John Paul Stevens Thinks MJ Should Be Legalized
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John Paul Stevens Thinks MJ Should Be Legalized
Posted by CN Staff on April 25, 2014 at 05:08:51 PT
By Mollie Reilly, The Huffington Post
Source: Huffington Post
Washington, D.C. -- Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens believes marijuana should be legalized by the federal government, predicting that the public will soon decide prohibiting the substance is "not worth the cost." In a Thursday interview with NPR's Scott Simon, the retired justice was asked if he believes the drug should be legal at the federal level."Yes," Stevens said. "I really think that that's another instance of public opinion [that's] changed. And recognize that the distinction between marijuana and alcoholic beverages is really not much of a distinction. Alcohol, the prohibition against selling and dispensing alcoholic beverages has I think been generally, there's a general consensus that it was not worth the cost. And I think really in time that will be the general consensus with respect to this particular drug."
Click over to NPR for the full interview: polling has shown that most Americans agree with Stevens. Last October, a Gallup poll found that 58 percent of Americans are in favor of legalization, marking the first time in the poll a clear majority has been in favor of legal pot. And in a Pew Research Center survey released earlier this month, 75 percent of respondents said they believe legalization is inevitable."Justice Stevens is right. Public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of marijuana legalization," Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority, said in a statement. "Polls now consistently show that a clear majority of the public supports ending prohibition and, as this trend continues, we'll start to see more prominent people and politicians saying it's time to change the laws."Stevens, who stepped down from the bench in 2010, is currently promoting his new book, Six Amendments, in which he details the changes he would make to the U.S. Constitution. Among his proposals are abolishing the death penalty, imposing stricter campaign finance reforms and changing the Second Amendment to allow tougher gun control laws.This post has been updated to include Angell's statement.Source: Huffington Post (NY)	Author: Mollie Reilly, The Huffington PostPublished: April 24, 2014Copyright: 2014, LLC Contact: scoop huffingtonpost.comWebsite:  -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #44 posted by Hope on May 05, 2014 at 13:12:47 PT
"The Watchdog" effect
As we know, we haven't been able to count on the press, or any media, for a long time, to do that job very well.Many of them, most of them, it looks like, seem to prefer the status of coddled lapdog over watchdog. 
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Comment #43 posted by Hope on May 05, 2014 at 13:03:24 PT
I agree that there is danger in the authorities putting a stranglehold on this form of communication. I agree that everyone needs to watch and be careful that it doesn't happen.Good, free, open communication can keep the people informed of what government and it's agents and agencies are actually doing to people. It helps with "The Watchdog" effect, which is so important in keeping government in line with what it's supposed to be. The tyrants and busybodies, which seem all too prevalent in the business of government... don't want so many people to know about the pillaging and persecution that they take part in. The authorities that exist all too often want to, literally make everyone subject to them and their own personal wishes and whims. It should not, and I pray, shall not be that way.
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Comment #42 posted by keninsj on May 04, 2014 at 15:49:15 PT:
"The internet and interactive media"There is a recent push to allow internet service providers to control what you see on the internet. I have signed a few petitions to try to prevent this. I believe it is part of a bigger plan to prevent our voices from being heard the way they are now through social media and other means on the internet. I am hopeful that enough people will see through this plan and raise enough hell to stop these idiots from taking more of our freedom. If they control the internet, it will make it much harder to be heard. It seems to me that our youth is too distracted or lazy to protest the way we used to. I hope I am wrong about that.
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Comment #41 posted by afterburner on April 30, 2014 at 20:21:22 PT
'Waging Peace' 
Creator of Charlotte's Web marijuana strain says Canada legislation is archaic. Staff. 
 Published Tuesday, April 29, 2014 11:14AM EDT / By Tamar Todd. 
War on Drugs Targets and Devastates Pregnant Women.
Prosecution of pregnant women ignores science, evidence, and health.
April 25, 2014  | The prosecution of pregnant women for drug use represents the unhappy convergence of the war on drugs and the war on reproductive rights."All you need is Love." "Only Love can conquer hate."I remember when the Vietnam war ended, nobody wanted to talk about war anymore. I hope that doesn't happen with Legalization because we still have lots of work to do. These links show that the hatred and war lust of the War on Drugs is still alive with intolerance, corruption of science, ignorance and mistreatment of humans. Casablanca La Marseillaise 
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Comment #40 posted by FoM on April 27, 2014 at 14:30:07 PT
I understand that! LOL! 
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Comment #39 posted by Hope on April 27, 2014 at 13:49:10 PT
The internet and interactive media.
The internet has allowed, in an extraordinary way, everyone to express their opinion in very public spaces.That's all good and great. It's an extraordinary and useful technology. No doubt.Trouble is... I liked some of these people a lot better when I knew less about their opinions on everything.
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Comment #38 posted by Hope on April 27, 2014 at 13:42:39 PT
Fox News
That is funny.
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Comment #37 posted by FoM on April 27, 2014 at 13:22:35 PT
I have a family full of diehard Republicans. My nephew when he was up from Florida (he's a Democrat) almost went crazy since the only channel allowed on the TV was Fox News. He would try to watch something else and he would leave the room and come back in and it was back on Fox. LOL!
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Comment #36 posted by Hope on April 27, 2014 at 12:23:24 PT
Lol! Me, too! I've thought that same thing.
"I almost get to a point just to shut them up let a Republican be the next President." But they'll still be raising hell constantly about something and ... well... it's a burden. I always tell them, unless I've said it before a hundred times, "Write letters. Call them." They fuss like I can do something about it... and I can't... other than pray, write letters, and call people that maybe can do something about the government thing I'm worried about.It makes it difficult to sympathize with them much, either because most, if not all of them, don't give a damn about this issue that's been horrifying me for a long time now. The one I'm worried most about. The one where they are killing people, taking their property... with no due process... making constitutional exceptions, and destroying people's lives, breaking into their homes, killing their animals, and spying on them. Drawing their blood. Pulling their hair out. Making them pee in cups. Why doesn't everyone care? They think it's all nothing to do with them and about people they don't like anyway. It's just not true. It's about them, too. They just can't see it.Around here, concerning the matter of the injustice and horror of the drug war... neither the "Conservatives" or the "Liberals" are with me. They're even, I can tell, slightly... or maybe a lot, embarrassed for me and my beliefs and efforts. They think it doesn't concern them and they don't care. I don't even talk to them about it. I know them and I don't waste my breath on trying to reason with them. It does no good. I just think to myself, 'thoughtless, self centered, judgmental, evil, aggravating, ignorant pricks', forgive them, and go on about my business. How can I live like that? C-News helps with that. It's so good to know there are like minds in this world. Someone that thinks like me. God knows I needed that. And I found it. We, C-Newsers, all come from a place somewhat like this... and that's why we appreciate each other and what we think. There's anger and fear expressed here... but there are intelligent conversations, encouragement, reassurance, commiseration, and constructive ideas being expressed here that have helped us all at one time or another. Sometimes, we even have some happy fun time... usually thanks to Runruff. 
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Comment #35 posted by runruff on April 27, 2014 at 12:04:41 PT
A brotherly hug to you!The help and love We received form you and many others here was over the top in kindness and caring. we shall never forget!
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Comment #34 posted by BGreen on April 27, 2014 at 11:37:04 PT
I must admit, I have cataracts in both eyes and one is completely cloudy. My brain sees what it thinks it sees.I missed that you were the one who posted that. Mrs. Green and I also have a lot of love for you and Mrs. Runruff. We both suffered when you were suffering. We felt compelled by that love to try and help you as best as we could. We have never felt compelled like we were to send a little financial help. Most of what Mrs. Green and I consider friends probably wouldn't even help us like that. I'm so glad you see the love that so many of us have for you both.Thank you so much for the more-than-kind words you had for me. It is definitely a mutual love.Bud
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Comment #33 posted by Hope on April 27, 2014 at 10:29:21 PT
Name and password issues
I use Chrome and it used to do just fine. I've checked all my settings and I can't see why it's working the way it is now. I had computer trouble at the same time. It claimed a fan wasn't working and was getting all hot and weird and I couldn't shut it down through normal routes. I kept it on for days for fear I wouldn't be able to restart it if I ever got it shut down completely. Finally, I just held down the start button until it went off. It did restart. Amazingly. It seems to be alright now, as far as regular operations go, although I do unplug it if I'm going to leave it for very long.
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Comment #32 posted by Hope on April 27, 2014 at 10:22:58 PT
Thank you, FoM...
My comments sound scatterbrained, rushed, repetitive, and rambling to me. I'm lucky to get a chance to sit down here and think a minute and type. Now when I lose every single comment I make... it's hard to try to remember everything I typed or didn't type. I'll learn, eventually, the new routine it takes to post.I didn't see any hanging pictures, FoM. They must have removed them before I got there. I'm glad. Their site is a fine example of how not to behave if you want to convince normal people of the righteousness of your point of view.
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Comment #31 posted by FoM on April 27, 2014 at 08:45:01 PT
I don't have any problems on CNews since the crash was fixed. It puts in my name and password. I use IE 11.
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Comment #30 posted by runruff on April 27, 2014 at 08:37:57 PT
Hi all, Hi BGreen! re-post #10
I have been watching amused at the conversation since I posted my comment on # 10. If you go back and re-read it you may be amused too?Love you guys all1
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Comment #29 posted by FoM on April 27, 2014 at 05:39:56 PT
They removed the picture of the hanging.
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on April 27, 2014 at 05:17:44 PT
What a great comment. Some seem to think we shouldn't have Federal land. If I had land for animals to graze I would expect to be paid. Glad you liked the eagle pictures and the last cat in that picture is gone. He made it through the winter but then he disappeared. We once had lots of outside cats but slowly they stopped showing up. Maybe coyotes are getting them.They posted a picture about Senator Reid's relative and it was someone else's picture on the Bundy Facebook page.
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Comment #27 posted by Hope on April 26, 2014 at 22:00:29 PT
The eagles.
Wonderful! Awesome. Mighty awesome. I hope the cat in your other pic stays safe.
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Comment #26 posted by Hope on April 26, 2014 at 21:47:27 PT
There's errors...
Medic attention should have been media attention, of course.I'm glad the government stood down in this matter. Or whatever happened. That was wise. We've had enough of hot shots and "Wars" on citizens. I'm thankful no blood was shed.May we all arise again tomorrow and carry on. Goodnight, my friends.
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Comment #25 posted by Hope on April 26, 2014 at 21:29:28 PT
I went there... only because you thought I should.Some of the comments made the hairs raise on the back of my neck raise. I wrote a long comment earlier today about what I thought about it... and lost it... as I do often now that something's changed at C-News for me, after the recent cyber dust up we had. My name and password no longer appear automatically... and I post and ... gone in a flash.At first, reading some of the comments over there, I was feeling sort of afraid. Then I said wait. I'm not going to fear these people. As soon as I saw his picture I had a good idea of the kind of person he is. Instead of ignoring an annoying old man... they encouraged him and they finally got their stories like they knew they would. He's not very smart. That's obvious. And someone interested in what he had to say? Oh my. Trouble was bound to happen.Those reporters from New York and Washington are educated. They understand human psychology. They know how to get a story. They did, too. Get a guy like that talking and sooner or later he's going to get outrageous in his pontificating. The story now, and the medic attention is all political and self serving to the people that stirred the story up. I've finally learned that Liberal is just another word for Democrat, to some people, and Conservative is just another word, to some people, for Republican. I don't like it. At the root of this attention being given these people is some political maneuvering. The "Liberal" people know that a lot of "Conservatives" like this guy for some reason. Shining a light on his ignorance and obtuseness reflects badly on the old man's Conservative "Fans". They won't care. These same "Conservatives" love Duck Dynasty. They have a right. It's just people stirring up poop for the sake of stirring up poop.Bundy needs to pay for that pastureland he's been using is the way I see it. He can sell some of his cattle to make a living. Some folks don't have a herd of cattle to eat free grass at the public trough to get by on. These days, that many pounds on the hoof is an asset worth a pretty good hunk of money and he's freeloading. Uh oh. Pot calling the kettle black!Picking cotton. That's the dangdest thing I've ever heard.During the Jasper horror we had groups of armed black men walking on our square and main streets. A lot of them. It was something to see actually. They were not arrested. It's perfectly legal to carry a long gun, unconcealed, in public. At least in Texas it is. They were from somewhere else. They were... for real, Black Panthers. There were also a lot of other strangers in town that day... roaming the streets... in pick ups with confederate flags. It was all pretty spooky. It was a threatening situation. They were all watched. They stayed one day and moved on to another town. I think they were all making their presence known. Or something. Fear is bad. It leads to bad stuff. We know that. I don't agree with them, necessarily, and I don't want to hang with them or anything... but for now... I'm going to try the love and understanding route. Cliven is the kind of guy, if he was a neighbor, I might nod or speak to on the street or at the store if I met him... but I would not want to hang with him. I disagree with him about stuff... but he has a right to live.When I was in high school, some people drove trucks to school with guns in gun racks shining out the window. No one thought anything of it.I don't know exactly what those people have been doing up there, but I know a bunch of armed citizens gathered to say they weren't going to allow the cattle to be seized. And thankfully another Waco didn't happen. No one was killed.They make people nervous acting like that... but I think it's kind of cool, too. I'm sick of all the confiscating the government does. It eats people up... often over very little.I refuse to be afraid of these Bundy people. There's fear mongering going on. There's lots of scary people in this world. I choose to avoid them when I can and if someone is being abused, especially by my government, like they have been because of the war on drugs, I've spoken up to say the injustice should damn well cease.I think that is what these people think they are doing. They believe they are standing up... peacefully, gun in hand, to an overbearing government. So. I'm not afraid and I hope and pray no one gets hurt. Not that I don't get afraid. I do. I try to stay away from people I think are dangerous. All of them.So don't be afraid of them. Ignore them.Don't stir them up or spy on them. Just leave them alone. The revenue guys probably need to put a lien on his ranch or something for what he owes, make him keep his cattle up and leave him alone.That's what I think. Right now, anyway. 
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on April 26, 2014 at 16:13:24 PT
You're welcome. I love my Canon EOS Rebel T3 and zoom lense. It takes rapid action shots and I use the sport mode on the dogs when they are cutting up. Very seldom do any of the pictures blur.
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Comment #23 posted by BGreen on April 26, 2014 at 15:56:30 PT
Wow, you got some great shots. Thanks for sharing them with us.Bud
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Comment #22 posted by FoM on April 26, 2014 at 15:45:23 PT
Our Local Eagles
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on April 26, 2014 at 15:38:57 PT
I agree with you. I almost get to a point just to shut them up let a Republican be the next President. Then I come to my senses because people who are peaceful need to stand up against such hatred.I will upload a few of the picks on photobucket and post them.
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Comment #20 posted by BGreen on April 26, 2014 at 15:33:49 PT
No apologies necessary
This hatred of the government by the conservatives hits this level every time we have a Democratic President. I think the Government tends to be a little too heavy handed, too, but it's just as bad or (I believe) worse under the other party.I see it in my own family and in many others around me. They hate the black guy in power and they'll do anything to devalue his worth.On a more intelligent subject matter, how did the eagle photo op go?Bud
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Comment #19 posted by FoM on April 26, 2014 at 13:41:01 PT
I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer but we went to take pictures of our local Eagles. His facebook page totally scrambles my brain. Such hatred. If these people were able to dismantle the Federal Government they would be the ones to make the new rules and government. That would scare me beyond belief.
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Comment #18 posted by BGreen on April 26, 2014 at 08:42:51 PT
OMG, FoM, I'm glad you don't get it
In fact, I'd be worried I'd get something (like a disease) just by visiting his FB page.Bud
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Comment #17 posted by FoM on April 26, 2014 at 06:45:58 PT
You should check out Bundy Ranch on Facebook. I can only read a little because I don't get it.
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Comment #16 posted by Hope on April 25, 2014 at 21:20:15 PT
That old man...
I can't believe he's sixty seven! He looks and thinks like he's a hundred and ten. I've pretty much ignored him, until I saw that piece about his pontificating about black people and welfare. Oh my gosh. He's not paying his legal grazing fees. He's a cotton picking freeloader.Picking cotton. He's so in the past he doesn't even know people don't pick cotton any more, or even pull bolls by hand, at all. Ever! Machines do it.And yes, I have seen black men walk around downtown in my town, openly armed with long guns. It's perfectly legal. Long guns look more bad and "Rambo" than they did in the old days. But they're still long guns. Quite a few black men. Down town and up town. All over town, really. They were Black Panthers... and they prowled East and North Texas during the horrible goings on down the road in Jasper, Texas. There were a lot of pick up trucks with Confederate flags, too. That was even more alarming. All of them were from somewhere else. They were just making their presence known to us and to each other. I guess.Stunts like happened out there in Nevada, or where ever they were, I really haven't paid attention to it, don't help the situation for those of us worried about keeping our rights to keep and bear arms.I can't believe that guy is only sixty seven. That's stunning. 
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Comment #15 posted by Hope on April 25, 2014 at 20:42:33 PT
"Constitution re-writing proclivities"
Indeed.Cyber love? I feel it. It's spiritual. We're really talking to each other. We've really talked to each other daily for years. "I disagree with some things almost everybody says at one time or another." Me, too! I, like you, usually try not to act like a total ass about it, though. I like this thread. I like what you guys say. Our hearts do agree, so much, so often, on the really important things. And like when you love some one, and disagree, it's about respect, and the disagreement is not as important as the relationship.No one can ever say, not in this life or any other, that we didn't care. We did. We do.I think about Tim, too, and how this good work FoM has done is for her son. It's a beautiful act of love and caring. You have helped so many people. BGreen said it well.
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on April 25, 2014 at 13:30:11 PT
Thank you.
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Comment #13 posted by BGreen on April 25, 2014 at 13:06:23 PT
Yes, it is possible to be in cyber love
I've communicated with you more in the past decade than anybody else in my family besides Mrs. Green. Even Mrs. Green sincerely loves you and she has never written a word and only spoken to you a couple of times. Her love came about by my relationship with you and the love and respect I have for you.I am amazed at how Cannabisnews really was the result of your loss of Tim. He is always in my thoughts. I know his spirit is around us all. He is so proud of you. You took the grief of losing a child and helped us save countless more sons of other mothers. You deserve to be a little stubborn, just make sure it's always something worth being stubborn over.Bud
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Comment #12 posted by FoM on April 25, 2014 at 12:53:27 PT
To sum why I think like I do is this. I want to die with a smile on my face and not a frown.
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Comment #11 posted by BGreen on April 25, 2014 at 12:38:40 PT
FoM, you and Stick are just cool
I saw a lot of people in your age group this last presidential election, like Meatloaf and almost every other musician that supported Romney, that literally embarrassed me by being so out of touch. I see a lot of people my age, just 15 years younger, that also embarrass the heck out of me. Many of my generation not only missed the boat, I think some of them don't even know the boat exists. They're sailing on the S.S. Clueless. :)Cliven Bundy makes Al Bundy look like a Rhodes scholar. Al would have to tuck a newspaper under his arm (like he always did when he was going to go to the bathroom,) just to listen to the crap coming from Cliven. I guarantee you there's not a single Black or Hispanic man that could ever have gotten away with what that group of crazy white men have done. The republicans and Fox news supporters of Cliven Bundy have once again shown themselves to be as out of touch and dangerous as ever.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #10 posted by runruff on April 25, 2014 at 12:21:37 PT
I have known and respected your opinion here for many years and still do. I do not know if it is really possible to cyber love somebody or not but I sure feel a lot of love for you and many others on this site.I think my lessons in life may have been a little more harsh than some but then I tend to be a bit more stubborn and will need a good swift kick in the hinterlands to wake me!You are one of the greats in my book!
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on April 25, 2014 at 11:03:07 PT
I can't get over that cattle guy and what he is doing and saying but what really shocked me I am 66 and he is 67! That really blew my mind. How can anyone live in a whole different world like that?
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Comment #8 posted by BGreen on April 25, 2014 at 10:53:57 PT
I disagree with some of my own interpretations
If I was you, Runruff, after what you've been through I don't know if I could forgive anybody in power.Yes, I disagree with some of his interpretations. I must say that it is far fewer than with some of his contemporaries. I disagree with some things almost everybody says at one time or another.What I have come to value in myself is my constant attempt to become a better person. I challenge my beliefs and constantly try to become the person I was meant to be. I mistakenly believed that this happens to all of us as we age but I've seen so many stubborn old fools who've stopped their intellectual and social growth at some historical point that I'm beginning to believe I'm an anomaly. My own step-father said to me that he has been set in his ways since the 1950's. It's obvious because he is hopelessly lost in 2014 with a 1950's mentality.When I see others who aren't stuck in the past and will admit they've come around on an important issue I am thrilled. There is no reason whatsoever not to take advantage of the wisdom we gain to complement the knowledge we have.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on April 25, 2014 at 10:19:41 PT
Of course we never know the whole story - maybe Stevens was forced to retire due to his Constitution re-writing proclivities. Maybe he refused to obey orders from "them" and that's why he retired. Make no mistake, these guys are just hired hands in fancy robes. This USA is all about the money, not some fairy tale of "independent" judiciary.Every person that speaks out against Prohibition just moves the public consciousness a little further toward legalization. People are starting to say that it's inevitable in polls.
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Comment #6 posted by runruff on April 25, 2014 at 10:07:27 PT
Do you take issue with some interpretations though, because I sure do!
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Comment #5 posted by runruff on April 25, 2014 at 10:04:24 PT
Please excuse my disappointment.
Better late than never, for sure!
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on April 25, 2014 at 09:29:53 PT
I second that. I feel it is better late then never.
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Comment #3 posted by BGreen on April 25, 2014 at 08:31:11 PT
I will not slam anyone who supports cannabis
Thank you, Justice Stevens. I understand that your job was not to make the laws but to interpret the laws enacted by the other two branches of government. Please enjoy your well-deserved retirement.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on April 25, 2014 at 07:58:31 PT
why'd he retire?
runruff, I totally agree. If he wanted to re-write the Constitution he should have stayed on the job
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Comment #1 posted by runruff on April 25, 2014 at 07:16:32 PT
Yeah, another power-coward!
How many of these have I met and read about? First they set their retirement and make sure they are apart form the political fray then they say something like this. I like this guy ok, as power brokers go, but he might have said something back when!Remember Angel Raisch? That was the most slapped together, patch-happy piece of ruling on litigation ever! It became more clear to me after they ruled on her than ever what a bunch of hot house orchids we had on the supreme clout!
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