Drugs War Has Little Impact Drugs War Has Little Impact Posted by FoM on October 25, 1999 at 22:33:21 PT By Trudy Harris Source: The Times Keith Hellawell, the Government's drugs czar, admitted yesterday that the availability of cocaine and heroin had not been reduced since he was appointed by Tony Blair two years ago. Mr Hellawell, former Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, also said that the cost of the drugs had not increased despite more seizures. But he rejected claims that he was losing the war against drugs. Mr Hellawell told The Times that he expected some success in April next year - 12 months after a ten-year strategy was launched to reduce the number of addicts. The strategy focused on educating young people about the dangers of drugs as well as increasing treatment services. Mr Hellawell held a meeting yesterday with General Barry McCaffrey, his American counterpart, who is touring Britain. The pair launched a drug education website called ResourceNet, funded by the Health Department, at Goldsmiths College, in southeast London. General McCaffrey tried to leave immediately after the launch but was jeered by protesters, denouncing hardline US drug policies. Steve Rolles, a protester, said that both Britain and the United States had failed to fund treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. But a Cabinet Office spokeswoman said that Mr Hellawell had spent two years developing the ten-year strategy. During that time, he had also announced £217 million in funding for anti-drugs initiatives. Home Office figures have shown an increase in arrests for cocaine possession from 3,400 cases in 1997 to 4,500 last year. October 26 1999 BRITAIN Copyright 1999 Times Newspapers Ltd. Related Articles & Web Site:ResourceNet: Anti-Drug Chief is Met With Shouts of 'Nazi'- 10/25/99's Drug Adviser Booed in Britain - 10/25/99 Drug Protesters Target US General - 10/25/99 Drug War General Brings Battle to Britain-10/24/99 Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #3 posted by Peter M on October 27, 1999 at 02:11:36 PT UK Gov I agree with Kaptinemo, any member of the UK Gov who even tries to discuss the matter is jumped on by othere members, the press, the church etc etc. This means that very little (if any) discussions are held at any level other that grass roots and internet. I supposed that also goes with out proposed UK Fredom of Info act which will in fact surpress more information than at present. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by kaptinemo on October 26, 1999 at 17:37:38 PT Politicians: rational one day, stupid the next The satirist Dave Barry once suggested the reason most seemingly rational politicians begin to behave in unfathomably nonsensical ways once they are elected into office is that there is a super secret Stupid Ray which is turned on them immediately after they arrive at the White House, Congress, etc.Maybe the Brits have their own version of this infernal device, and the emitter is pointed squarely at 10 Downing Street. How else could you account for Britain, which once had a very effective, crime reducing heroin maintenance program, seeking advice from a horrifically failed policy wonk like MISTER McCaffrey? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Peter M on October 26, 1999 at 03:34:54 PT UK Drug Czar The sad thing about Keith Hellawell was that before he took this job (he was a senior police officer) he appeared to be much more open to the realities of life. Since taking the Drug Czar job he has retreated to the old style "just say no", head in the sand lines that have plainly failed the people of Great Britain.Education not prohibition!!! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: