McCaffrey and Gaviria Conclude Western Hemisphere 

McCaffrey and Gaviria Conclude Western Hemisphere 
Posted by FoM on November 05, 1999 at 14:38:51 PT
For Immediate Release
Source: Washington File
At the conclusion of the November 3-5 Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Leadership Conference in Washington, drug policy officials from 33 nations agreed to pursue a broad range of counter-drug measures and "above all, to aggressively support the multilateral spirit and momentum that we have achieved," they said.
 Co-hosts General Barry McCaffrey, director of the U.S. Office ofNational Drug Control Policy, and Cesar Gaviria, secretary general ofthe Organization of American States (OAS), emphasized that the regionmust present a united front in tackling problems of drug consumptionand supply. McCaffrey recommended sharing "successful strategies andcoordinat[ing] our efforts," a theme echoed by Gaviria, who argued infavor of "concerted, multilateral action."Following is the text of the White House statement:  (begin text)EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTOFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICYWashington, D.C. 20503FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 5, 1999CONTACT: Bob Weiner/John Brennan(202) 395-6618WHITE HOUSE DRUG POLICY DIRECTOR McCAFFREY ANDOAS SECRETARY GENERAL CESAR GAVIRIACONCLUDE MODEL HEMISPHERE DRUG-LEADERSHIP CONFERENCEFirst-Ever Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Leadership Conference Joins33 Nations in Building A New Hemispheric Counter-Drug RelationshipBased Upon Mutual Respect And CooperationWASHINGTON The first-ever Western Hemisphere Drug Policy LeadershipConference concluded today with the same mutual respect andcooperation that brought these leaders together in Montevideo lastOctober and built a new hemispheric counter-drug relationship. Thehighest-ranking drug officials from 33 nations that signed theMultilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) last October came together inorder to exchange ideas and reach a consensus on the drug challengesover the next ten years."Realizing that each of our nations has its own drug consumption andsupply problems, we all have the common purpose of confronting theseproblems together," McCaffrey said. "Consequently, we have learned toshare our successful strategies and coordinate our efforts to findsolutions through meetings like this one.""The nations of the Americas have agreed that we all shareresponsibility for the drug problem and that we can be most effectivein confronting it through concerted, multilateral action," said OASSecretary General Cesar Gaviria.At the conclusion of the three-day conference that includedpresentations and discussions, senior drug policy leaders at theconference agreed to:-- Meet again, after the next Summit of the Americas, possiblymid-year 2001, to assess our progress and challenges.-- Ensure that the basis of our strategy, budget and program isscientifically supported.-- Produce a conference report consisting of the presentations and asummary of the discussions held.-- Discourage the legalization of drugs due to the severe healththreat posed by consumption of illicit narcotics.-- Share appropriate counter-narcotics intelligence and informationabout successful anti-drug programs.-- Coordinate and cooperate regionally and hemispherically oninterdiction of drugs, chemicals, and money.-- To increase prevention and education information available on theInternet.-- Encourage treatment of those in prison or otherwise under criminaljustice supervision.-- Above all, to aggressively support the multilateral spirit andmomentum that we have achieved.(end text)(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.Department of State)For Immediate ReleaseNovember 5, 1999This site is produced and maintained by the U.S. Department of State. Links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
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Comment #1 posted by Felipe Santa Cruz on September 03, 2000 at 18:58:56 PT:
IŽll apreciate your information
If you can send a information of Cesar Gaviria in spanish iŽll be really apreciate that.
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