Green MP Swears By Hemp

Green MP Swears By Hemp
Posted by Cannabis News on December 22, 1999 at 17:29:48 PT
Source: The Dominion
OLD-STYLE MPs might sneer at the likes of dreadlocked Rastafarian Nandor Tanczos being   elected to Parliament, but they cannot look down their noses at his dress sense.   Mr Tanczos, a Green MP, wore a navy-blue hemp suit for his swearing-in at Parliament   yesterday, and his attire was crisper than the crispest Nat suit - - sharper than Winston   Peters, even.
   OLD-STYLE MPs might sneer at the likes of dreadlocked Rastafarian Nandor Tanczos being   elected to Parliament, but they cannot look down their noses at his dress sense.   Mr Tanczos, a Green MP, wore a navy-blue hemp suit for his swearing-in at Parliament   yesterday, and his attire was crisper than the crispest Nat suit - - sharper than Winston   Peters, even.   He had the suit specially made by an Auckland tailor, using a Chinese hemp-wool cloth blend   cloth. With it he wore an off-white hemp-viscose blend shirt and a green-patterned tie,   topping off the ensemble by twisting his waist-length dreadlocks into a turban shape.    "People expect me to look like I was wearing sackcloth and ashes," he said.    Co-owner of The Hemp Store, Mr Tanczos hoped the suit would be a good advertisement of   what could be done with hemp - and contribute to a push to have hemp legally grown in   New Zealand.    And no, he will not be trimming a bit of cloth off his trouser cuffs to roll up and smoke - you   cannot get stoned on hemp.    Mr Tanczos's partner, Linda Robinson, attended the swearing-in, and declared his suit looked   fabulous. She agreed his status as Parliament's thinking woman's piece of crumpet was not   undeserved.    "I suppose he's pretty sexy," she said.   Mr Tanczos responded: "She's got nothing to worry about."    Not that he minded hordes of female reporters running their hands over his suit - just to   check his assurances about the fine texture, of course.
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Comment #1 posted by Martha G. on December 23, 1999
 at 17:10:05 PT:
To All Cannabis News Readers!
Hello Everyone, I thought some of you might be curious about the above post. It was simply a test during the transfer of Cannabis News to a new server. I'm afraid that we lost a few days of articles and I'm very sorry if it has caused anyone any problems!Thank You! FoM!
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