Montana Medical Marijuana Industry On Wane
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Montana Medical Marijuana Industry On Wane
Posted by CN Staff on January 02, 2012 at 06:08:13 PT
By Gwen Florio of The Missoulian 
Source: Missoulian 
Montana -- One of the fastest-growing segments of Missoula's business community did an abrupt about-face in 2011. The city now has significantly fewer medical marijuana businesses than it did at the beginning of the year, 38 compared to 63, according to the city of Missoula's Business Licensing Office. State Sen. Jeff Essmann, R-Billings, who successfully sponsored a law to restrict such businesses, said he'd love to take credit for the change in landscape.
But, he said, "I think it's largely due to federal law enforcement." In March and November, federal agents raided medical marijuana businesses around the state, including in Missoula and the Flathead. Despite Montana's voter-approved legalization of the medical use of cannabis, marijuana is still illegal under federal law. Some of those targeted by the raids already have pleaded guilty to federal drug charges whose penalties carry stiff prison sentences and hefty fines. "I think the threat of significant jail time brought a sense of reality to a lot of people who were engaged in the operation," Essmann said. One person's reality is another's fear. The highly publicized raids had a chilling effect on medical marijuana businesses and their clients, said John Masterson, who heads Montana's chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or NORML. "We've got entrepreneurs who were, by all accounts I'm aware of, complying with state law. They just were successful business people who were raided by, basically, federal law enforcement soldiers in body armor with gas masks and submachine guns," he said. "Many or maybe all who were raided were acting in good faith and believed they were in compliance with state law." That fear also applies not only to entrepreneurs but to consumers as well, he said. The number of people with state-approved medical marijuana cards dropped from a high of 30,036 in June to 10,236 last month - just about where it was 18 months ago. The number of providers plummeted even more sharply, from a high of 4,848 in March to 383 last month. That's a lightning-fast turnaround from the days when it seemed as though another medical marijuana business opened weekly in Missoula, and the number of cardholders rose by more than 1,000 people each month. "I've talked to a lot of voters in my district who were OK with looking the other way if it helped an elderly person with a severe terminal situation," Essmann said. "But they were not happy with the situation as it had developed." Even the most ardent supporters of medical cannabis had problems with some of that growth. "At this time last year, just prior to the Legislature convening, there were many of us in the movement who were concerned with some of the brash and insensitive and arguably inappropriate commercial activities by some operators," Masterson said. "Our Montana culture was not ready to so suddenly have billboards and signage, and that provoked a response." He didn't mention anyone by name but one Missoula resident, Jason Christ, became infamous for Internet "tele-clinics" and traveling "cannabis caravans" where physicians provided medical marijuana recommendations for hundreds of people in a few hours. Although Christ's business continued staging one-day clinics around the state, he closed his prominent location at Orange and Front streets months ago and, more recently, some of his websites have vanished from the Internet. These days, Christ is embroiled in a series of lawsuits and countersuits - mostly with former business associates - and is scheduled to go to trial in April in a felony intimidation case. Among the suits filed by Christ, acting as his own attorney, is one challenging the new law as unconstitutional. Months ago, the Montana Cannabis Industry Association - which formed in response to the new law - filed its own legal challenge, resulting in an injunction on some of its most stringent provisions. The state has appealed part of that ruling and the Cannabis Industry Association said it will counter that appeal. Opponents of the new law also have collected enough signatures to place a repeal of Essmann's measure on the 2012 ballot. "I'm optimistic that the attempt to repeal what the Legislature did will fail," said Essmann, citing a Montana State University-Billings poll released in October that showed 62 percent of those queried supported his measure's restrictions. "I don't think most Montanans want to return to the Wild West situation," he said. "I know that the people in my home community are happy that the storefronts are no longer present and the billboards are not actively promoting the product and sending messages to the youth of the community." These days, Essmann is busier with his campaign for the GOP's gubernatorial nomination than medical marijuana questions. Despite the issue's high profile - medical marijuana was named the No. 1 news story of 2011 by the Associated Press' annual member poll - Essmann said it rarely arises on the campaign trail. "Issue No. 1 will be the economy and jobs," he said. "Issue No. 2 will be the economy and jobs. Issue No. 3 will be the economy and jobs." For Masterson, of course, it remains Issue No. 1. "As I look forward, it's clear we need to find some sort of middle ground," he said. "The voters of Montana generally believe that no one should face criminal penalties for responsible adult use of cannabis, whether to alleviate symptoms of some malady or relax after a hard day's work." Source: Missoulian (MT) Author: Gwen Florio of The Missoulian Published: Sunday, January 1, 2012 Copyright: 2012 Missoulian Contact: oped missoulian.comWebsite URL: Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #10 posted by josephlacerenza on January 05, 2012 at 12:02:30 PT
Here is Montana's Effort Towards FULL Legalization
Now let's see if we can get the signatures here!
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Comment #9 posted by josephlacerenza on January 05, 2012 at 11:57:51 PT
I found this great didy's a great old 'Reefer Madness' like film from 1949! Please, enjoy! I find these old films to be a kick... We can look back and scratch our collective heads.
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Comment #8 posted by Hope on January 03, 2012 at 15:46:29 PT
my post was about the happiness that now they tell a little of both sides, at least... and there was a time not so long ago that they didn't. At all.
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Comment #7 posted by Hope on January 03, 2012 at 15:42:43 PT
The very last one of us that joins before prohibition is ended is just as important and part of it as the first guy in. I didn't mean that. I just meant, although not positive, this article is a reminder of things that have advanced our efforts. It hasn't been that long ago either that they finally started doing that. Telling something of the other side of the story. It's probably only been four or five years. Before that... it was a blank brick wall as far as interviewing or including any words from the people against these god awful wars of government on the people.That's a rotten shame about your discharge. A rotten shame. Someday, I hope, it won't be held against a man what a blood test says he might have done last week or yesterday or last night. Both sides of the stories are mentioned now. That's a huge victory. We're moving steadily towards a goal of freedom. Maybe we'll crash through all the barricades and accomplish great things in the struggle this year. I hope so. People's lives and futures depend on it.I have no stripes on my back at all. But I've seen plenty of my fellow man get them and be murdered by the antidrug jack booted thugs. Plenty. That's why I spoke up. I've had my feelings hurt if that counts. I've been searched... by dogs and held on the side of the road. But I'm a pretty innocent child. I don't like seeing it happen to others though.I appreciate your efforts and what you have to say, Oleg... keep it up. We need you and everyone that will help.I didn't really mean much about anything with last post. Just musing... though not so brightly or intriguingly as the Museman. About last in... I'm a baby as far as being here from the beginning. Had Enough, BGreen, HempWorld, Sam, Observer... many more were building seige ramps here long before I showed up to learn and to add my two cents here and there. 
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Comment #6 posted by Oleg the Tumor on January 03, 2012 at 12:08:06 PT:
You have me on two counts:1.  Of not understanding the historical significance of this story when compared to what has gone before.2.  Of having no actual clue what is going on in Montana.We all travel different paths against this repression. Mine started in the 70s, with a drug discharge from the military, which has followed me faithfully, so they know who I am.I may not have as many stripes on my back as others at this campfire, but they go just as deep.
Thank you.
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Comment #5 posted by Hope on January 02, 2012 at 20:54:27 PT
Ekim and HempWorld are well aware of what
I'm talking about, but I don't know how long you, Oleg, have been with us in the matter of keeping up with, paying attention, and speaking out against the injustice of cannabis prohibition and certainly it's enforcement, and supporting every effort to abolish said prohibition. This article in itself is part of a great victory of sanity over insanity. There was a time when we didn't get articles like this. HempWorld, and ekim, like I, and many others around here, know when these columns and articles only told one side of the story. Only and always. Year after disgusting year. For some time now, though, I'm so thankful, most news media have been telling bits of both sides of the story or stories.
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Comment #4 posted by ekim on January 02, 2012 at 19:02:25 PT
oh and who owns what
where are the Schools that are using this information
on new production methods for making ethanol from cellulose.we now have a stake in solindra sic hope we will make it
a better product to help save energy.what ever happen to all those hemp mills the govt built
in the 40s and 50s we have all the blueprints for all that
new fangled equipment that stripped and spun all that hemp
fiber for the war effort.
the people paid taxes for all that out the govt movie Hemp for Victoryit was filmed in KY so Sen Paul should have a idea on 
how to access those blueprints 
KY should be leading the way on Hemp products as they were
among the first to have mechanized Hemp processing in the USA.If any fiber can be spun a quilt would be great as many could offer patches to be sewn together.
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Comment #3 posted by ekim on January 02, 2012 at 16:46:58 PT
show Jack Herers book to his opponent about jobs
"I don't think most Montanans want to return to the Wild West situation," he said. "I know that the people in my home community are happy that the storefronts are no longer present and the billboards are not actively promoting the product and sending messages to the youth of the community."These days, Essmann is busier with his campaign for the GOP's gubernatorial nomination than medical marijuana questions. Despite the issue's high profile - medical marijuana was named the No. 1 news story of 2011 by the Associated Press' annual member poll - Essmann said it rarely arises on the campaign trail."Issue No. 1 will be the economy and jobs," he said. "Issue No. 2 will be the economy and jobs. Issue No. 3 will be the economy and jobs."calling everyone that wants to save the Cannabis plant.
1212 a great year to educate oneanother.
Print the Billion Dollar Crop story.Med Cannabis growers have fiber and seeds lets spin some.A decordacator a machine made to strip fiber from the hemp 
stalk. Who knows how to build one are there any working.We are going to need building stuff of all kinds.We need biofuels The need for cellulose flour for plastic of all kinds.How much are the farmers getting for Hemp[ across Canada
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Comment #2 posted by Oleg the Tumor on January 02, 2012 at 09:16:21 PT:
A clear case of "Let's You and Him Fight!"
This whole case might be centered around one bad actor, this Jason Christ might be a CIA operative for all I know (they all seem to act as their own attorneys, judges and juries anyway, don't they?)
The government has a lot to gain by keeping the smoke in the air.
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Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on January 02, 2012 at 07:50:49 PT
Montana Medical Marijuana Industry On Wane
and: Montana Illegal Marijuana Industry On Rise!Great job!Duh!
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