Mex. Supreme Court Could Pave Way for Legalization
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Mex. Supreme Court Could Pave Way for Legalization
Posted by CN Staff on October 28, 2015 at 05:10:35 PT
By Hannah Hetzer
Source: Huffington Post
Mexico -- On Wednesday, Mexico's Supreme Court will debate whether the prohibition of the consumption and cultivation of marijuana for personal use is unconstitutional. The Court will determine whether the prohibition of the consumption of marijuana -- and its cultivation for non-commercial ends -- violates the human right to the free development of one's personality. This landmark case could lead to the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes if followed up with legislation.
This debate in Mexico's Supreme Court is extraordinary for two reasons: because it is being argued on human rights grounds, and because it is taking place in one of the countries that has suffered the most from the war on drugs. In the eight years since former President Felipe Calderon ramped up the militarized response to drugs and trafficking, the surge of violence has led to the death of 100,000 people and the disappearance of 25,000 in Mexico. The public debate on marijuana has surged in Mexico in recent months since the case of an 8-year old girl with epilepsy who became Mexico's first medical marijuana patient made national and international headlines. The government granted the right to import and administer a cannabis-based treatment for the young patient."It is unprecedented for the Supreme Court to introduce a human rights dimension to the debate on drug policy," said Lisa Sanchez, Latin American Programme Manager for Transform Drug Policy Foundation and México Unido Contra la Delincuencia. "If the Court recognizes that the prohibition of marijuana consumption and cultivation for non-commercial purposes limits the right to the free development of one's personality, it may determine that various articles in the General Health Act are unnecessarily punitive. This could would give citizens the possibility to cultivate marijuana for personal use without having to turn to the underground market."Marijuana reform has gained unprecedented momentum throughout the Americas. In the United States, Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana for adults. In December 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legally regulate marijuana. In Canada, the new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party have promised to legalize marijuana. There are currently medical marijuana legalization bills being debated in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico.Mexico has borne the brunt of bad drug policies. It's good to see the country begin to roll back the harmful drug war by debating a new approach, starting with marijuana reform.Hannah Hetzer is Senior Policy Manager of the Americas at the Drug Policy Alliance.Source: Huffington Post (NY)Author: Hannah Hetzer	Published: October 27, 2015Copyright: 2015, LLC Contact: scoop huffingtonpost.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #5 posted by jetblackchemist on November 03, 2015 at 00:12:05 PT
keep on keeping on
debunking the myths has been a difficult fight in some age, social, gender, and economic brackets due to the blocking of science that allowed study in the first place to ensure a well greased propaganda machine in the drug war experiment.Yes, the drug war was the social experiment... and a very bad one for society. Those calling legalization movements and reforms the experiment are the same ones that will try to decry legalization at any sign of some bump in the road... like those creating extracts for dabbing creating fires because of improper proceedures to extract using volitile compounds... As an excuse to decry legalization.I think both are harming the movement... not only the fence sitters waiting to decry, but also those chasing a high through dabbing instead of natural forms... they likely have deeper underlying problems and are using the concentraited extracts as a safer alternative than say meth or other addictive substances. Cannabis is medicine after all, so it just goes with the territory... so please do not shoot the messenger for raising awareness of a potiental wall as legalization grows and spreads.I think it important to forsee such things as above that can harm the natural movement towards legalization... and start educating before such bumps occur, basically unload the ammo before they have a chance to pick up the gun.It would be nice if there was some cohesion to the term cannabis... instead of weed, pot, marijuana etc. from all of these article writers. weed is a street dealer term, with black market over tones... pot is an old propaganda term gleaned from the life going to pot phrase which actually means into a toilet... I for one do not smoke toilets. Marijuana was the prohibitionist label meaning devil weed. It is clear that they were targeting the religious majority at the time to enflame them for support, along with weed as a plant with no value like an herb. A cohesion to the term cannabis instead of the others would help remove the old stereotypes from the prohibition era and ease into a cleaner transition of something with accepted medical value and less societal harm in use than alcohol... save for the destruction of lives from the hands of the justice department and DEA where those other terms are rife with bad conotations at the hands of prohibitionists.Things are moving forward though despite the entrenched that make money off of prohibition... thank goodness, as the UN itself has seen the destructive social policy that prohibition has created vs. tolerance of use like that some european countries have implemented. The UNs current reccomendation has been to move to a policy of tolerance on a global scale... as it is easy to see that extremes of black and white in social policy only create far worse problems for humanity instead of solving any... the force and control required to enforce such destructive social policies are far worse in effect than all substances labeled illict combined.It is refreshing to see around the world a social humanitarian movement that benefits citizens and celebrates culture instead of the one that has been one of conformity, control, and homogenization through proaganda that has attempted to destroy culture and diversity worldwide instead of embrace it... that very same machine is what keeps the war gears turning by breeding intolerance and hate generation after generation.If one had thought assimilation programs had ended with the colonization of America on the native population... they are sorely mistaken. It has been on going for quite some time in uman history, and has been entrenched so deeply in politics... that many still cant even see it unless they are being directly discriminated against.So I think those of us in the fight have a special responsibility to not rest on our laurels of victory... while the entrenched for centuries prepare to cease various movements and create a wave of fresh propaganda with known tactics that led to prohibition etc. that created mass hysteria... based on peoples ignorance... education should stay number one, and victories secondary to avoid that trap in my opinion.We already have seen a glimpse of it try with zombie face eaters... and mention of it in some articles for no other apparent reason than to say cannabis was the cause even though it stays in ones system for close to a month. The old correlation without cause and effect routine. Is it another tactic to bury the word cannabis in favor of old words that are are attached to the old propaganda machine instead of the word with a positive searchable clean record? Time will tell I suppose... but I personally would like to see cohesion to cannabis, to avoid confusion and easy correlation to old propaganda and prohibition.I wish everyone a good day and I urge you all to continue to keep up the good fight, and those that have already won? Please do not forget there are 46 more states that need legalization help and close to half still needing medical help in this fight for freedom and social justice.Thank you.
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 28, 2015 at 16:51:00 PT
Thank you!
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Comment #3 posted by SoupHerb on October 28, 2015 at 11:14:20 PT:
Net results
Great news indeed. I believe if not for the Internet and these forums that the truth would still be hidden, relentlessly.
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on October 28, 2015 at 10:30:01 PT
We sure did!
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Comment #1 posted by runruff on October 28, 2015 at 08:11:05 PT
World wide drug revolution!
We started it!
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