NORML Foundation Launches Marijuana Ad Campaign!

NORML Foundation Launches Marijuana Ad Campaign!
Posted by FoM on August 20, 1999 at 11:14:09 PT
NORML's Weekly Update News
Source: NORML
Aug. 19, 1999, San Francisco, CA: A public advertising campaign launched in San Francisco by the NORML Foundation urges that the government "stop arresting responsible pot smokers." 
The campaign is intended to encourage marijuana smokers to become more involved in the public debate over marijuana policy.   The 30 billboards located on San Francisco bus shelters bear one of two headlines: "Honk, if you Inhale," and "A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 45 Seconds -- and You Wonder Why We're Paranoid." The ads direct readers to the NORML Foundation's toll free number and to its web site:  "Around 12 million adult Americans smoke pot regularly in their homes and still hold down demanding jobs, raise families and lead productive lives," said Keith Stroup, NORML Executive Director. "We're calling on those individuals to send a message to the state and federal governments -- responsible marijuana use by adults is commonplace, safe and should be decriminalized."  For more information, please contact Keith Stroup of NORML   (202) 483-5500. The ads can be viewed at: Campaign - 8/17/99
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