Marijuana's March Toward Mainstream Confounds Feds function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Marijuana's March Toward Mainstream Confounds Feds'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Marijuana's March Toward Mainstream Confounds Feds Posted by CN Staff on June 29, 2013 at 07:33:59 PT By Nancy Benac and Alicia Caldwell, AP Source: Associated Press Washington, D.C. -- It took 50 years for American attitudes about marijuana to zigzag from the paranoia of "Reefer Madness" to the excesses of Woodstock back to the hard line of "Just Say No." The next 25 years took the nation from Bill Clinton, who famously "didn't inhale," to Barack Obama, who most emphatically did. And now, in just a few short years, public opinion has moved so dramatically toward general acceptance that even those who champion legalization are surprised at how quickly attitudes are changing and states are moving to approve the drug—for medical use and just for fun. It is a moment in America that is rife with contradictions: — People are looking more kindly on marijuana even as science reveals more about the drug's potential dangers, particularly for young people. — States are giving the green light to the drug in direct defiance of a federal prohibition on its use. — Exploration of the potential medical benefit is limited by high federal hurdles to research. Washington policymakers seem reluctant to deal with any of it. Richard Bonnie, a University of Virginia law professor who worked for a national commission that recommended decriminalizing marijuana in 1972, sees the public taking a big leap from prohibition to a more laissez-faire approach without full deliberation. "It's a remarkable story historically," he says. "But as a matter of public policy, it's a little worrisome. It's intriguing, it's interesting, it's good that liberalization is occurring, but it is a little worrisome." More than a little worrisome to those in the anti-drug movement. "We're on this hundred-mile-an-hour freight train to legalizing a third addictive substance," says Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy adviser in the Obama administration, lumping marijuana with tobacco and alcohol. Legalization strategist Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, likes the direction the marijuana smoke is wafting. But he knows his side has considerable work yet to do. "I'm constantly reminding my allies that marijuana is not going to legalize itself," he says.By the numbers: Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes since California voters made the first move in 1996. Voters in Colorado and Washington state took the next step last year and approved pot for recreational use. Alaska is likely to vote on the same question in 2014, and a few other states are expected to put recreational use on the ballot in 2016. Nearly half of adults have tried marijuana, 12 percent of them in the past year, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. More teenagers now say they smoke marijuana than ordinary cigarettes. Fifty-two percent of adults favor legalizing marijuana, up 11 percentage points just since 2010, according to Pew. Sixty percent think Washington shouldn't enforce federal laws against marijuana in states that have approved its use. Seventy-two percent think government efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they're worth. "By Election Day 2016, we expect to see at least seven states where marijuana is legal and being regulated like alcohol," says Mason Tvert, a spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, a national legalization group. Where California led the charge on medical marijuana, the next chapter in this story is being written in Colorado and Washington state. Policymakers there are struggling with all sorts of sticky issues revolving around one central question: How do you legally regulate the production, distribution, sale and use of marijuana for recreational purposes when federal law bans all of the above? How do you tax it? What quality control standards do you set? How do you protect children while giving grown-ups the go-ahead to light up? What about driving under the influence? Can growers take business tax deductions? Who can grow pot, and how much? Where can you use it? Can cities opt out? Can workers be fired for smoking marijuana when they're off duty? What about taking pot out of state? The list goes on. The overarching question has big national implications. How do you do all of this without inviting the wrath of the federal government, which has been largely silent so far on how it will respond to a gaping conflict between U.S. and state law? The Justice Department began reviewing the matter after last November's election and repeatedly has promised to respond soon. But seven months later, states still are on their own, left to parse every passing comment from the department and President Obama. In December, Obama said in an interview that "it does not make sense, from a prioritization point of view, for us to focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said that under state law that's legal." In April, Attorney General Eric Holder to Congress, "We are certainly going to enforce federal law. ... When it comes to these marijuana initiatives, I think among the kinds of things we will have to consider is the impact on children." He also mentioned violence related to drug trafficking and organized crime. In May, Obama told reporters: "I honestly do not believe that legalizing drugs is the answer. But I do believe that a comprehensive approach—not just law enforcement, but prevention and education and treatment—that's what we have to do." Rep. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat who favors legalization, predicts Washington will take a hands-off approach, based on Obama's comments about setting law enforcement priorities. "We would like to see that in writing," Polis says. "But we believe, given the verbal assurances of the president, that we are moving forward in Colorado and Washington in implementing the will of the voters." The federal government has taken a similar approach toward users in states that have approved marijuana for medical use. It doesn't go after pot-smoking cancer patients or grandmas with glaucoma. But it also has warned that people who are in the business of growing, selling and distributing marijuana on a large scale are subject to potential prosecution for violations of the Controlled Substances Act—even in states that have legalized medical use. Federal agents in recent years have raided storefront dispensaries in California and Washington, seizing cash and pot. In April, the Justice Department targeted 63 dispensaries in Santa Ana, Calif., and filed three asset forfeiture lawsuits against properties housing seven pot shops. Prosecutors also sent letters to property owners and operators of 56 other marijuana dispensaries warning that they could face similar lawsuits. University of Denver law professor Sam Kamin says if the administration doesn't act soon to sort out the federal-state conflict, it may be too late to do much. "At some point, it becomes so prevalent and so many citizens will be engaged in it that it's hard to recriminalize something that's become commonplace," he says. There's a political calculus for the president, or any other politician, in all of this. Younger people, who tend to vote more Democratic, are more supportive of legalizing marijuana, as are people in the West, where the libertarian streak runs strong. In Colorado, for example, last November more people voted for legalized pot (55 percent) than voted for Obama (51 percent), which could help explain why the president was silent on marijuana before the election. "We're going to get a cultural divide here pretty quickly," says Greg Strimple, a Republican pollster based in Boise, Idaho, who predicts Obama will duck the issue as long as possible. Despite increasing public acceptance of marijuana, and growing interest in its potential therapeutic uses, politicians know there are complications that could come with commercializing an addictive substance, some of them already evident in medical marijuana states. Opponents of pot are particularly worried that legalization will result in increased adolescent use as young people's estimations of the drug's dangers decline. "There's no real win on this from a political perspective," says Sabet. "Do you want to be the president that stops a popular cause, especially a cause that's popular within your own party? Or do you want to be the president that enables youth drug use that will have ramifications down the road?" Marijuana legalization advocates offer politicians a rosier scenario, in which legitimate pot businesses eager to keep their operating licenses make sure not to sell to minors. "Having a regulated system is the only way to ensure that we're not ceding control of this popular substance to the criminal market and to black marketeers," says Aaron Smith, executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, a trade group for legal pot businesses in the U.S. See Change Research, which analyzes the marijuana business, has estimated the national market for medical marijuana alone at $1.7 billion for 2011 and has projected it could reach $8.9 billion in five years. Overall, marijuana users spend tens of billions of dollars a year on pot, experts believe. Ultimately, marijuana advocates say, it's Congress that needs to budge, aligning federal laws with those of states moving to legalization. But that doesn't appear likely anytime soon. The administration appears uncertain how to proceed. "The executive branch is in a pickle," Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Colo., said at a recent news conference outside the Capitol with pot growers visiting town to lobby for changes. "Twenty-one states have a different view of the use of marijuana than the laws on the books for the federal government." While the federal government hunkers down, Colorado and Washington state are moving forward on their own. Colorado's governor in May signed a set of bills to regulate legal use of the drug, and the state's November ballot will ask voters to approve special sales and excise taxes on pot. In Washington state, the Liquor Control Board is drawing up rules covering everything from how plants will be grown to how many stores will be allowed. It expects to issue licenses for growers and processors in December, and impose 25 percent taxes three times over—when pot is grown, processed and sold to consumers. "What we're beginning to see is the unraveling of the criminal approach to marijuana policy," says Tim Lynch, director of the libertarian Cato Institute's Project on Criminal Justice. But, Lynch adds, "the next few years are going to be messy. There are going to be policy battles" as states work to bring a black market industry into the sunshine, and Washington wrestles with how to respond. Already, a federal judge has struck down a Colorado requirement that pot magazines such as High Times be kept behind store counters, like pornography. Marijuana advocates in Washington state, where officials have projected the legal pot market could bring the state a half-billion a year in revenue, are complaining that state regulators are still banning sales of hash or hash oil, a marijuana extract. Pot growers in medical marijuana states are chafing at federal laws that deny them access to the banking system, tax deductions and other opportunities that other businesses take for granted. Many dispensaries are forced to operate on a cash-only basis, which can be an invitation to organized crime. It's already legal for adults in Colorado and Washington to light up at will, as long as they do so in private. That creates all kinds of new challenges for law enforcement. Pat Slack, a commander with the Snohomish County Regional Drug Taskforce in Washington state, said local police are receiving calls about smokers flouting regulations against lighting up in public. In at least one instance, Slack said, that included a complaint about a smoker whose haze was wafting over a backyard fence and into the middle of a child's birthday party. But with many other problems confronting local officers, scofflaws are largely being ignored. "There's not much we can do to help," Slack says. "A lot of people have to get accustomed to what the change is." In Colorado, Tom Gorman, director of the federal Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Taskforce, takes a tougher stance on his state's decision to legalize pot. "This is against the law, I don't care what Colorado says," Gorman said. "It puts us in a position, where you book a guy or gal and they have marijuana, do you give it back? Do you destroy it? What in effect I am doing by giving it back is I am committing a felony. If the court orders me to return it, the court is giving me an illegal order." More than 30 pot growers and distributors, going all-out to present a buttoned-down image in suits and sensible pumps rather than ponytails and weed T-shirts, spent two days on Capitol Hill in June lobbying for equal treatment under tax and banking laws and seeking an end to federal property seizures. "It's truly unfortunate that the Justice Department can't find a way to respect the will of the people," says Sean Luse of the 13-year-old Berkeley Patients Group in California, a multimillion-dollar pot collective whose landlord is facing the threat of property forfeiture. As Colorado and Washington state press on, California's experience with medical marijuana offers a window into potential pitfalls that can come with wider availability of pot. Dispensaries for medical marijuana have proliferated in the state. Regulation has been lax, leading some overwhelmed communities to complain about too-easy access from illegal storefront pot shops and related problems such as loitering and unsavory characters. That prompted cities around the state to say enough already and ban dispensaries. Pot advocates sued. In May, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously that cities and counties can ban medical marijuana dispensaries. A few weeks later, Los Angeles voters approved a ballot measure that limits the number of pot shops in the city to 135, down from an estimated high of about 1,000. By contrast, lists 112 Starbucks in the city. This isn't full-scale buyer's remorse, but more a course correction before the inevitable next push to full-on legalization in the state. Baker Montgomery, a member of the Eagle Rock neighborhood council in Los Angeles, where pot shops were prevalent, said May's vote to limit the number of shops was all about ridding the city of illicit dispensaries. "They're just not following what small amounts of rules there are on the books," Montgomery said. In 2010, California voters opted against legalizing marijuana for recreational use, drawing the line at medical use. But Jeffrey Dunn, a Southern California attorney who represented cities in the Supreme Court case, says that in reality the state's dispensaries have been operating so loosely that already "it's really all-access." At the Venice Beach Care Center, one of the dispensaries that will be allowed to stay open in Los Angeles, founding director Brennan Thicke believes there still is widespread support for medical marijuana in California. But he says the state isn't ready for more just yet. "We have to get (medical) right first," Thicke said. Dunn doubts that's possible. "What we've learned is, it is very difficult if not impossible to regulate these facilities," he said. Other states, Colorado among them, have had their own bumps in the road with medical marijuana. A Denver-area hospital, for example, saw children getting sick after eating treats and other foods made with marijuana in the two years after a 2009 federal policy change led to a surge in medical marijuana use, according to a study in JAMA Pediatrics in May. In the preceding four years, the hospital had no such cases. The Colorado Education Department reported a sharp rise in drug-related suspensions and expulsions after medical marijuana took off. An audit of the state's medical marijuana system found the state had failed to adequately track the growth and distribution of pot or to fully check out the backgrounds of pot dealers. "What we're doing is not working," says Dr. Christian Thurstone, a psychiatrist whose Denver youth substance abuse treatment center has seen referrals for marijuana double since September. In addition, he sees young people becoming increasingly reluctant to be treated, arguing that it can't be bad for them if it's legal. Yet Daniel Rees, a researcher at the University of Colorado Denver, analyzed data from 16 states that have approved medical marijuana and found no evidence that legalization had increased pot use among high school students. In looking at young people, Rees concludes: "Should we be worried that marijuana use nationally is going up? Yes. Is legalization of medical marijuana the culprit? No." Growing support for legalization doesn't mean everybody wants to light up: Barely one in 10 Americans used pot in the past year. Those who do want to see marijuana legalized range from libertarians who oppose much government intervention to people who want to see an activist government aggressively regulate marijuana production and sales. Safer-than-alcohol was "the message that won the day" with voters in Colorado, says Tvert. For others, money talks: Why let drug cartels rake in untaxed profits when a cut of that money could go into government coffers? There are other threads in the growing acceptance of pot. People think it's not as dangerous as once believed; some reflect back on what they see as their own harmless experience in their youth. They worry about high school kids getting an arrest record that will haunt them for life. They see racial inequity in the way marijuana laws are enforced. They're weary of the "war on drugs," and want law enforcement to focus on other areas. "I don't plan to use marijuana, but it just seemed we waste a lot of time and energy trying to enforce something when there are other things we should be focused on," says Sherri Georges, who works at a Colorado Springs, Colo., saddle shop. "I think that alcohol is a way bigger problem than marijuana, especially for kids." Opponents have retorts at the ready. They point to a 2012 study finding that regular use of marijuana during teen years can lead to a long-term drop in IQ, and a different study indicating marijuana use can induce and exacerbate psychotic illness in susceptible people. They question the idea that regulating pot will bring in big money, saying revenue estimates are grossly exaggerated. They counter the claim that prisons are bulging with people convicted of simple possession by citing federal statistics showing only a small percentage of federal and state inmates are behind bars for that alone. Slack said the vast majority of people jailed for marijuana possession were originally charged with dealing drugs and accepted plea bargains for possession. The average possession charge for those in jail is 115 pounds, Slack says, which he calls enough for "personal use for a small city." Over and over, marijuana opponents warn that baby boomers who are drawing on their own innocuous experiences with pot are overlooking the much higher potency of the marijuana now in circulation. In 2009, concentrations of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in pot, averaged close to 10 percent in marijuana, compared with about 4 percent in the 1980s, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. An estimated 9 percent of people who try marijuana eventually become addicted, and the numbers are higher for those who start using pot when they are young. That's less than the addiction rates for nicotine or alcohol, but still significant. "If marijuana legalization was about my old buddies at Berkeley smoking in People's Park once a week I don't think many of us would care that much," says Sabet, who helped to found Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a group that opposes legalization. "But it's not about that. It's really about creating a new industry that's going to target kids and target minorities and our vulnerable populations just like our legal industries do today." So how bad, or good, is pot? There are studies that set off medical alarm bells but also studies that support the safer-than-alcohol crowd and suggest promising therapeutic uses. J. Michael Bostwick, a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic, set out to sort through more than 100 sometimes conflicting studies after his teenage son became addicted to pot. In a 22-page article for Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 2012, he laid out the contradictions in U.S. policy and declared that "little about cannabis is straightforward." "Anybody can find data to support almost any position," Bostwick says now. For all of the talk that smoking pot is no big deal, Bostwick says, he determined that "it was a very big deal. There were addiction issues. There were psychosis issues. But there was also this very large body of literature suggesting that it could potentially have very valuable pharmaceutical applications but the research was stymied" by federal barriers. Marijuana is a Schedule I drug under 1970 law, meaning the government deems it to have "no currently accepted medical use" and a "high potential for abuse." The only federally authorized source of marijuana for research is grown at the University of Mississippi, and the government tightly regulates its use. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says plenty of work with cannabis is ongoing, but Bostwick says federal restrictions have caused a "near-cessation of scientific research." The American Medical Association opposes legalizing pot, calling it a "dangerous drug" and a public health concern. But it also is urging the government to review marijuana's status as a Schedule 1 drug in the interest of promoting more research. "The evidence is pretty clear that in 1970 the decision to make the drug illegal, or put it on Schedule I, was a political decision," says Bostwick. "And it seems pretty obvious in 2013 that states, making their decisions the way they are, are making political decisions. Science is not present in either situation to the degree that it needs to be." The National Institute on Drug Abuse's director, Dr. Nora Volkow, says that for all the potential dangers of marijuana, "cannabinoids are just amazing compounds, and understanding how to use them properly could be actually very beneficial therapeutically." But she worries that legalizing pot will result in increased use of marijuana by young people, and impair their brain development. "You cannot mess around with the cognitive capacity of your young people because you are going to rely on them," she says. "Think about it: Do you want a nation where your young people are stoned?" As state after state moves toward a more liberal approach to marijuana, the turnaround is drawing comparisons to shifting attitudes on gay marriage, for which polls find rapidly growing acceptance, especially among younger voters. That could point toward durable majority support as this population ages. Gay marriage is now legal in 12 states and Washington, D.C. On marijuana, "we're having a hard time almost believing how fast public opinion is changing in our direction," says Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance. But William Galston and E.J. Dionne, who co-wrote a paper on the new politics of marijuana for the Brookings Institution, believe marijuana legalization hasn't achieved a deep enough level of support to suggest a tipping point, with attitudes toward legalization marked by ambivalence and uncertainty. "Compared with attitudes toward same-sex marriage, support for marijuana legalization is much less driven by moral conviction and much more by the belief that it is not a moral issue at all," they wrote. No one expects Congress to change federal law anytime soon. Partisans on both sides think people in other states will keep a close eye on the precedent-setting experiment underway in Colorado and Washington as they decide whether to give the green light to marijuana elsewhere. "It will happen very suddenly," predicts the Cato Institute's Lynch. "In 10-15 years, it will be hard to find a politician who will say they were ever against legalization." Sabet worries that things will move so fast that the negative effects of legalization won't yet be fully apparent when other states start giving the go-ahead to pot. He's hoping for a different outcome. "I actually think that this is going to wake a lot of people up who might have looked the other way during the medical marijuana debate," he says. "In many ways, it actually might be the catalyst to turn things around." Past predictions on pot have been wildly off-base, in both directions. The 1972 commission that recommended decriminalizing marijuana speculated pot might be nothing more than a fad. Then there's "Reefer Madness," the 1936 propaganda movie that pot fans rediscovered and turned into a cult classic in the 1970s. It labeled pot "The Real Public Enemy Number One!" The movie spins a tale of dire consequences "leading finally to acts of shocking violence ... ending often in incurable insanity." Associated Press writers Kristen Wyatt in Denver, Gene Johnson in Seattle, Lauran Neergaard in Washington and AP researcher Monika Mathur in Washington contributed to this report. Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Nancy Benac and Alicia Caldwell, Associated Press Published: June 29, 2013Copyright: 2013 The Associated PressCannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #16 posted by Hope on June 30, 2013 at 23:59:05 PT Prohibitionist are such monsters. They hurt so many people. So many people are suffering because of them.They should be so ashamed but they keep on with their ignorance. They are cruel and ignorant monsters. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by afterburner on June 30, 2013 at 20:42:40 PT 'refried confusion is making itself clear what a way to wake up, go get on out of here'Here's the song I heard last night that I wanted to post in comment #12, but I couldn't remember the title until I heard it again today.Refried confusion is such a good description for the prohibitionists' recycled scare stories. Dr. John - Right Place Wrong Time [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by jetblackchemist on June 30, 2013 at 19:39:45 PT Addictive Addictive Addictive, Children Children.. This article said cannabis was addictive three times... it seems they wanted to reiterate nothing but old fear based propaganda the most in this article.Put it all together and they will have you believing mentally ill cannabis addicted children will be crawling the streets... pretty much what they thought about the hippies in the 60's yeah?One it is NOT addictive, even if some one has a psychological need to use cannabis... it still is not addictive but a choice.Two even if droves of high teens were on the streets, it would be way safer than the droves of gang members on the streets now BECAUSE OF prohibition.Three non violent drug "offenders" are clogging up the justice system, turning violent crime into a revolving door policy to make room, turning violent criminals onto the streets... a woman was assaulted in New Jersey last week in a home invasion by a man that had 12 prior felonies. We are turning out the murderers, rapists, and pedophiles on our streets because; average Joe every man simply wants to relax smoke a joint while watching the World Series with his friends harming nothing but the guacamole dip and yet that's a crime.Every friend I had in college smoked cannabis I'm talking over 40 people, out of all of them only a couple started violence or committed a real crime... as a result of alcohol though they were drunk. The friends that just smoked all graduated have great families and careers the ones that drank and did hard drugs that ARE addictive all dropped out... 20 years later, still single, still struggling with alcohol addiction, and have criminal records.Nixon made Cannabis public enemy #1 to get hippies and protesters off the streets... jail was a mighty big deterrent and was found as the WORST consequence of cannabis use in the government study at the time.It's nice to see the winds change with the tides; and people are getting active. My parents generation generally believed every single thing Papa government had to say... My generation? Sorry, we see through all of it; and are for the majority very politically active; we will not sit down for hypocrisy and corruption... if one thing all the propaganda did; it was to instill a strong sense of human justice we know right from wrong and don't need someone to tell us what's right and wrong... and if the government family friends says it's wrong when we know it's right we will stand up for it. We have resolve and determination and a strong sense of justice.The generation after? Well, I have a feeling that if the government does not change and listen to my more patient generation's logic and rationality... I see the younger ones very strongly defiant and hold opposition to ANYONE having an authority over them; I don't see them using the system to change the system like mine patiently does and tries to do... I see violence and lots of it in guarding their individual rights.If policy is going to change; it really needs to soon under peaceful circumstances with good solid up to date policy. Otherwise, I'm seeing a lot of civil unrest coming down the line in the future... doesn't have to be that way though.My creed is live and let live under the banner of tolerance. I automatically give people respect. The generations behind me feel people have to earn it; that it isn't freely given as a common courtesy. This is another side effect of prohibition... younger generations, are taking social behavior cues from the playbook of gangs.Trying to revert things back to a 1950's Normal Rockwell style painting is not going to happen. Politicians need to rub the oil paint out of their eyes and see the reality... and work with generation X on policy, it's done the business world amazingly well. How else is a generation suppose to inherit if the previous will not let go of it? Well, I share the same sentiment... I don't want to let go of being able to walk safely in any neighborhood like I could in the early 70's. That's why I fight, that's why I am against the drug war. I want our damn streets back from the gangs and black market, that prohibition took from us, so my kids can know what walking a street without watching their back feels like. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by afterburner on June 30, 2013 at 12:27:53 PT My Original Post Was Lost In Transit I had to retype it. Here's the song that I forgot to retype. 01 - The O'Jays - Backstabbers (Tom Moulton remix) [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by afterburner on June 30, 2013 at 12:22:32 PT Recycled Lies Are Still Lies Any article that ends with a quote from "Reefer Madness," is showing its true colors. "The movie spins a tale of dire consequences 'leading finally to acts of shocking violence ... ending often in incurable insanity.'" Is this the grand takeaway that the authors want to leave with their readers? "The average possession charge for those in jail is 115 pounds, Slack says..." 115 pounds? Average possession charge? I call BS. Why have we never heard this preposterous statistic before from prohibitionists or law enforcement? Washington is a border state. Did someone average in all the border busts, dispensary raids, non-cannabis busts, and throw the book at them to ensure conviction arrests? "'We're on this hundred-mile-an-hour freight train to legalizing a third addictive substance,' says Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy adviser in the Obama administration, lumping marijuana with tobacco and alcohol."This reform is no speeding runaway train, Kevin. We've been working and fighting for our freedom for decades against an overreaching federal law based on racism, propaganda and pseudo-moral subjugation. Dangerous times, indeed, Sam #2. In the 15th Century, people like Kevin would have been happily employed in the Spanish Inquisition. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by MikeEEEEE on June 29, 2013 at 19:02:07 PT bad journalism A long time ago, when that brain cell sparked, I realized not all views, especially from the corporate media, are representative of any common-sense. If journalists pull out an old rag article, out of their rear-end sometimes, and wipe it off, or go with the same lame lines they were fed, that is just lazy, and an injustice to common-sense. Since common-sense is not as common as the word would imply, perhaps a word change is needed, uncommon-sense, senseless, ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Sam Adams on June 29, 2013 at 14:23:45 PT question for Volkow where was she when 10 or 20 percent of America's kids were put on drugs by Pharma and the US medical system? Where was she when a whole generation was plumped up on sugar and corn syrup like cows in a feedlot? Believe me, we've got several concurrent health crises happening with young people, and cannabis use is way down at the bottom of the list [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by mexweed on June 29, 2013 at 13:47:26 PT: Addressing a few falsehoods 1. "You cannot mess around with the cognitive capacity of your young people because you are going to rely on them," [Nora Volkow] says. "Think about it: Do you want a nation where your young people are stoned?"A smoking quit-line agency reminds in its advertising, "80% of [$igarette] smokers started before they were 18." May we remind Nora Volkow and company that allegedly addictive (9%?) marijuana is an alternative to kids experimenting with overwhelmingly addictive $igarettes?2. "[marijuana business] could reach $8.9 billion in five years."Good for the economy, that's a lot of jobs... now look at the numbers again. $igarette smoking costs the US economy $193 Billion a year-- $97B for medical costs, $96B for lost productivity-- and what if it turned out cannabis legality will cut $igarette consumption by 50%, 90%? Want to try it, Mr. Sabet?"The only federally authorized source of marijuana for research is grown at the University of Mississippi, and the government tightly regulates its use." One man named El Sohly has total dictatorship over that growing-program, and under his direction they market the herb to a small list of users in the form of 900-mg $IGARETTES (drug cocktail of heat shock, carbon monoxide and 4221 other combustion toxins doing things to a user that can be conveniently blamed on cannabis). What kind of "tight regulation" is that, when they could sift down the herb and provide every user with a vaporizer or a 25-mg-per-lightup vape toke utensil ("one-hitter")? Is the government here perpetrating a sneaky kind of pro-$igarette advertising (I've seen pictures of those 900mg-ers stacked in cans of 100) to pay off its friends in the tobacco overdose industry for all that $igarette tax revenue?4. "Smoke ('haze') wafting over a backyard fence..."Did it occur to anybody that this nuisance (if that it is) can be totally prevented by CONVERTING ALL USERS from wasteful overflow "JOINT"-smoking to a 25-mg per lightup one-hitter where the user personally inhales all effluent and there is NO overflow, NO invasion of anyone's airspace?5. "A Denver-area hospital, for example, saw children getting sick after eating treats and other foods made with marijuana."Yes, it's easy to eat more than necessary, many children have the tragic, life-deforming habit of wolfing sweets down hurriedly without chewing and ensalivating... has there ever been published any study finding that there was an increase in poisonings or hospitalizations due to use of a VAPORIZER? Won't legalization first and foremost remove the fear of getting caught owning or carrying a vaporizer or a one-hitter, making hurried overdose ingestion methods a thing of the past? [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by museman on June 29, 2013 at 13:26:26 PT hempworld#6 The 'bodies' are also populating amerikan prisons. They are funding the non-taxable income garnered by the state (and their respective 'politicians') in the current erroneous belief that feedom is somehow freedom!They are employing countless useless seat warmers whose sole goal in life is to frack with people.Permissions, fees, and licensing = BS of Biblical Proportion.But of course there is no profit in care, or compassion, or generosity, or kindness, or TRUTH!The bloody truth. And the beautiful truth. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Had Enough on June 29, 2013 at 13:20:59 PT This is interesting “”Younger people, who tend to vote more Democratic, are more supportive of legalizing marijuana, as are people in the West, where the libertarian streak runs strong. In Colorado, for example, last November more people voted for legalized pot (55 percent) than voted for Obama (51 percent), which could help explain why the president was silent on marijuana before the election””More votes for cannabis than ‘Federal Top Dog’….Hhmmm…Interesting…Very interesting… :)Let the professional Prohibishinists Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy adviser in the Obama administration, Calvina Fay & Co., AP, etc...say what they will…the facts prove otherwise…and the voters are wising up to some degree… [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by HempWorld on June 29, 2013 at 12:52:04 PT Hey runruff, museman, the bodies are in Mexico! kaptinemo, "on par with the last days in the Fuhrerbunker" ha, ha, that's a good one!Yeah, leave it to AP and the feds to be 'confounded'!We the people are getting it and there's no turning back! Cannabis Is Cancer Cure! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on June 29, 2013 at 11:28:06 PT: And as to the use of 'kids', I ask: WHOSE kids? Do prohibs like Sabet refer to the ones he helped try to bamboozle for almost 2 decades with one (laughably ineffective) PR campaign after another? THE ONES THAT HAVE BECOME VOTING ADULTS AND RECALL THAT ATTEMPT NONE TO FONDLY? Those 'kids'? They may not know of Sabet et al personally, but they know what prohibs tried to do to them. Calling attention to themselves now with this idiocy is not a wise move.Honestly, the degree of hubris and self-deception amongst prohibs is almost on par with the last days in the Fuhrerbunker. I'm just waiting on their wild-eyed, foaming, raving hysteria to catch up to their rhetoric. And the more they lose ground, the sooner that will happen. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on June 29, 2013 at 11:16:18 PT: Richard Cowan is right again He said it long ago, that a large part of the reason for cannabis prohibition continuing can be summed up in two words: bad journalism. Any article that states unequivocally that cannabis is 'addictive' is only illustrating the authors' laziness or intellectual bankruptcy...or both.Any wonder why more and more Americans are turning to online sources like RawStory, AlterNet, The Real News Network, etc. to get the straight word? With sloppiness like this, without checking the credibility of sources (Kevin Sabet is credible after years of working for the scandal-plagued ONDCP in coming up with the lies about cannabis addiction?), can anyone blame the slow but building exodus? You can only tolerate your intelligence being insulted so much... [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by museman on June 29, 2013 at 10:28:14 PT Die hards "Drugs!" "The Children!" "Can't tax it! OMG!" Money is being made that the corporate thieves and their political patsies and enforcer pig-dogs have no control over. Can't have that!But the real issue is still not being brought out into the open; That is the fact that cannabis smoking is the gateway to liberty! It is a gateway to understanding our health and true healing that is definitely separate and far away from the accepted and bonded 'medical community' -the 'doctors' are just fronts for the Big Pharma and the real drug dealers. It is a potential gateway to consciousness - and that my friends is what the Powers That Be (PTBs) are really afraid of!Because with consciousness comes the awareness that not only are all these posers and pretenders to authority and 'expertise' liars, thieves, and the real 'no-accounts' in the world wrong and in gross error, but that we are bigger, stronger, sovereign, and just simply do not need them any more. We are now adults and Big Brother can get 're-educated.' With consciousness comes Hope, and Faith in something real, not the plastic-fantastic lumps of excrement called 'religion.' With consciousness, all the control mechanisms of millennia fall down and people stick their heads through the veils of deceptions so easily the rich man will be seen to be running for the hills "crying for the rocks to hide them from the wrath..."Consciousness negates fear, because the light of truth destroys all shadows -no matter who made them or clings to them.The long dark road of their imposed dominion and false rule is about to end. The generation of the PTBS currently in power is trying oh so desperately to shore up the many holes in the broken house that is the Republic of the Elite, but it is too late. Why don't they just stop already? I suppose they feel so 'patriotic' about their ignorance they are willing to 'go down in flames' with their falling citadel.Die hards sometimes get respect for holding their ground. But these people deserve justice, there will no medals handed out at the end of this war! But there should be prosecution for war crimes!LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on June 29, 2013 at 08:45:42 PT the new propaganda >>People are looking more kindly on marijuana even as science reveals more about the drug's potential dangers, particularly for young people.As soon as you see this, you know it's an article full of lies & exaggeration. This is 180 degrees opposite from scientific truth - there have been hundreds of studies in the last 25 years showing dozens of medical benefits from cannabis. There have been several landmark studies showing that it does not harm lungs, throat, cognition, etc.The establishment knows public opinion has shifted. This is the new face of propaganda. MJ reform is now joining other issues like global warming where the majority of the population supports a change but the ruling cabal refuses.The prohibitionists are merely shifting into "stalling" mode. The main bulk of the 800,000 arrests and protection system for Big Pharma has barely been scratched by everything we've done to date.Have to be careful right now - when they "stalled" on black apartheid in the south after the Civil War there were 1,000 lynchings per year for another 100 years. People having their kids taken away for cannabis is similar to lynching IMO. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by runruff on June 29, 2013 at 08:10:06 PT So easy to make eronious claims, but... Where are the bodies? Where is this "damage"? How did we get the VIP's [Very important potheads}?I know scores of kids who started smoking pot in middle school and high school and today most of them are more mainstream than their parents. If pot damaged adolesent and growing kids the 60's generation should have turned out to be a bunch of brain-dead, drooling blobs with health problems in uncountable numbers, but newwww!I chose to believe what I see over the opinion of some [ex]pert who has not experienced what I have. I would not worry about kids getting into pot, I would worry about kids getting into the liquor cabinet or the medicine chest or trying to exist on Red Bull or huffing or cigarettes. The current condition in DC is far more damaging and threatening than a puff of weed to our youth.We have young healthy bodies living without limbs, emotionally damaged from illegal corporate wars. I tell you pols something, bullets and bombs are far more harmful than a puff of weed to the human body. and after serving in your criminal enterprize we come home to fill the prisons with our already used up bodies...evil!Stop preaching the "Kid Card" and stop killing off our young ones in evil pursuits. 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