FRC’S Maginnis Appointed To Council On Drug Abuse FRC’S Maginnis Appointed To Council On Drug Abuse Posted by FoM on October 12, 1999 at 21:09:21 PT For Immediate Release Source: Family Research Council On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott appointed Family Research Council’s Robert L. Maginnis to the recently created national 16-member Parents Advisory Council on Youth Drug Abuse. The Advisory Council will advise the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, retired Army General Barry McCaffrey, on drug prevention, education, and treatment. The term of the appointment is two years. The Parents Advisory Council was part of the National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998. The law that was signed by President Clinton in October 1998 extends the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to September 30, 2003. “Adolescent drug abuse is a serious problem,” said Maginnis, FRC’s senior director for national security and foreign affairs. “Our popular culture is ripe with music, movies and print materials that glamorize drug use. Teens, who are major media consumers, are learning lies about drugs. “I’m especially concerned about the mixed drug messages coming from people of authority. A couple state governors have been on the airways promoting drug legalization. Initiatives promoting marijuana as ‘medicine’ and needle giveaway programs are hurting our efforts to teach children the truth about the drug scourge.” The father of two teenagers, Maginnis is an expert concerning the current pro-drug direction our culture has taken. Maginnis said he is looking to this appointment to provide a platform to advise the president and other government leaders about the need for vigorous enforcement, strong prevention, and tough love treatment. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 8, 1999CONTACT: Kristin Hansen, (202) 393-2100FOR RADIO: Sharon Sampson Newshawk: FreedomFOR MORE INFORMATION OR INTERVIEWS:CONTACT THE FRC MEDIA OFFICE AT (202) 393-2100.Cannabis News Articles On McCaffrey: Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: