Legal Marijuana: Will Most States Head That Way? function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Legal Marijuana: Will Most States Head That Way?'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Legal Marijuana: Will Most States Head That Way? Posted by CN Staff on September 17, 2013 at 09:16:03 PT By Patrik Jonsson, Staff Writer Source: Christian Science Monitor USA -- Is it possible that most US states will legalize marijuana for recreational use? Already, Washington State and Colorado are working out detailed regulations for such use after voters last year approved the possession and consumption of personal amounts of pot. And 20 states, plus the District of Columbia, have allowed marijuana for medicinal purposes.It's been 17 years since California voters shocked the world by allowing doctors to write prescriptions for pot and almost exactly 31 years since Ronald Reagan assured the nation that "we're going to win the war" on marijuana and other illicit drugs. Now this summer, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has signaled that it will mostly leave to states the responsibility to regulate individuals' use of pot. And a majority of Americans – 52 percent, according to the Pew Research Center, now agree with that ubiquitous reggae plea: "Le-ga-lize it."Yes, people are still being arrested for selling, even consuming, outlawed street drugs, and many members of society are still troubled by, among other things, new psychoactive compounds like the club drug "Molly," which has been blamed for several recent deaths.And specifically regarding marijuana, the federal government still categorizes it as more harmful than cocaine.Nevertheless, some policy experts predict that 1 out of 5 states will have legal recreational marijuana for American adults by 2016, and even some legalization critics like columnist David Frum have conceded that before long, half of US states will probably sanction recreational use.To be sure, some suggest those time frames may be a bit heady, especially given the relatively slow pace of medical-marijuana expansion. But such predictions are also hard to discount, given rapidly shifting attitudes, often across political lines, about pot."There's a lot of political forces at play here, and there's a sense that the DOJ's announcement, which does represent a pretty big policy shift, doesn't tackle everything," says Robert Mikos, a marijuana law expert at Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville, Tenn.Source: Christian Science Monitor (US)Author: Patrik Jonsson, Staff WriterPublished: September 17, 2013Copyright: 2013 The Christian Science Publishing SocietyContact: letters csmonitor.comWebsite: URL: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #4 posted by mexweed on September 19, 2013 at 13:26:00 PT: 1. "Molly" 2. "Messiah" 1. "the club drug "Molly," which has been blamed for several recent deaths." Compare with the $ecret $acred $igarette drug "Tobacco" which is blamed for 6,000,000 deaths a year (WHO expert Douglas Bettcher, May 30, 2011).Legalizing cannabis could reduce interest in Molly and eliminate $igarette addiction from the planet...2. Garry Minor: do you have any ideas how best to produce a cannabinol rubbing compound for Massaging into the skin, how to make it economically feasible, is such a product in use today anywhere, is anyone marketing it, does it have advantages over other methods of use? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Garry Minor on September 19, 2013 at 11:08:03 PT: observer, ...... Christians? Neither the Christian Science monitor or the churches of this world are ......... Anointed Ones/Christians! Nice, well meaning people maybe, but, not Christians!If they were we wouldn't be having this discussion and Kaneh bosm, Cannabis would be totally legal, used for food, fuel, shelter, construction, clothing, medicine, pleasure, etc., and of course, Spirituality!The title Christ/Messiah simply means covered in oil, Anointed! There are 250 shekels of Kaneh bosm, Cannabis, in the Holy Oil that God instructed Moses to prepare for anointing His priests, kings, prophets, and later, His Anointed/Christians. Kaneh bosm was mistranslated by the Greeks as 'calamus or fragrant cane' in the 3rd century BC when they rendered the Books from Hebrew.The early followers of "the Way," later called Christians anointed themselves with the True Holy Oil, the Chrism. Seems that there's been a deception, and, the Truth got lost in the translation, false traditions and evil censorships along the way! The Gnostic gospels of Nag Hammadi, many Apocrypha and early Christian writings reveal the importance of the Mystical Chrism! From the Acts of Thomas;"And the Apostle arose and sealed them. And the Lord was revealed to them by a voice, saying: Peace be unto you brethren. And they heard his voice only, but his likeness they saw not, for they had not yet received the added sealing of the seal, had not been baptized. And the Apostle took the oil and poured it upon their heads and anointed and chrismed them, and began to say: Come, thou Holy name of the Christ that is above every name. Come, thou power of the Most High, and the compassion that is perfect. Come, gift (charism) of the Most High. Come, compassionate mother. Come, communion of the male. Come, she that revealeth the hidden mysteries. Come, mother of the seven houses, that thy rest be in the eighth house. Come, elder of the five members, mind, thought, reflection, consideration, reason; communicate with these young men. Come, Holy Spirit, and cleanse their reins and their heart, and give them the added seal, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. And when they were sealed, there appeared unto them a youth holding a lighted torch, so that their lamps became dim at the approach of the light thereof. And he went forth and was no more seen of them. And the Apostle said unto the Lord: Thy light O Lord, is not to be contained by us, and we are not able to bear it, for it is too great for our sight."The Truth is even in the Bible regarding the anointing and the antichrist, which simply means; anti- opposite of, opposed to or against. Christ- covered in Oil, Anointed! 1John 2:18-29Psalm 133This battle isn't over until the Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc., accept and respect Cannabis in their long histories, and, the "Christian" churches accept Christ! A different world?There is water in water, there is Fire in Chrism!My Christ/Chrism Cures Cancers, Alzheimer's and so much more! The churches jesus? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by observer on September 18, 2013 at 12:45:54 PT ''Christian'' Science Monitor re: "new psychoactive compounds like the club drug 'Molly,'"Good ol' Christian Science Monitor ... the Christian Science Monitor never met a fat lie about drugs they weren't willing to trumpet."Molly" is just a so-called street name promoted by goverment/media to make MDMA (over 100 years old) seem more dirty and street-worthy - like Anslinger and pliant media use the Mexican (foreign devils) "marijuana" name - instead of the traditional English word, "cannabis". Some 'Christians' there. But perhaps they think they do God service when they lie about drugs - for the christian and praise-worthy goal of jailing more people for pot. Of course tossing potheads into prison is God's work, police (who financially benefit from pot prohibition) remind us.The so-called "Christian Science Monitor" has cheer-led murder from the beginning, and abides not in the truth, because there is no truth in the so-called "Christian Science Monitor". When the so-called "Christian Science Monitor" speaks a lie, their editorial board speaks of their own: for the "Christian" Science Monitor lies, and engenders others to lie also. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on September 17, 2013 at 09:54:00 PT Yes! Legalize it! Legalise It! Peter Tosh the prophet! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment