Hundreds of L.A. Pot Dispensaries To Face Closure
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Hundreds of L.A. Pot Dispensaries To Face Closure
Posted by CN Staff on April 16, 2010 at 20:10:11 PT
By John Hoeffel
Source: Los Angeles Times
California -- Hundreds of Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensaries will soon be notified that they must shut down in June, when the city's ordinance to control the stores is expected to take effect.On Friday, the City Council approved the last piece of its ordinance, the fees that dispensaries will pay to operate, ending a drawn-out legislative process and a legal vacuum that allowed dispensaries to spread unchecked. The council first started to debate marijuana dispensaries nearly five years ago and took almost two years from the time it first received a draft ordinance to adopt the final version.
"It was the wild, Wild West for weed in Los Angeles for some time, and we are going in the direction to finally take control of the situation," said Councilman Jose Huizar, who pressed for some of the toughest restrictions after residents in Eagle Rock complained about the proliferation of dispensaries.The council approved the medical marijuana ordinance in January, but it cannot be enforced until the fees are approved by the mayor and published. That is expected to be around June 4.Under the ordinance, the only dispensaries that can remain in business are those that registered when the city adopted a moratorium in 2007 and are still in business. City officials have estimated that number is 137. All other collectives will receive warning letters after the mayor signs the law and cease-and-desist letters in June.Operators of the dispensaries that would be forced to shut down have been weighing their options. At least 25 dispensaries plan to file lawsuits next week. "We believe we have a legitimate right to exist," said Dan Halbert, who runs Rainforest Collective in Mar Vista.David Welch, the attorney representing the 25 collectives, said the suits would challenge the preferential treatment for collectives that registered under the moratorium. He noted that a Superior Court judge has ruled that the City Council illegally extended the moratorium, so the ban was not in place when most dispensaries opened.Only a few medical marijuana activists showed up for the council's vote. Most were dispensary operators who will be allowed to stay open. They complained the ordinance was too restrictive, saying many operators have not found sites that comply with the location requirements, including the 1,000-foot setback from churches, schools and parks."It has a lot of holes that need to be plugged up, and if they don't get plugged up, we may end up without an ordinance, and that would be the worst thing that could happen in Los Angeles today," said Yamileth Bolanos, who runs PureLife Alternative Wellness Center on South La Cienega Boulevard and heads an association of collectives.Bill Rosendahl was the only council member to vote against the fees. He lambasted the overall medical marijuana ordinance as too prohibitive. "I think it's just totally insane and over the top," he said.Huizar said the council could amend the ordinance. "We will see how it works in practical terms and come back and adjust it if we have to," he said.The dispensary fees were not controversial. In addition to standard costs, a manager registering a dispensary would have to pay about $1,200 in special fees. Huizar called them "reasonable and sensible."Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)Author:  John HoeffelPublished: April 16, 2010Copyright: 2010 Los Angeles TimesContact: letters latimes.comWebsite:  Medical Marijuana Archives 
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Comment #18 posted by Had Enough on April 18, 2010 at 21:21:38 PT
"It was the wild, Wild West for weed”
“”The dispensary fees were not controversial. In addition to standard costs, a manager registering a dispensary would have to pay about $1,200 in special fees. Huizar called them "reasonable and sensible."”I’d suggest Councilman Jose Huizar...Go bark at the moon and chase car bumpers...That sounds more reasonable..and sensible!!!
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Comment #17 posted by Had Enough on April 18, 2010 at 20:35:28 PT
rchandar #16
I remember...Augie Dog saying...When you are in front of the judge...Who is he going to believe...You with your appearance with your long hair...or me?That was more than 30 yrs ago...and wasn’t the only time.
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Comment #16 posted by rchandar on April 18, 2010 at 16:15:40 PT:
Had Enough
GCW, thanks for the post. Here's a conversational stab at today's "brainwashing":You cannot be of any importance, because I said so.
You're destroying your life, because only I have knowledge.
You can't oppose me, because I have "information" about you and you're powerless to stop me.
Nobody believes you, they only believe me.(Snipped)
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Comment #15 posted by Had Enough on April 18, 2010 at 08:17:56 PT
rchandar #12
That is the real deal...I’ve seen that disinformation machine running for too long...and too many people mesmerized by it...that is why the world is in the shape it’s in...and will be for some time to some point in has to come to a head and stop in it’s tracks...the forces are in motion that mortal man cannot stop...Here is an idea...Right Now...
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Comment #14 posted by The GCW on April 18, 2010 at 07:54:57 PT
Brainwashing and it's negative effects
US NY: Edu: PUB LTE: Government Pushes A Brainwashing Anti-Drug Policy
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Comment #13 posted by Storm Crow on April 17, 2010 at 20:25:38 PT
"Just Wonderful"!
At a time when we have massive unemployment, what do they want to do? Why, shut down HUNDREDS of businesses, of course! Our small rural dispensaries each employ at least 6 people- larger "big city" dispensaries would likely employ more. So are we talking 1,000, 2,000 people, maybe more? All scrimping along on UIB, instead of earning wages and paying taxes, and buying all sorts of stuff, keeping others employed?Smart move, dudes! And do they think even one of those soon to be unemployed people, or inconvenienced MMJ patients is going to vote for them next election? Hope THEY know how to file for UIB!
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Comment #12 posted by rchandar on April 17, 2010 at 19:21:00 PT:
Go to google: there are about seven sites with definitions. I think we're constant subjects of brainwashing--most of it violent and baseless. I'm growing dejected that ousting Bush didn't seem to have much impact on the "culture war" that he instigated.It's pretty frightening when you have to think of the labyrinth of decisions, gestures and moments which have to all be passed in order to be considered a human being. The psychotic output of this engine is simply staggering. I guess I didn't think much about it during those Bush years.--rchandar
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Comment #11 posted by The GCW on April 17, 2010 at 18:58:55 PT
To Me brainwashed infers propaganda being manipulated into citizens thinking patterns. -W/o lookin' it up.
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on April 17, 2010 at 17:25:45 PT
Pot Enthusiasts Gather at California Cannabis Expo
By The Associated PressApril 17, 2010URL:
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on April 17, 2010 at 16:41:14 PT
Being brainwashed means to me having some idea hammered and hammered at a person or group of people and then they don't think for themselves. They remind me of the sheep in Animal Farm.
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Comment #8 posted by rchandar on April 17, 2010 at 16:35:24 PT:
Hey, Guys
I looked up the term "brainwashing" on the Web. What does it mean to you guys?
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Comment #7 posted by Had Enough on April 17, 2010 at 13:34:13 PT
Alabama Poll in comment #3
Should medicinal marijuana usage be legal in Alabama? 70% yes30% no
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Comment #6 posted by runruff on April 17, 2010 at 09:11:26 PT
"out of spite and hate!!"
Is there any other kind?Those paid to protect us treat us with spite and hate?
What is wrong with this picture?I can't wait to see the end of asset forfeiture and pot prohibition funding. There go all the expensive "James Bond" gadgets the "boys" in blue have become so fond of!"If you don't like the law, change it!"- Former cop mantraWe are pinching them where it hurts and I am loving it!Supreme Court Justice Stevens said he regrets his vote in the Ashcroft v Raich case.
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Comment #5 posted by Zandor on April 17, 2010 at 08:51:51 PT
This is good news for the STREET DRUG DEALER!
Now they will get back to normal with HIGHER PRICES, LOWER QUALITY & BLACK MARKET DEALS that pay NO SALES TAX!I guess it's time to sue LA AGAIN!!!But the TRUTH is the LA DA is our largest problem right now. San Diego, Riverside & San Bernardino ALL are using the same tactics the LA DA setup...NO MONEY CAN CHANGE HANDS...PERIOD.Even Medical growers with legal amounts of plants are being busted by SBPD & SB Sheriff. Just for the FUN OF IT there back to busing Medical card holders and jailing them for the weekend...out of spite and hate!!No charges are filed...but you spend the weekend in JAIL because THEY CAN!!!LETS MAKE IT LEGAL AND PISS OFF THE PIGS!!!!!!
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Comment #4 posted by goneposthole on April 17, 2010 at 06:17:49 PT
What to watch
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Comment #3 posted by The GCW on April 16, 2010 at 22:23:42 PT
Should medicinal marijuana usage be legal in Alabama?YES (57%)NO
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Comment #2 posted by Had Enough on April 16, 2010 at 21:33:24 PT
Utah poll in comment #1
Should California legalize marijuana?Yes.. 73% 
 No... 25% 
 Undecided 3% 
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Comment #1 posted by The GCW on April 16, 2010 at 20:57:38 PT
Should California legalize marijuana?YES (71%)NOUNDECIDED
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