that they can't conceive of, let alone entertain the idea of, self-governance. For them, their lives are circumscribed by fear of all kinds of things. But they are truly afraid of having to take responsibility for their own lives, and *allowing others to do the same*. That kind of world is just for them.And this woman is just another prime example of what happens when the Law becomes God. When victimless-crime law becomes akin to religion, those who prosecute it as The Righteous, and those who break the law are seen as worse than transgressors, but as the unChurched, then the next step is dehumanizing them. And we all know where that leads.And it's this kind of mindset that runs our institutions. In the supposed Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Yeah, right.
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Comment #9 posted by MikeEEEEE on May 19, 2000 at 17:05:59 PT
She works for the office
She works for the cops, that's all I needed to hear.
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Comment #8 posted by LOBO on May 19, 2000 at 14:14:50 PT
Well here we go again another cop worried about loseing her job Because of the winds of freedom that are starting to pick up speed on legalization issues ! An you know they are useing kids to stand behind ! That just sickens me ! It is way easier these days for kids to get Illegal drugs then it is for them to get beer or cigaretts!If D A R E is working so well how come the age an the amount of kids useing illegal drugs is on the rise? How can anyone with any kind of compassion for sick or dieing people want to see them put in jail for useing a drug that helps them to survive or at least make there last remaining days comfortable! I will give a example of how the laws are killing an makeing people sick unnessicarialy! My stepdad died 4 years ago of small cell carcinoma which is a type of cancer that is uncuriable . Well they started him on kemotherapy . He was vomiting uncontrolably loseing hair couldn't eat anything ! They tried to give him medacines that would make him stop being sick at his stomach but he couldn't hold the pills down long enough to get into his system ! I even asked the doctor If he could perscribe him marinol ! Do you know you can't even perscribe marinol in some states an the one we lived in happened to be one! We came home from the Hospital an I tried beged pleaded for him to take a hit off of a joint to ease his suffering!!!!!!! His answer to me was no I'm not gonna do that because it is Illegal ! He was more scared of going to jail then actually takeing something that might help him have a better life or I should say what little life he had left!!!!!!!! That has to be one of the sadiest days of my life to know that that the goverment an people like this cop spouts of untrue statements about a plant that grows naturally Just to save there house or there car or what ever the war on drugs helps them to finance ! When there are thousands of people that are fighting to save there life! 
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Comment #7 posted by freedom fighter on May 19, 2000 at 14:10:31 PT
my friend
died of cancer last tuesday.. Makes me a bit sad to read and find there is such a person in America who would put sick dying people in prison just because he/she exercise rights to treat themselves..Someone should tell the author this that if someone who is so sick should put a gun on his head but failed to kill himself, Does that mean we should put that person in prison?But no we do not do that. Only group we seem to be willing to do is with sick pot users.God Bless this sick country!In memory of Kent Pfau who died last tuesday..
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Comment #6 posted by FoM on May 19, 2000 at 14:04:21 PT
Just a note
Good discussion everyone!How about Drugs Are Really Exciting Network! as soon as I saw you had a web site I posted it on my What's New page. Very nice web site!Peace, FoM!
What's New
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Comment #5 posted by Peshewaken on May 19, 2000 at 13:59:23 PT:
Joyce Powell
Give yourself a break! Jesus loves even you, no matter how far you follow Satan down the path to Hell. Repent your sins and just ask God for forgivness. Evil men HATE the truth because it exposes the evil in their hearts.
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Comment #4 posted by freedom fighter on May 19, 2000 at 13:41:54 PT
This sound like
a desperate attempt to save her job... Her days   the Police Dept. will be over soon.What logic telling a man with a cancer for 22 years not to smoke the herb especially if he knew it helps him? I feel sorry for her kids.. 
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Comment #3 posted by James Markes on May 19, 2000 at 13:25:49 PT
Abuse and Neglect
 So here we have a woman who claims she wants what's best for her child. If only that were true. The Department of Education says DARE does not work and is therefore not on the list og programs qualified for federal funds. Since it is known that there are several programs proven to work, then a concerned parent, you would think, would want what works best. It seems her vested interest due to her job outweighs the safety considerations for her daughter. Since she should know the studies say it does not keep kids off of drugs, then she seems to be saying she wants her daughter to use drugs later. This would qualify as neglect and abuse of a child in almost any other set of circumstances. Feel good today and use drugs tomorrow seems to be the effects motto of DARE, and irresponsibility the type of parental support the child can expect. She should have her head examined. And the school should be held equally responsible for not using a program approved by the Dept. of Education, if they really care about the kids and keeping them off drugs.
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Comment #2 posted by Freedom on May 19, 2000 at 12:38:54 PT
This is sickening.
It is always a pleasure to discuss drug policy with the mentality of those portrayed here in this letter.I'd like to ask this child, "What are drugs? What separates and defines the good and the bad drugs? Do the police have an obligation to follow state law? If the evidence shows DARE is counter-productive (which is obvious in this child's thoughts), should we not try a different approach?"LEOs... quite an apparatus prohibitionists have put in place, having created powerful interest groups to fight for their cause.
