Here's Why MJ Will Never Be Sold Like Milk Here's Why MJ Will Never Be Sold Like Milk Posted by FoM on March 16, 2000 at 21:18:55 PT By Brent Glover, The Daily Athenaeum, W Virginia Source: U-WIRE Marijuana will never be legalized in the United States, despite the efforts of various groups of concerned people. Why, you ask? First, allow me to mention some of the reasons why some people think weed should be legal. Supporters believe that if the government were to legalize the manufacture, distribution and consumption of marijuana, it could be taxed. Unfortunately, for something to be taxed, it must be controlled. Products containing tobacco and alcohol are not produced and sold on the individual level. The alcohol and tobacco markets have evolved from small breweries and plantations to large corporations as the economy of America has grown. If, by chance, marijuana had remained legal throughout the history of this country, it would possibly be controlled the same way. But trying to bring a black market item into the Krogers and Rite-Aids at this stage in the game seems improbable. Therefore, the country would not be able to control the sale of pot and wouldn't be able to tax it, either. Do you think America will let something exist legally without being controllable or taxable? I doubt it. Most supporters of legalization say that a drunk is more likely to cause a car accident than a stoner. This may be the case. Unfortunately, when someone is arrested for being under the influence of marijuana, how can the officials determine whether that person had smoked weed that day or two weeks ago? It would not be possible because THC, the potent ingredient in marijuana, remains in the human blood stream for at least two weeks. Therefore, people who drive high would receive the same punishment as people who wait a day after smoking and drive. Of course, pro-legalizationists can claim that smoking marijuana has no effect on one's driving ability. This has yet to be determined scientifically. Until that time, the U.S. government cannot and will not legalize weed. But why do various people fight for the right to smoke pot? For one thing, if weed were legal, potheads would probably be less paranoid. Why send thousands of nonviolent offenders to prison, anyway? The truth is: If you're not willing to go to prison because of it, don't sell it, buy it or smoke it. An alternative to the "Just Say No" campaign would be the "Just Say Prison" campaign. If teachers took high school students on field trips to their local jails, the kids would get a dose of reality rather than ideology. Maybe the seriousness of the situation would sink into the minds of the youths and they would decide against marijuana. The possibility of using marijuana for medical purposes seems much more likely than complete legalization. You can't go to the drug store and buy Valium, but it is taxable. And people on heavy medication shouldn't be driving, so no worries there. But for casual users, growers and dealers, it comes down to this: If your conviction is that weed is okay, you should be willing to stand by that conviction. Do you feel that marijuana is worth the consequences? Updated 12:00 PM ET March 16, 2000 (U-WIRE) Morgantown, W.Va. (C) 2000 The Daily Athenaeum via U-WIRE Copyright © 1995-2000 Excite Inc. CannabisNews U-WIRE Articles: Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #40 posted by Jose Melendez on May 03, 2002 at 18:28:38 PT does anyone here... smell trolls? [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by Jose Melendez on May 03, 2002 at 18:21:41 PT post pot ergo propter pot seems improbable... Therefore, the country would not be able to control the sale of pot and wouldn't be able to tax it, either. uhhh... no. Man walking on the moon seemed improbable. Man flying, travelling at faster than 17 mph, or (God forbid) cloning himself... seemed improbable.Drug war is fraud. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by royal_john on May 03, 2002 at 12:54:37 PT: Natural High I've been a loyal smoker for 25 years now. I believe that the "gods" put cannabis on this planet for a reason. If you think about the effects of smoke, you know what I mean. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by SMOKIE on August 17, 2001 at 02:06:59 PT MARIJUANA IF ANYTHING CHRONIC MIGHT BE THE SOLUTION TO WORLD PEACE I KNOW ALL YOU POTHEADS KNOW WHAT IM SAYING WEED PLANTS WERE PUT HERE FOR EVERYONE BUT OVIOUSLY ALL THESE STRESSED OUT PEOPLE DONT SMOKE TOO BAD FOR THEM HHHHHAAAAAAAAAA I GOT TO GO SMOKE PEEEEAACCCCCCEEE. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by SMOKIE on August 17, 2001 at 02:00:09 PT NATRUAL HERBS YOUR DAM RIGHT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HEMP SO JUST LEGALIZE THE NATRUAL BUT EXTRODANARY I THINK 420 247!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by noname on August 12, 2001 at 13:22:50 PT fight for your right to smoke out i have an idea to get more people on our side. Everyone knows that every plant and animal and insect is very important to the ecosystem even if we dont know its importance it is important. Even the damn mosquito has a purpose. So all this fighting aginst marijuana and destruction of natural cannabis plants is hurting the environment. Maybe some pro environment people will like that idea and climb up som pot plants and camp out. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by t dawg on August 03, 2001 at 01:25:43 PT mary j I have a question, how many alcohol realated crashes occur in the U.S. every year. Compared to weed smoking crashes? [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by rob on July 04, 2001 at 22:35:09 PT: why smokin some chronic an't gonna hurt nobody WEED is the best thing to be on when you trying to chill with your friends. It should be legalized because they have alot of different studes showing how it could help our society. Hemp can be used to make rope. The bushes of weeds can stop animals from coming in yur yard. LOLBut anyways keep on hittin up the J's and Blunts and just keep givin out those shotguns and i'm straight. Lets HOT BOX the WEBaight peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by James Whalen on April 25, 2001 at 06:05:28 PT: I am doing a paper an Marijuania To those of you who use pot either on a regular basis or every once in a while:I am doing a paper on the lagalization of Marijuania. I have no specific stance on the issue, but I would like comments and/or resources (books, websites, etc.) that I could use in my research paper. If you want to send me stuff, please don't reply to this message, but e-mail me at Goose281, or stitchbass I would ask that those against legalization please don't reply to me because my paper must be foucused only on Pro-legalization, not Anti-legalization. Thank you.~Goose Stitched [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by archer on April 21, 2001 at 19:46:47 PT: the way to win the 'drug war' OK fellow potheads we are losing the war big time and I think I have the answer to start gaining momentum for our side.This is a two pronged attack that will take many years bit if you think about it we have been losing Big Time for a long time. The first step is we have to change 'the war on drugs'to a war on coke meth ect we need to change the medias constant reminder of the drug war to exclude marijaunia.Every time we hear drugs on the news potheads think about the hard drugs that are out there ,but too often its a pissant 4 plant growing operation.We need to phone the local news and ask why this needs to be on the evening news and is there any balance in their storys or just a pat on the back for the local police.This will take time and alot of effort but the nice hair news needs a challange and we have to do it. The second effort is even harder because as potheads we need to stand up and be counted.How many times has someone said something about MJ and you put your head down cause you did'nt want to be singled out?Say yes I smoke the weed and I am not stupid and my brain still works!I am a small bussiness owner or a teacher or the president and weed did nothing but relax me and let me have a giggle.It is hard but we all know that unless we stand up and say yes I do that the legal system is still gonna send our friends brothers and sisters to jail! So whats it gonna be hide and seek with the cops cause you have a joint you want to smoke or do we fight for something that we know does less damage than a 6pack of beer does?Say it out loud I smoke the herb don't blame it on the government be loud and proud and fight the insanity.E-mail me if you have anything to add and fire one up!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Aura on April 15, 2001 at 20:35:43 PT The Freedom of Cannabis I think that weed is a very beautiful thing. I also think that anything that could create any kind of peace or love would probably never be aloud in our land of greed and hate. Thank you and smoke lots of cannabis!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by kyle on April 03, 2001 at 11:45:43 PT pot legalization Im a united states citizen, saposedly Im living in the land of the free but I cant smoke pot. If it grows in the wild and it will grow freely, why not? I choose to smoke and I dont force my decsion on other people. Why cant I smoke pot.Thanks for your time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by bcc on March 01, 2001 at 14:13:36 PT: re:drug studies where can i get embalming fluid,and wat "chasing" it with clorox mean [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by clint needs weed on February 28, 2001 at 03:14:05 PT: free the weed i agree they should legalise canabis but the question is will they well all you smokers keep toking [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by appleton pot head on February 27, 2001 at 08:47:52 PT: legalize weed i think weed should be legalized simply because it would make life in general better. I think another reason that marijuania isnt legalised,that most people dont think about is, most of the people that run the U.S. are the people that when they were in high school were preps and always heard from their freinds that weed is bad and never tried it.this is also way there are probably such high penalties if you get cought. If half the frickin people running our country would atleast get stoned once they might change their minds, or atleast realize that it isn't that bad. And they should make a law that says to qualify for the position of a police officer, or judge, you should have to sit in jail for atleast one week, maybe then all the f**king judges wouldn't give such long sentences. MAYBE IF ALL THE USERS OF MARIJUANIA AROUND THE U.S. WOULD WORK TOGETHER WE COULD OVER TAKE THE GOVERNMENT OR DO SOMETHING THAT WOULD FORCE THEM TO LEGALIZE IT. LIKE MAYBE WE SHOULD THROW THE PRESIDENT IN JAIL FOR 50YRS EVERY TIME HE HAS AN AFFAIR. MAYBE SOMETHING LIKE THAT WOULD SHANGE THEIR VEIWS A LITTLE BIT. chances are if you are still reading this you think alot like I do and alot of other people. Feel free to send any comments you have for me to djnatedogg [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by Socrates on February 22, 2001 at 11:07:37 PT: One must stand by his convictions This is in response to: "Here's Why MJ Will Never Be Sold Like Milk Posted," by FoM on March 16, 2000 at 21:18:55 PT By Brent Glover, The Daily Athenaeum, W Virginia. Your article intrigued me. I am a homegrower of cannabis and, like your article, believe that those who take part in aspect of the cannabis culture must be aware and ready to face the consequences. I firmly believe that the prohibition of cannabis is wrong and goes against many of the virtues that this country was originally founded. For more evidence of this simply read any of Locke's discourses on property. However, I also assume the responsability for being inprisoned due to my actions as a grower, user, and advocator. I would almost consider it an honor to abide by the laws that prohibit marijana. I am sure I would have many pleasant conversations with "Big Bibba", who probably slaughter many human beings for pleasure, about how I am a terrible and evil man for growing and harvesting an organism. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by Joanne on February 09, 2001 at 04:04:04 PT: from drug studies While I realize that marijuana has been smoked for years and years now, I just thought about a way in which a couple of my friends said their weed was prepared in order to give it a better potency. I don't know exactly how it is done, but the weed is called hydro. From my understanding the weed is soaked in embalming fluid and dried which in turn gives it some more UMPH when it's smoked. After they smoke the weed, they said they chase it with clorox. For what reason? I have no idea. Just wandereing if anyone else knew anything about this practice? this is what the question was in our class,this is why I asked . [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by lenny b peace on February 08, 2001 at 22:53:08 PT Legalizing the refer. WEED, MAN, WEED. Dontcha think its time already. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by professor on February 08, 2001 at 15:16:10 PT Joanne, please.... ..."drug studies" class? Embalming fluid? Chlorox chaser? You've been had. Raise your hand in class and ask why the teacher is telling ridiculous lies about cannabis. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by Joanne on February 08, 2001 at 14:34:10 PT: processing I am in this drug studies class and I heard about this one process that I am unsure of maybe you can help. Some people are taking marijuania and soaking it with embalming fluid letting it dry and then as a chaser they are using clorox. What is that all about and I understand it gives it more ummmph but what and why is this done. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Vivian on February 08, 2001 at 08:12:06 PT: Marijuana for medical use! I have been searching the internet for answers, but unfortunately between two young children, school, and a household to run, I do not seem to have time to find the answer that I am looking for. I have been suffering from clinical depression and wondered why I did not seem to experience the problem from sixteen until I became pregnant with my first daughter. The only difference between me now and then is that I smoked marijuana. My first therapist sent me home as okay. During that time, I had picked up some pot at a hippy commune in Denmark. I am in Sweden and can not find it here. I was not depressed when I was going to this therapist (and thought that it was those three sessions). However, I realized that I had been smoking a little dope. I have been searching for research on the use of marijuana for clinical depression because I would like to know if that was what helped. Otherwise, I want to do something that I won't get my children taken away from me for and save the smoking for Amsterdamn and Denmark. Anybody who finds a web page on the subject...Send it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by true smokers on January 09, 2001 at 11:57:02 PT: WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whaz up all you weed smokers? Ain't shit this way, just smokin a bob with Clinton! Now, we all know that there ain't a damn thing wrong with weed. The worst side effect is the munchies! You tell me 1 other bad thing that happens when you smoke (except when you get some bush weed you get a headache) so why the hell not just leave us weed smokers alone and go out and get all them crack heads and drunks out there. Feel me? well everyone keep smoking!Sara & Jessica [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by TERRY420 on January 03, 2001 at 10:25:05 PT: Missing the point what most people don't seem to realize is that as long as the political system in this country remains as is, we will never have marijaunia legalized even for, no make that espessially for medical purposes,while we have the large pharmisutical companys ripping off the american consumers for billions upon billions of dollars a year for medications that could be easilly replaced with small amounts of marijuania, they find it very economical to donate millions every year into the campain coffers of the republican polititions they pay to keep it illegal. also the government is running an ongoing propiganda campaign designed to keep the masses from knowing how many tokers there actually are. i seem to remember a recent "STUDY" released by the government that said that 17% of the american population had tried marijuania at least once. BULLSHIT...17% smoked it last night.even though it is illegal, i openly admit that i smoke small amounts on an almost nightly basis as a treatment for stress induced depression, a condition i have suffered from for several years. the doctors have tried me on several of the so called legitamite medications, including,Zoloft,Wellbutan,effexior,and remeron.none of these worked and all but Remeron had side effects that were worse than the condition they were treating.but thanks to one doctor that had the balls to recomend (off the record) that i try small amounts of marijuania,i am now able to live a somewhat normal life. now the largest source of stress is the laws against my MEDICATION. people please wake up and realize that the only way we are going to ever make progress in this area is by standing up and being counted, because there are more of us than them, the government just don't want anyone to realize this. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Bob Marley on January 01, 2001 at 14:28:33 PT marijuania legalization The problem with lagalizing pot is that you or I could grow it so easily right in our backyard. There would never be the type of money in weed, as there is in alcohol or tabacco products for the government. Our government does not care about our freedoms unless there is a profit. America is freeer than most countries, but we the people still has no voice in any of the brances of government. there for we will not be totally free in a greedy society. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by SystemTrackingEqualV on December 26, 2000 at 15:57:42 PT: playing with ....O.T This issue will always be hotRolling a joint and smoking some potTHeres nothing wrong if you're not caughtand end up in jail, just to rot,all for a $5 joint you just bought.Many a battle and wars have been fought,Have another toke and forget that thoughtYou bought an ounce so you have alotto seek that life you so often soughtget out of this racket before you're shotor smoke a joint and maybe you're notmaybe you'll learn but this is self-taughtbeing straight is better than smoking Paught [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Khalie on December 07, 2000 at 10:13:20 PT: Why not Pot should be legalized simply for the fact alcohol causes more damage than pot ever did....Marijuania is wonderful for medical purposes such as pms, aches and pains. I would rather smoke than take a pill that isn't a natural. This is a wonderful cash crop the goverment already grows it and the by product is hemp which can be used for everything from clothing to fuel. I believe this is a prime time to legalize people will always smoke and have always smoked but in actuality when has anyone ever O.D.'d on pot??? It's not chemical its pure, natural and effective I think you should be able to smoke and it should have the same restraints applied to it as alcohol eventhough on pot you don't become as violent or as stupid as u do drunk. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by CONCERN on November 20, 2000 at 12:43:23 PT: Legalizing mj Dear ?, The reason why marijuana cannot be legalized is because it cannot be taxed or controled. If marijuana is legalized,there would me no need to ilegally smuggle it into the country. Alcohol kills everyday. People that smoke weed are more relaxed and cautious of the things they do. so FREE THE CHRONIC [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by ganja Claus on November 07, 2000 at 13:35:16 PT: smoke I just dont understand anything in this country anymor. For one thing, you could smoke a whole pound of weed and never overdose. If the politicians really wanted to win the war on drugs they would legalize weed and put more emphasis on the deadly things and addictive things that plague teenage life. this is the home of the free and the brave people wake up and smell the cofee. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by johnny hemp seed on October 17, 2000 at 18:52:39 PT: Driving ,emmmmmmm,not high Why is everyone talking about driving high?I personaly think that you should not drive high or drunk.Makes no dif...Its wrong!Regardless of What Brent Glover thinks MJ will be legal someday, and it can be taxed by the Gov. you meatstick,WAKE UP!Maybe ,if the Big wigs keeping pot down: thought just for a minute! Why not legalize & tax the weed! We could make Billions, DUHHHHHHHHH! get on it boys!WAKE UP & FREE THE WEED!!!!!!!!!!FREE THE WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!SincerlyJonny hemp seed [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by myopinion on March 17, 2000 at 14:26:31 PT The New Prohibition What a nauseating, condescending, ill-reseached piece of sh*t! Let's see, it's St. Patrick's Day. People are driving around at this very moment under the influence of an extremely powerful drug (alcohol). A person in Americacan make (I believe) 250 gallons of wine a year for home consumption. Let's see, that works out to approx. 5 gallonsa WEEK, of a toxic, systemic poison that can cause impairedjudgement, total loss of physical control, convulsions, vomiting, narcosis, and death from a lethal dose! As an adult one can buy whiskey and drink oneself to death in a single evening. But a relatively mild intoxicant that causes none of the above is a dangerous substance that a person must be thrown in prison if they choose to use.Give me a break!! I truly believe that the real reason that Cannabis is illegal in the USA is that the extremely powerful, well-funded and firmly entrenched Alcohol, Tobacco and Pharmaceutical (and other) Lobbies in this country wish it to remain so! As long as the campaign contributions keep coming in the Weed will remain illegal! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Freedom on March 17, 2000 at 13:00:02 PT 1994 Dutch Study we funded... Here's the other one he mentions: [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by observer on March 17, 2000 at 12:19:16 PT re: safer drivers > Many people mention the driving angle when describing the 'difficulty' of legalizing marijuana. NORML has a information of a driving study and I know of one reported to have happened in Austraila. Bottom line is that stoned drivers are safer drivers than drunk drivers and even straight drivers.Here's the report. It was not talked about by the propaganda "press" in the US, needless to say...Study Goes to Pot (Canberra Times, Australia, Oct 1998) [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Freedom on March 17, 2000 at 11:54:06 PT It rains, it pours... > Do you think Americawill let something exist legally without being controllable or taxable?Yes, when they come to realize prohibition creates more problems than it purports to solve.>how can the officials determine whetherthat person had smoked weed that day or two weeks ago? Uh, with a new saliva test that is being tested in either Iowa or Ohio... it detects if you have consumed marijuana within two hours.> pro-legalizationists can claim that smoking marijuana has no effect on one's driving ability. The FDA also claims it is safe to drive under the influence of Marinol, once you are accustomed to it. This, with a cannabinoid concentration that gets users more intoxicated than whole cannabis.This man sounds like a prohibitionist trying to create momemtum by predicting it. Just another fraud. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Johnny Marijuania on March 17, 2000 at 11:40:51 PT: Bull I was literally disgusted by the poor information and the idiotic manner in which it was presented. First off it is important to recognize the difference between, to put it simply, bullshit and fact. The previous article is based on fact but in it’s self is complete bullshit. Proving that just because something is based on facts dose not make it an intelligent argument. I will demonstrate.Brent talks about the importance of taxing a legalized cannabis crop. However he goes on to say that this would be impossible because you could not sell it in rite aids and common stores. However the poor man neglected to mention that there is already a functioning system working in Amsterdam. Taxing the product would not be a stepping stone to legalization in anyway. Our government can tax anything, I have little doubt that when Cannabis becomes legal that there will be any trouble taxing it.Brent’s statement: “Most supporters of legalization say that a drunk is more likely to cause a car accident than a stoner. This may be the case. Unfortunately, when someone is arrested for being under the influence of marijuana, how can the officials determine whether that person had smoked weed that day or two weeks ago?” Is hilarious. A study done by Professor Olaf Drummer, a forensic scientist of the Royal College of Surgeons in Melbourne in 1996 stated: “Compared to alcohol, which makes people take more risks on the road, Marijuana made drivers slow down and drive more carefully…” Thus there would be no need to arrest those under the influence of Marijuana when driving. DUI would still exist but it would no longer apply to Marijuana after legalization. However Brent said: “This has yet to be determined scientifically.” This is a obvious lie however I believe it was made due to his lack of knowledge which is spattered throughout the article.“If teachers took high school students on field trips to their local jails, the kids would get a dose of reality rather than ideology.” Again Brent shows his lack of knowledge. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was taken to the local prison in school and it only encouraged me to smoke more and protest the war on drugs. For tokers do not deserve in anyway to be placed in prison for choosing to put something into there bodies. The government has no right to decide what we put into our OWN bodies.Finally to his last two pathetic statements: “The possibility of using marijuana for medical purposes seems much more likely than complete legalization.” Your wrong Brent medical Marijuana is only the first step. “But for casual users, growers and dealers, it comes down to this: If your conviction is that weed is okay, you should be willing to stand by that conviction. Do you feel that marijuana is worth the consequences?” Nice plea however those who know the truth will always stand by our convictions. I plan on being here till the end. When you ask yourself that question be true to yourself in your reply. It’s right verses wrong, how can we not stand by the side of right!-Johnny MarijuaniaFree the Weed!- The Economist march 28th 1996: “Medicines often produce side effects. Cannabis too has discomforting side effects, but these are not physical they are political!” [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Kickaha on March 17, 2000 at 10:29:47 PT Fuzzy Thinking This article is a mish-mash of illogic- The kind of thing that actually helps the cause of reform, because even the most cursory analysis reveals that the author doesn't know what he's talking about. It's so poorly written that I doubt it's even an attempt at prohibitionist propaganda, merely ignorance."Products containing tobacco and alcohol are not produced and sold on the individual level." I presume that this means since some people grow Marijuana, that there is no way to control the many small producers and that this is an argument against regulation and taxation. It overlooks the point that there is both an easily obtainable supply of tobacco and alcohol that doesn't come with legal consequences or danger in it's acquisition, AND a thriving cottage industry of home alcohol producers. You could grow tobacco legally yourself, as well, and I certainly would if I were a tobacco smoker, rather than subject myself to the "chemical-vegetable blend foisted on the American public as tobacco"(That's a paraphrase of a quote from Bill Drake).It is the illegality of Marijuana itself that is responsible for the large numbers of small(non-commercial) producers, many of whom are doing so to avoid interaction with the black-market while ensuring a quality-controlled product. Most of the commercial operations would cease production (or become part of the establishment), just as most bootleg stills ceased production after alcohol prohibition ended, if Marijuana was legalized and a regulated, quality-controlled product offered. Those that didn't would be hobbyists, just like the home-brewers that support the home-brew supply stores that exist everywhere.The argument comes down to "Marijuana can never be made legal because of the effects of it being illegal". Circular reasoning that wouldn't pass muster in Logic 101, which the author has apparently never taken.Similarly, the argument against legalization on the grounds that the state of acute marijuana intoxication can't be determined within a reasonable time window (related to DUI) is spurious. It ignores the obvious fact that an acute intoxication test can probably be developed if warranted, the fact that there were no such tests for alcohol intoxication for much of its legal history, other than the old 'walk this line' type, or the fact that there is no point in developing such a test for Marijuana under the current situation because any bust becomes a DUI- Why bother sorting out the intoxicated from the non-intoxicated when its a good bust either way? This argument comes down to "Because we currently have no way of determining acute Marijuana intoxication, we will never be able to and therefore it cannot be legalized".Of course, the author doesn't even have his facts straight when he says "It would not be possible because THC, the potent ingredient in marijuana, remains in the human blood stream for at least two weeks.", so it's no surprise his thinking on the issue is less than pristine. Marijuauna metabolites are stored in the fatty tissues of the body, but these are the liver-processed remnants of THC; not possessors of intoxicating powers, but merely markers of past use.The last few paragraphs reveal an authoritarian attitude that would be frightening if it were not laughable. The prison system is already at the breaking point, most people who smoke pot never get caught, and draconian measures such as this would be swept aside as soon as John and Janie prep-school had their futures threatened by such hardline behavior Such statements are simply more of the same immature, poorly thought out babble. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Dankhank on March 17, 2000 at 10:26:24 PT: driving? Many people mention the driving angle when describing the 'difficulty' of legalizing marijuana.NORML has a information of a driving study and I know of one reported to have happened in Austraila.Bottom line is that stoned drivers are safer drivers than drunk drivers and even straight drivers.It should be fairly obvious, if you believe the sheer numbers of statistical smokers, that many are driving around stoned.I travel around the country and meet many stoners. No one is ever concerned about smoking a spliff and driving somewhere ... THERE ... the secret is out ... :-)I have a 1998 Grand Voyager Expresso minivan with 75,000 miles on it, so I HAVE been travelling ...Just got back from Denver yesterday ... in the snow storm ...:-)Next arguement? Hemp n Stuff [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by observer on March 17, 2000 at 09:52:37 PT clue: you can make your own beer, grow tobacco > The alcohol and tobacco markets have evolved from small breweries and plantations to large corporations as the economy of America has grown ... Therefore, the country would not be able to control the sale of pot and wouldn't be able to tax it, either.Silly and 100% false argument. Note: It is legal for adults to make their own beer or spirits, as it is to grow their own tobacco:Grow Your Own Tobacco: etc.Make your own beer: etc.While I'm sure Brent Glover has in fact learned much about rhetoric, it appears he knows few facts about life and law in the US. How credible is the rest of his rhetoric do you think?> Why send thousands of nonviolent offenders to prison, anyway? The truth is: If you're not willing to go to prison because of it, don't sell it, buy it or smoke it. An alternative to the "Just Say No" campaign would be the "Just Say Prison" campaign. At least this little bootlicker (no offense to bootlickers!) belatedly admits that prison is where cannabis users are thrown (after their property is stolen he forgets to mention). But note the pathological circular reasoning: `cannabis is bad because you can be thrown in prison for it. You are jailed for using it because it is bad.' With reasoning like this, you can "prove" anything you choose is evil.> Until that time, the U.S. government cannot and will not legalize weed. Another clue for the Mr Glover: in the US, the citizens ARE the government. (Or that is the lie they are told at any rate.) Is this little government toady de facto admitting that the people are to be oppressed by government, and the will of the people doesn't matter? That's what the admission looks like to me.> But for casual users, growers and dealers, it comes down to this: If your conviction is that weed is okay, you should be willing to stand by that conviction. Uh yeah ... that's why we speak out, questioning authority. (A concept apparently foriegn to Mr Glover.)