Busted - America's War On Marijuana Busted - America's War On Marijuana Posted by FoM on January 31, 2000 at 09:03:16 PT Repeat Program - Scheduled For February 1st, 2000 Source: PBS The United States government spends nearly $2.5 billion each year to process arrests related to marijuana production and sales, which often carry severe penalties. While the war on marijuana may be going strong do the results prove it a boom or a bust? FRONTLINE expolores the impact of current policy on stemming the tide of marijuana use and looks at how marijuana law enforcement is affecting American life. FRONTLINE airs on most PBS stations at 10pm on Tuesdays (unless otherwise noted). But please check your local listings; your local station may show FRONTLINE at a different time.FRONTLINEShow #1615Original Air Date: April 28, 1998Busted: America's War on MarijuanaWritten and Produced by Elena MannesExcerpt's From Transcript's Of Frontline: Busted - America's War On Marijuana:INDIANA ARCHITECT: My concept of the penalties, the whole time I was involved with growing marijuana, was, you know, "Gosh, I could get caught and spend a year in prison." I mean, we were particularly naive about what the final result could be. [Busted - Federal sentence: 20 years]CRAIG RALSTIN, Indiana State Police: There are people that are growing it for money, but they're criminals just like any other criminal.WILL FOSTER: I lived a pretty decent life. I worked every day. I paid my taxes. You know, I didn't go out and hurt nobody. I didn't rob nobody. I didn't know that cultivation carried 2 to life, no. [Busted - State sentence: 93 years]ANDREA STRONG: They said, "Well he can't have bond. He's facing a life sentence." And my mom says, "Well who did he kill?" You know, "Did he rape somebody? Did he molest some child? What did he do?" He was accused of being the middleman in a marijuana conspiracy. He connected the buyer and the grower. [Busted - Life sentence, Leavenworth]STEVE WHITE: I think it's a dangerous drug. I don't think it does any good, period.1st DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENT: Chimney on this house here. You can see a little bit of heat coming out of it, a little animal standing there in the back yard.NARRATOR: In the night sky over Indianapolis, the hunt is on: drug enforcement agents scanning a neighborhood for evidence of marijuana.Full Transcripts Of Frontline-Busted - America's War On Marijuana: Programs On PBS: Busted - America's War On Marijuana Web Site: Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #2 posted by kaptinemo on January 31, 2000 at 12:44:02 PT Definitely catch this one, folks This program is one of a handful which can truthfully be said to be honest and objective about the entire matter. It presents the facts, in a sometimes unflinchingly dispassionate manner, and shows exactly how much of a mess the WoSD, particularly the War on Cannabis has wasted money, lives, and eroded our civil liberties (Growers, take special notice of the bit about the FLIR equipped helicopters and how a heat image of your house could be used - and in some States, still is - as probable cause for a warrant.) Don't miss it. Tell your friends about it. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a videotape is worth a million. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Murt on January 31, 2000 at 09:26:21 PT PBS Tuesday night. I'll be watching. Thanks for the reminder.CS [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: