Felons Who Want MMJ Put State in Awkward Position function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Felons Who Want MMJ Put State in Awkward Position'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Felons Who Want MMJ Put State in Awkward Position Posted by CN Staff on December 31, 2010 at 06:06:21 PT By Jonathan Martin, Seattle Times Staff Reporter Source: Seattle Times Seattle, WA -- Several times a week for the past two years, felons on supervision have asked the Department of Corrections for special permission to use medical marijuana. Some of the requests, which are signed by doctors, are vague, listing just "chronic pain" as the reason for the drug. But others describe agony: anorexia from AIDS or chronic vomiting from chemotherapy.As regular as rain, the state's Department of Corrections (DOC) has turned down nearly all of them. Out of 320 requests, seven people have gotten permission — a select group that includes a forger wasting away from AIDS and a white-haired grandmother named Kathy Parkins with fibromyalgia. Squeezed by conflicting duties of policing felons while not meddling with their medical treatment, the agency has been swept into the complex and ongoing debate about the state's 12-year-old, voter-approved medical-marijuana law.The pressure on the DOC to permit felons to use medical marijuana is likely to intensify as the medical-pot industry flourishes and polls show public opinion increasingly favoring legalization. New patients are being authorized by the day, and dozens of new marijuana dispensaries are eager to serve them.The state is even getting in on the action, announcing earlier this month an attempt to tax medical-marijuana retail sales. Advocates for medical pot estimate at least 100,000 patients statewide are approved for its use and about 5,000 people make their living off medicinal pot. "Authorization Mills"? The lifeblood of the industry are the doctors' notes recommending medical pot for specific patients. Possession of marijuana is still illegal, but a note provides a valid defense if a patient is criminally charged.A small but frustrated group of advocates, attorneys, physicians and patients says DOC is ignoring the state medical-marijuana law by substituting its judgment for that of doctors who recommend the drug. The policy, they say, is ripe for a legal challenge, although none has been filed.DOC takes a jaundiced view toward many of those notes recommending medical marijuana. A vast majority of recommendations for DOC offenders come from just three or four clinics that are pot-friendly "authorization mills," according to the agency."Frankly, most mainstream clinicians tend to gravitate toward traditional and conventional treatments, rather than marijuana," said Dr. Steve Hammond, DOC's chief doctor.Doug Hiatt, a Seattle attorney who represents medical-marijuana patients, said DOC "is playing doctor, and they're doing a bad job of it. They're messing around with sick people's medications. It's sickening."For a decade after passage of the 1998 initiative, medical marijuana was a side issue at DOC.The law prohibits medicinal pot in prisons. Those on post-prison supervision found corrections officers sometimes ignored positive drug tests if the offender had a doctor's recommendation.In 2008, the law was changed to expand the type of medical professionals who can recommend marijuana, and to clarify how much pot a patient can possess. That prompted a boom in clinics that authorize medical marijuana — and in requests from DOC offenders to use it.That has put DOC field officers in a bind: Do they uphold no-drug provisions in criminal sentences and prioritize a duty to help offenders stay clean? Or do they show mercy to sick offenders with doctors' recommendations and follow the medical-marijuana law?There's one more concern: The oft-sued agency fears it could be liable if an offender on supervision were to hurt someone while high on DOC-approved pot.Scott Blonien, a DOC assistant secretary, laid out the quandary in an e-mail to other DOC managers in 2008. What if an offender with advanced AIDS who had a doctor's note for medical marijuana tested positive for pot in a drug test?"This person's possession and use is not against state law. Should DOC still violate this offender for action that our state Legislature recognized was necessary, for 'humanitarian reasons?' " according to the e-mail, which was obtained by the advocacy group Cannabis Defense Coalition. "Do we really want to die on this hill?"After internal debate, DOC took a firm law-and-order line. Since July 2008, 320 offenders have requested waivers, which are reviewed by Hammond but subject to appeal within DOC.Waivers are not needed for prescriptions for Marinol, a synthetic form of THC — the active ingredient in marijuana — approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat nausea and appetite loss.Hammond has approved just one request; six others were OK'd on appeal. Seeking a Balance Blonien said the policy is the right balance between compassion and accountability, especially because most of the requests for waivers come from offenders with drug histories."It is a very difficult position the department is in," he said. "The public expects us to help these folks return to the community, and to protect the public. It is just incongruent for us to allow some to use marijuana when it led to the criminality in the first place."Dr. Scott Havsy, a Tacoma physician, protested when DOC denied his patient's use of marijuana to treat "intractable pain" from multiple herniated discs, a diagnosis included under the state law."The Department of Corrections takes the statute and modifies it themselves," said Havsy. "That is just wrong. They're not following the law."To get around the DOC, some offenders have quietly asked their sentencing judge to change the terms of supervision to allow medicinal marijuana.As the offenders' requests have flowed in, Hammond and other DOC staff took note of a handful of doctors who signed one recommendation after another.Among the most prolific is Dr. Mohammad H. Said, a licensed physician in Ephrata. He said he has signed 20 notes for DOC patients, a small part of his estimated 8,000 authorizations since mid-2008.Said estimates that he has worked for 10 different clinics that specialize in authorizing medical marijuana, spending 15 minutes or so with each patient. Patients pay about $150 for a recommendation.Said, who was disciplined by the Department of Health in 2008 for overprescribing narcotics, said he doesn't use pot himself. But he said it has proved benefits, including providing more "domestic tranquillity" than alcohol."Ninety percent of my patients have been taking marijuana on their own for a long time. They just come in to me to make it legal," said Said, who ran for U.S. Senate in 2010 and governor in 2008.The state Medical Quality Assurance Commission has investigated five complaints regarding medical professionals' marijuana recommendations, with one currently open, which the agency wouldn't discuss. It has not yet sought to discipline a clinician over medical pot, said Larry Berg, a staff attorney for the commission."We know if these cases go to [disciplinary] action, they will be under large scrutiny," said Berg. One Who Got The OK As one of seven people that DOC has approved for medical marijuana, Kathy Parkins must comply with just one special condition: Don't drive while high.She's fine with that. Parkins, a white-haired, 54-year-old grandmother, has been legally using marijuana for a decade to treat symptoms of fibromyalgia, which causes chronic joint and muscle pain.During a 2008 road trip in Arizona, a drug-sniffing dog at a Border Patrol checkpoint went nuts on her car. Officers found a quarter-ounce of pot, as well as cannabis-laced vinaigrette, peanut-butter cups, bubble bath, blackberry cookies, body lotion and vanilla cake. Parkins had wrongly been told that Arizona allows medical marijuana. Troubles Continue She pleaded guilty to possession in April 2008 — her first criminal conviction — and was sentenced to 36 months of probation. She got her case transferred back to Washington but was in trouble within weeks: She failed a DOC urine test for pot, and officers conducting a home visit found an authorized medical-marijuana growing operation belonging to another tenant in a house she rented.Parkins was jailed for a week, and a DOC officer tried to get her sent back to Arizona based on an inaccurate assertion that she had no family ties in Washington. DOC backed off as friends and advocates pressed her case to the governor.She got a DOC waiver last year and hasn't been drug-tested for marijuana since. To be safe, she now carries notes from three doctors.She runs a business from her West Seattle house, supplying cannabis-laced baked goods and oils to four dispensaries.Most medical-marijuana patients are truly sick, so DOC would risk little with a more liberal dose of mercy, she said. "These are not the normal criminal," said Parkins. "They're mostly housebound."But DOC is sticking with its policy, said Anmarie Aylward, DOC's community corrections director. "Until we hear more from taxpayers, I think we're on the right road," she said.Source: Seattle Times (WA)Author: Jonathan Martin, Seattle Times Staff ReporterPublished: December 30, 2010Copyright: 2010 The Seattle Times CompanyContact: opinion seatimes.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #9 posted by museman on December 31, 2010 at 18:44:16 PT dr. gabor "Well, the first point to get there is that if people who become severe addicts, as shown by all the studies, were for the most part abused children, then we realize that the war on drugs is actually waged against people that were abused from the moment they were born, or from an early age on. In other words, we’re punishing people for having been abused. That’s the first point.""