> Do you feel that marijuana is worth the consequences? No, that's why we are working to return to the medical freedoms that all Americans once shared, namely, the freedom to consume whatever medicines or substances we choose, provided that doesn't infringe upon other's rights. (And, for an adult using cannabis, it doesn't.) [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Sativa L. on March 17, 2000 at 00:08:24 PT I regret to inform you... Capitalists...Both the person that wrote this article, and "most regretful" are missing the real issue at hand here. Personal freedom and responsibility. Who gave any government the power to oppress the people no matter how insignificantly? The people did with their blind faith in the government to do what is right. When the government fails to do their job, it is the peoples right and obligation to point that out as best as they can. The government is wrong, that has been proven time and time again, but still they persist, and so do we.The people that you see fighting this war have agendas. Both sides want what they feel is best for them. The real question is what is best for everyone. I have looked at both sides of the argument, and I have to agree with the reformists. This country's stance is costly, unfair, and ineffective. We would be much better served by legalization and taxation. Look to Holland, and see if you can find the evils of this simple concept. Crime is down, addiction to harder substances is down, and the government is better funded. Why is it so hard for people to let go of old ways of thinking?Is it better to sacrifice freedom for the economy? As long as laws like this exist, we are not truly free.I say legalize it all, regulate it, and tax the hell out of it. It is the churches job to regulate sin, and the government's is to tax the hell out of it. Just think, then the "good" folk won't have to pay any taxes. ;>I'm tired of being oppressed by Corporate America, aren't you?Yer green budSativa L.Peace! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by cerebus on March 16, 2000 at 23:05:24 PT uhhhhh lets be real too tho growing an appreciable amount of marijuana is quite an undertaking. wheither outdoors or indoors it requires and investiment of time and materials. if planers grewn and sold commercial weed the market even taxed would be wide open taxed and regulated the price of marijuana would more than likely drastically drop. making it more affordable to more than like buy pot at a the price of a pack of cigarrettes. i dont think anyone would say marijuana should be sold next to chips at the supermarket. through parmacies and like in some state licquor is sold through state run stores. but gee lets see numerouse studies show marijuana has some measurerable health benefits to certain patients where no other drugs work. but still marijuana is classafied and contunually stated by the federal government to have no medicinal value. states pass resoultions voted upon by citizens but the federal governments classification of marijuana is always there excuse to squelch any inititives to in some way shape or form to legalize marijuana. the federals core basis for there war on marijuana is an outright lie and can be proven so by many studies. certainly the claim that marijuana has no medical value is absolutely ridicilous. why should pot smokers goto jail at all? other than a policy based on a lie and continually backed by propriganda no law of nature or god is broken. if all pot smokers went to jail apppearently half of congress maybe should goto jail. they wont proudly stand up and be heard tho at least most. maybe racial profiling of minorities in the name of combating drugs and all studies show whites use and sells drugs in greater numbers? how bout forcing drugs into the black market and onto the street and creating a boon industry for all involved with the drug war? oh no i guess the status quo would be much better than a few hard core hippies refusin to smoke tha government grass and growin their own to escape the mans taxes gimme a break. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by dddd on March 16, 2000 at 22:03:36 PT most regretful I must regretfully agree with much of this article. It's true that the main reason involves the inability to tax a plant that one can easily grow,drug companies,which have tremendous influence and inside control of the politicians they have bought,and the "good ol' boy"network,that owns large amounts of the "Legal"drug cartel/empire....However,in spite of all this,somethings gotta give soon.The natzi-esque manner in which marijuana laws are being applied,will reach a critical level,and no amount of propaganda will be able to quell the angry,yet mellow masses,,marching on Washington DC,with torches,and pitchforks...? I think that both the crooked lawmakers,and the opressed masses of marijuana users,will be six feet under,before we see a significant reform/change in the DEA Uber Alles....dddd [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: