Lawmakers Send Medical Marijuana to Kasich
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Lawmakers Send Medical Marijuana to Kasich
Posted by CN Staff on May 26, 2016 at 06:07:17 PT
By Alan Johnson & Jim Siegel
Source: Columbus Dispatch
Ohio -- After passing a reluctant Senate by just three votes, Ohio is poised to become the latest state to legalize medical marijuana, so long as Gov. John Kasich signs it into law.After more than a day of uncertainty about whether the bill had enough support in the Senate, the chamber voted 18-15 Wednesday afternoon, passing the bill despite opposition votes from the top two members of Senate Republican leadership — Senate President Keith Faber, R-Celina, and Sen. Larry Obhof, R-Medina. The House concurred 67-28 late Wednesday night.
Sen. Dave Burke, R-Marysville, a licensed pharmacist who led the Senate effort on the bill despite his own reservations, said it “reflects the will of Ohioans” and, unlike a ballot issue, it can be changed.“The bill is subject to change and mature as Ohioans change and mature,” he said, adding later, “ Evil flourishes when good people do nothing.”With polls showing that nearly 90 percent of Ohioans support medical marijuana, lawmakers acted ahead of a likely medical marijuana ballot issue in November that seeks to put the issue into the state Constitution and allow smoking and home-grown pot.Sen. Kenny Yuko, D-Richmond Heights, a long-time proponent of medical marijuana, highlighted testimony that senators heard from those who would benefit from the law change, including soldiers returning home from war.“Yes we do need more research, but let’s do that research in the state of Ohio … and help Ohioans in the process,” he said. “This bill is not perfect, but it’s what Ohio patients need.”Sen. Jay Hottinger, R-Newark, opposed the bill, calling the list of about 20 allowable conditions too broad. He also said he was contacted by prosecutors, law enforcement and anti-drug activists in his district asking him to oppose it.“There is not ample enough evidence, medical research and clinical data for what ailments are potentially benefited from medical marijuana,” he said.Faber, looking to run statewide in 2018, said he also heard concerns from law enforcement and thought it was too broad. "If it were just about kids and epilepsy or cancer patients, I don't know anyone who would be opposed to that."Some Democrats opposed it because it didn't go far enough, and that Ohioans could be fired for taking legally prescribed marijuana if it violates an employer's drug-free policy, including loss of unemployment compensation.Sen. Kevin Bacon, R-Minerva Park, voted for the bill, saying he was 50.1 percent in favor, as did Sen. Charleta B. Tavares, D-Columbus. Sen. Jim Hughes, R-Upper Arlington, opposed it.The potential ballot issue, pushed by Ohioans for Medical Marijuana, a group affiliated with the Marijuana Policy Project, would include fewer restrictions than the legislative-crafted bill, such as allowing for home-grown marijuana and allowing patients to smoke the drug. Aaron Marshall, spokesman for former group, said signature collection would continue, arguing the amendment "builds on the legislature’s work by incorporating national best practices."Kasich has promised to campaign vigorously against the ballot proposal.Source: Columbus Dispatch (OH)Author: Alan Johnson & Jim Siegel, The Columbus Dispatch Published: May 26, 2016Copyright: 2016 The Columbus DispatchContact: letters dispatch.comWebsite:  Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #5 posted by afterburner on May 30, 2016 at 07:21:38 PT
Harper Gave Big Business Medical Cannabis Supply. 
Ottawa is to blame for Canadians’ confusion over marijuana.
The Globe and Mail.
Published Sunday, May 29, 2016 5:00PM EDT activists resist! 
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on May 28, 2016 at 17:49:30 PT
Press Release
Ohioans for Medical Marijuana Suspend 2016 Signature DriveMay 28, 2016Late Friday evening, after considerable discussion, the decision was made to suspend our drive to place an issue on the November 2016 Ohio ballot.We make this decision with a heavy heart as we will surely disappoint our many volunteers, supporters and patient-advocates who invested considerable time and effort in our movement.It had become increasingly clear following the state legislature’s passage of a medical marijuana law on Wednesday that our ballot issue campaign had arrived at a critical juncture.With several hundred thousand signatures collected thus far, one option for our movement would have been to continue to pour our resources into obtaining the additional signatures needed to put the issue before voters.But the reality is that raising funds for medical marijuana policy changes is incredibly difficult, especially given the improvements made to the proposed program by the Ohio General Assembly and the fact that the Governor is expected to sign the bill.As we said following Wednesday’s vote, the legislature’s action on medical marijuana was a step forward, and thanks to the intense advocacy efforts of patients and their families, activists and our team the bill was vastly improved before passage. Removed from the bill was much of the red tape and onerous regulations that would have severely limited patient access, and added was a very important provision granting an affirmative defense to qualifying patients beginning this fall. Also stripped from the bill were troubling provisions raising the threshold for pain.To be sure, there are shortcomings to the legislature’s measure. There are a number of qualifying conditions which should have been included, and we firmly believe that patients should have the right to smoke and grow their own medical marijuana.But, all in all, it is a moderately good piece of legislation passed by lawmakers who were pushed hard by the patient community.We plan on continuing forward as an advocacy effort to ensure that the State of Ohio lives up to the promises contained in HB 523, but also working to better the program utilizing our amendment as a roadmap for those improvements.But the reality is for us, this campaign to put our issue on the 2016 ballot ends today. To everyone who joined us on this effort, especially those patients and their families who will benefit from Ohio’s new medical marijuana program, we owe you a debt of gratitude.Sincerely,Brandon Lynaugh,
Campaign Manager
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Comment #3 posted by Greg Rx on May 28, 2016 at 10:48:05 PT
This bill will never be implemented. It was designed to stop the ballot initiative from gaining support.
Problems with the law off the top of my head, must use your regular doctor when healthcare systems will not let them prescribe cannabis, must have a licensed pharmacist at dispensaries, doctor must recommend a dose so police know what a 90 day supply is, all patients, doctors, pharmacist, growers and processors must be in a data base to trace everything, database will be available to law enforcement. Your patients will never have any piece as evidenced by Michigan's failed law. The black market is laughing their heads off.
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Comment #2 posted by afterburner on May 28, 2016 at 06:28:19 PT
Oleg the Tumor #1
I feel your pain. Cannabis patients are still used as political footballs as governments promise reform, dither and maintain the black market.News GTA.
Toronto police and drug squad raid marijuana dispensaries:
The project targeted various locations that have been identified as trafficking marijuana outside of the marijuana for medical use regulations.Ninety people have been arrested and over 180 charges have been laid after police raided dozens of marijuana dispensaries in Toronto.By DAVID RIDER, City Hall Bureau Chief, and CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, Staff Reporter.
Fri., May 27, 2016
Toronto police raid and shut down dozens of marijuana dispensaries.
About 45 of Canadian city’s 83 unlicensed dispensaries targeted for alleged recreational sales in latest local crackdown amid federal plans to legalize drug.
Reuters in Toronto.
Thursday 26 May 2016 21.54 BST Last modified on Thursday 26 May 2016 21.56 BST. 68 Comments Medical Marijuana Faces Resistance From .. Medical Community.By	Sunny Freeman, The Huffington Post	on	May 14, 2014 {
The head of the Canadian Medical Association has a few choice words for the medical marijuana industry.“Quackery.”“Snake oil salesmen.”“Bad medicine.”Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti is blatant in his disdain for the medical marijuana industry, which he compares to big tobacco.“It makes absolutely no sense to use the word medicinal in front of marijuana,” he said.The head of the advocacy organization has one message for Canadian doctors when it comes to prescribing marijuana: Don’t do it.“Maybe the broader debate should be to legalize it and let society regulate it like alcohol is regulated,” Francescutti told HuffPost Canada in an interview.“But without going there, please don’t expect the medical community to prescribe something that we have absolutely no clue what it does.”
}Canadian Pharmacists Association wants pharmacy distribution of medical cannabis:
The industry group initially opposed pharmacies being included in the MMPR
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Comment #1 posted by Oleg the Tumor on May 27, 2016 at 10:58:00 PT
Will My Insurance Cover This? Why Not?
I qualify for this program (being an Ohio resident and an epileptic with "progression of disease")Question: How can a Physician proscribe a substance that the Fed. Gov. has declared "Schedule One - No Medical Use"?Somebody's got it wrong. Don't blame me."I shake like an in-cur-able, GAAAWD Help me Please."My Doctors are all still hiding from Simon Wiesenthal's men.Assuming the Governor's autograph, how soon will the State start competing with the Cartels for all those Boomers' Social Security Money? I'm not holding my breath. Well, yes I am, but you know what I mean.
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