...we realize that the war on drugs is actually waged against people that were abused from the moment they were born,..."hmmLEGALIZE FREEDOM [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by runruff on December 31, 2010 at 17:34:15 PT I see Bily the Kid is in the news. While I was in prison I read about Billy getting a possible pardon. Of course all prisoners are rooting for anyone to get a pardon even if he is past.Anyway I wrote this here poem about him and my visit to his old stomping grounds. FoM, I hope you don't mind? Spirits on the Rio PecosThe sun never hid from Billy the Kida sidewinder on the goSand in his bootsHe draws and he shootsfor life for money or for showStanding on mesa highstars shinning brightas cattle stampeding go bya coyote's howlsets them in flightwhile night-birds take to the skyThe Rio Pecos meanders belowflashing darts of lightrumbling, mumbling, helloa spectacular sightas the spirit speaksit's souls the desert seekswhere nothing can growwhen the sun returns it will bleach your bonesand in the moonlight glow [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by runruff on December 31, 2010 at 15:21:08 PT Good info, stress is a killer! I try to avoid stress. You can you know? Try to keep it lite!My post on comment #2 is a way of being playful with a very stressful event, in fact, half of my family is Indian. I was raised chiefly in this culture. It is common to boast and brag in our culture. You can do it with humor or high drama either way? It is intended to entertain and to preserve oral history. My Native family is very good at dealing with stress. In my family everyone is a comedian! [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on December 31, 2010 at 13:47:53 PT Sam Adams Comment 3 Thank you. Fascinating. Excerpt from AMY GOODMAN: What does the title of your book mean, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts?DR. GABOR MATÉ: Well, it’s a Buddhist phrase. In the Buddhists’ psychology, there are a number of realms that human beings cycle through, all of us. One is the human realm, which is our ordinary selves. The hell realm is that of unbearable rage, fear, you know, these emotions that are difficult to handle. The animal realm is our instincts and our id and our passions.Now, the hungry ghost realm, the creatures in it are depicted as people with large empty bellies, small mouths and scrawny thin necks. They can never get enough satisfaction. They can never fill their bellies. They’re always hungry, always empty, always seeking it from the outside. That speaks to a part of us that I have and everybody in our society has, where we want satisfaction from the outside, where we’re empty, where we want to be soothed by something in the short term, but we can never feel that or fulfill that insatiety from the outside. The addicts are in that realm all the time. Most of us are in that realm some of the time. And my point really is, is that there’s no clear distinction between the identified addict and the rest of us. There’s just a continuum in which we all may be found. They’re on it, because they’ve suffered a lot more than most of us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by The GCW on December 31, 2010 at 12:32:40 PT Sam Adams, Thank You very much. That was / is helpful. Very good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on December 31, 2010 at 12:16:27 PT Happy New Year Everyone! If you are going out stay safe. Hopefully 2011 will brings us even more progress for our cause. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Sam Adams on December 31, 2010 at 10:32:09 PT awesome story This incredible article just came to my attention:Dr. Gabor Mate on the Stress-Disease Connection, Addiction, Attention Deficit Disorder and the Destruction of American Childhood amazing guy. He's got the whole thing figured out, everything. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by runruff on December 31, 2010 at 08:27:44 PT I am a felon who made them uncomfortable! Hi everyone, Happy New Year!In 2010 I was one out of the millions who Beat the feds in court!Yes! I gave Uncle Sam [the national family perv] a black eye.I'm bad, I'm bad I nailed that Rat I kicked him in the nad how bad is that? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Sam Adams on December 31, 2010 at 08:21:42 PT bias revealed this says it all about American culture and Western medicine:"Some of the requests, which are signed by doctors, are vague, listing just "chronic pain" as the reason for the drug. But others describe agony: anorexia from AIDS or chronic vomiting from chemotherapy."This is typical for what you get in the USA if you suffer from "chronic pain". Those that suffer intractable pain are immediately assigned to a lower class for legal and clinical treatment. Our interminable arrogance doesn't like people that can't be fixed - we want to scapegoat and then discard these people. Medical professionals want more action - they want to cut into you, or blast you with radiation or toxic drugs. Just trying to treat and manage someone's terrible pain to give them a better life doesn't provide much glory, or income, for medical providers.Without compassion, human society fails. Everything else is just top dressing. You can't stimulate or bomb your way out of not having compassion. That's what the rich elite in this country don't understand. Probably because most of them have completely lost their last vestige of spirituality and religion. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment