Pot Legalization Signatures To Be Turned in Thurs.
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Pot Legalization Signatures To Be Turned in Thurs.
Posted by CN Staff on December 28, 2011 at 16:43:43 PT
By Rachel La Corte, Associated Press 
Source: Associated Press
Olympia, Wash. -- Supporters of an effort to legalize and regulate the recreational use of marijuana in Washington state plan to turn in signatures this week to qualify their initiative. New Approach Washington expects to turn in more than 355,000 signatures to the secretary of state's office on Thursday, said the group's campaign director, Alison Holcomb.
An initiative to the Legislature requires at least 241,153 valid signatures of registered state voters to be certified, though the secretary of state's office suggests at least 320,000 as a buffer for any duplicate or invalid signatures. Initiative 502 would create a system of state-licensed growers, processors and stores, and impose a 25 percent excise tax at each stage. Those 21 and over could buy up to an ounce of dried marijuana; one pound of marijuana-infused product in solid form, such as brownies; or 72 ounces of marijuana-infused liquids. It would be illegal for a motorist to have more than 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood in their system. THC is the active ingredient of cannabis. "This is an issue whose time has come, both here in Washington and nationwide," Holcomb said. Once the initiative goes to the Legislature, it has to take action during the upcoming 60-day legislative session that begins Jan. 9 or the measure automatically goes to the November ballot. The initiative has several high-profile sponsors, including former Seattle U.S. Attorney John McKay and travel guide Rick Steves. A spokeswoman for Gov. Chris Gregoire said that she has concerns about the legalization initiative because of the conflict with the federal government, which still says the drug is illegal. "Even if this were to pass, we'd still have to deal with federal law," said spokeswoman Karina Shagren. Shagren said that Gregoire would prefer to focus on getting clarity when it comes to medical marijuana laws. She noted that the governor's focus is on a recent petition that she and Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee filed with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration asking the agency to reclassify marijuana so doctors can prescribe it and pharmacists can fill the prescription. Washington state already has a voter-approved medical marijuana law that gives doctors the right to recommend - but not prescribe - marijuana for people suffering from cancer and other conditions that cause "intractable pain." Some marijuana legalization supporters are opposed to the current initiative. A group called Patients Against I-502 has expressed concern that medical marijuana users will be subject to arrest because of what they see as an overly strict intoxicated driving limit. On its website, the group wrote the limit listed in the initiative would "subject patients to highly-invasive blood testing, unnecessary confinement and a criminal conviction that will haunt them for life." "We want to legalize it too, but not at the expense of those who use cannabis to successfully treat terminal and debilitating diseases," the group said on the website. Another group opposed to I-502, the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, cited concerns about increased use among young people, increase cases of drugged driving, and conflict with federal law. "We just don't think that it's the right thing for state government to tell its citizens to do something that can get them arrested by federal officers," said Don Pierce, the group's executive director. Holcomb said that she believes that the initiative would withstand a court challenge, and hoped that "the federal government will extend I-502 at least the same respect it has extended to state medical marijuana laws." Washington isn't the only state considering marijuana legalization. Colorado will vote next year if a similar measure there makes the ballot. Supporters there are expected to turn in signatures in the coming weeks to qualify for the November ballot. Online: Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Rachel La Corte, Associated Press Published: December 28, 2011Copyright: 2011 The Associated PressCannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #40 posted by FoM on January 05, 2012 at 15:30:05 PT
Had Enough
I don't know if Youtube will remove this or not but I put together a couple pictures of our male rottweiler when he was 2.
My Dog
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Comment #39 posted by Hope on January 03, 2012 at 13:42:50 PT
Had Enough
FoM is right... and you're missed when you don't post.
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Comment #38 posted by FoM on January 03, 2012 at 12:14:29 PT
Had Enough
You are loved!
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Comment #37 posted by Had Enough on January 02, 2012 at 21:58:58 PT
I'm thinkin'...
It's good to be here...Thanks for having me around here...
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Comment #36 posted by Hope on January 02, 2012 at 20:56:55 PT
It's so good to hear from you, Had Enough.
So good.
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Comment #35 posted by FoM on January 02, 2012 at 08:49:27 PT
Had Enough
That was great. I enjoyed watching Sassy teach Nikki manners when she was a young puppy. Now Sassy can teach another puppy manners soon. 
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Comment #34 posted by Had Enough on January 02, 2012 at 07:42:16 PT
More dog stuff...
Rottweiler surrogate father to a wolf cubHe is a fully grown Rottweiler. She is a tiny wolf pup. But that hasn’t stopped 18-month-old,150lb dog Ulrok and and eight-week-old cub Beldaran becoming best of friends They sleep together, frolic in the sun and even howl at the moon in unison – and their unlikely union brings a smile to the face of everyone who sees them.Click to see...
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Comment #33 posted by FoM on January 02, 2012 at 06:17:33 PT
Had Enough
The video and the song are beautiful. 
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Comment #32 posted by Had Enough on January 01, 2012 at 23:36:12 PT
What is beautiful...???
Beauty/Peace goes way further than the eye of the beholder...but before you can must at first...have an eye/ear/heart...respectively...(or maybe it is all in one) for it...Peace my sisters/brothers...***indianer
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Comment #31 posted by museman on January 01, 2012 at 11:05:16 PT
May everyone have a safe and healthy year.Looking back on the year, I can say it has been one of the most exciting and hopeful I have seen since I first heard Sgt. Peppers in 1969.I have seen more consciousness and awakening in this one year, than in all the previous (that I've lived) combined.There is like two distinct modes of movement; The 'Upward' and the 'downward' -and of course the static 'go-nowhere' mind set of the compromising fence-sitters who provide cover for the downward, and blockage for the upward, but a destiny of nothingness -the results of sowing and reaping a lifetime of bland mediocrity- for themselves.The basic struggles of life have magnified and escalated - some of it quite insidiously purposeful I might add- and for many the stress of the current world will prove to be too much.On the one hand, the powers of the Status Quo have engineered and orchestrated the entirety of the 'economic crisis' thinking to 'reboot' society in their image -one of antiquated systems of rule and control-, and on the other, a long laid celestial plan of Spiritual alignment that is a pouring out on the earth for those who aren't falling down or fence sitting.The sad irony, is that the upward movement cannot be seen or experienced by those who are embedded so deeply in the ways and means of the Status Quo - they cannot let go of enough error to start displacing it with reality. Also sadly, the ones who are the fodder for the elite, also choose to support their masters instead of themselves. Some of them might yet let go of their middle road and join the upward flow, but by experience, I can say that the proverb; "Be careful so that when you seek to pull your brother out of the fire, he does not pull you down with him!" is applicable wisdom in this day and age.There is a lot of hype about 'the end of the world' and negative 'prophecy' concerning 2012. Those who investigated, found out that the source of that speculation -the Mayan Calendar (long count) was predicting no such thing, and in fact, if the world was going to 'end' where the calendar does, then we would have experienced it on October 28th this year, not Dec 21st 2012.There are other events however -not necessarily 'predicted' by the Mayan Calendar that are exciting and maybe a bit frightening as well to one who does not believe in the ultimate benevolent Spiritual outcome.NASA has predicted a possible 'extinction level event' that is connected to the fact that our sun is reaching peak solar activity at the same time we cross the Galactic Meridian. There will also be the 'planetary alignment' that has been talked about for decades (among some circles). We have 104 operating Nuclear facilities in the US. If the power grid were knocked out by solar flares, the worst of our troubles would be a lack of electricity. -I'm not predicting it, I'm just sayin'...To escape that kind of doom there is only one answer; Faith, Belief, and action in same. If I were to be asked for my opinion on what the 'occupy' movement should do next, I'd definitely point out all those Wormwood processing facilities poised on the brink of making oblivion a reality for most surface dwellers. But I can't expect all the Status Quo slaves to give up one ounce of their comfort for the sake of life on planet earth, not when they might miss the latest entertainment...Had Enough;Wonderful collection of images. Yes there is much we have lost -or more accurately- bartered away for useless, wasteful baubles that destroy our environment in the making. Man has arrogantly pranced around the planet, destroying everything that was originally good and abundant, uprooting us from our natural roots, and replacing it with what? Fossil fuels? Television? Electricity and digital technology? How can any of that compare to the natural unfettered joy of being wolf- that is revealed in that video Had Enough posted?But another day, and another year. Opportunity abounds for those who wake up and embrace it. What a long strange trip it's been.Peace
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Comment #30 posted by Hope on January 01, 2012 at 10:45:54 PT
Happy New Year!
I so hope it's a great one.(I'm typing this on a tablet. It's so cool. Maybe I'll get one.)
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Comment #29 posted by HempWorld on January 01, 2012 at 10:11:07 PT
Happy New Year to All!
Even though I am a stupid pot head: I still hope for the re-scheduling of Mari-ju-ana to class 3, for the DEA to be abolished and for democracy to be restored to the US of A!God willing and God bless!
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on January 01, 2012 at 09:23:28 PT
Happy New Year to you too! I hope 2012 brings us very close to reforming the laws against cannabis.
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Comment #27 posted by RevRayGreen on January 01, 2012 at 09:07:40 PT
Hempy New Year 2012 FoM & CNews
=Green Central Station New Years 2011==v' ' ''' ''various sound bytes from calls to talk radio here in central Iowa from myself & fellow Iowan supporting marijuana law reform taking on reefer sad Iowan ,former IA CONgressman Dr. Greg Ganske on Jan Mikelson show 1040 WHO Radio, plus my announcement of ending the NORML - IA Facebook page at midnight 12/31/2011.... all news I will support you will find at the Green Central Station Facebook page..starting 1/1/12
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Comment #26 posted by Had Enough on December 31, 2011 at 14:44:40 PT
What is really real...
What is really real...What is lost is the answer...This video can depict (to some) how far away our true selves’ and the powerful forces of the universe that we have allowed ourselves to be removed from...only to except the falsehoods propagated on mankind...***Love ~ Wolves
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Comment #25 posted by FoM on December 31, 2011 at 14:32:50 PT
Neil Young's Holiday Music
I am enjoying listening to the music and I thought others might like to check it out.
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on December 31, 2011 at 13:40:42 PT
I would have commented before but I missed your post. I have been really busy these days. I bookmarked it to read and thank you for sharing it with us.
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Comment #23 posted by Had Enough on December 31, 2011 at 13:05:59 PT
What is real... in comment #18...2/3 of the way through part far so good...(got interrupted...but will finish it)Just thought I’d let you know and to thank you for sharing...Peace...Brothers & Sisters...
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Comment #22 posted by afterburner on December 31, 2011 at 12:02:11 PT
Happy New Year
Change is in the air. The communication lines are buzzing with impatience at the fighting and general bullroar. See y'all in the future.
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Comment #21 posted by Hope on December 31, 2011 at 11:44:29 PT
Happy New Year!
On th brokn kyboard computr. My laptop. I'm pcting an amaing good yar!Whoo Hoo!Happy New Year!
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Comment #20 posted by The GCW on December 31, 2011 at 10:52:31 PT
YES, Happy New Year everyone.
But not so happy for cannabis prohibitionists.
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Comment #19 posted by FoM on December 31, 2011 at 08:54:19 PT
Happy New Year Everyone!
I don't know what this year will bring but it is going to be interesting to say the least. Hopefully this year we will move closer to the end of Cannabis prohibition.
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Comment #18 posted by museman on December 30, 2011 at 10:14:18 PT
"our government"
Is controlled by elite factions that are so well hidden, it takes a literal act of God to get a glimpse.Yes, we can see the Duponts and Rockefellers, and other visible factions of the ones who appear to control the "Shadow Government" -but what the people don't see is the timeline of Conquest, War, Pestilence, and Death that has been waged against us since our earliest (and buried) history. Americans think that this situation we 'suddenly' find ourselves in is some kind of plan that only recently came into being.Those with 'jobs' will bend over backwards, and create bushels of false reasoning to justify their own surrender to slavery. (for those who are under the false ethical programming of the Staus Quo - 'work,' and 'labor' are not the same thing as 'job,' in the current social definition) -even go so far as to demonize and attack those who have been without long enough to get a real good picture of reality. Like all the slander and character assassination that has been used against cannabis smokers since Reefer Madness, and the recent mud slinging against the 'occupy' movement.America is the staging ground for the "New World Order" that, incidentally -FYI- was originally stifled by some information that was given to us about 2000 years ago by the phenomenon of Y'shua (or 'jesus' for the uninformed). The balance between the rulers and their slaves was upset so badly, it has taken this long to reprogram us into being the willing servants the elite need to maintain their lifestyles of domination and control. And they did it by convincing us we were a 'free country and a free people.' They did it by playing on our nobility and desire to be good people, while they themselves have no compunctions about any kind of behavior -as long as it doesn't compromise their secret standing in our world.But who and what 'they' are have been carefully hidden in plain sight, by turning truth into myth. By creating imbalanced 'left-brain' "science" that denies at least half, if not more of reality! A so called 'intelligent' person of the latter half of the 20th century -at least in mainstream 'socially accepted' terms, could not believe in such things as magic, Angels, Demons, Extra-Terrestrials, -or a benevolent, conscious Source of Creation. (not counting christianity -that was well on its way to mythologizing the truth since the death and destruction of the first Apostolic 
church -and its been 'politically correct' to show up at 'church' for some time now).Yes the knowledge of the Shadow Government that the pretend-idiot Bush let slip is for real.How many have seen the speech that JFK made just before he was assassinated, that talked precisely about these things?If you are a boomer, you might not even know it existed, because it was just 'unsealed' or 'declassified' after being sealed for 50 years.If you see the speech, there will be no doubt left in your mind about the real reasons he was murdered.And this has all been a 'work in progress' that several generations of Americans have helped along through their willingness to be led. Led to a lifetime of slavery that they were convinced was 'opportunity' by the propaganda machines of media, church, and academia. Led to various wars -at least one for every generation- that keep the people in perpetual states of fear and loathing of other people, who are just like them, but happen to be vassals of another state.The false 'honor' that is attributed to violent, destructive actions sanctioned by states that are manipulated by the real rulers behind the scenes, the 'honor' of 'patriotism' and 'law' are all lies, regardless of any truth they might be loosely associated with. There may be some humanity left underneath the uniforms, but that is not in the 'job description' so expecting it is foolhardy.For a while yet, we still have the ability to communicate on a global scale, to disseminate information, before they shut us down, and start rounding up those of us who would not compromise and capitulate with their half-ass attempts to appear to have our interests in mind.Folks like me don't have to worry much, because we are not believed by those who feel the necessity to defend their 'right' to be enslaved. No 'jack boots' will likely knock down my door because I speak the truth. Because, I am not being believed, except by other 'fringe' type folk. No threat, because I refuse to lead, or follow, and I have no titles or 'honorary's' that are the Status Quo terms of recognition and acceptability. No worries. I like being free.By now there is so much dis-information being seeded into the net, only one experienced in the extraordinary can sort through it and come up with the unabashed truth. Only one who already knows most of the tale can see clearly through the fog of deliberate confusion being sown by slaves who think they will be rewarded for their actions.I can't see the future, even though I did see this one a long time ago. We have arrived at the crux of time. The choices that are made in the next few years will set the stage for millennia to come. Lets hope that the rest of the slaves wake up in time.LEGALIZE FREEDOMh
What is Real part 2
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Comment #17 posted by dongenero on December 30, 2011 at 08:48:32 PT
Meanwhile, the madness continues....
Top 10 Reefer Madness stories of 2011
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Comment #16 posted by Canis420 on December 29, 2011 at 23:01:17 PT:
WOW # 11
No compromise no quarter. Museman you nail it...Who the hell has the right to deny. This is a constitutional issue as relates to the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Im soooo fed up with this shit.
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Comment #15 posted by keninsj on December 29, 2011 at 20:39:06 PT:
Detained for life without a trial.
HempWorld,The information you posted goes right along with the new bill just passed that allows the government to detain anyone including US citizens for life without a trial just for being suspected as a terrorist. I believe they are preparing for when people wake up and start fighting back.As far as changing Cannabis from schedule I to II, You would still not be allowed to grow it, and you would probably end up paying much more for it. And you probably would be stuck with crappy government weed. 
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Comment #14 posted by HempWorld on December 29, 2011 at 19:06:56 PT
OT But I think you really need to know these facts
Dear FoM, CannabisNews readers and posters and to the US public in general; cannabis should be legalized it is our inalienable right to use any natural resource in our habitat/world, granted by God!However, as these last 16 years (since prop. 215 passed) I think, although one can be pretty sure after 16 years, that we are getting the run-around. Read the below and wake up, I am very sorry to burst your bubble, but hey, I went all the way and this is where I come out:
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Comment #13 posted by bullhead on December 29, 2011 at 15:43:36 PT:
Just make it legal
This fight will not end untill cannabis is legal for any amount any time any where. My brother died from the use of alcohol, my grand parents died from tobacco. These are the true gateway drugs! Wake up Government, change is at your front door with a bulldozer.
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Comment #12 posted by The GCW on December 29, 2011 at 13:43:46 PT
US: Johnson Says He's Leaving GOP For Libertarians Wed, 28 Dec 2011
Source: Santa Maria Times (CA)
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Comment #11 posted by museman on December 29, 2011 at 13:02:19 PT
no compromise, no quarter
"Patients Against I-502 has expressed concern that medical marijuana users will be subject to arrest because of what they see as an overly strict intoxicated driving limit.""subject patients to highly-invasive blood testing, unnecessary confinement and a criminal conviction that will haunt them for life."What is changing here, except as Oleg put it; 'putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse?'That's what we get with compromising with error.Cannabis is not nearly as harmful as alcohol, or anything else for that matter -it should have it's own 'schedule' because it is neither addictive, 'dangerous' (we all know where the 'danger' is), or a 'narcotic' (though the mild euphoria associated with smoking it has been erroneously mislabeled as that).Quite frankly, I for one in extremely tired, fed up, satiated, and over-affected by factions of humanity who continue to pretend to power over others. I am tired of hearing/reading the lame excuses for kissing the asses of the slave masters, as if by proxy of their lifestyle choices and titles and property, they somehow are superior to the rest of us. I am fed up with the idea that compromise with people whose power and authority is unethically obtained, maintained, and perpetuated through economic, political shenanigans that are more criminal in every way than any pot smoker could achieve in a lifetime of trying.Compromise and capitulate with false authority? How is that logical? Especially when such compromises are proven throughout history to be nothing more than a temporary placebo fooling the people into believing falsehoods, while the powers that be regroup and reform.Now that consciousness is rising amongst those who aren't afraid to admit their former error in supporting failed systems, it isn't going back into the ignorance of Status Quo establishmentarianisms. It isn't going to accept table scraps from the uber-rich who also just happen to have all the corporations and politicians in their pockets.We were born with CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, and By God, my right to have, grow, smoke, eat, and use cannabis IN ANY FUGGING WAY I WANT TO is not going to be hi-jacked by by posers and pretenders -even if they think they got the entire US Armed Forces backing their stupidity up.Some things, LIKE TRUTH are worth dying for.You can't take away the knowledge of the truth once its been got, regardless of how many Status Quo phrases you utter.LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #10 posted by Oleg the Tumor on December 29, 2011 at 07:27:53 PT:
New Foxes in the Hen House?
Yesterday, in Honolulu Hawaii, President Obama nominated Jeremy Stein and Jerome Powell to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.The Federal Reserve, they only quasi – government organization offering "a drive-through hold up window", could use the help.
Stein previously served in the Obama administration as a senior advisor to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (a Bilderberger in good standing)Jerome Powell Is a Visiting Scholar at the Washington-based Bipartisan Policy Center. 
He served in the first Bush administration as undersecretary of finance at the Treasury Department, so presumably he already knows where the dirty laundry chute is.
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Comment #9 posted by Oleg the Tumor on December 29, 2011 at 06:58:34 PT:
I 502 Smokes with Forked Tongue
A demonstration of numerical strength in support of cannabis via the ballot is a good idea, but this one comes along with storm warnings attached.
The downside is that the people of Washington state might actually get what they vote for, and the resulting numbers are going to cause some black eyes.Is corn or wheat or soy beans or any other plant taxed along its journey to the marketplace?My understanding of wholesaling includes a tax EXEMPTION on goods sold at the wholesale level, with a tax due only on actual retail sale.Take corn for example. Corn can be made into fructose, or corn sweetener, which is then used to make soft drinks and an entire cornucopia of other products. Subsidies to corn growers created the junk snack industry. These people know a lot about how to process raw materials into something else.
Do the same calculation for wheat as it is ground into flour then baked into bread or made into pasta. Consider the number of processes required to create common table sugar. Add 25% tax to each stage of value added? Without capping the tax payers liability?It doesn't take an Adam Smith to see that this is no answer. This is a closed boondoggle ready to open.The people want safe access to marijuana. 
They will get this eventually.With I 502 comes admission to a maze, designed to separate the few from the many, as usual.Legal Like Alcohol!
How hard can that be?
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Comment #8 posted by Paint with light on December 29, 2011 at 01:05:24 PT
Any step
Any step forward is a good one, no matter how small.Legal like alcohol.
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Comment #7 posted by The GCW on December 28, 2011 at 22:30:07 PT
About REscheduling & Washington opposition
Although going from Schedule I to Schedule II may not be going far enough it would be the biggest move the feds will have made if they even do it.The request from Colorado seems like just a formality.It's time to demand!-0-The Washington proposal, like every other one before it is not perfect. Now, though, We're going to see all sorts of opposition from people that want to legalize. Good Grief.Let's get it legal and then fine tune its legality! Let's stick together and get er done.
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Comment #6 posted by HempWorld on December 28, 2011 at 22:12:17 PT
According to Fritz Springmeier, Josef Mengele was used by the Illuminati to develop trauma-based mind control by experimenting on Jewish victims in the Holocaust, and after the war Mengele was smuggled to the U.S. to put mind control into practice as one of the CIA's main mind control programmers. The author of "Mind Control The Ultimate Terror" credits Mengele with development of the MK Ultra mind control program:"Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the MK Ultra and Monarch mind control programs. Mengele and hundreds of other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip.
The origins of racism.
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Comment #5 posted by John Tyler on December 28, 2011 at 21:49:12 PT
Ron Paul and the Drug War
If you are a Ron Paul fan or not here is an interesting article on the Huffington Post on Ron Paul and the racist origins of the Drug War. Ron Paul is bringing it up in his campaign. It is getting media time.
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Comment #4 posted by Paint with light on December 28, 2011 at 21:11:46 PT
Comment 3
I have always agreed with you that rescheduling is the final start to really changing things.This rescheduling only suggests going from schedule I to schedule II.Schedule II still says...."Drugs in that category, such as methadone and cocaine, are considered to have some medicinal value but also be highly addictive."Highly addictive?This is like knocking on the door of the truth but not going in.Legal like all respects.
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on December 28, 2011 at 19:00:40 PT
Colorado Asks DEA To Reclassify Marijuana
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on December 28, 2011 at 18:33:55 PT
You make sense to me.They worry so much about cannabis impaired drivers but sell alcohol at sporting events and they get drunk and drive home. What a mixed up system.
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Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on December 28, 2011 at 17:56:19 PT
This is a bad initiative, here is why:
Initiative 502 would create a system of state-licensed growers, processors and stores, and impose a 25 percent excise tax at each stage.Ok, that's 25x25x25%= 95% increase just in tax alone. This will keep the black market and everything that goes with it; violence, murder, etc.Those 21 and over could buy up to an ounce of dried marijuana; one pound of marijuana-infused product in solid form, such as brownies; or 72 ounces of marijuana-infused liquids.What about those under 21? Again, this will continue to feed the black market with all its consequenses.It would be illegal for a motorist to have more than 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood in their system. THC is the active ingredient of cannabis.Why? The only test the US govt has done on cannabis and driving has whown that cannabis makes you a SAFER driver.
What a waste!
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