L.A. Pot Shop Owners Vow To Overturn Ban
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L.A. Pot Shop Owners Vow To Overturn Ban
Posted by CN Staff on August 16, 2012 at 15:02:59 PT
Breaking News
Source: Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles -- Medical marijuana dispensary owners across Los Angeles will be receiving glum news in the mail this week: a letter from the city telling them it's time to shut down. But despite threats of fines and jail time, some dispensary owners have vowed to stay open. They say they are working hard to qualify a ballot measure to overturn the ban on storefront sales of medical marijuana passed last month by the Los Angeles City Council.
The letter from the city, sent Tuesday from the office of City Atty. Carmen Trutanich, says dispensaries have until Sept. 6 to comply with the ban. Shops that refuse to shut down may be subject to penalties of $2,500 a day and up to six months in jail. Dispensary owner Yamileth Bolanos, who heads the Greater Los Angeles Collectives Alliance, said she hadn't gotten the letter yet. But she was defiant: "I'm not shutting down." Bolanos, who believes the city could have come up with a workable policy that would limit the number of dispensaries while also ensuring patients have access to the drug, said her group's current focus is on collecting signatures for a voter referendum to overturn the ban. The process of getting signatures has already begun, according to Don Duncan, California director for Americans for Safe Access. He said about 27,500 people must sign the petition for the referendum -- or one-tenth of the voters who participated in the last mayoral election. Last month's ban was seen as a turning point in the city's seemingly unending battle to regulate the distribution of medical marijuana. It will outlaw the estimated 1,000 or so storefront dispensaries in the city, but it will still allow patients and their caregivers to grow and share marijuana in groups of three people or fewer.From The LA Times BlogSource: Los Angeles Times (CA)Published: August 16, 2012Copyright: 2012 Los Angeles TimesContact: letters latimes.comWebsite:  Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #2 posted by Storm Crow on August 16, 2012 at 21:36:53 PT
Are they ready for a HUGE jump in unemployment? 
My little local dispensary employs about 6 people. Let's call that a conservative number since many dispensaries in large cities would employ more. 6 people times 1,000 + dispensaries = over 6,000 people out of work! Just what LA needs!- 6,000(likely far more)unhappy, unemployed people on the streets of LA during the hottest summer in a while! And I am a MMJ patient. I'm female and just turned 65. If I lived in LA, just where would the Los Angeles City Council expect me to find my medicine? Do they expect sick and/or elderly people like me to risk looking for a dealer in a dark alley? Often our only alternative is get drugged out of our minds (and lives) by addictive and dangerous pharmaceuticals!Or are we supposed to just shut up and suffer?That's some real smart thinking by the by the Los Angeles City Council! I know how I would be voting next election if I were in LA. And I would be telling them what I think in the meantime!
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Comment #1 posted by runruff on August 16, 2012 at 16:44:02 PT
Freedom vs not freedom.
How many freedoms can we prohibit in a free society before we become something else? 
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