DrugSense FOCUS Alert # 167 - March 27, 2000 DrugSense FOCUS Alert # 167 - March 27, 2000 Posted by FoM on March 27, 2000 at 17:46:02 PT Are You Writing At Least One letter Per Week? Source: MapInc. Sure we're all busy and it's easy to procrastinate or simply delete DrugSense Focus Alerts and assume that someone else will write those letters but every so often it's important that we remind ourselves how important it is for every drug policy reformer to commit to writing at least one letter a week utilizing the tools provided by MAP. There is little that most drug policy reform advocates can do that is more effective and rewarding.Recently we have seen a bit of a drop off in the number of letters that are sent in reply to our weekly alerts despite the fact that we have more letter writing volunteers than ever. Perhaps you are writing letters but you are not sending copies of them to the sent letters list? It is vitally import that we keep participation in the MAP effort at high levels. We have had a profound effect on the print media as can be evidenced by scanning the headlines at on any given day. Four years ago it was difficult to find a pro-reform article. Today after 4 years of MAP and tens of thousands of letters influencing and educating the media and the public, it is difficult to find a pro-drug war article unless it is written by Barry McCaffrey, Joe Califano or some other drug warrior with an agenda and a fat paycheck to protect. Please help us help reform by writing a letter a week. You can either utilize our weekly Focus Alerts or use the DrugSense Weekly Newsletter or the news archive to select an article that particularly interests you. Nearly all articles include the email address of the newspaper making this a very easy task. Numbers matter. Even a short LTE sends a powerful message. Please consider recommitting yourself to this important endeavor. Remember to send a copy of your letter in so they can be archived. Simply put the word SENT in the subject and send your letter to sentlte if you are subscribed. You can subscribe to this list at If you are not subscribed to the Sent LTE list please send a copy of your letter to MGreer and I will forward your letter to the list. We are also interested in any ideas that you may have that would help to encourage greater participation in the MAP letter writing effort. Thanks for your efforts. Together We ARE making a difference. HOW TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE AT PROMOTING SENSIBLE DRUG POLICY ALTERNATIVES: One of the best, most effective, and cheapest ways of gaining positive PR is the methods developed by the Media Awareness Project (MAP). All members encouraged to be on the lookout for any news articles on drug policy issues. They should be posted to our central clearinghouse at editor See: more info on how to be a NewsHawk. You can also use topical shortcuts to read the articles others have posted to the DrugNews archive these have been developed for most states and most issues so you can see articles you want for locations or issues of particular interest to you or your group There are hundreds of past news articles complete with the publications email addresses for easy letter writing in each topical shortcut. A concerted effort to write letters to these publication should be undertaken by all list members. You will be amazed at how quickly the media can be educated. Impressive PR can be managed with a consistent letter writing effort. We have seen it hundreds of times in hundreds of newspapers and localities over the last few years. Letters to the editor (LTEs) when published are like small ads that have been taken out for drug policy reform. They are read by many thousands (sometimes millions) of individuals. The MAP effort has reported nearly 3,000 published LTEs to date with an overall advertising value of more than $2.7 MILLION. The average advertising value of just one published LTE is more than $1,000. An LTE in USA Today can be worth more than $10,000. See: Be sure to send a copy of your sent LTEs to sentlte if you are subscribed to that list or to me at MGreer if not and I will forward them for archiving. Any published LTEs should go to editor for permanent archiving. It is helpful if you put SENT or PUBLTE in the subject. Learn about how to write better and more effective letters at our writer's resources web page: It's fun it's easy and how else can you contribute thousands of dollars in value to the drug policy reform effort for free, in just a few minutes, and while at home in front of your computer? Note: You are receiving this because you have either signed up to receive Focus Alerts from the Media Awareness Project (MAP) of the DrugSense organization at: or you are on a drug policy reform list. Apologies to those who are in fact writing one or more letters a week. This message is for those who are not. Related Articles:CannabisNews MapInc. Archives: FOCUS Alert # 166 March 23, 2000 FOCUS Alert # 165 Saturday March 18, 2000 FOCUS Alert # 164 Sunday March 12, 2000 - DrugSense Websites: Sites MAP - DrugSense Supports on it's Servers: Pages MAP - DrugSense Supports for Others: Being Added Frequently! Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: