Chris Christie Supports Allowing MMJ for Children
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Chris Christie Supports Allowing MMJ for Children
Posted by CN Staff on August 17, 2013 at 11:26:02 PT
By Benjamin Mueller
Source: Los Angeles Times
Trenton -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Friday asked for changes in a medical marijuana bill to to ease access to the drug for ill children.Christie signaled that he would sign the bill if the Legislature changed it to stipulate that edible forms of marijuana would be available only to qualified minors, and that a pediatrician and psychiatrist had to approve a child’s prescription.
“Today, I am making common sense recommendations to this legislation to ensure sick children receive the treatment their parents prefer, while maintaining appropriate safeguards,” Christie said in a statement.Christie agreed to allow sick children access to forms of pot that can be eaten. The move is supported by parents worried that the dry-leaf and lozenge forms of the drug pose health concerns.He also supported removing a limit on the number of marijuana strains that state dispensaries can provide. That would give patients, adults and children, a variety of marijuana strains to choose from; advocates say different strains carry different medicinal properties.Christie’s decision came two days after he was confronted at a campaign stop by an epileptic girl’s father, who says the new bill would make it easier for her get a version of medical marijuana she needs.“Please don’t let my daughter die,” parent Brian Wilson cried to the governor in a moment caught by television cameras.Wilson’s 2-year-old daughter, Vivian, suffers a version of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome that can cause life-ending seizures. Wilson contends that a certain type of medical marijuana — one with high levels of a compound called CBD and low levels of THC, the chemical that gets pot users high — could help control her seizures. Limited by law to providing only three strains, the state's single currently operating dispensary does not offer the high-CBD marijuana that Wilson believes would help. Christie, who is believed to be a contender in the 2016 presidential election, shot back at Wilson during their Wednesday encounter that “these are complicated issues.” Christie had been criticized by medical marijuana advocates for failing to act on the bill for nearly two months. He has raised concerns that adults could exploit a bill intended to help children.“I know you think it’s simple and it’s not,” he told Wilson.Wilson and his wife, Meghan, of Scotch Plains, faulted Christie in a statement Friday for deciding “to make it so difficult for parents, who are already enduring tremendous pain and heartache, to get approval for such a safe and simple medication.”New Jersey Assemblyman Reed Gusciora, a Democrat, echoed Wilson's disappointment in Christie for the "extra burdens" his version of the bill would place on parents. But he said he was "pleased to see the governor open to allowing this program to move forward."New Jersey is one of 20 states that allow medical marijuana, but has among the most stringent restrictions, especially for young patients.Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)Author:  Benjamin MuellerPublished: August 17, 2013Copyright: 2013 Los Angeles TimesContact: letters latimes.comWebsite:  Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on August 23, 2013 at 19:31:49 PT
You would think Governor Christie would have learned something from Bruce Springsteen's music he loves so much. I think he will be the Republican that will run again Hillary in 2016. He seems moderate in his political views in many areas but not marijuana.
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on August 23, 2013 at 14:15:13 PT
Christie is a hardcore prohibitionist.
He's got true reefer madness. He's mindless at the very thought of cannabis. He has no commonsense and no judgment about anything to do with the plant, it's uses, or it's benefits or value. He's scared. It's very disturbing, as well as extremely disgusting, when so much responsibility of government rests on people that are truly out of touch with reality. 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on August 23, 2013 at 06:32:25 PT
N.J.'s Failed Medical Marijuana Law
N.J.'s Failed Medical Marijuana Law and Other States Eager to Repeat ItAugust 22, 2013New Jersey’s medical marijuana program is a failed experiment but one that Delaware and other states seem enthusiastic to repeat. The reality is that after years of delays and harsh over-regulation, NJ residents with serious illnesses and even state-issued marijuana ID cards continue to be arrested. Limited or no access is the issue. Governor Chris Christie played doctor again last week making political spin out of therapeutic cannabis and the healthcare of one desperately ill child. Claiming to make changes passed by the Legislature to the NJ Medicinal Marijuana Program (NJ MMP) what Christie has eventually allowed will make little tangible difference for patients.URL:
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