Panel Grappling with Marijuana Dispensary Rules function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Panel Grappling with Marijuana Dispensary Rules'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Panel Grappling with Marijuana Dispensary Rules Posted by CN Staff on October 18, 2013 at 15:17:37 PT By Anna Staver, Statesman Journal Source: Statesman Journal Oregon -- The rules governing how medical marijuana dispensaries should be regulated are starting to be fleshed out, but a panel drafting the rules is also developing its own “punch card” of potential legislative changes.Oregon's legislature passed House Bill 3460 during the 2013 legislative session that approved medical marijuana retail establishments and created a registry for potentially hundreds of businesses that want to sell medical marijuana during. Lawmakers didn't write rules covering things like oversight and paperwork — they gave that job to the Oregon Health Authority, which in turn created a 13-member Oregon's Medical Marijuana Dispensary Law Rules Advisory Committee to meet with experts and make recommendations. The panel debated proposed security rules, which recommend dispensaries have cameras rolling 24-hours and save their footage for 30 days. One point of contention arose over whether the shops have to keep their cash and marijuana locked on site at night.“No cash or stash is a great way to keep all your windows,” Noel Bullock, owner of Cherry City Compassion dispensary in Salem, said. “A safe suggests that’s not an option.”A warned that she wasn’t sure dispensary owners would get any legal protection if they kept their product off the grounds of their registered facility.The panel also discussed cannabis testing — required by the new law — but on which there is very little literature."There aren't any registered pesticides for cannabis at all in Oregon," Todd Dalotto, committee member and member of Oregon's Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana, said. “No where exists any standards for pesticides and mold levels for inhaled combustible products ... That is probably one of our biggest challenges in drafting [regulations].”Linn County District Attorney Rob Bovett thinks lawmakers will probably need to change the way the law pays OHA to conduct oversight.The law allows OHA to collect about $800,000 in fees every two years. That means the group needs to guess how many dispensaries will apply for licenses and then come up with a fee for each dispensary that gets them to $800,000.Bovett worried first that it wasn’t enough money to provide the "extraordinarily vigorous" oversight Gov. John Kitzhaber called for in his signing statement on the law, and second that it would be next to impossible to accurately predict how many dispensaries are going to open.Some regulations for dispensaries were defined in the bill. For example, dispensaries are not permitted in residential areas and can't grow medical marijuana inside their shops. The state also will run background checks on employees, audit stores and conduct on-site safety inspections.But even those rules need to be developed further. Bullock recommend that dispensary owners be allowed to pay a moving fee rather than a new licensing fee if a school opened within 1,00 feet of a dispensary.OHA has until March 1, 2014, to present its set of regulations.Source: Statesman Journal (OR)Author: Anna Staver, Statesman JournalPublished: October 18, 2013Copyright: 2013 Statesman JournalContact: letters statesmanjournal.comURL: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on October 18, 2013 at 16:46:08 PT "a school opened within 1,00 feet of a dispensary& Wow, those are some liberal rules, unless the author of this article, was slightly, temporarily dyslectic?All this makes me wonder, are other similar products, tested that way? Are they required to? I'm thinking cigarettes, beer, cigars, etc. etc. Marijuana Dispensary [ Post Comment ] Post Comment