Police Chief Defends D.A.R.E. Program

Police Chief Defends D.A.R.E. Program
Posted by FoM on September 07, 1999 at 07:24:45 PT
By Pat Harper
Source: Chicago Tribune
MOKENA The effectiveness of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program that brings police officers into schools to encourage students to avoid drug use has been questioned recently, but Mokena Police Chief Steve Pollak said the local program has been beneficial.
Although studies by the University of Illinois and the University of Colorado indicated the effects of the DARE program only last about three or four years, the Colorado study also indicated that students who had attended DARE classes were "less apt to use harder drugs," such as cocaine, heroin or LSD, Pollak said.Although no area is without drugs, he said, the problem is not rampant locally.For example, Pollak noted, drug-sniffing dogs have never found any evidence of drugs at Mokena Junior High School.Pollak said the DARE anti-drug program "fills a void. I think there's some benefit to it," he said.Pat HarperSeptember 07, 1999Study Questions Effectiveness Of DARE - 8/30/99
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Comment #2 posted by russell kopplin on June 15, 2000 at 21:14:22 PT
just want to know what happen with my nephew.
how is he being charged with the drug abuse from thursday night? he had cop cars there and drug dogs there. just want to actually know exactly what happened. he is my nephew.
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Comment #1 posted by observer on September 07, 1999 at 19:31:11 PT
fills a void
"fills a void. I think there's some benefit to it,"Fills a void, eh? 'course it does! The "void" this made-to-police-state-standards program fills is the "void" felt by police when they need more informers among the population. It is the "void" felt by totalitarians when they feel a desperate need to control everyone. It is the "void" expressed by dictators, who need just a little more power. It is the "void" filled by children who are taught, urged and rewarded by a corrupt state; rewarded for denouncing their parents to the secret police, in order that the state may steal their possesions and enslave the parents.
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