District Judge Arraigned on Drug Charges District Judge Arraigned on Drug Charges Posted by FoM on October 25, 1999 at 18:23:44 PT By Todd Spangler, Associated Press Source: Boston Globe A judge was released on $10,000 bail Monday after being arraigned on charges of drug use, including shooting heroin in her chambers and protecting her dealer in exchange for drugs. Judge Robert Dauer released District Judge Gigi Sullivan on bail, contingent on her completing a drug treatment program. Prosecutors had requested $50,000 bail. Her lawyer, Patrick Thomassey, said Ms. Sullivan was in the treatment program last week when Attorney General Mike Fisher announced the charges against her. He acknowledged that Ms. Sullivan, 38, has had ''a long history of prescription drug abuse,'' but made no comment about the other accusations. The judge set a preliminary hearing for Nov. 1. On Friday, Fisher issued the charges against the judge, accusing her of using heroin, cocaine and prescription drugs. Fisher alleged that she accepted drugs in exchange for dismissing cases against her supplier and other dealers. She was also accused of possession of heroin and cocaine, kiting a $2,000 check and accepting bribes. In Pennsylvania, district justices sit as magistrates, holding preliminary hearings, ruling on minor crimes and issuing protection-from-abuse orders. Ms. Sullivan, a Democrat, is up for election to a second, six-year term on Nov. 2, facing Republican David Sosovicka, despite the fact that she has been ordered not to hear cases. ''She's still on the ballot for district magistrate,'' Thomassey said. ''These are just allegations. She is not convicted. She'll remain on the ballot and maybe be elected. Wouldn't that be something?'' 10/25/99 19:06 Related Article:US PA: Pittsburgh Judge Faces Drug Charges - 10/24/1999 Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #3 posted by Jeaneous on October 26, 1999 at 17:10:46 PT: Watch I'd bet that this woman won't be sentenced like any of us average citizens though. She will get by with probation or some crap. It's only us lowly average people that pay for the crimes. I'll be interested in seeing where this ends up. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on October 25, 1999 at 19:51:09 PT So True Kaptinemo that was really good! You made it so very clear. Reality! When will they ever understand? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by kaptinemo on October 25, 1999 at 19:44:15 PT Yes, wouldn't that be something? Why I am I not surprised? The rulers have always been contemptuous of the ruled, twisting the law to suit themselves... until they slip up. Until they can no longer be protected by their own kind because their offenses become too egregious to hide. Then they are stripped of their power and ... join the ranks of those they so recently held in contempt. People like you and me.I can just imagine the proceedings...Allegations? Sure, they're 'just allegations' ... but perhaps the lady would submit to a urine and hair test to prove her innocence? After all, if she is not guilty, she has nothing to hide, right?What? She *won't*? Oh my. She says she will stand on her Fourth Ammendment right against unreasonable search and seizure? (Sorry, honey, it's too late for that, you and your kind have made a mockery of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with your so-called 'drug exceptions'). Well, we'll just have to take her only means of self-support from her - her job.And we'll just have to take everything she owns. House, car, silverware, toilet bowl, everything."Wait!" she screams, "You can't do that without due processs!" Oh yes they can, honey, just watch them. They do it every day... because people like you said they could. RICO and forfeiture 'laws' that belong to a time when barnyard animals were witnesses in criminal trials. (Yeah, that's how far they had to reach back to justify themselves. The Dark Ages and The Inquisition. And, as preposterous as it all was , as specious an argument it has always been, people like you bought into it, because of the obvious gains you would receive.) They'll sell them at a pittance... to fellow officers... and you'll be reduced to penury with no hope of ever regaining a thing.Yes, wouldn't that, indeed, be something?Or, as my old, two-tour-veteran of Vietnam instructor used to say "What comes around, goes around." [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: