TC Approves Marijuana Regulations function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('TC Approves Marijuana Regulations'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } TC Approves Marijuana Regulations Posted by CN Staff on August 17, 2010 at 16:53:09 PT By Art Bukowski Source: Record-Eagle Traverse City, MI -- New regulations that dictate when and where city residents can grow and distribute medical marijuana could be changed if problems arise.City commissioners on Monday gave final approval to a new ordinance that regulates land-use issues tied to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. It takes effect Aug. 26. The ordinance allows for cultivation of up to 72 marijuana plants in single-family homes, and that concerns those who believe such activity could degrade the city's residential neighborhoods. But commissioners weren't ready to rule out residential growth."This law is not set in concrete," Mayor Pro-Tem Ralph Soffredine said. "We can bring it back to the table, and we can tweak it and do what we want to do with it. But we need to give it a chance."The Michigan Medical Marijuana act, approved in 2008, allows patients to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and 12 plants. It also allows designated caregivers to grow and distribute plants to up to five patients.But the act doesn't specify where or when patients and caregivers can grow or exchange marijuana, so municipalities across the state were left to decide for themselves.The new ordinance doesn't affect the amount of plants a patient can have under state law, or the number of plants a caregiver can grow or distribute. It instead specifies where legal marijuana-related activity can occur within city limits.City resident Julia Wagner told commissioners she's uncomfortable with marijuana growth in residential districts. She voted in favor of medical marijuana, but assumed it would be closely regulated and available only at pharmacies."I had no idea that this could invade my neighborhood," she said.Her view was shared by Adrienne Rossi, a Central Neighborhood resident who called marijuana growth "extremely unhealthy for our residential neighborhoods."Pro-medical marijuana activists countered that residential growth allows patients easier and safer access to the drug. Current residential growth hasn't led to significant problems, they said, and the city could expose itself to potential litigation if it tries to prevent residents from exercising a right afforded under state law.The ordinance allows for cultivation in excess of 72 plants in industrial districts, provided the cultivation facility owner obtains a license from the city. It also allows for medical marijuana "collectives" in most commercial districts of the city. Any medical marijuana that fits within the confines of the Medical Marijuana Act can change hands in such collectives, but growing isn't allowed there.Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI)Author: Art BukowskiPublished: August 17, 2010Copyright: 2010 The Traverse City Record-EagleContact: letters record-eagle.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #23 posted by Hope on August 19, 2010 at 22:36:38 PT Maybe I missed the part where I might get upset. Sounds true and very knowledgeable of what is really written in the New Testament and how it relates to the Old Testament, and what you said sounds like a smart person that has sought spiritual understanding with an open mind, to me.Part of the problem, I fear, is people don't like to read big books, or what they perceive to be really big books. Big books seem "Hard" to everyone sometimes and all the time for some people. So they depend on what someone else says about what is written in the big books. Sometimes the people they depend on to tell them what it says don't seem to read all they should and seem quick to jump to harsh conclusions before reading on to learn more. Or they get all freaked out and get scared or angry and don't keep reading... for the good news. I've seen it time and again. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by rchandar on August 19, 2010 at 20:56:28 PT: Hope I don't know how you will take this. The officialized "Christian" perspective on drugs depends upon a biased reading of The Bible.Okay, how do I mean? Lots of bloggers quote Genesis 1:1, and the creation of plants, etc. But Christianity is New Testament, and "Protestantism" relies on the written words of the Bible. One reading: Christ's temptation by Satan. Meaning: "I will give you all these kingdoms, all this wealth, if you worship me. And Jesus said, 'Begone, Satan! You shall only worship the Lord your God."There are numerous interpretations of the Bible that would count on our perspective of "mind-altering drugs": the Eucharist, the forgiveness of sins, light and darkness, the political denunciation of government. But Christ's temptation is man's temptation, and Anslinger used the passage admirably if mistakenly. The notion that is promoted to most "good citizens" and "born again Christians" is that pleasure, introspection, and the fruit of them, are evil, demonic, and against God's will. Add to that the notion penned in Groenig's "The Simpsons": Onward Christian soldiers.The Christians are "soldiers" of God. They "fight" for the vindication of his will. And who better to do this fighting than our government, our conservatives, our corporations, who are unblemished and full of goodness (translation=wealth). America is a capitalist country; wealth equals good, and anything that stops you from enjoying the fruits of your labor must be bad. You'll hear lots of pundits and students alike who say that pot smokers are lazy, degenerate, corrupted. But cannabis activism is true to Christ's real message, that good humans can fight the corruption and idolatry of government and bring light and humanity to fight the forces of demoralization and hierarchy. It is fairly clear that, when guiding religious leaders to their "government" of faith, that most have not reconsidered the weight--and the weight of mistakes--that our halcyon leaders and significants have been prone to. "Seven," for example, did not jar this sentiment enough--and it was about a serial killer.Nietzsche wrote prolifically that Christianity was a medieval faith, responsible to themes of purgatory, suffering, and inequity. It is we--Christian or not--that bear responsibility for shedding light and humanity on Jesus's many, not few, understandings of the divine truth.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by Hope on August 18, 2010 at 18:49:42 PT Canis420 I think you did, too... and I'm glad you took the time to respond to them.It seemed unusual, in this piece, that they at least the article had some points of views besides the big ethicist's. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Canis420 on August 18, 2010 at 14:44:51 PT: Hope I realized other ppl were making those comments and she was quoting after I sent the email. However, I still think I made my point to those darn religous conservatives :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Hope on August 18, 2010 at 12:35:31 PT Canis420 Except, I think, maybe I'm wrong, that it was the expert on ethics, Barret Duke actually said, or actually more precisely, lied, "Marijuana is a hallucinogenic and extremely debilitating and it can be addicting even while it is a poor pain reliever."Erin Roach just forgot her quotation marks.Like this:Marijuana is a hallucinogenic and extremely debilitating, Duke said, and it can be addicting even while it is a poor pain reliever. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Hope on August 18, 2010 at 12:25:32 PT Thank you, Canis420 Good job.If Baptists wore phylacteries, this Barret Duke would have one the size of a law book... no doubt. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Hope on August 18, 2010 at 12:16:37 PT Runruff :0)"They make their phylacteries large." [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Canis420 on August 18, 2010 at 10:03:50 PT: Baptist press article I sent them and email: Ms. Roach's article is way off the mark. Cannabis is NOT hallucinogenic and is NOT debilitating. It is not as intoxicating as alcohol and is safer than aspirin. This woman obviously did not do her research. Full legalization will happen because it is the right thing to do, but it will happen slowly. The people who have a medical necessity need it now, they cannot wait for legalization to occur for the general population. I have used cannabis for 30 years, have a college degree and work in a professional field. I was recently layed off and stopped using cannabis as I might be subject to a drug test. I just stopped with no withdrawal symptoms except for some mild sleeplessness for a short period of time. People die all the time BECAUSE of prohibition when cops botch a drug raid or other calamity. Nobody has ever died from cannabis use. When used in conjunction with opiates cannabis allows users to use LESS opiates as it works synergistically with the opiate molecules in a beneficial manner. This plant was put on the earth by our creator for use by mankind and we have used it therapeutically for over 5000 years. It can be also used for fuel, fiber and food as the seeds produce a high quality oil and are very nutritious.Do some research before you spout some crap propaganda from NIDA or other government agency. They have been lying to us for 80 years regarding this plant. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by runruff on August 18, 2010 at 06:35:57 PT "the hems of his robes" And displaying their long phylacteries in public!Oh the shame! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Paint with light on August 17, 2010 at 23:16:48 PT peas A group of farmers noticed the success of indoor mmj and decided to try and do a big warehouse operation to raise peas.They ran into the same problems about zoning that mmj has suffered.One of the farmers stood up at a council meeting that was trying to decide whether to allow industrial pea growing operations in the city.The farmer pleaded,"All we are sayin' is give peas a chance."Legal like alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 21:38:55 PT Is Love not an emotion? Is compassion not Love? My understanding, according to the New Testament... The New Covenant, is that Christianity has but one commandment... one hard, fast rule, if there is any rule... everything else is just advice, suggestion, and admonishment. One commandment ..."Love one another", as Christ loved you. That's it.The religious ethicists says the "agenda", as he calls it, concerning medical marijuana, is somehow bad, in some way, because it's based on an emotion... love, mercy, and compassion are emotions... and this guy, that styles himself as some sort of Christian ethicist... thinks that bad.And he thinks it's a "Liberal leadership in Congress"... I can't help but imagine this guy being a big shot Pharisee a couple of thousand years ago and'sewing borders on the hems of his robes', and raving on about a certain "Liberal" Rabbi that was teaching all sorts of heretical and outrageous things to the people.Well if he doesn't think emotions are good reasons for coming to some sensible judgment on some decisions... how about science? Science? Logic? Studies? That no good, either? I get it. Everyone just has to do what Duke and other prohibitionists say... because they said it?What about plain old common good sense? A non poisonous medicine that is an herb that grows from the earth and relieves many people's suffering... but the government makes it criminal to possess the herb and is cruel, harsh, and threatening to those caught with said non lethal herb by said, fairly lethal, authorities. No, still?Hmmm. No emotion. No feeling. No science. No common sense.How about using real knowledge and understanding to judge a situation?No?Just obey the prohibitionists and trust in their judgement and fears... and no one else's, not even your own... or else.I see. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by ekim on August 17, 2010 at 20:30:08 PT good one runruff love the vibe======== internal cleanse. Howard and Misty will soon be in CA. to ride for 19if anyone has a Hemp product that would help either of these two brave souls please consider calling hears that hemp fiber bedding keeps the germs down and might help Misty everyone welcome to enter suggestions as to products that would make Mistys ride that much more.Both Howard and Misty should be sporten the Green or Hemp made products for all to see as many will see them on TV [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by runruff on August 17, 2010 at 19:15:41 PT Prayer Pills. "Supporters of faith healing for medical purposes are gaining ground nationwide, but a Southern Baptist ethicist said their agenda is based primarily an emotional argument that plays on people's compassion."I am inventing a prayer pill that can heal believers and non-believers in one pill. Prayer pills are prayed over and infused with the spirit of god but not only the spirit of god but the holy god of the Southern Baptist Church.Stay tune for a report on the new religious health sensation, the internal baptism, the holy water internal cleanse. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on August 17, 2010 at 18:55:24 PT Hope The masses of people aren't meant to be free. We don't count. If they can't control us they fear they could lose control of their lives. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 18:35:35 PT FoM comment 4 What they are afraid of is what Kaptinemo was talking about recently in another thread. They are overwrought authoritarians and busybodies afraid of losing "Control" of others. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on August 17, 2010 at 18:30:10 PT Hope The religious right has caused more pain in my lifetime, as far as wanting to lock up people who are different, then anything I could have thought would happen. Fundamentalist christians jumped into the RP back in the 80s and that is what has caused the war on drugs to become as bad as it is. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 18:29:56 PT I think Duke is a liar, too. ""People do not want to see someone suffer from illness, so they are prepared to approve measures they are told will bring relief. Unfortunately, medical marijuana does not deserve that kind of response," Duke said. Marijuana is a hallucinogenic and extremely debilitating, Duke said, and it can be addicting even while it is a poor pain reliever." [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 18:24:13 PT open minds I don't necessarily believe that about Democrats and it's certainly an exceptional rarity among Republicans.I dislike political religions.Barret Duke, vice president for public policy and research at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, is a politician masquerading as some sort of religious ethicist. He certainly has an authoritarian streak a mile wide. Whose liberty? Our liberty to obey him and his idea of the liberty he, in all his beyond everyone else's righteousness, should allow another person?His ideas corrupt the very foundation of the Gospel of Christ, in my opinion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on August 17, 2010 at 17:50:29 PT Hope They are mostly all Republicans. Democrats have an open and understanding mind more then Republicans do. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on August 17, 2010 at 17:48:21 PT Hope I do not understand why some folks get all upset about medical marijuana. Are they afraid the whole world will smoke marijuana and blow it in their face? What are they so worried about in a free country like we are suppose to be? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 17:42:44 PT Could this be political? Do I sense a Republican? "Medical marijuana is now legal in the District of Columbia after the Democrat-controlled Congress declined to overrule a D.C. Council bill that allows the city to approve as many as eight dispensaries where people can purchase the drug."Brrrr. How ... how can I say it? How ungodly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Hope on August 17, 2010 at 17:38:20 PT Comment 1 I'm just freaked out right at the first paragraph."Supporters of marijuana use for medical purposes are gaining ground nationwide, but a Southern Baptist ethicist said their agenda is based primarily an emotional argument that plays on people's compassion." [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on August 17, 2010 at 17:06:15 PT MMJ Article from The Baptist Press Medical Marijuana Advocates Gain D.C.August 17, 2010URL: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment