Apollo Council Adopts Zero-Tolerance Drug Policy Apollo Council Adopts Zero-Tolerance Drug Policy Posted by FoM on December 30, 1999 at 20:20:20 PT By Paul A. Marasia, Contributing Writer Source: Valley News Dispatch Council's new "zero-tolerance policy" for illegal drug sales and use will include sections on drug education, reporting and prosecution.The policy was introduced by Councilman Jeff Coleman and approved Monday. It provides for monthly mayoral reports on drug leads and prosecutions, a quarterly report to homeowners and community organizations on community drug trends and reporting the results of tougher drug enforcement. The borough also plans to post signs throughout the borough in late January identifying Apollo as a "zero-tolerance" community and updating businesses by e-mail of current anti-drug efforts and arrests.Council also approved calling a town meeting to discuss the new policy and is planning to invite residents, educators, community leaders, parents and law enforcement officials to participate."Council hopes this meeting will be the beginning of an honest, open and fair discussion of a serious problem facing our community," Coleman said."The borough will discuss and announce the date of the meeting at its scheduled meeting in January.The policy includes the creation of a community service punishment program for nonviolent, low-risk offenders. Offenders will be sentenced to community-related clean-up and low-income renovation projects.Councilman Vince Milie praised the policy and said it would send a clear message."By council approving this drug policy, we are saying don't do drugs and don't even think about doing drugs in Apollo," Milie said.Council President Linda Benninger said the policy will help to protect children in the Apollo area."Because children have access to life-threatening, dangerous, illegal substances, council has chosen to take an aggressive and active stance against these activities," Benninger said. "This approval shows that it's more than just words, it's action."A representative of the Armstrong County district attorney's office said he was aware of the policy, but did not know it had been approved."The policy that was approved sounds like a very positive step forward in confronting the drug problems faced by so many of our communities. Apollo Council should be commended for taking the initiative in the fight against drugs," the representative said.District Attorney Scott Andreassi was out of town for the week and could not be reached for comment.Published: December 30, 1999Copyright © 1999 by The Tribune-Review Publishing Co. Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on January 01, 2000 at 05:54:35 PT Beating the dead horse, again They never learn.Trying to stop the illegal drug trade by legislative decree hasn't worked in any culture, in any nation, in *any millenium*. Unfortunely, there are always going to be would be King Canutes. King Canute is noted for being angry with the ocean for not obeying his commands to stop the tide, and sent his men out to lash the waves with whips.This latest bit of idiocy just goes to prove that a thousand years hasn't improved the gene pool any as far as politicians go; they are still dumb*sses. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by jo shi on December 31, 1999 at 15:42:53 PT stop the drug war just give it up. sooner than later we will win again.[thought]explosives are extremley dangerous but we can still legaly purchase them, huh? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by jo shi on December 31, 1999 at 15:42:28 PT stop the drug war just give it up. sooner than later we will win again.[thought]explosives are extremley dangerous but we can still legaly purchase them, huh? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by legalizeit on December 30, 1999 at 21:41:47 PT Zero tolerance=Zero Success and Zero control! It's time to vote prohibitionist wackos out of office before they further defile everything our country is founded on, exactly as Abe Lincoln predicted!>don't even think about doing drugs in ApolloThis statement really scares me. That's the next step - even THINKING about drugs (except as vile, hideous things that you have to go to jail for years and years for using) will land you in jail.Classic 1984 thinking! Just like in that book, they'll monitor our every move and zap us for doing what doesn't fit the party line. (They are doing that already, in the form of racial profiling and suspicionless urine testing!) [My note: There is no such thing as suspicionless urine testing. The fact that they are testing at all suggests their suspicion of you as a "drug" (read: marijuana) user.]>Apollo Council should be commended for taking the initiative in the fight against drugsApollo Council should be CONDEMNED for COPYING the zillions of other failure-destined paranoia/CCCHHIILLDDRRUUNN-driven initiatives in the fight against the supposed "drugs menace". [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Chris Campbell on December 30, 1999 at 21:03:24 PT: duh.. Children have easy access to these substances because of prohibition, not in spite of it. It's my pet peeve when prohibitionists use adverse side effects of prohibition as an excuse for more prohibition. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: