McCaffrey Blasts Medicinal Marijuana! McCaffrey Blasts Medicinal Marijuana! Posted by FoM on December 08, 1998 at 22:14:00 PT Maybe it is time to listen to the people! SAN ANTONIO, U.S. Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey says the nation is winning the war on drugs, but victory is being jeopardized by the Medicinal Marijuana Movement! Addressing the Council of State Governments Annual Convention in San Antonio today, McCaffrey said, "pain management is not best done with a joint and two vodkas."Why not, I ask? McCaffrey, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, says medicinal marijuana and so-called industrial hemp movements are "silly and sad" and that they represent an attempt to "legalize all drugs, including marijuana, which poll after poll shows is opposed by 80 percent of the American public." He compared referendums on Medicinal Marijuana to holding local elections on "FAA flight regulations."McCaffrey says another factor hindering a victory in the war on drugs is a disturbing increase in drug use among teenagers, including the use of heroin and methamphetamine. He says: "Our children are using drugs again. The total percentage of Americans who use illegal drugs has dropped from 14 percent 15 years ago to 6 percent today. I'd like to cut that to less than 3 percent, but if we continue to tolerate pot smoking, cigarette use and alcohol consumption among young people, we will see a bubble of drug use rising again in this country." McCaffrey says his office will release next year a comprehensive plan to use high technology to interdict drugs coming across the southwestern border, including the use of radar to inspect trucks without having to stop and search them. McCaffrey doesn't know anything about the benefits of Medicinal Marijuana, so how can he be so free to have all the answers? Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #8 posted by KerryMoss on December 17, 2001 at 09:56:53 PT: McCaffery apperently chooses to be ignorant!! Listen to this man. He obviously refuses to look at any research data or proven facts. It is completely irresponsible to pretend there are no benefits to the legalization of Marijuana. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Joseph Conrad on March 30, 2000 at 16:10:00 PT Freedom, Freedom to ingest I bet General McCaffery does not even know the origins of the prohibition of marijuana. General McCaffery wants to make the U.S. a police state, thats why I'm moving to Canada. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Phil Ambler on November 14, 1999 at 01:04:13 PT: McCaffery Drug Lies In Australia over 50% of the cops smoke cannabis as a very necessary relaxant much superior to alcohol. At Bondi Beachin Sydney two cocaine affected cops (known locally as the awesome twosome ) shot Frenchman Roni Levi 3# in the chest and once through the anus/scrotum. Both officers have been shown to be intimately involved in the powder-drug milieu.In Australia there have been no cases of fatal shootings due to the influence of cannabis. There have been many shootings associated with cocaine/heroin distribution and many caused by alcohol effects. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on December 10, 1998 at 11:11:34 PT Just Retire Barry! We don't need a General in a Medical Marijuana debate! McCaffrey doesn't care about alternative medicine! I wonder who pulls his strings? He has no concept of the medicinal value of Cannabis! We need a Doctor like Dr.Lester Grinspoon running the drug war not a military man! FoM's Freedom Page [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by HempyChristmas on December 09, 1998 at 14:17:08 PT So he lives with constant pain????? A complete a-hole. I live with almost unbearable pain daily from a dehibilitating illness (FM/MFPS). I'd like him to have the pain that I have for a couple of years and then talk about why Mother Nature's pain relief is so evil. Sheesh! Get a life, you fascist! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by HempyChristmas on December 09, 1998 at 14:17:04 PT So he lives with constant pain????? A complete a-hole. I live with almost unbearable pain daily from a dehibilitating illness (FM/MFPS). I'd like him to have the pain that I have for a couple of years and then talk about why Mother Nature's pain relief is so evil. Sheesh! Get a life, you fascist! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by HempyChristmas on December 09, 1998 at 14:14:46 PT What a moron This fascist is such a f(**ing liar. He has no idea about what the 'public' wants. He feeds at the public trough, and has a vested interest in the 'war'. I hope this bastard dies - soon. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by UaN on December 09, 1998 at 11:42:52 PT Barry Go Home When is this man going to give it up or die!!!He is a liar and it is so obvious.....How can he say that 80 percent of the US population is against marijuana when the polls say differently?...Someone needs to open the door and give this man his hat!!!...He wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him on the ass and he certainly couldn't face it, obviously. Who keeps letting this man open his mouth and spout off lie after lie after lie....Get Rid Of This Czar!!! He is the one that is silly and sad! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: