Sessions Evades Question on Marijuana Enforcement function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Sessions Evades Question on Marijuana Enforcement'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Sessions Evades Question on Marijuana Enforcement Posted by CN Staff on April 26, 2018 at 06:59:08 PT By Jeff Mordock, The Washington Times Source: Washington Times Washington D.C. -- Attorney General Jeff Sessions ducked questions from Senate Republicans and Democrats Wednesday about his plans to enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized or decriminalized the drug, telling lawmakers to change the federal laws if they are concerned.“The federal government has passed some laws on marijuana that I’m not able to remove from the books, ” he said during an appearance before the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Congress — you — have passed them. They are on the books.” In January, Mr. Sessions rescinded an Obama-era policy of not interfering with marijuana-friendly state laws, leaving it up to state prosecutors how aggressively they want to pursue such cases. Several states have decriminalized or legalized marijuana, but it remains illegal under federal law, creating a clash between federal and state law.The decision has created confusion in states that have marijuana-friendly laws. Licensed marijuana growers and federal prosecutors are unclear what the rules are and which laws should be enforced.Despite efforts by senators to get some clarification, Mr. Sessions would not provide it.“Our priorities are fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine,” he said. “People are dying by massive amounts as a result of those drugs. We have very few, almost zero, virtually zero small marijuana cases. But if they are a big deal and illegally acting and violating federal law, our agents may work that case.”Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Arkansas Republican, cited a resolution approved by her state’s legislators urging the federal government to respect local marijuana laws. She also wanted to know where the attorney general stood on congressional efforts to reform marijuana laws. But again, the attorney general remained evasive.“I can’t make a commitment about what position we would take at this time until we know exactly whats involved,” he replied.Mr. Sessions did surprise some members when he acknowledged the medical potential of marijuana, though he said he did not approve of how it is consumed.“Medical marijuana, as one physician told me, ‘whoever heard of taking a medicine when you have no idea how much medicine you’re taking and ingesting it in the fashion that it is, which is in itself unhealthy?” he said.Four states with marijuana legalization laws have requested a meeting with Mr. Sessions over his decision to rescind the Obama-era policy, codified in the so-called Cole Memo. Treasurers in California, Illinois, Oregon and Pennsylvania sent a March letter to the attorney general to discuss balancing state and fedora law enforcement issued. The meeting has not yet taken place.Source: Washington Times (DC)Author: Jeff Mordock, The Washington TimesPublished: Wednesday, April 25, 2018Copyright: 2018 News World Communications, Inc. Website: letters washingtontimes.comURL: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by afterburner on May 22, 2018 at 17:37:05 PT Sessions May Disagree but Is He a Doctor? When Attorney General Jeff Sessions was told cannabis could be used to get people off of opiates, he famously replied, "Give me a break!"Exit Drug (How Cannabis Can Combat the Opioid Crisis) By Dr. Frank - Special to Cannabis Culture on May 22, 2018 [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Hope on May 09, 2018 at 15:02:53 PT Which party? You're so right, Had Enough. They each as a whole... stink concerning this issue. There have been individuals scattered amongst both the major parties that have come to the forefront first and managed to speak up and try. There are more now, of course... but it's getting safer and safer to speak up. Politically, I mean, it's safer. It has been rough and not a little scary at times. Remember that time in Arkansas that mention of medical marijuana first came to the halls of government? It was alarming. The public audience had some patients and their families but most of the front of the viewer's section was filled with uniformed law enforcement officers. Over two hundred of them as I recall.Neither Democrats or Republicans care that much about the regular struggling people as opposed to the many people that are employed on one level or another by government agencies and the people that support their political efforts. And first and foremost... they think this issue doesn't matter. So much for the people, obviously. Both Republican and Democratic Presidents have said it out loud. "It's not important". Aaaargh. Yet people suffer because of it... and it's not important?It's getting more important, too. It's a shame their character didn't always make them defend the people that needed defending. Sanity didn't open as many doors for us as has a bureaucratic financial need. Yep. Some apparently can see the light a heck of a lot better when it's shaped like dollar signs. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Had Enough on May 08, 2018 at 15:29:34 PT GCW The democrats were in control...they were and are still arresting people...After Clinton left office ..I remember a statement he made about how he could have done more to reform the pot laws...well he had 8 years and didn't think of it until he left office...???When Obama was in office and had the online town hall email thing...reforming pot laws was the top question...It was deleted about 3 times before the answer came...and the answer was...legalizing cannabis is not the thing to help our society...or something along those lines anyway...The Republicans have never been much help either ...Part affiliation will not correct this...In the meantime people lives are still being ruined...However I do believe almost all the states will have cannabis legalized before congress does anything other that what we've all seen so far...The swamp rats have to go..."We the People" need to push super hard for term limits on those congress critters... [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Had Enough on May 08, 2018 at 15:10:43 PT Sessions... Mr. Sessions answer to the question he was avoiding in the in the previous post I made...How many human traffickers were slipping by when they were making this bust...and detaining 7 people...How much cocaine and heroin made it to our shores while they were detaining 7 people and loading all that pot on the onboard the cutter Resolute...When Trump is through using this guy up...he's going to throw this swamp rat out like the trash...just a matter of time...No more lies... [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Had Enough on May 08, 2018 at 14:03:28 PT Part of the prohibitionist show... time for the show to end...Posted: May 08 2018 11:41AM EDTST. PETERSBURG (FOX 13) - Now, that’s a ton of weed – literally. A St. Pete-based Coast Guard crew spent their morning unloading a large load of marijuana intercepted at sea earlier this year.According to the Coast Guard, the cutter Resolute stopped two drug-smuggling vessels in the Caribbean Sea back on March 17. Crews seized the 2,600 pounds of marijuana on board and detained seven suspects.The Resolute returned from its 71-day deployment 10 days ago. Crewmembers unloaded the marijuana – some of which was disguised in bags labeled “pure Jamaican cane sugar” – this morning.Click to see more... [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by afterburner on April 28, 2018 at 12:35:05 PT Hope for Cali Craft Growers GROWING. Flow Kana: California’s Last Best Hope for Craft-Scale Success. DAVID BIENENSTOCK. April 26, 2018 [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by afterburner on April 27, 2018 at 17:17:56 PT Questioning Vancouver's Approach to Legalization Ian Mulgrew: New pot laws are not in the spirit of legalization. By Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun on April 27, 2018 [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by The GCW on April 27, 2018 at 17:02:05 PT Look, I don't care for the s guy.But there is a point made that I want to give credit for:“The federal government has passed some laws on marijuana that I’m not able to remove from the books, ” he said during an appearance before the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Congress — you — have passed them. They are on the books.”The onus is on congress and / or the prez to change this dilemma. Point taken and hope it gets passed on and noticed.Even think Dem's will gain control and do exactly that.If, and I believe it will happen, Dem's take control, it's game over for one of America's worst policy failures in history. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Soup herb on April 27, 2018 at 11:38:07 PT: Just his opinion but, "Mr. Sessions did surprise some members when he acknowledged the medical potential of marijuana, though he said he did not approve of how it is consumed."That's funny because I don't like getting vaccinated by a needle but it is the most effective way to administer the medicine!!!Just think of all the representatives that are being paid yet have the exact same mentality. Do they teach people different in the south as opposed to say the mid Atlantic States? The more I learn the less I know... [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by afterburner on April 27, 2018 at 11:05:19 PT Point of Order Sen. Lisa Murkowski is from Alaska, not Alabama. Some of our journalists need to do a little more fact checking. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Soup herb on April 27, 2018 at 02:23:23 PT: Ignorance is no excuse for the law. "“Medical marijuana, as one physician told me, ‘whoever heard of taking a medicine when you have no idea how much medicine you’re taking and ingesting it in the fashion that it is, which is in itself unhealthy?” he said."Spoken like someone who is incompetent and unfit to hold a job flipping hamburgers.Not knowing what you are doing or talking about is the rule of the day in the dumpster administration. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment