Fight To Legalize Marijuana Targets Colorado
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Fight To Legalize Marijuana Targets Colorado
Posted by CN Staff on November 04, 2010 at 05:45:20 PT
By Kyle Glazier, The Denver Post
Source: Denver Post 
CO -- Colorado is in for a drug war.Sam Kamin, a professor at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, says Colorado will be the next battleground in the national conflict over marijuana legalization. His statement comes following local votes on medical-marijuana bans throughout Colorado and the defeat of California Proposition 19, which would have legalized marijuana for adults older than 21.
"California had its chance," said Kamin. "Colorado is the next obvious choice."The various local votes highlighted how divisive the issue is in Colorado, with some municipalities enacting bans and others allowing medical marijuana dispensaries to operate or continue operating. Loveland voters overwhelmingly struck down a measure that would have kept medical marijuana dispensaries operating in the city. Referred Measure 2C failed, with just over 62 percent voting against it. Broomfield County voters, too, banned the sale of medical marijuana. In Douglas County, voters said no to dispensaries in unincorporated areas. A number of smaller towns, including Ramah, Lone Tree, Castle Pines and Jamestown, also voted against medical marijuana sales. A proposal to ban dispensaries in unincorporated areas of El Paso County failed by less than 1 percent, according to unofficial results. Votes went weed's way in the counties of Alamosa, Costilla, Eagle, Garfield and Park as well as the towns of Fraser and Minturn. Brian Vicente, executive director of the drug policy advocacy group Sensible Colorado, called the pro-marijuana votes "compassionate.""With these votes, these communities have helped ensure that their neighbors have safe, community-based access to the medicine they need," said Vicente.Pueblo took another option, enacting a 4.3 percent sales tax on medical marijuana that is expected to generate $500,000 in revenue in its first year.Source: Denver Post (CO)Author: Kyle Glazier, The Denver PostPublished: November 4, 2010Copyright: 2010 The Denver Post CorpWebsite: openforum denverpost.comURL:  -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #39 posted by FoM on November 07, 2010 at 19:56:44 PT
Paint with Light
You said: The concept of Karma I believe in is that if you treat people right and do good works, that the good you do will be a positive influence that will spread in a positive way and will benefit you personally in health and happiness.Likewise the negative that you feel or do towards others will spread and will also eat at your body and spirit.I agree!I believe the only one that hate really hurts is the person that hates. If we find understanding and common ground with others we will stay peaceful even in the middle of one of the many storms in life.
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Comment #38 posted by Paint with light on November 07, 2010 at 18:52:50 PT
are we punished for the sins of others?
How the bible is in conflict over the answer. concept of Karma I believe in is that if you treat people right and do good works, that the good you do will be a positive influence that will spread in a positive way and will benefit you personally in health and happiness.Likewise the negative that you feel or do towards others will spread and will also eat at your body and spirit.The only way to use those negative emotions for a positive change is to let them spur you into action to right the wrongs.I love the phrase,My karma just ran over your dogma.Legal like alcohol.
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Comment #37 posted by afterburner on November 06, 2010 at 13:52:25 PT
OT: Tea Party Unmasked
Check the comments in the following links:Johann Hari: The Laws and Policies of the United States Are Now Openly for Sale.
Columnist for the London Independent.
The modern Republican Party uses the cultural signifiers of the good people of Middle America to get their emotional identification, so they can pillage Middle America and redistribute its wealth to the rich.
Read Post | Comments (218) Murphy,
Founder of Food Democracy Now!
Posted: October 29, 2010 12:04 PM.
Iowa Governor 2010: Who Will Be the Worst Environmental Governor of the 21st Century?, no! The guy who championed polluting unregulated pig farms all over Iowa won the Governorship again. God help the food supply, the environment and the real farmers!Vote 2010: Branstad wins; justices defeated; more statewide results.
Published: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 10:54 AM CDT Bachmann's Leadership Bid Gets Cool Reaction.
LAURIE KELLMAN | 11/ 4/10 09:00 PM | AP Boehner: Obama Is In 'Denial (VIDEO).
Posted: 11- 5-10 02:41 AM's War On Obama Just Getting Started.
First Posted: 11- 4-10 05:51 PM  |  Updated: 11- 5-10 02:45 AM Barber,
Biopsychologist; Blogger, Psychology Today's "The Human Beast".
Posted: November 2, 2010 11:13 AM.
Small Birds Solve Global Warming this out, Hope:Crows Mob Hawk photo
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Comment #36 posted by museman on November 06, 2010 at 12:41:10 PT
Hope, FoM
Thank you for not being 'afeared' to speak of these particular truths, there is a lot of clarification that is needed in that area, and too few discussions outside the box, or 'The Book.'And as I have stated many times, I cannot see how any liberty can be accomplished, kept, or maintained without a full and uncompromised perception of the truth."The Truth will set you free." It's a proven fact -for those who know the difference between 'truth' and hypothesis, between fact and theory, who see with their consciousness first, and only get their mind involved when it's time to reflect.The academic ignorance taught in our schools is a major fault in the program, because every child that is subjected to the false teachings embedded within all state controlled institutions, learns not how to be a good human being, or how to use the wonderful intuitive faculties of our consciousness, and how to be in the moment, or how to be a helpmate instead of a bane to our fellows, no they learn how to be selfish, careless, callous individuals who are so confused they don't realize that the deep feelings they try to bury, -and the establishment is over willing to help with that- are their real self crying out from under all the dross beliefs foisted on us by the perpetuated, deliberate ignorance of the Status Quo.Fortunately, all of their attempts to destroy consciousness failed where it counts, because we, the conscious have already found our freedom, and being put in a prison cell at the point of a thugs gun will never take it away.SO to those who want to force me and others into their mold of fear, compromise, capitulation with wrongness, and in general BS, are wasting even more of their already wasted time.Mankind has awakened, and there is nothing to be done, but get on board, or get out of the way -if one knows what's good for them. The fact that many minds look backwards and forwards, but not here and now, only gives the awake an obvious contrast with which to know the difference between consciousness, and a bunch of mental trickery and subterfuge.LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #35 posted by Hope on November 06, 2010 at 10:38:12 PT
Thank you so much, Museman
I knew you would have a very interesting and well thought out view on that, if you would share it with us.Thank you.
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Comment #34 posted by museman on November 06, 2010 at 10:31:01 PT
My favorite Star Trek scene, is in the 'Search for Spock', where My Hero Capt, Kirk, said to the Klingon (played by Christopher Loyd) as he was hanging on the edge of a collapsing cliff, (Kirk stomping on the Klingons hands while stating with Kirks (or Shatners) halting phrasing;) "I have had enough of you!"Not very forgiving, I know, but a good rendering of the idea that forgiveness only works on those who show remorse for their deeds, and are capable of forgiving themselves. And that Klingon looks a lot like many American cops, lifers, and other red-neck tea partiers who don't even think twice about using violence, lies, and destruction to accomplish their agendas.I agree with you, Over all this feels more like a cannabis victory, rather than a loss. The tide is moving inexorably towards freedom and sanity, regardless of false authority and imposition of false values and morality by the state and its minions.When we were thinking, way back in the seventies -before Nixon and his future reagan/bush cronies started assuming power they were never supposed to have, that cannabis would be legal 'pretty soon' we assumed that 'when the older generation -the WWII generation, the WAR generation, passes away, the we'll be able to institute sanity in government." The younger generation is now saying that about us! I submit that ignorance is not dependent on generation, but on each individuals own consciousness, or lack thereof, regardless of age.Each generation that I have seen, has plenty of SQAKs -particularly the ones who buy into the BS "American Dream" carrot on a pretty ancient stick. The 'passing away' of generations, is going to have little effect, if the succeeding generations pretty much follow in their parents consumer footprints, as they appear to have done and are doing still.There is, fortunately, a greater number of aware souls on the planet right now, I believe, than has ever existed simultaneously, and exists now across several generations. It is that awareness, I admit may be harder for those 'set in their ways' that must increase, whether the various generations establish that awareness as 'generational' or not.And that awareness is the 'cat that's out of the bag' that the power elite want so desperately to put back in.LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #33 posted by FoM on November 06, 2010 at 10:30:12 PT
You're a very intelligent person. I have come to conclusions about fundamentalism and how dangerous it is becoming. I am happy I was different religions in my younger years until I was able to convince myself that they all were wrong. A little bit of truth doesn't make it gospel in my book.
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Comment #32 posted by museman on November 06, 2010 at 10:05:04 PT
Hope, FoM
"I know of the scripture that says the sins of the father will be visited upon many generations."That scripture is based on the 'curse' of Adam and Eve.It is 'Old Testament.' And woven tightly into the "Mosaic" law of 'an eye for an eye' -something the contemporary Muslim extremists have been demonstrating daily on youtube.Yashua said; "The sins of the father are not visited upon the son."When one understands the true nature of the gift of free will, one can also understand the nature of 'kharma.'Part of the greatest 'sin' the great 'falling short' is represented by the Christian religion itself, for if they were in truth progressively following the teachings of the one they claim to follow, their failure is huge and great.Kharma, as I have seen it, is only noticeable in those who follow truth.Because, just like the failed religion "For those whom much is given, much is expected." And if those who have much do not give it all in their desire to serve the "Truth, Light, and The Way" then the kharma of their false pretense will kick them in the butt every time. But if you hold your breath for the 'justice' part of Kharma, you may never see it. Because "The rains falls on both the wicked and the just."John Lennon was singing to the false rulers, the freedom usurpers, and all the truth compromisers who cloud all sincere discussion with their obfuscations.Unfortunately, "Instant Karma" did not happen the way John saw it.But the most relevant thing ever said about John Lennon after his assassination by the SQAK, (IMO) was "John Lennon died for YOUR sins." A sign that lingered in Central Park for quite a while, maybe is still there.I saw a bumper sticker that read; "The practice of 'an eye for an eye' leaves the whole world blind."The division between the 'morality' of the Old Testament, and the High Ethics of Yashua's teaching and works is also the division between "Old wineskins, and New wineskins." -as Yashua himself put it. All church doctrine is Old Wineskin, as they concentrate on the 'sin and guilt' whereas Yashua's 'religion' is 'Love and forgiveness.'This particular subject I have researched intensely, for reasons I dare not publicize, but suffice it to say this particular 'conflict' of intent, meaning and understanding is at the core of the reason why Christianity, like any other religion that is 'practiced' by 'lipservice' and fear trips, is dead and at the taproot of global corruption. Because 'Jesus' does not sit on the throne of the Church, (well maybe he does, cause he's a fictitious rendering of the real deal) the antichrist does.Liberty can only be achieved when false fears of all kinds are eliminated from our collective consciousness, and the 'sins of MY fathers' have nothing to do with my own falling short, except that the cycle of fathers and sons almost doesn't apply to me, because I am what the 'scriptures' refer to as a 'fatherless son.' I learned fatherhood, not from a good or bad example, but flew by the seat of my pants the whole way. I got to add something new to the mix, because I didn't get totally programmed into the macho, 'might makes right' ego trip that war mongers count on to get their cannon fodder.And my sons have demonstrated that when you remove that particular set of masculine bullshit, a host of new awarenesses and abilities formerly lost in the red haze of having to be 'in control' and 'always right' and the anger that comes from other people not recognizing our 'authority.' Some of that authority is real, but what has been made of it, culturally, and historically, is the stuff of corrupted men.Love and forgiveness trumps all forms of punitive 'justice' and all who claim Yashua's forgiveness, better not be laying that 'eye for an eye crap' on anyone, because Yashua finished that particular mistake, and gave us a better replacement.Now all we have to do is embrace, and most importantly PRACTICE it.Which I know you both do....LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #31 posted by FoM on November 06, 2010 at 06:50:53 PT
John Lennon was against violence so I never thought of anything in that song that was about Karma.You live by the sword and you will die by the sword it says in the bible.Lennon was killed by a criminally insane person. 
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Comment #30 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 19:25:38 PT
Kaptinemo. Indeed.
We did sign on for the long haul... somehow.It's been sometime now since we realized the commitment we had to be making to this anti-drug war struggle. It wasn't going to be easy... or quick. But it was going to be done and is going to be done... and is being done.It's been amazing, hasn't it? What a struggle!I've been loving how we don't have to be taking so many steps back as we used to for every step forward.
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Comment #29 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 19:19:43 PT
Comment 27
"Instant Karma's gonna get you, 
Gonna knock you right on the head, 
You better get yourself together, 
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead,"Brrr. 
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Comment #28 posted by kaptinemo on November 05, 2010 at 16:41:04 PT:
Hope, perhaps you are referring to me?
I was the one who mentioned licking wounds. I also said to sharpen claws. And I habitually keep mine ready. At all times. Comes from having a military family background. Nasty old Scots-Irish 'Borderer' heritage adds to it. And the Irish part is 'Black' Irish; the worst kind. Makes for tenacity; I've been posting here for 11 years now. And I won't stop working for equal rights for cannabists (for that is exactly what we want, equal rights as citizens!) until we win or I die, whichever comes first. Which is why I said what I did. We've seen setback after setback these long, long years, and I am talking all the way back to the day in 1972 when I held the local newspaper in my hands,saw the Headline about the Shafer Commission's recommendation to re-legalize cannabis, thought "Finally, some sense!"...and then read of Tricky Dick's arrogance in ignoring it. That's when I started to really question things...and write letters.Tenacity, all those decades. But this time, this time, we got really, really close...and it was not because of the Big Money men, but because of the cannabists all around the country giving whatever they could towards passing 19, even though it wasn't their State!. I can't tell you how effin' proud I am of our people!Because that's what this will take...and we proved we have what it takes. I've made no secret of my liking for science fiction. A long time ago I saw a episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where the Klingon Worf had to battle gladiator-style members of another warrior race, the Jem'Hadar. He whupped the each one, but not without terrible cost to himself, being severely battered, ribs broken, etc.. He wound up beating all his opponents, and was facing the best they had. The enemy Jem'Hadar realized something, and told his slavemaster that he couldn't best Worf, saying "I cannot defeat him; I can only kill him." The prohibs cannot defeat us. They can beat us, incarcerate us, humiliate us, even kill us...but they cannot defeat us, for we represent an ideal of freedom they they claim to worship but in truth never did more than pay lip service to. They are fascists cloaking themselves in the raiment of justice, but their robes, and suits and uniforms hide shriveled souls. We remind people of the freedoms they seek to throttle, which is partly why they hate us so much. We try to live the dream; they've forgotten how to.That's why I say to my fellow cannabists to bind up whatever wounds they may feel they have and start filing those claws, again. For we're not stopping until those claws shred the laws of cannabis prohibition into the smallest pieces possible. And those claws shred a few fascists' careers, as well...
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Comment #27 posted by FoM on November 05, 2010 at 16:05:42 PT
This is how I look at it.I know of the scripture that says the sins of the father will be visited upon many generations.Here is the greek meaning of sin.What is the original Greek meaning of the word sin?AnswerMissing the Mark can pass on a way to our children that by some standard or another the children might miss the mark in life. Children can be raised to love or to hate. They might pick up being hateful if the parents are hateful as an example.When it comes to reaping and sowing it means just like karma. If you are kind and open minded people will be kind and open minded to you too.What head tapping? 
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Comment #26 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 15:08:34 PT
Sometimes what goes around comes around... but I don't really believe in Karma. And I refuse to believe in anything that involves "Head taps".What does the Bible say? Something about the rain falls on the wicked and the good alike?And there is some promise about the sins of the father's not being visited upon the children.But we still see that of course, in the "sin" of the father beating the hell out of the children. That happens and it's wrong... but it is in my mind easily considered as the sins of the fathers (or mothers), being "visited" upon the children.
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Comment #25 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 15:03:35 PT
I don't think those sayings are true.
I've seen plenty of people reap things they never sowed.Babies never sowed anything and some of them reap great sorrow and sickness and disease way too quickly to have earned it in any way.So... I don't place much if any store by such. But I find the head tapping aspect particularly scary. I'm very sensitive to head taps and that sounds like a bullet to me.Brrrr. Again.
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Comment #24 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 14:42:58 PT
It's scary to me, because
I hear his death in it, and I grieve.Again. 
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Comment #23 posted by FoM on November 05, 2010 at 14:19:11 PT
Why does the song scare you? You reap what you sow is the same thing as Karma to me.Instant Karma - John Lennon
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Comment #22 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 13:55:31 PT
Scares the hell out of me
every time I hear him sing that song."We all shine on... like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
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Comment #21 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 13:53:31 PT
John Lennon is scaring me...
Instant Karma!Brrr.
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Comment #20 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 12:58:17 PT
Remember that awful sound
that our metaphorical wheels used to make when the prohibition machine was trying to push us backwards?
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Comment #19 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 11:42:43 PT
Moving away from the ant and elephant metaphor to a wheel metaphor. You know which wheel gets the grease.
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Comment #18 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 11:40:35 PT
We've wondered on these pages many times
about that over the years, Museman. It seemed there must have been a "drug war exception" to that law.But maybe, I saw his name in one of these articles, Mr. Lund, I think, maybe he saw your words and realized there was no drug war exception and got with it and filed that complaint. Which was filed right before the poll. You never know. That's why it's important to say it if you feel you should. You never know.
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Comment #17 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 11:35:38 PT
Maybe they did.
"I did point that out a while back, but no one seemed to notice." 
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Comment #16 posted by museman on November 05, 2010 at 10:25:37 PT
nice of them to bring this up..
after the fact;"Oregon officials are casting a wider net over allegations that law enforcement officers statewide violated election laws when they discussed Measure 74, the medical marijuana initiative."I did point that out a while back, but no one seemed to notice. Cops do not have the right to a public political opinion, and they should be chastised publicly for doing it.Fact is, most of the 'opposing arguments' came from 'law' enforcement. Those argument should have never been published -except in the voters pamphlet. The news papers who printed the cop propaganda should also be sanctioned.These tea partying assholes need to learn that just because their monkey king favored their assholyness, does not mean the rest of america is going to cave in to their monkeyshines. There's a lot of ignorance in america concerning what freedom and liberty actually is, but one thing it's not is forcing and imposing ways and means on the people.This country is divided. More so than I have ever witnessed in my more than half a century here.The polarization is not just 'friendly political banter' any more, it's composed of hate groups with money and power, who have this idea that 'God is on their side' and their hatred of anyone or anything who does not fall into their line, is approaching epic proportions.The tea-party begins to look like the american taliban. -same vengeful, hateful 'god' different hairstyles.Yet with all this division in the people, the politicians who claim to be 'somewhat' right, or left, are actually all smack dab in the middle, on the fence, waiting for the whims of the masses to show them which way to fall -if any.The 'representation' is still predominately for the power elite, and the rape and pillage of planet earth continues -under a lot of hot-aired rhetoric about 'renewable energy sources' and 'independence from foreign oil' etc,. etc.People are still burning it up getting to their slave stations every day. They're still consuming manufactured 'food' instead of actual food that grows in unpoisoned ground.And the irony of it is, that even with all the angst and fervor between the political factions of the people, they all serve the beast, and the beast laughs at their antics, no doubt.I serve the beast more often than I'd like. I am absolutely f-in tired of these gas-guzzling metal monsters polluting my world and planet. All of 'em. planes, trains, and automobiles. I resent the fact that I am forced to contribute my little carbon footprint to this collective suicide many seem to be about in their refusal to stop the lemming motion heading over the cliff.I have personal faith, based on things most americans are bred to deny, and I know that the cliff is getting closer every day. I have no intention to waste the remaining years of little (but some) opportunity to mitigate the coming damage. So our economy goes almost bust, but the rich get richer, and the cops get more guns, cars and computers. Municipalities get state-of-the-art surveilance to prevent 'crime' (like standing on the corner doing nothing) the politicians get their ticket to lifetime opulence (as long as people continue to believe in the dollar as some kind of god) and the young, rebellious population is ripe for another big war. Iraq and Afghanistan are fill-ins, while bigger and better conflicts are being arranged.Oh, but our system of the status quo has served us so well? 
Well obviously the Status Quo Ass Kissers are getting served enough table scraps for them to lick their masters boots, but freedom loving people aren't gonna go for it. And I am so glad that I have seen and hung out with some of those folks, so I can state without doubt, that consciousness is growing, but the state of american consumer consciousness is static, and slowly losing ground in real consciousness.This system, as has been pointed out by one of our movement elders RIP -Jack Herer, is like the story of the Emperors New Clothes -and the scene from Wizard of OZ with the 'man behind the curtain'. It is not real for craps sake!It is a big, made up false reality that has cleverly been integrated with some aspects of the REAL reality, so that those who might look up can be easily put back down in to their 'proper place' in the social 'order.' Truth only exists in this system, when enough brave, courageous people say no to their bosses and masters, find their sustenance where it comes from instead of the 'store' and learn what real labor is about. They will have to sacrifice their egos, their cars, and a crapload of entertainment, so I'm not holding my breath. The truth (deny it all you want) is that the state, the structure of Babylon, is crumbling. It's a dead issue. And in the words of my Brother and King; "Let the dead bury the dead."LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #15 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 10:24:20 PT
That's how we roll!
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Comment #14 posted by runruff on November 05, 2010 at 06:27:19 PT
An historic moment!-- Nov. 5, 2010
Runruff squeaked for freedom!The squeak heard 'round the world!
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Comment #13 posted by runruff on November 05, 2010 at 06:20:32 PT
Wealth and might breeds hubris!
A "pot activist" is an ant on an elephants behind! The people [and I use the word loosely here] who vie for a standing place at the public trough, represent the richest most powerful people [there I go again} on earth.They have had control of the media, they control the public pulpit, they hold the treasury purse strings. They introduce laws, they block laws. They prioritize laws, They have very selfish reasons to keep cannabis illegal.Is it any wonder we are no more than a squeak in the wind? It will take 100 million squeaks to drown out the roar of the devouring lions!Am I up to the task? Watch this:SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK, SQUEAK,!There now! If that don't shake them up, nothing will!
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Comment #12 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 00:16:38 PT
CropReport Comment 1
Indeed! Go for it!
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Comment #11 posted by Hope on November 05, 2010 at 00:08:02 PT
Some article, recently, said something about activists "licking their wounds". What the heck was that about? They didn't even wound us! They just threw another obstacle out there, and we're up and over it. Wound? I don't think so. We got the word out. We got some major attention to a terrible injustice that needs major attention. More people are thinking about it than ever before. So many people that I thought were hardly paying attention are mentioning it to me... and encouraging me. Some of us got a chance to financially support an effort we've wanted to see happen for a long time. We didn't lose those donations. It was an investment! A worthy investment.Losing some of these polls, especially 19 in California, was, initially, a disappointment, of course, but it wasn't a "wound", by any means. Disappointment is no stranger to us. We know it all too well and we're all too experienced in dealing with it. We're experienced and hardened to the fight. Disappointment isn't going to defeat us. We spring back from every disappointment, and there's been plenty of them, immediately. We never have and we never will stay down. Jump back. Cogitate the situation. Jump up, and at it again. Immediately. Instantly. That's the way we roll.
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on November 04, 2010 at 20:01:18 PT
I agree with you. I don't know what will happen but it won't be good.
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on November 04, 2010 at 18:13:11 PT
Thank you for the links. It's so good to see you.
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Comment #8 posted by afterburner on November 04, 2010 at 17:43:17 PT
Prop 19 Before & After
Here are some fascinating links before and after the vote. Michael Moore for the first time I've seen goes on record favoring legalization. Maybe a movie is in the offing.Michael Moore,
Oscar and Emmy-winning director.
Posted: November 2, 2010 09:56 AM.
Today Is the Day Nadelmann,
Drug Policy Alliance, Executive Director.
Posted: November 3, 2010 10:43 AM.
Marijuana Legalization: Not If, But When 19 Supporters Vow To Push Marijuana Legalization In 2012.
LISA LEFF and MARCUS WOHLSEN | 11/ 3/10 07:58 PM | AP of these links have already been posted here at cnews, but check the comments for some gems of informed and convincing dialog.Parents Are Biggest Obstacle To Pot Legalization: Survey.
First Posted: 11- 2-10 05:51 PM  |  Updated: 11- 3-10 02:21 AM Carlsen.
Posted: November 2, 2010 03:55 PM.
How Legalizing Marijuana Would Weaken Mexican Drug Cartels Stamper.
34-year veteran police officer who retired as Seattle's chief of police in 2000.
Posted: November 3, 2010 12:55 PM.
Ignorance and Intimidation = Delay Not Defeat in March Toward Pot Legalization Froomkin.
froomkin | HuffPost Reporting.
Obama Can Pursue Ambitious Agenda Without Congress's Help.
First Posted: 11- 4-10 08:34 AM  |  Updated: 11- 4-10 09:30 AM Sirota.
Newspaper columnist, radio host (AM760), bestselling author.
Posted: November 3, 2010 02:14 PM.
Ignore the Media Conflictinator: 2010 Vote Was Turning Point Against Conservative Doctrine Directly Authorized Use Of Waterboarding, Still Rejects 'Torture' Classification In New Book.
The Huffington Post  | Nick Wing Posted: 11- 4-10 12:06 PM Farm Game
Grow your own virtual pot online with the best farm game around! love!
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Comment #7 posted by dongenero on November 04, 2010 at 13:23:43 PT
But at least, one of those certainties is GOOD!
And we'll all be needing a heaping helping.
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Comment #6 posted by dongenero on November 04, 2010 at 13:19:27 PT
Wall Street is back baby!
Yep, Wall Street is back in business. GOP leaders are already calling for the gutting of what little regulatory reform had been negotiated. Of course, "conservative" financial industry deregulation of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is what opened the door to the malfeasance that caused the collapse of the financial system and ultimately of the economy.So what do Americans do? Put those guys back in legislative power! I'm preparing for the double dip as Republicans' plans will be re-inflating the financial industry bubble if they are successful. Hang on to your savings and retirement folks...they're coming back for the rest of it.Meanwhile, the Overgrow continues.Only a few things in life are certain...death, taxes, marijuana..........and banksters who will screw us all into the ground for short-term personal gain.
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Comment #5 posted by runruff on November 04, 2010 at 12:42:25 PT
OK, the prohibs won!
They are keeping gays from getting married and out of the military?They are keeping millions of would be pot heads from getting high?All this while Wall Street and the Pentagon steal America and trash the planet.Good job!
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Comment #4 posted by The GCW on November 04, 2010 at 12:13:01 PT
The race is still on.
I wish Cali would have won since CO lost last time. It needs to happen already. But since it didn't, let the race continue.I feel as though next time will produce a winner.-0-OREGON NEWS: has this been mentioned???US OR: OSP Sergeant Added To Measure 74 ComplaintPubdate: Sun, 31 Oct 2010
Source: Mail Tribune, The (Medford, OR) SERGEANT ADDED TO MEASURE 74 COMPLAINT Nine Oregon police officers are accused of campaigning against initiative, including Medford's chief, assistant chief and lieutenant Oregon officials are casting a wider net over allegations that law enforcement officers statewide violated election laws when they discussed Measure 74, the medical marijuana initiative. On Friday, Sgt. Erik Fisher of the Oregon State Police drug-enforcement section became part of a Secretary of State investigation based on a complaint filed by Williams resident Laird Funk. He specifically cited comments made by Fisher in articles in the Mail Tribune and Eugene Register-Guard. Previously, a complaint had been filed against Medford Police Chief Randy Schoen, Medford Assistant Chief Tim George and Medford Lt. Tim Doney. In all, nine Oregon police officers have been accused of campaigning against the measure. Cont.
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 04, 2010 at 06:45:57 PT
Go for it! 
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Comment #2 posted by runruff on November 04, 2010 at 06:45:41 PT
Crop Report...
While I like your style, go for it!Ending prohibition is the "brass ring' of freedom! Who will grab it first!
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Comment #1 posted by CropReport on November 04, 2010 at 06:37:31 PT
Look east California!
Colorado is where it will be legalized first.Our tax and regulate system works, it is generating revenue NOW and will ultimately stand as a model system for the rest of these United States.No worries Cali, we'll handle it from here.
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