Clinton To Face The Cocaine Question!

Clinton To Face The Cocaine Question!
Posted by FoM on August 20, 1999 at 07:29:53 PT
Source: This Is London
President Clinton will be asked whether he has used cocaine at his next news conference, most Washington journalists agree. 
With George Bush Jr, front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, floundering amid half-admissions of cocaine use as a young hellraiser, Gennifer Flowers, the most relentless of Bill Clinton's ex-mistresses, declared in a TV interview that the President was familiar with cocaine. On the Fox prime-time TV show, Hannity and Colmes, Ms Flowers said Mr Clinton "used drugs around me. He smoked marijuana. As attorney general of Arkansas and later as Governor. In front of me." "Any other drugs?" Ms Flowers was asked. "He made it very clear that if I ever wanted to do cocaine he could provide that. He also told me there were times when he did so much cocaine at parties that his head would itch. I clearly knew that Bill did cocaine." Jeffrey Birnbaum, chief Washington correspondent for Fortune magazine, said Mr Clinton will certainly be asked about the cocaine allegations. "There is not going to be a public appearance by him where he will not be asked about it. He should be asked about it, in all fairness to George Bush." White House spokesman Jim Kennedy, commenting on the Flowers interview, said simply: "The President did not do cocaine." To this Deborah Orin, the Washington bureau chief of the New York Post, replied: "Fine. Why should I believe the President's answer on this when he also told us he did not have an affair with Gennifer Flowers." © Associated Newspapers Ltd., 20 August 1999 . . . And Confessing Everything But - 8/19/99
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Comment #8 posted by Tom Barrus on August 25, 1999 at 14:04:45 PT:
Government is a continuing criminal enterprise
Government pronouncements about drugs are dishonest and hypocritical.Nicotine and cocaine are both CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulants.Alcohol and heroin are both CNS depressants.Nicotine use is more harmful than cocaine use.Alcohol use is more harmful than heroin use.Doubt it? Get a Republican to snort 100mg of nicotine white powder while you snort 100mg of cocaine white powder. Watch the Republican die before your eyes in 5 minutes.Get a Democrat to inject 100% alcohol into her veins while you inject 100% heroin into your veins. Can't find 100% heroin? Maybe that's the primary reason people OD on "heroin". Can you imagine what injecting alcohol into your veins will do?Why are tobacco and alcohol, more harmful drugs than coca and opium, exempt by name from the drug "laws"?Isn't it fair to describe the federal government as a continuing criminal enterprise as long as it enforces drug "laws" that are dishonest, immoral, unjust, arbitrary, irrational, hypocritical, and unconstitutional?
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Comment #7 posted by James W. Harris on August 21, 1999 at 11:50:11 PT
Vote To End the Drug War
When you vote for Democrats or Republicans -- regardlessof whether or not they've used marijuana orcocaine -- you are voting for people who want to lock up peaceful people simply for using drugs, a non-violent victimless crime. When you vote for Libertarians,you are voting to end the War on Drugs. Don't giveyour vote to tyrants. 
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Comment #6 posted by Al Gilmore on August 21, 1999 at 11:44:23 PT:
One dose of reality
All, Here is my signature line. I hope it becomes a mantra.    "To the prohibitionists:Do not expect us to join your parade of ignorance as it marches towards tyranny." Al Gilmore, Redway, CA. 
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Comment #5 posted by Ralph Sherrow on August 21, 1999 at 11:15:44 PT:
Drugs, particularly Cocaine.
I have heard that Bill Clinton used cocaine with his brother in a motel room where police would bring prostitutes for Bill and his brother. I hear Bill is especially fond of being on the receiving end oral sex with women. Ralph
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Comment #4 posted by Tina/poof on August 21, 1999 at 11:11:31 PT:
Let it alone
Hi! I grew up on the streets of Toronto since I was nine now 43, I have tryed most drugs, The only drug that has stayed with me all these years is POT it is a big part of my life, with out it I "know" I couldn't handle the real world because of all the bad that has happened to me.GET OVER IT!Pass the right to smoke!Let the little people alone, it would be a better world,and a lot more room in our jails (More Money Would Be Saved)THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Comment #3 posted by Edward TJ Brown on August 21, 1999 at 07:27:08 PT:
End the War on Drugs
Most of our for-fathers in all likleyhood used the sort of drugs that some people are all up in arms about the current president and the possible future president.It does not bother me that the gov used drugs or that the president used drugs. It bothers me if they lie about it, and it really REALLY bothers me that they have elected to continue this insane war on drugs. 
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Comment #2 posted by mark abenstein on August 20, 1999 at 21:04:00 PT:
drug use by our leaders
has anyone thought of getting "joe american" to ask any of our leaders or potential leaders, if they have ever used cocaine or any other drug for that matter? you would have to get someone who is non partisan so ,they couldn't be accused of being affiliated with any party or special interest group. if you like this idea, i would like to be credited with the idea. thank you. mark abenstein
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Comment #1 posted by Ally on August 20, 1999 at 11:48:12 PT
See, what I mean? What's good for some must be... 
good for all! We would never want to have situation ethics!!--Shalom, Ally
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