Hawaii Lawmakers Want To Legalize Marijuana function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Hawaii Lawmakers Want To Legalize Marijuana'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Hawaii Lawmakers Want To Legalize Marijuana Posted by CN Staff on January 23, 2013 at 18:29:05 PT By Anita Hofschneider, Associated Press Source: Associated Press Honolulu -- Several key Hawaii lawmakers want to legalize marijuana in the Aloha State. House Speaker Joseph Souki and House Majority Leader Scott Saiki, both Democrats, introduced a bill to legalize the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana by people aged 21 years or older.Nine lawmakers co-sponsored a similar bill in the state Senate. The move comes in the wake of marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington last year. Despite his support for the initiative, Saiki says he doesn't think there's enough support for the bill in the House right now. "I'm not holding my breath on whether this will pass or not," he said.Regardless, Saiki says he thinks it is important to discuss the issue, which he calls a matter of individual choice, because it has evolved over time.The senators who sponsored the bill to legalize the drug say that doing so will decrease crime rates and help Hawaii's economy.They say that legalizing the substance is "natural, logical and reasonable" given current scientific research and public opinion.Opponents, including House Minority Leader Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson, say the senators have it wrong. They believe legalization may increase crime."I'd rather exercise more caution than have to worry about controlling the extra societal costs," Johanson said.Saiki acknowledged that there are "significant public safety concerns" associated with his proposal that led him to add quantity limits and other regulations to the measure.Johanson says there are mixed feelings toward legalization in the minority caucus.Medical marijuana is legal in Hawaii. The Legislature has considered bills to legalize the substance for recreational use in the past and faced opposition from the law enforcement community.Michelle Yu, spokeswoman for the Honolulu Police Department, says that the agency is against legalizing marijuana. She says that the drug has a high potential for addiction and abuse.Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro is also opposed to marijuana legalization.The state Legislature will consider at least 18 bills related to marijuana this session.Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Anita Hofschneider, Associated PressPublished: January 23, 2013Copyright: 2013 The Associated PressCannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #10 posted by Garry Minor on January 25, 2013 at 14:44:44 PT: History Long before white men came to Turtle Island, the Tuscarora Indians were thriving! "The Tuscaroras call themselves, "Ska-ru-ren". It means "those of the Indian hemp" or "hemp gatherers" because they originally wore woven hemp shirts."Kaneh bosm! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Hope on January 24, 2013 at 19:58:07 PT Sam. I should have found the post and verified. But I didn't and I was trying to trust my memory. Duh. Guess not much, not yet.Sorry, again.But I did want the answer, too and was not getting the time and will to do the search.Thanks again, Relfving. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Hope on January 24, 2013 at 17:22:44 PT Sorry, Sam. My memory isn't what it was before the big brain burn. I guess I can't quite trust it so much yet. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on January 24, 2013 at 16:51:17 PT Chapkis book Here it is! Chapter 1, Shamans and Snake Oil Salesmen. This is fascinating history. The "Botanicals vs. the Regulars" is how she describes it. If you like it, why not buy the whole book: [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Sam Adams on January 24, 2013 at 16:49:54 PT history Relfving thanks! It was my question a few days ago, I thought you might know off the top of your head, thanks for the research.So the "official" medical use history begins around 1840ish. However, I would assume that mean the official Western doctor-approved use of it. From what I've read, most herbal medicines were made by the woman of the house, and they tended to pass on plant medicine knowledge by word of mouth over the generations. I wouldn't be surprised if hemp was being used for many years before.For more information on this, check out the first chapter of the outstanding book "Dying to get high" by Wendy Chapkis.I don't believe G.W. was separating males & females for fiber, that sounds crazy - this would be extremely difficult for large-scale hemp cultivation. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Hope on January 24, 2013 at 10:31:01 PT Relfving Thanks for the information. I'm glad you noticed and answered Had Enough's question. I was curious as to what you would find. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 23, 2013 at 22:50:06 PT Hash Bash My goal is to push us to at least 10,000 people this year, When Hempfest is drawing 200,000 in Seattle, it makes us look small and insignificant. Pass the word around. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Relfving on January 23, 2013 at 22:09:37 PT: First Appearance of Cannabis in the United States Today I was going back in time to see different user comments to find a wonderful video and I discovered that a user had asked me when did cannabis first enter the United States. I found two different websites with good information.. The first one is from Wikipedia:Early history (pre-1850s)The Virginia Company, by degree of King James I in 1619, ordered every colonist to grow 100 plants specifically for export. Thus, England's only colony in America began to grow hemp in order to meet this obligation and, soon, to serve a growing demand in other colonies.[2] George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric was ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States. Medicinal preparations of cannabis became available in American pharmacies in the 1850s following an introduction to its use in Western medicine by William O'Shaughnessy a decade earlier in 1839.[3]Here is a quote from another website:The first definite record of the marijuana plant in the New World dates from 1545 A.D., when the Spaniards introduced it into Chile. 1 It has been suggested, however, that African slaves familiar with marijuana as an intoxicant and medicine brought the seeds with them to Brazil even earlier in the sixteenth century. 2There is no record that the Pilgrims brought marijuana with them to Plymouth but the Jamestown settlers did bring the plant to Virginia in 1611, and cultivated it for its fiber. 3 Marijuana was introduced into New England in 1629. 4 From then until after the Civil War, the marijuana plant was a major crop in North America, and played an important role in both colonial and national economic policy. In 1762, "Virginia awarded bounties for hemp culture and manufacture, and imposed penalties upon those who did not produce it." 5 George Washington was growing hemp at Mount Vernon three years later末 presumably for its fiber, though it has been argued that Washington was also concerned to increase the medicinal or intoxicating potency of his marijuana plants. ** The argument depends on a curious tradition, which may or may not be sound, that the quality or quantity of marijuana resin (hashish) is enhanced if the male and female plants are separated before the females are pollinated. There can be no doubt that Washington separated the males from the females. Two entries in his diary supply the evidence:May 12-13, 1765: "Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole by Swamp."August 7, 1765: "末 began to seperate [sic] the Male from the Female Hemp at Do末 rather too late." 6George Andrews has argued, in The Book of Grass: An Anthology of Indian Hemp (1967), that Washington's August 7 diary entry "clearly indicates that he was cultivating the plant for medicinal purposes as well as for it's fiber." 7 He might have separated the males from the females to get better fiber, Andrews concedes末 but his phrase "rather too late" suggests that he wanted to complete the separation before the female plants were fertilized末 and this was a practice related to drug potency rather than to fiber culture. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by HempWorld on January 23, 2013 at 19:45:09 PT FoM, that's true, if you don't consider alcohol and cigarettes, drugs.However, alcohol kills about 85,000 Americans every year and cigarettes another 470,000, every year.Marijuana/cannabis/hemp 0 deaths in 10,000 years.Which would you rather have or have your children take?Therefore, the DEA and Kerlikowske prefer to kill and that is called evil! And for what? Legalize it in the entire country and world! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on January 23, 2013 at 18:55:30 PT MJ Legalization Would Promote Drug Use, DEA Says January 23, 2013Excerpt: The Justice Department is currently weighing how to respond to the legalization of recreational marijuana in the states of Colorado and Washington. Gil Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, has acknowledged the country is "in the midst of a serious national conversation about marijuana," while President Barack Obama said pot users in Washington and Colorado would not be a priority for federal drug enforcement.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment