Seniors Are Seeking Out States Where MJ is Legal function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Seniors Are Seeking Out States Where MJ is Legal'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Seniors Are Seeking Out States Where MJ is Legal Posted by CN Staff on July 23, 2015 at 04:16:02 PT By Chris Taylor Source: Time Oregon -- When choosing retirement locales, a few factors pop to mind: climate, amenities, proximity to grandchildren, access to quality healthcare. Chris Cooper had something else to consider – marijuana laws.The investment adviser from Toledo had long struggled with back pain due to a fractured vertebra and crushed disc from a fall. He hated powerful prescription drugs like Vicodin, but one thing did help ease the pain and spasms: marijuana. So when Cooper, 57, was looking for a place to retire, he ended up in San Diego, since California allows medical marijuana. A growing number of retirees are also factoring in the legalization of pot when choosing where to spend their golden years.“Stores are packed with every type of person you can imagine,” said Cooper who takes marijuana once or twice a week, often orally. “There are old men in wheelchairs, or women whose hair is falling out from chemotherapy. You see literally everybody.”Cooper, who figures he spends about $150 on the drug each month, is not alone in retiring to a marijuana-friendly state.Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have laws legalizing medical marijuana use. A handful – Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and D.C. – allow recreational use as well.The U.S. legal marijuana market was $2.7 billion in 2014, a figure expected to rise to $3.4 billion this year, according to ArcView Market Research.Figuring out how many people are retiring to states that let you smoke pot is challenging since retirees do not have to check off a box on a form saying why they chose a particular location to their final years.But “there is anecdotal evidence that people with health conditions which medical marijuana could help treat, are relocating to states with legalized marijuana,” said Michael Stoll, a professor of public policy at University of California, Los Angeles who studies retiree migration trends.He cited data from United Van Lines, which show the top U.S. moving destinations in 2014 was Oregon, where marijuana had been expected to be legalized for several years and finally passed a ballot initiative last November.Two-thirds of moves involving Oregon last year were inbound. That is a 5 percent jump over the previous year, as the state “continues to pull away from the pack,” the moving company said in a report.The Mountain West – including Colorado, which legalized medical marijuana in 2000, and recreational use in 2012 – boasted the highest percentage of people moving there to retire, United Van Lines said. One-third of movers to the region said they were going there specifically to retire.Lining Up for PotThe image of marijuana-using seniors might seem strange, but it is the byproduct of a graying counterculture. Much of the baby boom generation was in college during the 1960s and 70s, and have had much more familiarity with the drug than previous generations.Many of the health afflictions of older Americans push them to seek out dispensaries for relief.“A lot of the things marijuana is best at are conditions which become more of an issue as you get older,” said Taylor West, deputy director of the Denver-based National Cannabis Industry Association. “Chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, loss of appetite: All of those things are widespread among seniors.”Since those in their 60s and 70s presumably have no desire to be skulking around on the criminal market in states where usage is outlawed, it makes sense they would gravitate to states where marijuana is legal.“In Colorado, since legalization, many dispensaries have seen the largest portion of sales going to baby boomers and people of retirement age,” West said.The folks at the sales counters agree: Their clientele has proven to be surprisingly mature.“Our demographic is not punk kids,” added Karl Keich, founder of Seattle Medical Marijuana Association, a collective garden in Washington State. “About half of the people coming into our shop are seniors. It’s a place where your mother or grandmother can come in and feel safe.”Source: Time Magazine (US)Author: Chris TaylorPublished: July 20, 2015Copyright: 2015 Time Inc.Contact: letters time.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #3 posted by observer on July 28, 2015 at 13:23:48 PT in the American Police State Bobby Canipe was pulled over for having an expired registration. When the 70-year-old reached into the back of his truck for his walking cane, the officer fired several shots at him, hitting him once in the abdomen. Serves him right for not having his hearing aid working properly - and mostly for not obeying the good nice police officer. The above is from a related article out today:Drivers, Beware: The Costly, Deadly Dangers of Traffic Stops in the American Police State; John W. Whitehead, July 28, 2015 [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on July 28, 2015 at 08:21:11 PT retiring yes observer, don't stop at Oregon - it's not nearly far enough - try Canada. The reasons people are retiring to Oregon is because it's cheap. The militaristic oppression we live under is not free! It comes with a high cost that is baked into every product you buy.1/3rd of the USA works for the government, and the number grows every year. They do not generate revenue - they're depending on YOU for that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by observer on July 26, 2015 at 12:16:50 PT clientele has proven to be surprisingly mature Wait ... But don't prohibitionists (i.e., drug war camp-followers who earn a fat salary on jailing potheads) constantly tell us that "medical" (scare quotes) marijuana is simply an excuse for healthy 20-year-old males to just get stoned? Isn't that the image Sabet (flush with your tax money) continually catapults? The image of a healthy twenty-something male with a medical marijuana card for a hangnail or headache? (re: "hangnail" -- I was slightly paraphrasing the punchline delivered by a compromised, pliant, police-state putty-like NSA-blackmailed Supreme Court "Justice" here, on record.) Government experts, officials, and authorities -- at every level -- lie like you and I breathe air. One must try very hard and very diligently, to not see it. Apparently, it helps tremendously not to see it -- continual government lies -- if you're getting a government paycheck. Then somehow due, I believe, to the superior spiritual transcendence bestowed by a government paycheck, one evidently becomes much more spiritual inside of government, than out. Like the highly spiritual three wise monkeys: a government paycheck causes one to not see, hear, or tell of government lying, stealing, killing and destroying.Turning around and besting Jesus' saying of, let him without sin cast the first stone, a government paycheck causes one to cast no stones at government, ever: no matter how grievous the governmental sins. Instead, a government paycheck causes one to begin casting righteous governmental stones at people, because they are scofflaws who might get off scot-free and need to be sent a (governmental) message (usually in the form of taking their money, property and rights, while enslaving them for profit in a for-profit prison). That, my friend, is the holy transcendence of a government paycheck. Obey, you sniveling surf, or that government-paycheck cop will murder you on the spot, just like that famous preacher Reverend Minister Franklin Graham says God told you (Romans 13! Romans 13!) Officer Friendly would do. So yeah, to avoid some of that, seniors (and others) are seeking out places where they're just a little less likely to be murdered on the spot by a government cop, using pot as excuse. recommended short video:The Most Dangerous Religion [ Post Comment ] Post Comment