Senate May Defy Governor's Plans for Medical Pot
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Senate May Defy Governor's Plans for Medical Pot
Posted by CN Staff on December 11, 2010 at 05:44:32 PT
By Angela Delli Santi and Geoff Mulvihill
Source: Courier-Post
Trenton -- New Jersey's state Senate is considering defying Gov. Chris Christie over his plans to regulate medical marijuana more strictly than lawmakers say they envisioned when they voted to allow pot for some patients.A vote on a resolution to declare the regulations not fulfilling the lawmakers' intent and force the undoing of some of the Republican governor's proposed rules is scheduled for Monday. Sen. Stephen M. Sweeney, president of the Democrat-controlled Senate, said it has the votes to pass.
Sweeney, a Democrat from West Deptford, says Christie seems to be trying to use the state's regulatory process to undermine a law he doesn't like."People who didn't vote for medical marijuana are supporting this," Sweeney said. "It's about defiance of recognition of the intent of the law that was passed. Is the governor going to go back and change other laws?"The Senate scheduled a vote on the bill last month but scratched it when it was clear it would have failed. Since then, one Democratic senator has returned from a vacation and another has been sworn in following a special election to fill a vacancy.The Assembly, also controlled by Democrats, passed the measure last month. But since then, Christie and Reed Gusciora, a Democrat from Princeton who was the Assembly's chief sponsor of the medical cannabis law, announced a deal to change some of the proposed regulations."We think it's time to move the program forward, and we've offered a bipartisan solution to do that," Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak said in an e-mail Friday. "Let's not waste any more time; let's get the program moving."Christie supports medical marijuana, but says the law signed hours before he took office didn't do enough to prevent recreational smokers from taking advantage of it.Gusciora says the compromise with the governor is imperfect, but it will allow patients legal access to marijuana by next summer. Forcing a rewrite of the rules will delay access, he says. Patients with conditions like multiple sclerosis and glaucoma say marijuana can ease pain and nausea.The governor says the regulations would keep marijuana intended for patients from being used recreationally -- which he says is a problem in California and Colorado.But state Sen. Nicholas Scutari and other advocates say the rules are still so restrictive that patients who need marijuana might continue buying it from illegal dealers."The governor's amendments to the regulations do not eliminate significant barriers to patients," said Scutari, a Democrat from Linden.He said he'd welcome a new compromise where Christie would make more meaningful concessions.In his deal with Gusciora, Christie agreed to allow six alternative treatment centers to both grow and distribute the medical marijuana. He had wanted only two growers and four distribution centers.Source: Courier-Post (Cherry Hill, NJ)Author: Angela Delli Santi and Geoff MulvihillPublished: December 11, 2010Copyright: 2010 Courier-PostURL: Medical Marijuana Archives
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Comment #8 posted by sandybeach on December 12, 2010 at 06:35:03 PT
Purchased Hoover to make it illegal .ethics much?
.The Old Rockefeller,(crude oil,pharma) Hersch,(tree pulp fiber)and Duponter's(chemicals) of the state,must all be up in his nightmares,pushing him to keep their worst night mare from coming true.What is their worst night mare?Besides the TRUTH,There worst night mare is that society will no longer have to depend solely on their monopolies,which impart wars for stealing crude oil,causing chemical pollution,deforestation.(All bad ideas for long term sustainability)
"What" they say "we made hemp illegal years ago to keep it from competing with our industries"and I guess it has taken years to brain wash the public into thinking it was a dangerous narcotic and whoops, some one actually smoked it and found out this was a lie?So how do we keep other people from finding out cannabis is not bad for them and has many many uses aside from being a cure for cancer?Maybe We could just keep throwing non violent people in jail?wow this should cost the state a bundle.Maybe we should start building prison camps?Maybe we could just buy up all the alternative industries and put them away in ware houses so these ideas never get out in the public .We
could just threaten to off those who refuse to cooperate,or we could buy up politicians too,Because now we have all the peoples money to do this with now.Every one has a price.yea lets wipe out free enterprise,so we don't have to compete with it.we can have monopolies on every thing we can put a patent on,and any thing we cant put a patent on we will just pay Hoover to make illegal.Yea I guess there may be some criminal element in this whole issue from the day it was first made illegal.
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Comment #7 posted by runruff on December 11, 2010 at 15:57:29 PT
...over use of power... the very definition of tyranny!
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Comment #6 posted by Hope on December 11, 2010 at 14:57:57 PT
I think you're right. There is even a name for that tactic in politics... and it's a very common tactic. I can't remember what they call it, but it's basically... when all you really want is the "stars"... "shoot for the moon, and they'll be happy to give you just the stars".
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Comment #5 posted by The GCW on December 11, 2010 at 14:32:10 PT
Outlandish from the start is calculated.
Sometimes I think people attempt to make outlandish proposals in a calculated way. The idea is that after compromise it is still very harsh. If Christie makes a reasonable proposal to regulate and there is compromise it may not be as harsh as He wants. He's already anticipating a need for compromise and is going extra big from the beginning. 
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Comment #4 posted by Hope on December 11, 2010 at 14:22:27 PT
One thing about this...
Christie is making, quite publicly, an ass of himself, and other prohibitionists by association.Why? Is he really that die hard a prohibitionist about a not lethal or dangerous herb that is well known to be very popular and much used, both medicinally, and just because they like it, among the American public, and the New Jersey public... prohibited or not?And, this being New Jersey... I can't help but wonder if there are criminal elements that have a grip on him somewhere, somehow, that have a lot of interest in keeping the illegal street trade supported as much as possible.Nah. Surely not. Not the Governor of New Jersey? He wouldn't be involved with people, or organizations, that wanted to support illegal trafficking in cannabis... same as it's always been. The Governor of New Jersey is not naive enough to believe that there are no illegal entities profiting from the illegality of cannabis. He is not naive enough to believe that such a thing doesn't exist. I'm not naive enough to believe he's that naive, either.Is it that he doesn't have any real compassion for the patients that need cannabis? Or is it that he has a real interest in the people that have a serious interest in maintaining illegality for the sake of black market profits?
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Comment #3 posted by Hope on December 11, 2010 at 09:48:39 PT
I enjoy reading your insightful comments. Thank you and welcome to C-News.
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Comment #2 posted by sandybeach on December 11, 2010 at 08:21:22 PT:
Christie not a doctor
Now that we have the senates attention,
Even when ask to change the restrictive guide lines, Christie continued to insist on the old ones he did change some of them, but the ones he refused to change are the most restrictive ones. A note from a patients doctor should certainly be enough to qualify a patient for use. Christie is not a doctor.The thc content should not be left up to unqualified inexperienced political people to decide,especially if they are against the idea to begin with.I would insist he change it before he makes it into law and change the providers and the 10 percent limit.and I would not rush it forward until it is right.He seems in too much of a hurry to make his ideas stick.Why bother to push a law if it is wrong? 
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Comment #1 posted by sandybeach on December 11, 2010 at 08:00:04 PT:
10% is a ploy to undermine so are other rules
Christi's whole approach is more a preventative measure than a set of rules.It is as if he has said, you can use it, but you have to beg me first.....stand on your head and bark like a around the block ten times and then come back and ask me.I do not think the grower (provider) should be someone who backs those who made and keep it illegal.(example-the federal government)I think the patient's should be able to be their own growers or use a provider they can trust, so they can see to it that the product is pure.I fear any one against the use of cannabis is likely to not provide a quality product or they may do their best to prevent it from being effective.(let alone fair guide lines ) Would you buy medicine from a company noted and publicized for their involvement efforts in de population and eugenics?
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