Marijuana Prohibition Devastating for Youth function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Marijuana Prohibition Devastating for Youth'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Marijuana Prohibition Devastating for Youth Posted by CN Staff on October 27, 2012 at 05:37:33 PT By Art Way Source: Huffington Post USA -- A report released today by the Marijuana Arrest Research Project revealed the extent of marijuana prohibition in Colorado and its devastating costs to our communities.In the last 25 years, 210,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession. More than half of these arrests took place from 2001-2010. Marijuana possession arrests in Colorado rose sharply over the past 25 years -- from 4,000 in 1986 to 10,500 in 2010. Despite the increased show of force over the last decade, Colorado's crackdown has not decreased use or availability -- the stated goals of prohibition. Young adults bear the brunt of marijuana enforcement measures. Eighty-six percent of those arrested were age 34 or younger, 79 percent were 29 or younger, and 69 percent were 24 or younger. Science has now conclusively debunked the theory that marijuana is a gateway to other drugs, but these numbers show that marijuana arrests are indeed a gateway into the criminal justice system for many otherwise law-abiding young people.The resources invested by Colorado to maintain this approach comes at a stern cost to taxpayers. Reports estimate that Colorado spends $40 to $60 million on marijuana prohibition every year,Colorado -- like many other states across the country -- funnels disproportionately high numbers of blacks and Latinos into the criminal justice system, and even jail in certain jurisdictions. Black people are arrested at three times the rate of whites, while Latinos are arrested at 1.5 times the rate of whites. Even in Colorado counties where the black population is less than 5 percent, the arrest rate was double that of whites.The mostly young, poor adults who receive the label of drug offender understand all too well why many are now referring to the war on drugs as "the new Jim Crow." Marijuana possession arrests create easily-accessible criminal records, which can be found on the Internet by employers, landlords, schools, credit agencies, licensing boards and banks. As a result, the consequence of being labeled a drug offender is a lifelong barrier to employment, housing and education for those who already have a tough road ahead. California NAACP President Alice Huffman describes the hypocrisy of marijuana prohibition well:"Our recent history is filled with elected officials (including our current president), business leaders and others who have admitted using marijuana and was nonetheless able to lead productive lives. How many would have been able to do so if they were subjected to current law enforcement practices?"These very practices distract and divert limited law enforcement resources from combating serious, violent crime. Many law enforcement professionals agree that marijuana prohibition is detrimental to overall public safety and that it destroys the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve.Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities, fuels a massive, violent underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens. It's time to bring marijuana out of the shadows and under the rule of law -- and Colorado is suited to lead the way.Art Way is the Colorado Manager of the Drug Policy Alliance.This piece first appeared on the Drug Policy Alliance Blog.Source: Huffington Post (NY)Author: Art WayPublished: October 25, 2012Copyright: 2012, LLC Contact: scoop huffingtonpost.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #35 posted by afterburner on November 02, 2012 at 00:56:34 PT Pax Cannabis -- Remember “December 5, 1933”. AlterNet / By Doug Fine. 82 COMMENTS. Marijuana Prohibition Is Hanging on by Its Final Thread -- There's a Bright Future on the Horizon. America will benefit to the tune of billions every year when we end one of our worst domestic policies since ... the prohibition of alcohol. October 31, 2012 { And yet Matt Cohen remains unflaggingly optimistic that good policy will win out. “December 5, 1933,” he told me again, when I visited his decimated and bankrupt farm after his raid. “One state at a time.” His now-stumpy acreage, still flanked by a framed local cultivation permit, a huge American flag and a local Chamber of Commerce membership certificate, looked like something out of The Lorax. Close to a million dollars of medicinal American agricultural production had been carted away in a dump truck. } [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on November 01, 2012 at 21:02:04 PT Had Enough I so agree with you. Thank you so much! [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Had Enough on November 01, 2012 at 19:06:41 PT FoM…#23 Sorry about the loss of your friend…been getting a lot of that around here too…My thoughts are with all…Peace… [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Had Enough on November 01, 2012 at 19:03:13 PT Re: #27 Love… Love is the most powerful force in the universe…The are many forces in this universe …with love being the most…Problem is…most don’t even realize…or more or less experience these forces/vibes…being to busy with the stuff they are blinded/sidetracked/manipulated by…Forces way beyond what mankind can ever conceive…but I feel fortunate that I can feel and recognize at least some of these forces… with much more to learn though…Peace…and Love…you can’t have one without the other…when you do have one…the other is already there…If you are absent of one the other is absent too… [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on November 01, 2012 at 17:33:07 PT Hope Yes that is very comforting. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Hope on November 01, 2012 at 15:07:49 PT Last night on TV, I watched a program that talked about what people believe about life after this life.One man talked about his experience of death and he saw and felt many of the things we hear about from people that clinically die, but came back. One thing he said that stayed with me. He said when he left his body and this world, that he realized that the place he found himself in was "The real world". I thought that was very interesting. There's some comfort in that, I think. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by FoM on November 01, 2012 at 09:56:06 PT ekim and museman Thank you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by ekim on November 01, 2012 at 09:43:30 PT Stick lost his childhood friend what a great example of finding a friend and staying with em.all the best [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by museman on November 01, 2012 at 09:01:06 PT FoM - passing friends I totally agree. I have lost a friend and a parent in the last month, and we are trying to save a sister with cannacure, because the 'medical community' has already given her a death sentence.Priorities have been hi-jacked by an impersonal State. What is most important is right there in front of us.And it has a word to label it; Love.Love. Simple, and rejected in all but word and sexual reference in our society.And this is probably the most important fact and truth to come for a long time;"My hopes are with a strong awakening in response to the Mayan calendar prediction of a new age, a new beginning."I too have great hope in this, even as I reluctantly acknowledge that mainstream will only talk about it if there is profit in it. That too must change, and will.We have a choice as humans to embrace the simple truth of love -including the unpleasant parts- or not. If a significant number put it into practice (instead of just talking about it) then much disaster can be averted.If anyone thinks that Mother Earth is a deaf, dumb, blind, non-living entity, then they aren't getting it.These events that are occurring will continue until mankind truly wakes up, because the time of it is here, regardless of the ignorance that denies it.I am sad to say that even with the bright hope of the awakening global consciousness, the possibility of the general 'at-labor' masses letting go of their material worship long enough to put Love in highest priority is slim. That means more 'Frankenstorms' more Tsunamis, more earthquakes, and fire...There cannot be one man with consciousness and 2 million without and still realistically expect that one man to enact change -while he lives-. Logic, reality, and equality, highlights the necessity for consensus among us to actually achieve the revolution against tyranny that we all -even the mammon worshippers- desire.There cannot be consensus while the masses continue to place the value and priority of money, possessions, property, and power over Love. Simple but harsh truth.Love is the highest Truth. And the Truth shall set us free."Do the math."LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on November 01, 2012 at 05:04:36 PT BGreen and Afterburner Thank you. We were finally getting to a point after losing Bobby of trying to move on then the call came yesterday. Life is short. Live every moment like it might be your last. Don't burn bridges and make someone feel good today. That is what is important. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by afterburner on November 01, 2012 at 02:15:26 PT FoM #23 It's so sad to hear about Stick's friend. This storm is making us see what's really important in life and country. During a rancorous election, we are seeing a clear choice of two futures.My hopes are with a strong awakening in response to the Mayan calendar prediction of a new age, a new beginning.Those Pungent Smells Oozing Out of Marijuana Buds Are Actually Giving You Clues About What Their Effects Will Be Like. By Fred Gardner, O'Shaughnessy's. October 30, 2012. Scientists are now formally acknowledging something that Cannabis consumers have long taken for granted: aroma is associated with effect. READ MORE» O'Shaughnessy's / By Gero Leson, Walter Russell. COMMENT NOW! The Amazing Benefits of Hemp Seeds -- Too Bad the DEA Is Curtailing the Industry. Unlike fish and flax oil supplements and assorted protein powders —hemp can taste really good. October 26, 2012 AlterNet / By Bruce Wilson. 25 COMMENTS. Where Did Paul Ryan Find Inspiration for 'Reforming' Social Security? A Brutal Military Dictatorship, Naturally. The basis for Ryan's big plan was hatched under the radical right-wing Chilean torture regime of 1973 military coup leader Augusto Pinochet. October 30, 2012 Mitt Romney Wants to Make America Like China. The Washington Monthly. By Ed Kilgore. 16 COMMENTS. China’s a semi-communist authoritarian gerontocracy with a horrendous human rights record, but man, look at those low wages and lack of regulation! October 29, 2012. READ MORE» 2012. AlterNet / By Joshua Holland. 1 COMMENT. How Mitt Romney Would Screw the Red States That Support Him. Most voters are probably unaware of just how radical the Romney-Ryan vision for our future really is. October 29, 2012 Doors - Riders on the storm [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by BGreen on October 31, 2012 at 22:44:29 PT OMG, I'm so sorry! That's horrible, FoM and Stick. I know your friend is at peace but my prayers pour out to those left to deal with this in the physical world. I wish I could say something that would help the pain but I don't have that power. All I can say is what comes from my heart that's how profoundly sad and sorry I am.Live for the moment because it may be our last.Bud [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on October 31, 2012 at 15:27:36 PT Another Sad Day We were called today by his wife and told that Stick lost his childhood friend when a tree fell on him during the major part of the hurricane. He just retired and was only 62. This has been a rough couple of weeks. They were coming out to visit us soon. We were really looking forward to their visit. My Nephew's Memory Video [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on October 30, 2012 at 10:55:56 PT BGreen We bought a generator a couple of years ago. Having a generator seems to be more of a necessity anymore. I feel sorry for people who live in an apartment in a city that couldn't use a generator even if they could buy one. Generators aren't really expensive when you think of what you won't lose as far as food in a freezer if you had one. Almost everyone around here now as a generator. We lived here since 79 and didn't need one until the last few years. The grid is getting very old. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by BGreen on October 30, 2012 at 10:20:32 PT I'm glad you're safe That's cool that you have backup power that can be utilized so easily. We don't have a generator so we use the same system we use for health insurance ... we pray a lot! LOLBud [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on October 30, 2012 at 09:43:21 PT BGreen The weather is terrible here. We are fine though. I wonder if this storm will be considered worse then Katrina after the full impact is known. We made sure we had gas for the generator and plenty of food and water. Installing the Generlink system to power our generator safely this summer has given us peace of mind. We had to use it one time and it worked great. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by BGreen on October 30, 2012 at 08:24:50 PT That was something, wasn't it? There wasn't any way to blame the President for the hurricane so he couldn't help but tell the truth. I just wonder how much of a pickle they would be in if the Republicans, including Romney, get their way and turn FEMA over to the states?Sometimes we need the help of a strong federal government to do more than cage the cannabis partakers.How's the weather at your place, FoM?Bud [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on October 30, 2012 at 06:56:37 PT BGreen It's amazing how happy I can get sometimes. Governor Christie praised President Obama on his response to Sandy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by BGreen on October 29, 2012 at 23:51:43 PT Hate I would argue that the vast majority of these people hate a lot more than just President Obama. I would argue that they harbor a tremendous amount of hatred towards just about anybody who would dare to look, think or act any differently than the haters. A few of them are just ignorant and believe the stupid things they've been told by the other haters.Anybody who is in a successful relationship or that has been divorced knows that cooperation takes equal effort by both parties involved. Anything less creates big problems. People blame President Obama for the divorce but the Republicans were the ones who declared they would do everything they could to make sure the marriage failed. So much for cooperation.The problem with many of the people who blame President Obama is that they seem to think the president holds dictatorial powers when the real power exists in the Congress. I think they were confused by the way the Democratic party caved on everything that Bush wanted.Bud [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 29, 2012 at 06:57:57 PT BGreen I agree with you. I am so worried that Romney could win. The polls are too close to feel comfortable. I told my nephew from Florida last night no matter how hard I try I can't figure out why some of my family hate Obama and love Romney and hate Democrats and love Republicans. He can't figure it out either. It doesn't make any sense. They really hate Obama. Why? [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by BGreen on October 29, 2012 at 06:38:34 PT I don't agree with everything Obama has done but Romney is the biggest, most blatant liar imaginable. He has one interest and that is wealth for himself. He will f^&* us all beyond what Bush ever did.I would never trust anybody who tells a different story every day depending on who he's talking to. We wouldn't even trust our own children if they told that many outright empirical lies. I would cut my own throat before I would ever vote for Romney.The "lies" they accuse Obama of are just campaign promises that he failed to accomplish because of the complete refusal of the Republican party to allow him to achieve anything that might get him reelected. They said so the first day of his presidency. The fact he got so much accomplished despite the petulance of the tea baggers to me shows he could be a really good president if the Republican party cared about anything other than amassing more wealth than God Himself.There were a helluvalot of LGBT people who thought Obama had abandoned them but the truth was Obama was just waiting for the right time to act. I still feel with all of my heart and intellect that Obama has not thrown us under the bus regarding cannabis. It just hasn't been the right time to act. It would have killed his chances of being reelected and killed every good thing he had done and will do in the future. Then we would have guaranteed that Mrs. Green and I would never get to have health insurance and, since I turn 50 in a couple of weeks, I'm one day closer to a preexisting condition that will doom my chances of survival if I ever get critically ill.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on October 29, 2012 at 05:58:46 PT afterburner I agree with you. I will vote for Obama. I feel sorry for those who have pot shops if Romney wins. They think it's bad now. Just wait and see what would happen under a Romney administration. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by afterburner on October 28, 2012 at 22:05:18 PT FoM & museman #2-8 5 reasons I would still vote for Obama:As Commander-in-Chief over the Armed Forces, he is obligated to oppose terrorism and other threats, foreign and domestic.As President he is obligated to support all legal businesses, even those he would eventually like to replace with cleaner more sustainable alternatives.The Tea party - which is really just a front for a lot of rich dude billionaires who want to steal the rest of your benefits, jobs and property - treated Obama as a terrorist by cutting off his funds.The Great Recession took years to create based on unwarranted tax breaks for the ultra rich and two unfunded wars; it takes longer than three plus years to recover from it as businesses shed jobs and make it worse.Although I disagreed with his DEA appointment and his use of IRS to kneecap medical cannabis dispensaries, we have made more bottom-up progress in cities, states and courts under his administration. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Hope on October 27, 2012 at 19:42:30 PT Comment 10 Who knew that someday, some of the most honest and trustworthy people in our communities are felons.A felony sure isn't what it used to be about a hundred years. Of course, around here, people could kill you on the spot over livestock. But really. In the olden days, being a felon really meant something. Felons used to be murderers, rapists, or at the very least, thieve, us.Hardly anyone was a felon. Now there are so many people with felony records. Even nice, gentle, honest, caring people. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 10:47:38 PT FoM " I will then tune out, tune out and tune out."Way ahead of you. Already arrived. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 10:45:02 PT runruff I wrote in you and Linda for county positions. :)Unfortunately there are no 'empty' positions this election so its just token... [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by runruff on October 27, 2012 at 10:12:14 PT I am writing in my vote. I think I will write in Museman and Kapt. I do not know in which order yet?Actually I believe anyone on this thread would do a better job than the ones we have to chose from.As for me though, you could not melt that job down and pour it on me! No normal well adjusted person would want such an awesome job!"Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it."-Braveheart [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on October 27, 2012 at 10:11:06 PT museman He will do ok if he doesn't win. He is loved by most countries in the world. He would have a good legacy unlike Bush. Romney folks will get what they want and since my husband is out of the work force we will be ok. I will then tune out, tune out and tune out. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 10:03:49 PT FoM Just to be clear, I don't "hate" anyone, I only hate what they do. But you are probably right about O if he loses.Look at how white his hair is getting after just 4 years!A tremendous weight for any man to bear, regardless of the plays in motion. I have pity, but he's getting paid quite sufficiently, and his presidential pension guarantees incredible freedom and license. Freedom and license that the office of the president of the united states consistently denies the people. I just hope that the people's initiatives make it, because there is the real deciding of our future, not who becomes the next corporate puppet. IMO [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on October 27, 2012 at 09:45:24 PT museman I really do like Obama but if so darn many people hate Obama I think letting Romney win maybe the hate would stop. I am very tired of reading how much people hate Obama. I know I wouldn't care about the direction of the country if I was him. He will have a good future even if he doesn't win the election. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 09:36:52 PT FoM I haven't a clue who will 'win' -Romney is, at least in appearances- a worse evil than O, but I vote my conscience regardless of the outcome. IMO O betrayed us quite slickly and with intelligence and expert use of ambiguity, but betrayed just the same.If Romney wins, I suspect it will have little to do with my vote. It's all scripted, orchestrated, and planned out to a greater degree than many suppose, and it doesn't matter any more 'who wins.' I know you like O, and I reaaally wanted to myself, but the proof is in the pudding, and I'm not liking the flavor. LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 27, 2012 at 09:19:50 PT museman I am fairly well resigned to having Romney as president. I will be disappointed but even if he wins it shouldn't change much for us personally. It might very well cause issues with our near 50 year old friends. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 08:51:18 PT my ballot is in the mail And I didn't vote for mr. O. -I only get fooled once-Not much to choose from so I can't endorse anyone, and I won't tell you who I voted for, but Hope schooled me on that and I used it.But I did vote for for legalization.LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by museman on October 27, 2012 at 08:43:37 PT this is not just Colorado "The mostly young, poor adults who receive the label of drug offender understand all too well why many are now referring to the war on drugs as "the new Jim Crow." Marijuana possession arrests create easily-accessible criminal records, which can be found on the Internet by employers, landlords, schools, credit agencies, licensing boards and banks. As a result, the consequence of being labeled a drug offender is a lifelong barrier to employment, housing and education for those who already have a tough road ahead."I was one of those "210,000" people. Ultimately, that set a series of events -for me and those around me- that resulted in the loss of my land, home and all of my possessions.While doing weekends for possession of less than 6 oz, I met a young Chicano brother who was doing 1 and 1/2 years for less than one ounce -in county jail!-.(owing to a genetic twist of fate, I am caucasian, he was not)He could not speak english very well.This travesty happens in every state in the 'Union.' Some more, and some this and a lot worse.Any "Law" that causes this amount of systematic -but absolutely unnecessary- pain and suffering, and obviously aimed with spite and vengeance against race and class, is Wrong. Any citizen that supports this kind of masochistic rape of people's lives -regardless of their 'job description'- supports that wrong. This evil is the core of negative that brings the same kind of pain and suffering through manipulation of economics. Through social systems of racism and superiority doctrines and beliefs. Through 'professions' that are imbalanced with motivations of greed and power, providing increasingly inferior quality products and services for greater requirements of sacrifice on the part of the not-so-rich-and-powerful consumers.Through compulsive 'education' that adds another social ostracism to the tool belt of the 'framers of justice' perhaps the greatest affront and crime, children are forcibly taught -crammed into their heads, or else- to believe all manner of falsehoods that support the lies of this status quo. And yet the proponents of this, the real and actual crime often attempt to appeal to the emotions of parents -particularly young and inexperienced parents- by referring to the children as being in jeopardy from cannabis, when the truth is a damnation of the lie about the harm, and where it really comes from. Ask the children of any soul who's run the gauntlet of the "just-us" system for a handful of cannabis, they know.The harm is not in the plant. It is in the society that cannot respect any substance of nature because they mistakenly have been made to believe that their manufactured "reality" is somehow 'better' or 'superior' to Nature and Creation that is ultimately to blame. And the handful who hold the wealth of resource of the earth in their fracking evil hands, mindfully with purpose, agenda, and intent are in fact the ones most responsible, and if "law" demands "justice," they are the ones who should be punished.And yet all across the land right now people are choosing between evils and agreeing -by the proxy of their 'vote'- to continue to allow the evil to hold office and power over them for lie, after lie, after lie.A hard truth, yet only removing their power and false authority from our minds and hearts will provide us with solid solution, otherwise we are consistently forced to accept their 'compromise' that history reveals as just a lie added to a lie.But we do what we can. For the moment all we have is slim hope in this tenuous thread of imagined power in the electorate of the people, so we must act as decisively as we can and begin to displace the lie with the truth.My ballot is in the mail.LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by The GCW on October 27, 2012 at 06:55:48 PT Color ado green Legal pot in Colorado raises jobsite enforcement questions [ Post Comment ] Post Comment