Oregon House Votes To Legalize MMJ Dispensaries
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Oregon House Votes To Legalize MMJ Dispensaries
Posted by CN Staff on June 24, 2013 at 16:45:43 PT
By Lauren Gambino, Associated Press 
Source: Associated Press
Salem, Ore. -- The Oregon House took a step toward legalizing medical marijuana dispensaries on Monday as lawmakers narrowly approved a bill that would license and regulate retail outlets that connect marijuana cardholders with the drug. Under existing law, the state's nearly 55,000 medical marijuana cardholders must grow the pot themselves or find a person to grow it for them. The bill would give cardholders another option: purchasing their medicine from state-regulated medical marijuana retail outlets.
House Bill 3460, which passed 31-27, would require dispensaries to register with the state medical marijuana program and meet certain quality standards. The bill next goes to the Senate, which could vote on it later this week. The bill sparked a hearty debate among lawmakers Monday. Critics said it doesn't do enough to stop what they see as abuses of the state's medical marijuana program. Rep. Andy Olson, an Albany Republican and former Oregon State Police lieutenant, said the bill lacks teeth to crack down on facilities that don't comply with the new regulations. "I'm a major advocate for those who are in need of marijuana as a medicine," he said. "I am opposed to the abuse." Olson said he wanted to craft a new bill for the 2014 Legislature to consider that would address his concerns. Rep. Peter Buckley, an Ashland Democrat and a chief sponsor of the bill, acknowledged that the state's medical marijuana program has problems, but said the bill was never meant to be a panacea. "This bill focuses on one thing: safe access to medical marijuana for people who are legally qualified to access medical marijuana," Buckley said. Emphasizing this point, Rep. Mitch Greenlick, D-Portland, told lawmakers: "This bill does not fight Mexican cartels. The bill doesn't solve hunger in Oregon. The bill doesn't help the Blazers win the championship. The bill does a simple thing." Greenlick said the bill is intended to create an easy, safe way for users to obtain the drug from dispensaries. Some cardholders who don't have growers already get their cannabis from the estimated 200 lounges, collectives and cafes operating around Oregon. However, the medical marijuana outlets that currently exist are unregulated and unlicensed. They operate in a legal gray area and run the risk of being shut down at any moment. Some communities such as Portland have taken a hands-off approach and allow the facilities to remain open. Other communities, however, have cracked down on dispensaries. Supporters of the bill include Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum who recently endorsed the measure. The bill would prohibit medical marijuana retail outlets from operating near schools. Facilities would have to operate in agricultural, industrial or commercial areas. And they would be required to test all batches of marijuana for pesticides, molds and mildews. Medical marijuana facilities would pay a $4,000 fee each year to be registered and the state anticipates 225 facilities would apply for licensure in the next two years, according to the bill's budget report. The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Office estimates the state would earn $900,000 in registration fees from the grow facilities. This would pay for the cost of establishing and administering the licensing system. Oregon would be the 15th state to legalize medical marijuana dispensaries, after Nevada legalized them earlier this month. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Oregon is one of 19 states to allow medicinal pot, along with the District of Columbia. Voters in 2010 rejected an initiative that would have legalized dispensaries.Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Lauren Gambino, Associated Press Published:  June 24, 2013Copyright: 2013 The Associated PressCannabisNews  Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #6 posted by ekim on June 30, 2013 at 13:50:30 PT
thanks for #4 seems they are headquarted in CO.
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Comment #5 posted by The GCW on June 26, 2013 at 18:49:01 PT
More good news.
Mayors Tell Feds to Butt Out on Marijuana Reforms United States Conference of Mayors Monday unanimously passed a resolution criticizing the failures of marijuana prohibition and urging the federal government to respect the ability of states and localities to implement medical marijuana and marijuana legalization measures without further interference.The US Conference of Mayors is the official, nonpartisan organization for mayors of cities with a population of 30,000 or more. There are 1,302 cities that qualify, and each is represented at the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.Cont.-0-Gotta love that word: unanimously. Another voice speaking to the Feds to step back.
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Comment #4 posted by The GCW on June 26, 2013 at 18:42:34 PT
More medical news.
Lab Testing Reveals EnviroTextile's Hemp Fabric Stops the Spread of Staph Bacteria staph infections continue to cost lives unnecessarily. One powerful weapon to fight this scourge is being successfully deployed by China's military: industrial hemp. Staph is spread by direct contact and by touching items that are contaminated such as towels, sheets, privacy curtains, and clothing. As noted by the San Francisco Chronicle, “It is estimated that each year 2 million Americans become infected during hospital stays, and at least 90,000 of them die. MRSA (an antibiotic resistant strain of staph) is a leading cause of hospital-borne infections.” One of the most important recent discoveries is hemp’s ability to kill surface bacteria, while cotton, polyester, and polyethelene allow it to remain on their surfaces for up to months at a time.Cont.-0-Good news. Hemp to the rescue again. Notice it's in China...
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on June 26, 2013 at 07:37:38 PT
Marijuana Dispensaries Becoming Exclusive Domain
Marijuana Dispensaries Becoming Exclusive Domain Of The 1 Percent URL:
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on June 26, 2013 at 07:21:44 PT
Patrick Kennedy on Legalization of MMJ
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Comment #1 posted by museman on June 25, 2013 at 10:35:19 PT
The kettle calling the pot black
"Rep. Andy Olson, an Albany Republican and former Oregon State Police lieutenant, said the bill lacks teeth to crack down on facilities that don't comply with the new regulations."Yeah kinda like the rest of the "Law" lacks the 'teeth' to track down and deal with the earth rapers that sit in false power. Kinda like the toothless and ball-less "law enforcement" everywhere that racially, economically profiles innocents, beats on women and children, then when someone stands up to them, they beat on them either with their clubs and feet, or with their friends the 'lawyers.'This is the non-representatives trying to shore up their waning power, and collapsing authority. This is them jumping the gun -like Arnie did in Cali before their legalization measure.This is not for the benefit of the people.Once this is in then they can start tweaking it to make all 'non-compliance' fill in the slack of the for-profit-justice system that making the HERB legal or 'more legal' is leaving them.If the people didn't vote for it, these pretenders and posers have no right to make a law about it. And as soon as people stop voting for the lawyers and start voting for people maybe just maybe this system will start working the way it should.It is a good idea to legalize dispensaries, which legitimizes the economics of cannabis, but this is not going the right direction IMO. Let the voters decide you fat prissy no-accounts parading around as worthies...None of the concerned citizens voted for any of you, you disgusting representative of mammon (not the citizens of Oregon)LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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