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Comment #1 posted by observer on May 19, 2000 at 12:04:14 PT
Vested Interest, 101
vested interest -- a special concern or stake in maintaining or influencing a condition, arrangement, or action especially for selfish endsI currently am employed by the Placer County Sheriff's Department I believe this is what is known as a "vested interest". For example, when a "law" enforcement employee has a special concern or stake in maintaining or influencing punishing cannabis users, for example. When a department "auctions" property to members of the department "seized" from marijuana smokers they jailed, for example. That would be what you call a "vested interest."Research shows that in areas where police keep whatever they seize they focus more attention on drug crimes, because when they bust a trafficker they often net a lot more than just another crook. Drug crimes are popular with police, because high profile seizures and arrests get great coverage and spark public interest. Since there always will be drug users, and drug traffic, it amounts to job security, and police have reason to hope it doesn't go away. LOTS OF PEOPLE PRAYING THAT WAR ON DRUGS NEVER ENDS and I have seen firsthand the positive effect the DARE Program has on grade-school children.(Let me guess: she applauds throwing in jail cancer patients who use cannabis -- and "seizing" their property -- because their relief is only anecdotal?)Also, exactly which children, and what positive effect one may wonder? Her children, delighting in seized spoils from the other children's parents? Is this the positive effect of which the law enforcement employee speaks?)I have watched the officers put in hours that they have not been paid for, helping the children of this community. One good example of this was the DARE Fun Run that was held this past weekend at Sierra College.If the DARE Program is a failure as Mr. Kubby alleges (Journal letters, May 11), for more on DARE, see: were so many kids there to participate in a 5K run? Free T-shirts? Peer pressure? Their parents made them? For the same reasons that the Hitler Youth was popular with Nazi party parents' kids? For the same reasons that the Young Pioneers were (are) popular with Communist Party members? Some kids like to run? Prizes?The ONDCP has launched what it calls, an "Athletic initiative Against Drugs" (22) - the catch cry, "If you use, you loose". The ONDCP says this initiative is "Based on the premise that the athletic world can be used to educate children about the dangers of drugs and keep them away from drugs." The fact that the athletic world is well known for its use of performance enhancing drugs appears to have been conveniently forgotten. Part the ONDCP strategy involves "Coaching" kids away from drugs - to build self esteem and character and learn that their futures are too bright to waste on drugs." "Athletes can also help us in our drive to shape attitudes because young people emulate and look up to them", the ONDCP says. The Athletic strategy is designed to be a mentoring program - "many of our nation's strongest adult mentors and role models wear whistles and call plays when they aren't teaching life-long lessons. Coaches are looked up to by children - as mentors coaches are winners." Think about this statement carefully. If you have children, do you want them to respond to whistles and obey other peoples calls to "play" - or do you want them to develop freely and of their own accord? What other people do you know that wear whistles and call plays? What organisation requires its members to be fit and athletic? The answer - the military. Are [they] training a generation of warriors? After all, that was what Hitler Youth was all about. (23)Propaganda & The War On Drugs Perhaps Mr. Kubby could have benefited from a DARE Program.Perhaps it was the Officer Friendly programs of Mr Kubby's youth that first caused Mr Kubby to question authority?Both of my daughters completed the DARE Program and benefited greatly from it. Let's hear what they have to say when they're 25. My eighth-grade daughter's exact quote about Mr. Kubby Hoo boy ... this is just like asking a Hitler Youth what he thinks of a Jewish man. was: "He is stupid for doing drugs, Really! How "stupid" of him to want to survive his diagnosed adrenal cancer! Bad, bad man! He should just die! (For the children of course, all for the children.)(more on Steve Kubby's adrenal cancer here: to Dr. Vincent DeQuattro, a USC professor and world authority on adrenal cancer, Mr Kubby's blood contains deadly levels of adrenaline, more than enough to kill anyone else. No, there's no shame in wanting to survive. And taking medicine to to just that. But there is much shame in indoctrinating children with lies, as DARE does)and kids should not do drugs and Did Mr Kubby say that kids should do drugs? Or did he merely suggest that people shouldn't be imprisoned for using marijuana?Mr. Kubby is setting a bad example. He is teaching kids that it is OK to do drugs because DARE is a waste of time.I love this (police-state) "reasoning": they can't argue or debate logically, so they use "the children" to emotively parrot back the untruths taught them (in DARE class). After all, who can argue with "the children"? Why, it is like being anti-child! The child says what a police employee thinks, feels, believes with every fiber of her being: namely, that criticizing the police is the same as "teaching kids that it is OK to do drugs".(Unstated thesis: no one ever has any "right" to disagree with the police state. Disagree with us and we'll find a reason to put you in jail. Because disagreeing with the police is tantamount to feeding our drugs to Our Children, you pusher, you!)It is a fun way to learn that drugs are bad."And the message is received loud and clear: "drugs are bad". So therefore anything the government wants to do is good. As long as someone in the government intends that thing to be against "drugs". For "drugs are bad". Any questions? I wonder when Mr. Kubby's child is in fifth-or sixth-grade if he will offer her drugs, What a vicious statement! But, it gets even worse:or will he be in prison where he belongs. (And, oh by the way, where mommy the nice law enforcement employee can seize his loot, all for herself and her friends!)It sure is good to know that the police are above vested interest and lining their own pockets at the expense of traditional freedoms.
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