Hundreds of D.C. Residents Now Have MJ Seeds
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Hundreds of D.C. Residents Now Have MJ Seeds
Posted by CN Staff on March 27, 2015 at 19:40:49 PT
By Perry Stein
Source: Washington Post
Washington, D.C. -- Matt Skarbeck handed out free marijuana seeds from his personal collection at the D.C. Cannabis Campaign’s seed share Thursday evening. Skarbeck, who said he’s been a professional grower since 1992, had a variety of marijuana strains on hand, some of which he said were worth $40 per seed.“It grows very oddball weed that no one’s ever seen before,” he said of one of the strains.
Skarbeck sat at a table in the back of the second floor of Adams Morgan’s cramped Libertine restaurant, handing out little baggies of seeds to the hundreds of residents who streamed through the establishment. For those interested, he told them about his business, Legal 6 DC Cannabis Consulting, in which he helps people grow marijuana in their homes.Skarbeck stands to get significant business out of Thursday’s event. The seed share – the largest marijuana giveaway in the nation – was the first opportunity for many District residents to take advantage of the city’s quasi-legal drug market. Thanks to restrictions from Congress, it’s still illegal to sell marijuana in the city, although growing and smoking in the privacy of one’s home is allowed.Organizers say that at least 500 people took home free seeds, many having waited for hours in a line that stretched along 18th Street NW. A majority of those people seemed to have little knowledge of what to do with the seeds when they got home.“I’ve watched YouTube videos,” said Henry Yandrasits, a linguistics graduate student at Gallaudet University. “I’m basically an expert.”Wendell Myers says he’d rather just buy marijuana, but since that’s prohibited, he’ll try to grow some in his Petworth home. Myers, 53, said he experimented with growing when he was younger, but the process didn’t yield anything that got him high.“I might as well have been growing dandelions,” he said.This time, he’s a bit more confident. “I can’t growing anything,” he said. “But it’s a weed. I know I’ve already been able to grow those in my back yard.”Shelly Gardner of Langdon Park said she’s an experienced gardener, so she thought she’d give marijuana a try.“I’ve grown everything else, so why not this?,” she said. “It’s just another thing to try.”Brett Nichols, on the other hand, used to live in Colorado, and already knows he’s terrible at growing marijuana. So he brought some seeds he had and gave them away.“I came with a bunch of seeds and left with none, so this was a success,” he said. “I’ve already tried growing, and I’m [terrible] at it, so I don’t need any seeds.”One man, who didn’t want to give his name, said the event wasn’t about the seeds, but about waiting in line for more than two hours — some of the time in the pouring rain — with people who voted to give marijuana some legal status in the city.As for growing the plant?“I have no idea how to do it.”Perry Stein covers the happenings in D.C., Maryland and Virginia.Source: Washington Post (DC) Author:  Perry SteinPublished: March 27, 2015Copyright: 2015 Washington Post CompanyContact: letters Website: URL: -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #10 posted by Oleg the Tumor on March 29, 2015 at 16:31:08 PT
Wait . . . wait . . . I saw that movie . . .
This story made me laugh. Picture a sci-fi comedy combining the legends of Jonny Appleseed, "Jack and the Beanstalk" along with "Little Shop of Horrors".In the opening scene the Mysterious Stranger (played by Steve Martin) fairly cackles when he says, “It grows very oddball weed that no one’s ever seen before." The seeds, of course, produce the monster Audrey II -- but only to the ignoids who are driven irrevocably insane by the whole process. Some people refuse to believe that they've been lied to. That the Lie occurred long ago does not matter at all! Now that's justice in my neck of the woods.RELEASE THE PRISONER ALREADY!
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on March 29, 2015 at 04:35:06 PT
John Tyler
I saved the video before they took it down. I play it every Christmas.
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Comment #8 posted by John Tyler on March 28, 2015 at 18:19:33 PT
Spiritual Benefits
If I may paraphrase from Willie Nelson’s great Christmas song “Little dealer Boy”, he sings“Like the child lying in the manger,This plant is mild yet it is strong.It brings peace to friend and stranger.Good will to man lies in this bong.”And further he sings,“And the wise men started tokin’And yea, the bud was kind,It was salvation they were smokin’And its forgiveness blew their mind.”Smoke in the name of the Most High and experience a Peace that surpasses understanding.
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Comment #7 posted by The GCW on March 28, 2015 at 10:18:49 PT
Gary Minor,
That very good.Some people may sneer at this but like medical cannabis use, people will still be using the plant for medical and spiritual reasons long after cannabis prohibition ends.Of all the benefits cannabis offers, the spiritual benefits is the king of its potential.
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Comment #6 posted by Garry Minor on March 28, 2015 at 08:38:39 PT:
Cannabis Churches Come To Indiana
I don't think mike pence saw this coming!INDIANAPOLIS - Paperwork for the First Church of Cannabis Inc. was filed Thursday – the same day Gov. Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law.
Church founder Bill Levin, who filed paperwork with the Secretary of State's office to register the church as a non-profit, posted to his Facebook page that church and its "cannataerians" would seek "love, understanding and good health."The filing comes as RTV6 political insider Abdul-Hakim Shabazz said on his blog, , that the Colorado-based Green Faith Ministries believed it could expand its ministry into Indiana .Green Faith Ministries uses marijuana as part of its sacrament, Shabazz reported.Marijuana is currently illegal in Indiana for both medical and recreational use.The Religious Freedom Restoration Act prevents state government from "substantially burdening" a person's exercise of religion only if it can demonstrate that it is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest.Numerous courts, among them the U.S. Supreme Court, have consistently held that the state and federal government have a compelling interest in maintaining the prohibition against marijuana, including for medical uses.According to Levin's Facebook page, members of the First Church of Cannabis will be asked for individual donations of $4.20 a month. Bosm
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on March 28, 2015 at 04:13:22 PT:
Marc Emery's Revenge
As in his "Overgow the government." Literally, in the capitol of the nation spearheading prohibition internationally. The irony is so sweet it could give you diabetes.Free seeds. Brilliant. It will be growing everywhere there's vacant land. If enough people do it, theft of plants shouldn't be a problem.Not only that, when I used to ride the Metrorail Red Line from MD to DC, the train would pass lots of open areas in DC best described as 'blighted'. Weed and refuse choked pocket-sized junkyards would be the best description. Now, if that land were used for growing? You'd have to clean it up, first. People would take better care of that common land, try to get it back to environmental health.This may wind up becoming a kind of city-wide beautification drive, if only because people want to grow their own. An 'unintended consequence' of ending prohibition, and just one of probably many, many more such 'coincidences'.
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Comment #4 posted by Hope on March 28, 2015 at 03:25:18 PT
This is just one of the coolest things ever. 
It's so... so American. So "Early American". It's so good."“I’ve watched YouTube videos,” said Henry Yandrasits, a linguistics graduate student at Gallaudet University. “I’m basically an expert.”"I love these people!So far... the "Gift Economy" is off to a blazing good start. I'm sure I couldn't grow it either... but getting these seeds and sowing them in earth, or something... is so significant. So true American. Sharing that original seed. Planting that seed... whether you plan on consuming the plant or not. It's the right thing to do. Plant it for all those people that suffered and are suffering because of being prohibited the use of this plant. Name that plant. Call it "Freedom" or "Liberty". Plant it solemnly for all the victims of this prohibition. Reap the bud... or straggly, scraggly leaves... whatever you manage to grow, with joy, for the life that comes from Freedom and Liberty. Go D. C.!
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Comment #3 posted by HempWorld on March 27, 2015 at 20:03:47 PT
It's been a long time, a comin'
Money does grow on trees!
Nice Pictures...
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Comment #2 posted by Mr D on March 27, 2015 at 19:55:40 PT:
It's just a weed
 “But it’s a weed. I know I’ve already been able to grow those in my back yard.” A nice old man I used to work for always told me "The things you want to grow, don't. And the things you don't want to grow, grow like crazy." I never tried growing cannabis. Hopefully whenever PA jumps onboard I can, overtime, get the hang of it. Best of luck Mr. Wendell Myers.
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on March 27, 2015 at 19:43:03 PT
$40 a Seed?
I am showing my age but I remember when a dime bag cost $10 with seeds included free!!!
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