Out Of Control Teens 

Out Of Control Teens 
Posted by FoM on November 23, 1999 at 14:05:56 PT
Hidden camera report
Source: MSNBC
When parents send their teens off to a concert, do they really know what their kids are doing? News 10’s hidden cameras uncovered teen drug use and alcohol abuse, all while local police watched. Investigative reporter Don Lemon has the details.
Many of them were underage and doing dangerous things right in front of our cameras-drinking beer, smoking marijuana and even sucking nitrous oxide and laughing gas from giant balloons. This is the same gas dentists use to numb their patients.  Anyone could see them like we did in the First Union Center‘s parking lot before Limp Bizkit’s “Family Values” concert. Some of the teens openly advertised they were looking for pot and acid.  It was a similar story in the E-Center’s parking lot in Camden.  Our hidden cameras caught the wild antics before a concert featuring pop group “98 Degrees.” One young man even tried to sell us marijuana.  “Four blunts for 20 dollars?,” he asked.  You might ask, ‘what’s the big deal? They’re young and out having fun. A little drinking or nitrous oxide never killed anyone, right?’ Wrong!  “I think about Justin every single day,” said Julie Lange, whose son Justin died. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. I miss him terribly.”  Justin and some of his friends used a plastic bag to get a better high of nitrous oxide. It turned out to be a deadly dose.  “I guess the other kids went into the other room to get a snack or something,” Lange said. “Justin, my son, was left alone and so when he took a hit off this tank, it was enough to knock him out and he still had the bag over his head so he suffocated.”  Even without a bag, doctors say nitrous can be deadly. News 10 saw teens sucking and selling hundreds of balloons right in the concert parking lot.   Police confiscated a number of these tanks and some of them cost as much as $200 to fill. But some sellers told us they don’t mind losing them because they can make thousands by selling the nitrous balloons for $5 each.   We did see cops getting rid of beer and nitrous at both concerts, but the cops didn’t seem to scare the kids we spoke with.  “The more liquor they drink, that’s the way they react,” Philadelphia police Officer Harold Manis said. “They don’t care, I’m nobody anymore.”  To make sure your child doesn’t end up drunk or high, you can bring your kids to the concert. If you don’t want to go to the show sometimes the First Union Center offers a Parents’ Room. You can come sit and watch television and even have snacks while your kids enjoy the concert.  The alternative might be deadly.  “Well, I get in the car and I head home...if I make it I make it,” was how one teen responded when News 10 asked how he was getting home.  Both concert venues say they do all they can to make sure that concert -goers act responsibly. The key is to talk to your kids and make sure you know what they’re doing.   Tuesday on News 10 at 6, we took our hidden camera into a local dance club to see what teens are doing behind closed doors.  Web Posted: November 23, 1999NBC's Channel 10 - Philadelphia, Pa.
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on November 24, 1999 at 18:54:26 PT
Stolen thunder...
Don'tArrestMe makes a point all too many people would rather not admit; they usually get into trouble, not through ignorance, but because of poor decisions.I repeat... poor decisions. They have *chosen* to act in a way not conducive to continued health - or, in some cases, survival. And when they are hoist on their own petard for being (let's face it) stupid, they immediately blame something or someone else for having led them astray. Nitrous Oxide is something that requires a balance of oxygen to use with any safety...and even then there's a fire hazard; that's why it used to be used to augment racing fuel. There are lots of recorded instances of this kind of death taking place. Yet people still think "It (death) won't happen to me." Just like the soon-to-be-junkie who thinks he/she won't be addicted to heroin.Choices. Decisions. And, sadly, self-deception and irrationality. Perhaps the sci-fi writer Larry Niven was right when he wrote that the Universe kills fools, unless they are protected by more competent fools. But some people are just hell bent on proving this theorem correct. Sadly, this kid seems to have been one of them.
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Comment #4 posted by Wabo on November 24, 1999 at 13:24:36 PT
According to police doctrine--rusty nails should be outlawed and John Doe should be incarcerated for not getting a tetanus shot.
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Comment #3 posted by DontArrestMe on November 23, 1999 at 15:54:32 PT
Scratch that one line: So can holding your breath...What was I thinking.
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Comment #2 posted by DontArrestMe on November 23, 1999 at 15:52:24 PT
Drugs take the blame for EVERYTHING!
It's true. John Doe stepped on a rusty nail, didn't get a tetanus shot, and later died. The police speculate that the illogical decision to not get a tetanus shot may have been the result of John smoking a joint in the privacy of his home 2 years prior. Just as there is a quote for every cause, rationalization and misdrawn conclusions support the lame cause of prohibitionists. What is worse is that the public believes them out of their own ignorance.“Four blunts for 20 dollars?,” he asked.What's the big deal?! That is just it, you can't beat those prices. And we all know that you bought them and took them back to the First Union parent's room.“I think about Justin every single day,” said Julie Lange, whose son Justin died.I am sorry. However, shifting the blame to drugs is just one of the many stages of denial and ignorance. Blame your son's poor decisions. Prohibitionist scientists label marijuana research and applications as purely anecdotal. That is funny because I recently read the manuscript for a gathering of Parents Against Marijuana, or something like that. It started with a story of Who Cares who lead the tragic life of a junkie, how pertinent. You swayed the masses with this sob story, an anecdote you hippocrites.The key is to talk to your kids and make sure you know what they’re doing.My point exactly. Tell them the truth about drugs, in particular marijuana.Even without a bag, doctors say nitrous can be deadly.Doctors also say that marijuana has a medical purpose; it's funny that no one believes them! So can holding your breath until you suffocate. Without a condom, sex can be deadly. Without self-control, drinking can be deadly. Without a gut made of iron, college cafeteria food can be most deadly of all!“Well, I get in the car and I head home...if I make it I make it,” This was obviously taken out of context. He was merely referring to whether or not he could make it to his car without being arrested for possesion of drugs and forfeiting all of his property, as it was likely derived from the manufacture of MJ.
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Comment #1 posted by soapman420 on November 23, 1999 at 15:21:55 PT
"You might ask, ‘what’s the big deal? They’re young and out having fun. A little drinking or nitrous oxide never killed anyone, right?’ Wrong!"interesting that they leave out , "smoking marijuana" (because our wonderful US media they couldn't ever inform the public that marijuana doesn't kill people...)
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