Seattle Officials Support Medical Marijuana Bill
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Seattle Officials Support Medical Marijuana Bill
Posted by CN Staff on March 14, 2011 at 14:06:31 PT
By Lynn Thompson
Source: Seattle Times
Seattle, WA --  Seattle's elected officials joined together Monday to urge the Legislature to pass a bill that would regulate medical marijuana. The letter, signed by Mayor Mike McGinn, City Attorney Pete Holmes, Council President Richard Conlin, and the eight other council members said that although medical marijuana has been permitted under state law for more than a decade, there's no clarity regarding how it is to be produced, processed and distributed.
"It is in everyone's interest -- the state's, local governments' law enforcement's, health-care professionals', and patients' -- to put in place a consistent, coherent, and rational regulatory system spelling out precisely how dispensaries and production facilities can operate in a way that provides legitimate patients with medical marijuana while protecting the health and safety of our communities," the letter says.The letter is written in support of Senate Bill 5073, sponsored by Jeanne Kohl-Wells, D-Seattle, that would establish a regulatory system for the sale and purchase of medical marijuana for qualifying patients.The letter also suggests that amendments to the bill would enhance local flexibility in enforcement and protect health-care professionals who authorize the use of medical marijuana.Source: Seattle Times (WA)Author: Lynn ThompsonPublished: March 14, 2011Copyright: 2011 The Seattle Times CompanyContact: opinion seatimes.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #1 posted by Paul Pot on March 14, 2011 at 22:37:07 PT:
why regulate.
'The safest therapeutically active substance known', Judge Francis Young, of the DEA no less. Why do we have to regulate the safest herb there is. 
It is a part of nature and nature belongs to everyone. How can these people decide for everyone else which bit of nature we can or can not have and make us pay a tax on it to. Imagine you had to pay a tax every time you made love.
If we are to pay a tax then it should only be on our income, on our profits, not on things. Taxes on things can end up being used in a discriminating way. Remember the 1937 marijuana tax. And they're trying to pull that stunt again.Just let every body do it and everything will work out just fine. 
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