Studies Trace Domestic Violence To Substance Abuse Studies Trace Domestic Violence To Substance Abuse Posted by FoM on December 16, 1999 at 19:45:19 PT Associated Press Source: Anchorage Daily News Men who abuse alcohol and drugs tend to beat their wives and girlfriends more often than others, two new studies in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine say. Other factors tied to domestic violence include unemployment and a breakup of the couple, researchers said. One domestic violence study at eight emergency departments around the country looked at 915 injured women, including 256 hurt by husbands or male partners. The women were asked about the habits and lives of the men. Another study analyzed the factors for both domestic and other violence against women in west Philadelphia. The first study found more than three times the risk of domestic violence when husbands or male partners abuse alcohol or drugs, go in and out of jobs, or break up with the women. "This study offers the strongest evidence so far that links alcohol abuse by the male partner with domestic violence," said Demetrios N. Kyriacou of Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, the lead researcher. The Philadelphia study found a similar link between violence and cocaine. Timothy O'Farrell, a psychologist at the Harvard Medical School who has studied the link between alcohol and battering, said the latest studies generally back up what was suspected and what other studies show. But he said the two studies help show the need for more anti-violence treatment for alcoholics and more alcoholism treatment for violent men. Published: December 16, 1999Copyright © 1999 The Anchorage Daily News END SNIP --> Snipped Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #6 posted by Lehder on January 27, 2001 at 11:53:31 PT liquor, violence and drug wars >"This study offers the strongest evidence so far that links alcohol abuse by the male partner with domestic violence," said Demetrios N. Kyriacou of Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, the lead researcher. Marijuana, on the other hand, does not cause violence. Marijuana can be "linked" to two kinds of violence:1) Kinpins shooting it out over control of illegal distribution zones. Police zealots killing children and adults in terrorist drug raids. the *cause* of this violence is Prohibition. Marijuana, unlike alcohol, does not cause people to have "blackouts" and lose control of their tempers. Marijuana, unlike alcohol, does not cause men to beat their wives.Marijuana smoking does not lead to drug wars; liquor lobbyists promote drug wars. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by observer on January 27, 2001 at 11:24:33 PT Always Question Don't just believe 'the facts': always question the real motifs behind the study.Amen, amen!... Men who abuse alcohol and drugs tend to beat their wives and girlfriends more often..."abuse ALCOHOL and drugs"? I think I understand why this prohibitionist rag needs to conflate, to intentionally confuse and lump in together all drugs and alcohol. When rational human beings, on the other hand, are allowed to make logical and meaningful distinctions between "drugs" and not lump them all together, different patterns become evident...Euro 2000 Soccer Violence Could Vanish in a Puff Cannabis Helps Keep Fans Calm Fans Too Relaxed for Fights Main propaganda themes here? Themes number 2 and 1 --2. The drug is identified as solely responsible for many problems in the culture, i.e., crime, violence, and insanity (the violent crime of wife beating)1. The drug is associated with a hated subgroup of the society or a foreign enemy. (I.e. wife-beaters, a hated subgroup)(from, "Themes in Chemical Prohibition", NIDA, 1979 ) [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Nemo on January 27, 2001 at 10:59:54 PT Facts that hide the truth Certain diseases are related to stress. In many jobs that have a lot of stress, man wear ties. So, one could study the relationship between wearing a tie and getting a stroke of a hearth failure. So, does that proof, that wearing a tie causes a hearth failure? Of course not.Don't just believe 'the facts': always question the real motifs behind the study. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by kaptinemo on December 18, 1999 at 11:02:47 PT Alcohol *and* drugs Again and again, the same old cognitive dissonance that allows prohibition to flourish.So long as people are allowed to keep fooling themselves, that alcohol *isn't* a drug, and that people who use it are not *drug users*, and that alcoholics are something other than *drug addicts*, we will have this problem.And so long as this distinction - "drugs and alocohol" -remains unchallenged, so long as no one stands up at these news conferences on substance abuse and calls these people to task for their willful ommission of these facts, we are going to be plagued with prohibition. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on December 17, 1999 at 11:59:34 PT Alcohol Alcohol is the drug that cause the violence not marijuana and they shouldn't put them together in the same sentence in my opinion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Brian Greer on December 16, 1999 at 20:59:43 PT: They obviously did not look at MJ users As Alaskans look forward to the ability to vote on legalizing marijuana, the prohibitionists continue to not differentiate between the hard drugs and MJ.Too many prohibitionists hooked on "Anti-Refer Madness" [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: