State Advised To Think Twice function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('State Advised To Think Twice'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } State Advised To Think Twice Posted by CN Staff on May 02, 2011 at 06:07:38 PT By Tracy Breton, Journal Staff Writer Source: Providence Journal Providence -- U.S. Attorney Peter F. Neronha said Sunday that he hopes that Rhode Island’s three state-approved medical-marijuana dispensaries don’t open and that if they do, “I might have to take some action” against them in court to prevent cultivation and distribution of the cannabis.“I don’t think it would be a wise move” for them to start cultivating large amounts of marijuana, or selling it, Neronha said in a telephone interview. Asked if he was going to stage raids on the dispensaries if they opened their doors, Neronha said, “I can’t answer that. We’ll take each day as it comes. I hope that wiser heads prevail.” Neronha says he considers the planned dispensaries, which some call “compassion centers,” large-scale, for-profit cannabis production businesses that are against federal law. “Under federal law, there’s a five-year mandatory-minimum sentence if you are growing 100 plants,” he pointed out. As to those who might be upset that he is threatening prosecution after the dispensaries were given the green light by the state Health Department to open — and after three approved businesses have spent considerable money starting their grows and acquiring supplies and sites from which to operate — the U.S. Attorney said: “I don’t think it’s any mystery that growing marijuana on a large scale violates federal law. These are large-scale industrial grows designed to generate enormous grows and enormous profits.” He added: No one in state government — not the Health Department, Governor Chafee, nor the representatives and senators who sponsored the legislation in 2009 establishing medical-marijuana dispensaries — ever consulted him about the legality of the proposed operations. “No one reached out to me, so I felt I finally had to make clear what our position was,” Neronha said. “I could have waited until they were fully up and running, but felt that as soon as I was ready to comment” and knew what the operations entailed, it was time to speak out and issue a warning to everyone. He said the only elected official who’d ever voiced concerns to him was Cranston Mayor Allan W. Fung, who’s a former state prosecutor. Fung has said he will oppose the opening of any medical-marijuana dispensaries in his city because they would be in violation of federal law. Snipped Complete Article: Providence Journal, The (RI)Author: Tracy Breton, Journal Staff Writer Published: May 2, 2011Copyright: 2011 The Providence Journal CompanyContact: letters projo.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #10 posted by museman on May 04, 2011 at 09:34:59 PT smells like politics "...irrational, unscientific and mean-spirited."Has there been any significant change (other than a well crafted illusion of 'liberty') since the first Sumerian Kings set themselves up to rule us in perpetuity?Such labors of confusion and mistaken beliefs in such obviously failed systems. How can true thinking people continue to support such regimes of false power and authority?Surely the alternatives to fear-based belief systems and war-based economies, have made themselves available for trial and use? Why are we still living in the middle ages? Why are there any class/race/creed distinction and prejudiced systems of any kind still in place and dominating the scene?Why do we collectively believe more in the false, invented value of gold, over the limited but ONLY real life and life experiences we have to live and share?Makes a good case for some wrathful and vengeful 'god' to make a 'promise' to do something about it. -seeing as how most seem to be comfortable in their 'lot in life' as slaves and cogs in the machine. Delegate enough authority, and you will have none left for yourself.On and on it goes;(excerpt from 'Freedom Buyers, Liberty's Chains')"We got political clown acts,liars for hire.Who really did start the Waco fire?What is this thing that they have done?To have sold us out on nine one one.Did you listen to 'em talkin''bout a 'new world order'?Like a beast risin' up we thought was dead.Fighting for rights defined on Wall StreetSwords for the Lords of the Amerikan Empire!Wealth and power hold the meaning of justice.Is this not the way it has ever been?"LEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by afterburner on May 02, 2011 at 12:33:31 PT Sam Adams #6 Big Pharma does not have to give its high-priced pills to patients for free. No laws that I've heard of limit pharmacies or drug stores from operating near schools, parks or churches. Patients using pills -- even very addictive narcotics -- are not restricted from driving for 12 hours after use. The double standard applied, between cannabis caregivers or dispensaries on one hand and pharmacies or drug stores on the other hand, is irrational, unscientific and mean-spirited. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Hope on May 02, 2011 at 12:10:10 PT George Servantes Good to see you again. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by George Servantes on May 02, 2011 at 11:46:10 PT: hope this too shall pass God willing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Sam Adams on May 02, 2011 at 10:51:32 PT drug companies this looks an awful lot like Big Pharma flexing its muscles. medical cannabis is gaining legitimacy, this new industry will strip a certain percentage of revenue directly off the top of Big Pharma's empire. It's looking like medical cannabis will thrive and probably never make it to the shelves of Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid. Remember Big Pharma has mulitple lobbyists to offer bribes to each Congressman. They've labored for decades to build an airtight corporate monopoly over medical drugs in the US. They've stipped as many jobs as possible out of the process of delivering medicine. The current framework in CO, CA, RI, Maine and others offers absolutely zero opportunity or revenue for Big Pharma's corporate empire, remember that. No wonder they're paid lackeys in Washington are jumping into action. Send these people off to the gulag, just like Stalin. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on May 02, 2011 at 10:21:41 PT RI Gov. Delays Medical Pot Dispensary Permits May 2, 2011Providence, R.I. - (AP) -- Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee (CHAY'-fee) has suspended the state's medical marijuana dispensary program after a federal prosecutor warned that they could violate federal law.Chafee announced Monday that the state will hold off giving final permits to three groups picked by the state to supply marijuana through the state's medical marijuana program. The so-called "compassion centers" had hoped to receive final state approval this summer.Chafee, an independent, says he'll use the indefinite delay to consult with governors of states with similar medical marijuana dispensary programs. Most of those states also received warning letters from federal authorities.Rhode Island's U.S. Attorney wrote Chafee on Friday to warn that dispensaries could be prosecuted for violating federal drug laws even if they operate with state permission.Copyright: 2011 Associated Press [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on May 02, 2011 at 09:38:58 PT Chafee Announcement Expected on Medical Marijuana May 02, 2011 PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Governor Chafee is expected to make an annoucement, what his spokesman, Michael Trainor, called "a declarative action," shortly regarding the state's medical-marijuana dispensary program.Six weeks ago, the state Health Department tentatively approved licenses for three such dispensaries to open in Rhode Island. The three have been planning to open this summer. But on Friday, U.S. Attorney Peter F. Neronha, in a letter hand-delivered to Chafee's office, threatened to prosecute criminally and/or pursue civil enforcement actions against those involved with the "compassion centers" if they open. And on Sunday, in an interview with The Providence Journal, the U.S. Attorney said he hoped the dispensaries don't open because he considers them to be large-scale for-profit cannabis production centers that are against federal law. One of the approved dispensaries estimates that it will be serving 8,000 patients and taking in $25 million in revenue by 2013, Neronha pointed out. The three state-approved dispensaries, which still have to be issued "registration certificates" by the Health Department before they can open, are Summit Medical Compassion Center, in Warwick,; the Thomas C. Slater Compassion Center, in Providence, and Greenleaf Compassionate Care Center in Portsmouth. The Health Department, which has been in charge of soliciting and approving applications for the dispensaries, said it would have no comment Monday on the medical-marijuana program, which currently serves more than 3,350 patients in Rhode Island. Annemarie Beardsworth, spokesperson for the department, said: "All inquiries on this topic are being handled by the Governor's Office." URL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by ancient wizard on May 02, 2011 at 09:36:11 PT: fight them don't back down R.I. block state owned access to federal property. cancel all agreement with federal agencies. sue the dea. get in obama's face and form a coalition with other mmj states. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by runruff on May 02, 2011 at 08:16:41 PT Here is the "official" story. America's own elite execution squad, our very own trainded psycopaths corps, the Navy Seals, shoot him in the eye and before his corps was cold they dumped him in the sea, eight hundred miles away.-right! And Abraham Lincoln was a midget! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by runruff on May 02, 2011 at 06:31:14 PT "...wiser heads prevail.” " The irony in this statement is uncanny.Translated in his world this means, " all you sheeple-people had better just stay in line!" As if we are only here to pay taxes and support his abundant lifestyle.That is what that means!By the way, does anyone here recognize a democracy in this country any more? I sure don't. It is obvious that the will of the people is no longer taken seriously and that our own gov. is only interested in corrupting Constitution and ignoring our bill of rights.It was called, " The Great Experiment" and it has failed. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment