Kentucky Governor Guarding Against Complacency Kentucky Governor Guarding Against Complacency Posted by FoM on October 16, 1999 at 09:38:38 PT By Mark R. Chellgren, Associated Press Writer Source: SF Gate Patton, a Democrat who is the first Kentucky governor in two centuries to be eligible to seek successive terms, has drawn no serious opposition. He faces an oddball Republican who was all but abandoned by her party, and another candidate -- adopted by the Reform Party -- who has lost three previous statewide campaigns and has backed legalization of marijuana. Patton has ``made a pretty good Republican,'' said GOP state Sen. Albert Robinson. ``I think that's one reason he's not had serious opposition.'' A millionaire former coal mine operator who served a term as lieutenant governor, Patton spends most of his campaign appearances warning supporters against complacency. He has made a plea for a big vote, a mandate for Patton to enter the uncharted territory of a second term. ``We are working as hard as we can to produce a victory that will allow the governor to go into the General Assembly with what he hope will be a mandate,'' said Patton's campaign manager, Kim Geveden. Voters in 1992 changed the state constitution to allow succession for the first time since 1799. Patton has championed changes in the state's expensive workers' compensation program, which won him points with business groups and cost him the support of unions. He also rammed an overhaul of the state's higher education system past the political might of the University of Kentucky. The Republican Party failed to field a single candidate for any of the five other constitutional officers on the Nov. 2 ballot, giving Democrats a free ride. The GOP gubernatorial nominee is Peppy Martin, a free-lance publicist who has never before held political office and barely won her own primary over a candidate who did not campaign. Her most memorable campaign moments have been her choice of 1950s-era dresses during a televised debate and primary election night, and her contention that she could all but eliminate state taxes through an ill-defined investment program in church bonds. In interview, she has also made wild and unsubstantiated allegations about the governor. Ms. Martin is all but ignored by fellow Republicans and raised only $20,903 in contributions for her campaign. Second place in the voting may go to Gatewood Galbraith, a Lexington lawyer who first ran for commissioner of agriculture in 1983 on legalize-marijuana platform. He also ran for the Democratic nomination for governor in 1991 and 1995. He planned an independent campaign this year and then won the endorsement of the Reform Party. John Hochstetter, a spokesman for the Democratic Governors Association, where Patton is to take over as chairman in January if he is re-elected, said Patton's opponents aren't credible. ``He's running against a woman who comes to a debate in a prom dress and a self-styled leading hemp-slash-marijuana activist,'' Hochstetter said. MARK R. CHELLGREN, Associated Press WriterSaturday, October 16, 1999 Gatewood Home Page Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #4 posted by Matthew Paxton on October 21, 1999 at 15:45:24 PT: B.S. It sounds to me like Mr. Mark R. Chellgren was taking dictation from our horrible governor, Paul Patton. All I can wish for is that Patton keeps running his mouth, because the more he runs it, the more people find out his actual feelings about the people of Kentucky. He doesn't care about them!!! I truly believe that he doesn't care about anyone outside of Pike County, which happens to be where he is from. I feel that Mr. Chellgren should do a little more research on his next article about the race for governor in Kentucky. I hope the people will realize that Mr. Gatewood Galbraith is the only candidate who really cares about the lives of his fellow Kentuckians, including, but not limited to, the farmers, who are frankly, pardon the language, getting screwed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Clint Hardy on October 18, 1999 at 20:12:04 PT: Gatewood will win. The bottom line is that Gatewood will win. Paul Patton has sold out the coal miners of Eastern Kentucky and will come out in droves to vote against their home boy. Workers compensation is a joke, the real workers do not collect real wages for their injuries in the job. Patton has sold out the youth by passing KERA. In Kentucky education pays because of hard work by teachers no thanks to the Governor's educational schemes. The state had a surplus in the budget, now has a defecit thanks to Patton's patronage to fifty corporate cronies. Health care in this state is a sham thanks to MIster Patton's passage of the 1996 Health Reform Law. Anyone who quotes Karl Marx the founder of communism does not belong as Governor. Do I need to say more, gas tax raise, casinos placing families in danger of crime, and of course, another four years of Patton vetoing the pro-life bills the state legislature passes. Good ridance Governor Patton, Hello Governor Gatewood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Tom Paine on October 17, 1999 at 19:17:09 PT GATEWOOD.COM HERE IS the corrected quote (versus my previous comment farther down).*GATEWOOD Galbraith home. ["one of America's leading hemp /marijuana advocates; won 9% of Democrat Primary votes for Governorin '95 with a $20 thousand campaign against 3 opponents who spent$5.4 million." Reform Party candidate in 1999!]| [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Tom Paine on October 17, 1999 at 19:10:52 PT GATEWOOD campaign reaching national media! (AP)*Galbraith-Lyons 1999. [GATEWOOD NEWS. REFORM PARTY in KENTUCKY."news releases issued by the campaign, with the most recentreleases at the top." Supports saner cannabis laws, as doesgovernor Jesse Ventura, another Reform Party politician. ALSO,GO TO THE HOME PAGE FOR THE ABSOLUTE LATEST NEWS]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*GATEWOOD Galbraith home. ["one of America's leading hemp /marijuana advocates; won 9% of Democrat Primary votes for Governor $20 thousand campaign against 3 opponents who spent $5.4 million." Reform Party candidate in 1999!]| [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: