Guidelines Will Help Make It Possible for Athletes Guidelines Will Help Make It Possible for Athletes Posted by FoM on October 31, 1999 at 19:37:13 PT To Win on Talent, Not Drugs, By Barry R. McCaffrey Source: LA Times Sadly, the rate of drug use in sports today has reached the point where it jeopardizes the integrity of athletics and the safety of competitors. Young people who want to compete fairly fear they stand no chance against cheaters who will accept any cost, even death or injury, to win. Consequently, every victory is subject to skepticism. Drug-using athletes are capable of setting records that honest human performance cannot beat. We seriously risk creating a chemically engineered class of athletic gladiators. Unless we act now, the health and safety of our athletes will remain at risk. The International Olympic Committee has proposed an international agency, but it would lack independence and accountability. The U.S. government is committed to developing an effective, independent international anti-doping regime that will provide a level playing field for all athletes--from youth leagues to the Olympic ranks. Dedication, good coaching and natural talent--not chemicals--should make the difference in sports. The U.S. government has suggested the following principles for an effective worldwide anti-doping effort: * An independent, accountable anti-doping agency. * Possible testing 365 days a year on a no-notice basis. * No statute of limitations, so that whenever it is proved that athletes cheated using drugs, they could be stripped of their honors retroactively. * Deterrence through preservation of samples (while dishonest athletes may be able to defeat today's drug test, they have no way to know what will be detectable using tomorrow's scientific advances. * Research to end the current cat-and-mouse game of doping in sports by closing loopholes that create gaps in science. These tenets constitute the U.S. view on the necessary guidelines for an independent anti-doping agency. We are hopeful the world sports community can achieve a consensus for these principles. Barry R. McCaffrey Is the Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control PolicySunday, October 31, 1999 Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times Related Articles:Doping-U.S. Drug Czar Rejects IOC Proposals - 10/27/99 Back U.S. Drug Proposal - 10/26/99 Drug Policy Criticized in D.C. - 10/20/99 Executive Assails White House Drug Chief - 9/25/99 Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #3 posted by Chris Knestrick on November 01, 1999 at 15:51:48 PT: Give The General A Drug Test! Since the list of people in whom soctiey has an overriding interest to drug test (as opposed to their right to privacy) seems to be growing every day, I think it might be easier to ask the General who he believes should NOT be tested. I believe the list would be considerably shorter. I find it ironic that men like McCaffrey and those in Congress who make up excuses to test everyone else, are not themselves tested! Yes, a substitute teacher who hands out a teacher prepared assignment to students is in a "safety sensitive" position, but those who create laws and guide our country, even into WAR, are not considered important enough to deserve the same treatment. What's good for the goose is not good for the authoritarian gander. I'd like to force Barry to piss into a cup every couple of weeks - maybe have Diane Finstein watching him to make sure he doesn't cheat - and we can save it for the next 20 years. I'm sure someday science will be advanced enough to be able to analyize it and tell us what the h ll he's been smoking! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Jeaneous on November 01, 1999 at 12:01:54 PT: Agree I sure agree that this is a sick idea.... the more this man speaks... the more I hear of Hitler in him. I don't like name calling... but the man really seems to have very similar traits.To keep samples is just a setup. Of course in the future they will be able to detect more... but also... they will have made other chemicals illegal. So if something that is now legal for athletes to use and it becomes illegal five years down the road... will they then come and take your medals away? I see many injustices coming from this. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by green fox on October 31, 1999 at 19:43:16 PT: Sick Yeah he's a sicko. Preserving samples. I mean, having "specimins" of your urine on file. "Mr Smith's sample from seven years ago appears to contain traces of THC." etc, etc.Sick. Sick. Sick. I really hope the world ends soon, or the US crumbles. Either way, this tyrany must end...god save us all,-greenfOx. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: