Medical-Marijuana: Patients Clouded in Controversy function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Medical-Marijuana: Patients Clouded in Controversy'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Medical-Marijuana: Patients Clouded in Controversy Posted by CN Staff on July 04, 2010 at 04:24:34 PT By John Ingold, Denver Post Source: Denver Post Colorado -- The feeling begins as a ripple, nothing more, somewhere deep in her stomach. Quickly, though, comes another. Then another. Soon Deana Martinez's stomach is convulsing, and the whole of her day now hinges on the next moments.If she vomits, she might not eat for the next 24 hours. She might not even leave the bathroom for much of it. She's 119 pounds. The medications she's taking — 15 different kinds, 25 pills a day to treat her advanced AIDS, her intestinal tie-ups, her constant pain after 21 surgeries — don't work if she can't keep them down. So she reaches for a glass pipe packed with marijuana, flicks a lighter and inhales deeply.And that is how Martinez now begins nearly every morning of her life.Michael Boling of Broomfield stops for a smoke before going to his favorite hang out, Hooters. (Joe Amon, The Denver Post)"When I smoke," she said, "I stop gagging immediately.""If I don't medicate right away, I'm puking."In 2000, stories like Martinez's sold Colorado voters on approving marijuana for use as a medical treatment for certain conditions, including HIV. And for a decade, that's largely how the drug was used.But in the past year, the number of people legally allowed to use marijuana in the state shot from about 10,000 to more than 90,000 — with 650 new applications and renewals received each day at the state health department.And most are not like Martinez.The statistically average patient is male — three-quarters of medical-marijuana patients are, according to the most recently available figures — about 40 years old, living in the Denver metro area and said on his application that he suffers from severe pain. Ninety-two percent of patients listed that catch-all condition — severe pain — as at least one of their reasons for seeking marijuana.Many within that group use marijuana to treat medical conditions for which more conventional — and more researched — treatments exist. Marijuana works better, they say. They like the idea of naturally grown medicine. They distrust the motives of the pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry in general."I know the grower, generally; I know what goes into it," said Naresh Chandranatha, a 20-year-old medical-marijuana patient who said he suffers from Crohn's disease and migraine headaches, neither of which are specifically mentioned on the list of conditions for which Colorado allows marijuana as treatment, but both of which fall in the "severe pain" category. "I would be wary of taking something from a pharmaceutical company that isn't grown naturally."In some cases, patients may see the dispensary as supplanting traditional health care, while others see the two as working hand-in-hand. And some embrace the new science of marijuana, while others rely on the tribal knowledge of dispensary workers — budtenders, in industry parlance — to guide them to what they hope works best. Snipped Complete Article: Denver Post (CO)Author: John Ingold, Denver Post Published: July 4, 2010Copyright: 2010 The Denver Post CorpWebsite: openforum denverpost.comCannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #24 posted by Paint with light on July 07, 2010 at 23:53:52 PT Hope Once again you are very perceptive, understanding, and kind.I am glad you have your spiritual beliefs to help you through these times.I liked your comments at the end. I thought I could hear a warning growl there.I would have liked to have growled a little louder myself, especially about the 9/11 inside job BS.FoM has almost got me housebroken now.I hope Thursday is a good day.Legal like freedom should be. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by Hope on July 07, 2010 at 16:00:39 PT Truth Chronicles "However, I don't see any of my friends returning from Iraq in the service and if they leave Iraq they are heading BACK to Afghanistan. Thats a big deal."That is a big deal. You're right. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Hope on July 07, 2010 at 14:25:22 PT I appreciate your comment too, Paint with light. Comment 16Lots of really good, truly upright people don't believe in God. And, obviously, believing in God... or having "gods" doesn't make a person good. Paraphrasing one of my favorite religious parapharases... or something... He's a doctor. The doctor doesn't come to help the well ... he comes to help the sick and the needy. There are many people that know how to be good and what it is to be good and honest and treat people right, without having a religion or a teacher or preacher to make them know it. Those people are naturally spiritually and wisdomly (madeup word) well and strong and have it all together. They really do intend to treat others well and mean no one any harm... but good. They don't need to believe in a Higher Power... and they often don't. I think that's perfectly ok. Why not? I'd prefer they didn't want to poke me in the eye for believing in spiritual beings... but they wouldn't ... because they don't poke people in the eyes.But there is some spiritual help for the weak and those that might not have it all together all that well sometimes, and because of some of that poor thinking and understanding might have big old guilt and pain burdens they need help laying down. It would be good for them to. There is a "Spirit" of love that can help with that.But, I understand that there are some people that do not believe in my God or any god and that I can still trust them. They are honest, good, decent people. There are also people that believe in the very same God that I do that I cannot trust.I don't understand people that believe moral character among people is unachievable without religious rules and admonitions.Truth Chronicles, I'm a spiritual as well as physical person... and I don't like being accused of stuff and called names. You might have said something else... but I think you called us stupid.Plus I'm feeling a little low right now and I've got about fourteen chips barely and critically balanced to fall off either of my shoulders.So, I will reread your comments to keep from jumping to conclusions and shaking my "chips" up. Just don't even seem to be calling us stupid. We're not. We're tired and run over... but we don't need you or anyone else admonishing us about stupidity. We're here. We're pretty danged loud. We've been here and loud for a long time. Don't tell us we're stupid if you want to hang with us as an ally. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on July 07, 2010 at 04:49:46 PT Truth Chronicles You are new here. We aren't here to argue political beliefs. There are plenty of forums where politics can be argued but not on CNews. Thank you for understanding. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Truth Chronicles on July 07, 2010 at 00:26:25 PT Btw... Why is the Federal Reserve a private entity? Why do we pay interest immediately when borrowing money from the Fed creating an mathematically impossible to succeed banking system? Why did the founding father's and other president's warn many times about these private banks? Why is the Federal Reserve as federal as the Federal Express? Why is our money backed by nothing for the money is created out of thin air when it is supposed to be backed by silver and gold as the CONSTITUTION states? Why hasn't anybody tried to reform or better yet dissolve the fed including Nobama the savior? That's a BIG deal. If ur still in denial and on that bandwagon, watch Obama Deception Free on google. The film was made early when he was in office and almost all the predictions from the film have come true. Truth is stranger than fiction at times folks. Peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Truth Chronicles on July 07, 2010 at 00:18:12 PT I can dig it... However, I don't see any of my friends returning from Iraq in the service and if they leave Iraq they are heading BACK to Afghanistan. Thats a big deal. Why are we in the war in Iraqistan anyway? FALSE war on terrorism is why hunting somebody who worked for the CIA in the 80's in Bin Laden. If you don't know the war is a farce by now then my friend, you've got a BIG deal. 9/ll inside job was a BIG deal. Is Nobama investigating that? NO, THAT IS A BIG DEAL. "New boss, same as the old boss" Left and right is the same as far as globalist agenda goes my beloved humans, i'd hate to break it to you. Sure they have different policies on lower level, but the big globalist agenda stays the same. Why isn't Nobama auditing the FED? Why is Nobama's cabinet loaded with Goldman Sachs? Defining Fascism yeah? What's with all the dual citizenship's to Israel within the cabinet. Time to hop off right left paradigm and restore the REPUBLIC, not democracy, REPUBLIC. God bless and roll up that fat blunt of nuggy :) Truth Chronicles [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Paint with light on July 06, 2010 at 20:23:53 PT FoM Thank you for understanding.I try not to criticize anyone's belief system because I believe each person has to come to peace in their own way.Legal like religion and not taxed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on July 06, 2010 at 20:00:26 PT Paint with light Very interesting comment and really appreciated. Thank you. I believe that people don't have to believe in a supernatural being to be good people. There is something in people that makes them be fair and tolerant and honest and for some it is inspired by a belief system and for some it is inspired by life and it's journey. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Paint with light on July 06, 2010 at 19:40:54 PT Obama Obama has stopped most of the raids on Medical cannabis establishments, as long as they stay in compliance with current state laws.This is not the same as anyone before. This is not the same as McCain would have done.No one seems to want to acknowledge that we are leaving Iraq.That is a big deal.The fact the right wing has shut up about Iraq is a big deal.The fact that the military deaths in Iraq have drastically fallen is a big deal.The fact we are not still on an increasing offensive in Iraq is a big deal.In Afghanistan Obama is letting the right wing have its way somewhat to prove to them the futility of it all.Now you hear the right wing starting to criticize Obama for being in Afghanistan.I could name a whole lot of positive things that Obama has done but there is no reason to.Those that really follow the news already know that.I don't know of any Sheeple here.I do know of some very brave and dedicated people who fight everyday to change the insane laws affecting cannabis.There are a few of us here who can turn to wolves but we don't do so out of respect for our host and nominee for sainthood, FoM.Since I am a freethinker I believe man made the god in the bible.Whether there is some kind of prevailing spirit that exits doesn't matter to me.I would still live my life the same...........To do no harm, and to leave the world a few objects of beauty.Legal like lamb chops. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Truth Chronicles on July 06, 2010 at 11:24:56 PT: Bible Thumpers God made man, man made religion. What has caused more deaths of mankind than anything else? RELIGION. The irony. The insanity. Amen. God bless. Truth Chronicles [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Truth Chronicles on July 06, 2010 at 11:22:00 PT: Fellow Sheople I would expect this kind of idiocy from another forum regarding politics not the heady cannanews! One must understand that the true tea party got hijacked by McCain and company, the ideals of the true tea party are legit as far as liberty and ending the unconstitutional federal reserve goes. Please note, I'm not sided with any party yet leaning towards the ideals of libertarian party if any. If you study history and just do a simple verify method, you will see that the left and the right is the same when it comes to advancing the globalist agenda. Obama works for the same boss as Bush and so on and so forth since at least 1913 when federal reserve act was signed into place and woodrow wilson later admitted he signed the bill for campaign support and said he had done a terrible thing to this great country by allowing the power to rest in the hands of a few dominant men. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and more have spoken such words talking about the true powers of the nation and essentially the World. Quit relying on the Lamestream mainstream CORPORATE media for news ( for a better cover of the truth). we live in a fascist country right now FACT and Obama isn't going to save us so get ur head outta your bong (for a minute or two :) ) I highly recommend to any doubters to watch on google videos: obama deception, freedom to fascism for free and free your mind to the truths not the lies we've been told for all these years. Some will call me crazy, but if you think about this society in general there are some really nutty policies. I.E. the best plant in the world (hemp) is illegal in most countries! That should really get you asking some serious questions folks. Peace, Love, Cannabis! Truth Chronicles [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by JustGetnBY on July 05, 2010 at 14:31:31 PT RunRuff #10 RunRuff Please don't hold back, tell us what you really think. Bless your heart brother. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by rchandar on July 05, 2010 at 13:17:42 PT: One More Dick Cheney is Mahatma Gandhi?Man, I will do some praying. You bet. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by rchandar on July 05, 2010 at 13:15:26 PT: runruff Man, I admire such sincerity. I do apologize for even rearing the head of the information I got. There is a link somewhere, it was about five years ago.It struck me as an awful crock of s#$t, that's for sure. I went to a Baptist school; we were taught a very different Jesus than what the GOP seems to prop up. Even when you figure in the basic premise: we praise him because he gives us a mostly prosperous life, and the ferment of technology and economy and learning, the GOP concept of Jesus is crude and unwelcome for many who have read the Bible.If you don't like America, go to a poor country. See if you still don't like America. That's true. But people calling Bush Jesus was a real whopper. Runruff, the reason I worry about it is because US governments tend to have a permanent effect; Obama must unwrite these absurd misnotions before too many of us even consider seriously such an outrageous belief.But, not all Americans are empowered. Just like Mohammed VI of Morocco is the "Commander of the Faithful". Or Halie Selassie is Jesus incarnate. The fact that God is beyond our comprehension and immediate reception requires us tacitly to obey his commandments. As a Hindu, I firmly believe that.I don't think that Christ would like the WoD. I think he would see it as a corrosive force that would undo a lot that his messianism was supposed to root in our lives. But others feel different; I always felt he championed the poor, the sick, the condemned, and that was his true strength. That's just me.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by runruff on July 05, 2010 at 08:05:23 PT How can a Christ incarnate stink of..... sulfer and brimstone?GWB is the spirit of Satan incarnate! How could anything or anyone have been more disruptive or destructive than this tomato head?Christ incarnate? Give the man you call Christ a little more credit will you? This is like calling Dick Cheney, Mahatma Gandhi, for christ sake! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on July 04, 2010 at 13:41:32 PT rchandar I try hard to think rationally and I just can't figure out what motivates some of the really odd beliefs that surface around politics. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 11:14:58 PT: FoM, part 2 There were and are churches in places like Ohio where there were people who claimed that GWB was an incarnation of Christ. I very much worry about the messages the GOP sends out to people.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 11:12:57 PT: Clarification Bush waged a war against terrorism as a holy war, he meant to force the Muslims to convert to Christianity.There would be speakers who would follow him and say that "Jesus Christ is the only true God." Aside from that being extremely bald, let's not dither about the point. During Bush's time, the EU adopted a constitution. One of the central principles of this Constitution was that Europeans were Christians and possessed a Christian history.Now, European politicians follow American politicians. So too economists and philosophers. America and Europe are Christian--one cannot understand either without possessing some appreciation of primarily Christian ethics and social messages. BUT: it is NOT acceptable to adopt this kind of viewpoint OFFICIALLY, in a multicultural world, no! To say that one MUST be a Christian to espouse a modern, polyglot culture based as much on science, capitalism and technology as GOVERNMENTAL DICTATION is grossly unfair and supremely unacceptable. Bush's ideas presume that other faiths and other nationalities are inferior, deserve to be subject, are part of weak and immoral traditions. That's wrong. To put that into a constitution is very much wrong.Yet, there it is.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 11:07:45 PT: FoM He doesn't get credit for what he's done. Bush got an enormous amount of credit that he didn't deserve. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on July 04, 2010 at 10:55:27 PT rchandar One of the things that is easy to say is no. They are good at that. Also they want less government and who doesn't? Those are not solutions. I have read where people are angry because Obama hasn't fixed the oil disaster in the Gulf. I don't understand that. He didn't break it BP did. Obama isn't Superman. They remind me of words from a song. Narrow minded people living in a narrow minded world. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 10:54:33 PT: One More The logic of Obama's thinking is clear, simple, and morally unquestionable--to foster good relationships with the world and make American interests in common with those of the world.America isn't used to that. It's quite comfortable with the divide-and-conquer mode of going from one ally to the next, vacillating from one portal of the imagination to the next. That's creative, generative, and had a role in the maturation of American democracy. It can't work anymore, too many foreigners have a grip on what makes Americans what they are!!!! We can't play games with new generations of Americans, applying rules and then yanking them to suit our economy!? I would like to reiterate: in the past 30 years or so, hundreds of millions of humans in other countries have taken up the task of "learning" modern American culture. That is a force that will not be ignored because the knowledge in these countries is much better than it was when "Ninotchka" was aired, or when "Rocky IV" went to Russia. The expectation for communicative realism is much greater, and GOP ideas don't work because they're based on macho patriotism that ignores the subtlety of post-911 ethics.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 10:43:30 PT: Bush, McCain, and Tea Parties The irritating thing about the Tea Party is that it amounts to a super-grandstanding which assumes that the Republican party is the natural benefactor of American values and culture. A tacit form of denying that Obama won legitimately, or that the GOP's ideas failed miserably. Even if we allow that--we'll probably have to, since GOP tends to be over-praising of itself and abides by the "don't admit you're the loser" type thinking.They have no ideas, and no official platform. They have no true relationship to the GOP pols and their platform. It's a subliminal primer for a party that's allowed to do anything to dupe the American political subconsciousness into thinking that they will have some benefit that may fall prey to the real insensitivities and political out-of-sink of this particular party. It's dishonest and pretending; it bears no relationship to the action, the serious business of nation-governing. As a democracy, the Tea Partiers are irresponsible me-generation people who have no right to play games when the economy is struggling, the ocean is polluted, business with Europe is strangulated and Iran is getting a nuclear bomb. And while our army is getting whipped in Afghanistan.What in the end is promised is a great, Republican Revolution that will probably attempt, in the old Reaganite fashion, to wipe out whole segments of our society and strip the Constitution of its entire libertarian structure. And a unilateralism that will make the military the most prominent section of the economy. Bismarck rejected the "GrossDeutsch" model way back in the 1870s; we are being promised a "GrossVerenigde" which is much more improbable than it was in the 1980s. The market allowed for Reagan's general concept to work; I doubt it will have any kind of success in the 2010s.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on July 04, 2010 at 10:13:56 PT rchandar I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't at least appreciate Obama a little compared to Bush or what it would be like with McCain. The only ones who don't are those Tea Party type people I would think. I pay them no mind at all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by rchandar on July 04, 2010 at 09:56:18 PT: Thoughts, This July 4th Every day, someone comes to me and makes some big speech about how I have to "surrender"!!!F#$% YOU!!! After all these years, and the friends, and the laughter and sharing?? After all that time we spent learning from the music, the times? I got motherf #ing Barack Obama as President! We got him to allow MMJ in 15 states!!! I saw the Czech Republic and Berlin, and Belgium and Italy and Spain allow pot smoking!!! And I got published, a book on counterculture!!!!Screw your a##, I am NOT surrendering!!!--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Post Comment