Dole Plan for Halting Drugs is Just Laughable 

Dole Plan for Halting Drugs is Just Laughable 
Posted by FoM on October 18, 1999 at 14:53:42 PT
By George Lippman
Source: Orange County Register
So presidential candidate Dole is going to stop drugs entering into this country by adding 12,000 more patrol agents at the Mexican border ["Dole says she will reduce flow of drugs to U.S.," News, Oct. 8]. 
We don't need a war against drugs. We need solutions to deal with the problem. We need to change the drug laws. We need to control drugs and decriminalize. We need to stop spending $30 billion a year on this war against the citizens of the United States, begin negotiating peaceful solutions and start using the money for better purposes than imprisoning non-violent drug users.Drugs are not that much different than drinking or smoking. They are all addictive. We need to find ways to deal with it. No amount of policing will stop it. The problem is too great. Why hire only 12,000 more agents? Why not 12,000,000? Mrs. Dole: Don't you get it? We don't want, we don't need and we can't afford your drug war. We don't need a "war" that benefits only the drug dealers, our out-of-control justice system, the prison industry and the career aims of politicians. Can't you think of another solution? That one won't work.George LippmanFullertonRelated Articles:Dole Presents Anti-Drug Agenda - 10/07/99 Promises Crusade Against Illegal Drug Use - 8/23/99 
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